No, Apple is not going to delete the Clown emoji from the iPhone

in iOS

A viral image claims Apple is removing the clown emoji from iOS for political reasons. The image in question is a complete fabrication, and Apple is doing no such thing.

The fake screenshot and the clown emoji
The fake screenshot and the clown emoji

Images shared on X appear to show a headline from CNBC, declaring "Upcoming Apple device update set to remove clown emoji: sources say emoji used as a Far-Right dog whistle'." The image adds that the story was originally posted on May 15, within its Technology category.

Due to the combination of the absurdity of Apple removing one emoji for vague political reasons, and possibly the framed outlet, the image went viral quickly. Some X users have been quick to share the image with others, passing comment on just the headline itself.

However, the image itself is a lie. According to Politifact, the screenshot has a completely fabricated headline.

Most of the image is real, with the publication timestamp and author matching a story about Mcdonald's posted at that time. CNBC also confirmed that the clown emoji story was never published by the news outlet.

Researchers believe the first version of the faked news image was published to a pro-Donald Trump message board, which was then shared by a conservative X account. The X account in question did at least delete the post, but not before others on X picked up the mantle.

While it can be used to mock others, the clown emoji currently isn't thought of as a hate symbol on its own.

Given the massive attention the fake headline has received in a short space of time, it does offer an important lesson. Many people can still get angry by a headline without checking for an actual story, despite years of "fake news" prompting internet users to be more proactive in checking if a story is true.

In short, Apple hasn't said the clown emoji is a problem, and won't be pulling it from your iPhone.

Emoji selection and changes

For the most part, the emoji included on the iPhone and most changes to it are handled by The Unicode Consortium and its Unicode Emoji Subcommittee. The ESC is the group that maintains emoji, including their addition and removal.

The ESC is also in charge of codifying the standards that vendors like Apple should follow when it comes to emoji. That includes generally how they are depicted, how complex emoji function, and the removal in rare cases.

While Apple is the target of ire from X users over the fake screenshot, the existence of the clown emoji won't be changed by the iPhone maker. Instead, it listens to instructions from the ESC on what it must do to emoji.

Though Apple will not be removing the clown emoji anytime soon, it has made some changes in the past. This includes the dancer emoji, as well as changing a pistol for a water pistol.

A UK schoolboy has also petitioned Apple to fix and rename the "nerd face" emoji, due to the bad impression he says it gives to glasses wearers.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 18
    winstoner71winstoner71 Posts: 117member
    I usually use that emoji when referring to far right dbags so I’m glad this is false. 
    kurai_kagejeffharrisronnRonnyDaddyStrangeDayswilliamlondon9secondkox2tmayBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 18
    danielchowdanielchow Posts: 142member
    This sort of Internet nonsense reminds me of children's playgrounds. There are groups of bulliers, special groups, secret groups, rejects, and whatnots and everyone has something to say about each other to get under their skins.

    Words and symbols are fluid, they can be anything our free will chooses to give to them.

    Lately, we have been like fragile china dolls — quick to judge, condemn, and exile someone over something said.

    Whatever, they are only words and symbols that could evolve in a few moments, a few years, or a few lifetimes. The power they have is apparently from how much power our free will chooses to give to them. We have the free will to let a clown emoji turn our fragile emotions into a raging sea storm or to turn it into something else, like a babbling brook  ;)
    baconstang9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 18
    Having a different opinion is not hate. Lefties are the ones that can't handle a discussion.
    Good lord, if you are going to troll at least try to be good at it. 
  • Reply 4 of 18
    ciacia Posts: 267member

    Thanks to the politics of today we live in constant fear of seeing clowns posted online.

    There are dozens of us!  DOZENS!
  • Reply 5 of 18
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,321member

    We live a a world of contradictions where the Right isn't right. No wonder none of the major world problems are not getting solved.

    williamlondonBart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 6 of 18
    JamesCudeJamesCude Posts: 63member
    This timeline is the worst…
    edited May 17 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 7 of 18
    Isn't it odd that extreme conservatives seem to take the clown emoji personally. Personally I would not care.
    williamlondon9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 8 of 18
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,321member
    Isn't it odd that extreme conservatives seem to take the clown emoji personally. Personally I would not care.
    Not odd at all. It's a reminder of who they follow.
    williamlondonroundaboutnow9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 9 of 18
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,144member
    SAD CLOWNS everywhere are thinking.."Sooo close!"  

    Meanwhile I need it to express my feelings when I Eff up.
    edited May 17 watto_cobra
  • Reply 10 of 18
    maltzmaltz Posts: 488member
    To be fair, Apple does have a history of modifying or pushing for the removal of emoji for quasi-political reasons in the past.  It's not that unreasonable to think they might take similar action again.
  • Reply 11 of 18
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,042member
    Having a different opinion is not hate. Lefties are the ones that can't handle a discussion.
    When that opinion is denying the civil rights of others because of what a bronze age book said, it absolutely is. 
    williamlondonroundaboutnowronndjames42429secondkox2Bart YAlex1Nwatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 12 of 18
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,042member
    maltz said:
    To be fair, Apple does have a history of modifying or pushing for the removal of emoji for quasi-political reasons in the past.  It's not that unreasonable to think they might take similar action again.
    Your own link for pushing for removal said both Apple and Microsoft recommended against adding a rifle glyph, and the rest of the standard body agreed unanimously. Nice try tho. 
    williamlondonroundaboutnowronn9secondkox2tmayBart YAlex1Nwatto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 13 of 18
    Even though this isn’t true, I don’t understand why some folks are sitting here acting like this is beyond Apple. I mean it’s not like Apple changed the entire way that airdrop functioned at the behest of the CCP so that citizens under the control of an oppressive regime couldn’t organize or anything…🙄
  • Reply 14 of 18
    People are so gullible.

    Here's another example: I once kiddingly said to someone, "did you know the word 'gullible' isn't even in the dictionary?". They looked at me seriously and said, "really?"

    edited May 17 mattinoz9secondkox2watto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 18
    People are so gullible.

    Here's another example: I once kiddingly said to someone, "did you know the word 'gullible' isn't even in the dictionary?". They looked at me seriously and said, "really?"

    Honestly most people don’t want to waste the time and/or point out that you’re an idiot, and possibly hurt your feelings or embarrass you by saying of course gullible is in the dictionary. The only thing that happens with your exchange is that you try to make yourself feel smart and now the person you were talking to thinks you’re an idiot.  
  • Reply 16 of 18
    CookItOff said:
    People are so gullible.

    Here's another example: I once kiddingly said to someone, "did you know the word 'gullible' isn't even in the dictionary?". They looked at me seriously and said, "really?"

    Honestly most people don’t want to waste the time and/or point out that you’re an idiot, and possibly hurt your feelings or embarrass you by saying of course gullible is in the dictionary. The only thing that happens with your exchange is that you try to make yourself feel smart and now the person you were talking to thinks you’re an idiot.  
    Calm down...I was trying to be funny. You know the word "kiddingly" right? If the other person realized it was a joke, we both would've had a laugh. Jeez.
  • Reply 17 of 18
    maltzmaltz Posts: 488member
    maltz said:
    To be fair, Apple does have a history of modifying or pushing for the removal of emoji for quasi-political reasons in the past.  It's not that unreasonable to think they might take similar action again.
    Your own link for pushing for removal said both Apple and Microsoft recommended against adding a rifle glyph, and the rest of the standard body agreed unanimously. Nice try tho. 
    Yeah.  That's what I said... I never said they were alone in doing so.
  • Reply 18 of 18
    Having a different opinion is not hate. Lefties are the ones that can't handle a discussion.
    When that opinion is denying the civil rights of others because of what a bronze age book said, it absolutely is. 
    A different opinion is not hate no matter what neo-liberal argument you want to make. 
    edited May 18 williamlondonwatto_cobraInspecterWrektum
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