Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities



  • Reply 21 of 70
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Federal tax receipts have soared since the 2017 tax plan.  It is spending that is completely could of control that has caused the huge deficits and inflation 
  • Reply 22 of 70
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member

    shrave10 said:
    hexclock said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Reducing the corporate tax rate to compete with other countries allowed  US companies to repatriate billions of dollars back to the United States. 
    According to the CBO those tax cuts increased federal tax revenue because the economy grew. Inflation came from all the crazy spending congress has done over the last few years, starting during the pandemic. 
    There will always be spending need but this doesn't account for jump in inflation.  Recent jump may be proving stubborn because of money printing during pandemic coupled with increasing trade deficit with a certain manufacturing monopolist country > increased money printing each year to help cover deficit.  Trump thinks he can deal with the problem by raising tariffs and letting the average consumer pick up the tab.  Biden thinks the better way is to raise taxes on the very wealthy and corporations and use these revenues to fund U.S. jobs.  Biden's approach hurts the average consumer less and makes more sense.  Plus, Biden is encouraging friend-shoring of manufacturing out of China while Trump has come out against friend-shoring for some weird reason he is not disclosing.  All the while he maintains his personal bank account in Hong Kong.  Biden has no personal bank account in HK. 
    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    You watch too much MSNBC 
  • Reply 23 of 70
    40domi40domi Posts: 138member
    hexclock said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Reducing the corporate tax rate to compete with other countries allowed  US companies to repatriate billions of dollars back to the United States. 
    According to the CBO those tax cuts increased federal tax revenue because the economy grew. Inflation came from all the crazy spending congress has done over the last few years, starting during the pandemic. 
    There's little point in presenting facts, rather than rhetoric, to people who can't think for themselves!
  • Reply 24 of 70
    40domi40domi Posts: 138member

    I don’t know how accurate this assessment is.  First off, Sorkin is no fan of Trump.  And what was the political affiliation of the CEOs that supposedly were “less predisposed” (whatever that means) after the meeting?
    Sorkin is just making things up, that's how the fake media work!
  • Reply 25 of 70
    40domi40domi Posts: 138member
    The article is just made from Sorkin fake comments.
    The only truth is that Trump met with the CEO's and off course Tim Cook being one of the biggest, would have been there, Cook can't be very please with the Democrats fake law suit, who in their right mind would support those liars?
    Some of the comments on here are embarrassing for the people that wrote them, absolutely clueless!
  • Reply 26 of 70
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,664member
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs more fascists in power, sure. 

    You Italian? 
    davdanoxronnBart Yilarynxmuthuk_vanalingamwilliamlondonwatto_cobrabaconstang
  • Reply 27 of 70
    AniMillAniMill Posts: 188member
    He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    Good reasonable response to this political thread. But I disagree on “decent candidates” in our future. I don’t see a single emotionally intelligent or rational person interested in the high office. Our entire society in politics - all three branches - are severely compromised. Actually qualified and smart people are repulsed by the vitriolic atmosphere and actions deeply embedded within our system… and there are so many great people we could embrace. Hell, maybe Tim Apple could do something to save us.
    baconstangBart Ywilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 70
    semi_guysemi_guy Posts: 65member
    hexclock said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Reducing the corporate tax rate to compete with other countries allowed  US companies to repatriate billions of dollars back to the United States. 
    According to the CBO those tax cuts increased federal tax revenue because the economy grew. Inflation came from all the crazy spending congress has done over the last few years, starting during the pandemic. 
    I was part of a big semiconductor company. For the past decade, we told upper management they needed to increase semiconductor factories since semiconductor content was increasing at exponential rates. They denied saying it was risky, even though data showed semiconductor content was not decreasing even in a recession. Then big tax breaks, we repeated the need that semiconductors are increasing and we were at capacity. Upper management invested the tax saving in buying back stock to prop up stock prices. Not in increasing salaries, nor expanding factories. Many of those VPs retired recently with large stock sells.  Then COVID hit when semiconductor plants were at capacity. Upper management saw a great opportunity to increase prices since all companies were desperate to acquire devices. In fact, we were told that the most profitable devices would be allocated production, so it became a race to increase prices to maintain customers and product lines. Researching other semiconductor competitors, we found the whole industry was doing the same.

    Then all these semiconductor companies asked government to fund them more factories and they got the chip act.

    In short, greed caused inflation. Crazy spending in excessive tax breaks, low interest, and government handouts to industry added a second wave to the inflation. Pandemic spending prevented many companies and individuals from going bankrupt and that spending ended 3 years ago. However, companies realized they could raise prices and still maintain their customers. Hence, many companies have reported record profits in the past couple of years: greed...
    ronnBart Yilarynxgatorguymuthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobrabaconstang
  • Reply 29 of 70
    killroykillroy Posts: 281member
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.

    OnPartyBusinesssphericbaconstangronnBart Ywilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 30 of 70
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,655member
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
    baconstangBart Ywatto_cobrakillroy
  • Reply 31 of 70
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    I think neither of them are fit for office due to their advancing ages and things are not going to get better. 

    I wish I were joking but Biden truly looks like he is being remotely controlled most of the time with a stare that does not seem to be focusing on anything. 

    Trump was a disaster both on the international stage and at home and there is no way a second term could be any better than the first. 

    Both are prone to saying things they shouldn't say in public. 

    But I look towards home and the scene is equally bleak, only for different reasons. 

    After 30 years I have finally got my vote back but none of the UK candidates offer me much hope. All I know is that the Tories are going into a black hole on the 4th of July. 

    Of course, I need to vote by post and that could be an impediment as it has to arrive by 10pm on polling day but my Christmas cards (sent in November 2023) arrived in February 2024!

    Conclusion: we're all screwed. 

    baconstangBart Ygatorguymuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 32 of 70
    shrave10shrave10 Posts: 61member
    semi_guy said:

    In short, greed caused inflation. Crazy spending in excessive tax breaks, low interest, and government handouts to industry added a second wave to the inflation. Pandemic spending prevented many companies and individuals from going bankrupt and that spending ended 3 years ago. However, companies realized they could raise prices and still maintain their customers. Hence, many companies have reported record profits in the past couple of years: greed...
    I agree, as per my earlier post on this thread, pandemic related spending and low interest rates definitely contributed to inflation.  However, the resilience of the inflation 3 y out may also be due to the annual increase in trade deficit, particularly with China as they never buy more than they sell.   Biden's effort to friend shore supply chains to work out more balanced trade deals as countries compete for them makes sense.  Trump does not support this, and it makes no sense ... unless of course you take into account his personal Hong Kong bank account perhaps?  Trump walked away from the multilateral Trans-Pacific Partnership deal negotiated by Obama.  It would have promoted supply chains to move out of China and these other countries would then be competing for contracts from the US.   Thanks to Trump, we were left negotiating with a manufacturing monopolist for another four years.  Perhaps Trump's Hong Kong bank account may have something to do with it?  It's only thanks to Xi's own threats to invade Taiwan that is now causing supply chains to become a bit more diversified.  However, I am left wondering if a second Trump presidency would reverse even this trend?  How can the American public trust a sitting president that has a personal bank account in their most powerful economic and military competitor?  
  • Reply 33 of 70
    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    He is actually a horrible bullshitter. It is just his supporters are very easy marks. It is like taking candy from a baby so you can’t expect him not to take advantage of them.
    baconstangronnBart Yilarynxspherictmaymarklarkwatto_cobra
  • Reply 34 of 70
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,398member
    hexclock said:
    Xed said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Just wait until you see Trump's plan to cut income tax and increase tariffs which will hurt nearly all Americans while benefiting the most wealthy to a huge degree.
    Cancelling all those student loans and passing it to the tax payers, for people who already have great jobs helps the wealthy also. 
    Nonsense, just bigoted MAGAt talking points.
    baconstangronnBart Yilarynxspherictmaymuthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobra
  • Reply 35 of 70
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,398member

    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    As I've said before you're one of my favorites on this site, but this Trump thing of yours is so wrong. He's a rapist, a fraudster, and now a convicted felon. Next up he'll be an insurrectionist, a RICO felon and a felon who stole and hoarded state secrets. He's suffering from worsening dementia every day, he's a bigot an elitist, and let's not forget how much of a liar he is: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/

    Remove your tongue from his backside, please.
    macxpressbaconstangdanoxronnBart Ytmaywatto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 70
    PemaPema Posts: 100member
    Xed said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.
    Neither are you mate. Dong? What is dong? It would appear that you are as bad as Biden.
  • Reply 37 of 70
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    red oak said:

    shrave10 said:
    hexclock said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Reducing the corporate tax rate to compete with other countries allowed  US companies to repatriate billions of dollars back to the United States. 
    According to the CBO those tax cuts increased federal tax revenue because the economy grew. Inflation came from all the crazy spending congress has done over the last few years, starting during the pandemic. 
    There will always be spending need but this doesn't account for jump in inflation.  Recent jump may be proving stubborn because of money printing during pandemic coupled with increasing trade deficit with a certain manufacturing monopolist country > increased money printing each year to help cover deficit.  Trump thinks he can deal with the problem by raising tariffs and letting the average consumer pick up the tab.  Biden thinks the better way is to raise taxes on the very wealthy and corporations and use these revenues to fund U.S. jobs.  Biden's approach hurts the average consumer less and makes more sense.  Plus, Biden is encouraging friend-shoring of manufacturing out of China while Trump has come out against friend-shoring for some weird reason he is not disclosing.  All the while he maintains his personal bank account in Hong Kong.  Biden has no personal bank account in HK. 
    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    You watch too much MSNBC 
    I don't watch any news. I don't really watch TV and I don't pay attention to much for news. I just call it like I see it. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me and that's okay. These are things I see everyday from various places. And I didn't make any untrue statements with my comments. Again you may not agree with them, but that doesn't make them any less true.  
    baconstangshrave10Bart Ysphericwilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 38 of 70
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member

    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    He is actually a horrible bullshitter. It is just his supporters are very easy marks. It is like taking candy from a baby so you can’t expect him not to take advantage of them.
    This is why I mean...he can bullshit to his fan base and they'll believe anything he says, even if it's not true and has no intention at all in doing it. Or, just doesn't know how to do it. 
  • Reply 39 of 70
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,142member
    macxpress said:

    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    He is actually a horrible bullshitter. It is just his supporters are very easy marks. It is like taking candy from a baby so you can’t expect him not to take advantage of them.
    This is why I mean...he can bullshit to his fan base and they'll believe anything he says, even if it's not true and has no intention at all in doing it. Or, just doesn't know how to do it. 
    As Trump said "I love the poorly educated".
    Bart Yilarynxmacxpresssphericwilliamlondonshrave10quakerotiswatto_cobra
  • Reply 40 of 70
    humbug1873humbug1873 Posts: 156member
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Like a daily root canal. (Only strong drugs can help survive an American dictatorship .. but as a Dune fan I'm looking forward to the Orange-Catholic Bible)
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