What Apple Switcher ad star Ellen Feiss is doing now

in macOS edited March 8

Student Ellen Feiss may have looked stoned in her famous Apple Switcher ad, but it turns out that she wasn't kidding when she claimed that the paper a PC destroyed was "really good."

Ellen Feiss: Left: as in her Switcher ad and (right) as she is today (Source: Ohio State University)
Ellen Feiss: Left: as in her Switcher ad and (right) as she is today (Source: Ohio State University)

The Switcher TV ads were central to an Apple marketing campaign that briefly ran in 2002 and 2003. It featured people talking about how and why they had moved from a PC to a Mac.

Overall the campaign failed to achieve much success for Apple. The company would move on to much greater effect with the "Get a Mac" campaign featuring John Hodgman as PC and Justin Long as Mac.

But the Switcher ad that had much more impact than the rest. Featuring Ellen Feiss, then a school student, this one ad stood out because in recounting how a PC destroyed "half of my paper," she looks a little... out of it.

Later that same year, Feiss told Post- magazine what had happened on set.

"I do admit to looking pretty out of it in that commercial -- I think I look horrible," she said. "It was after school, but I was the last person to make the commercial, so by the time I made it, it was like 10, so I was really tired."

"The funny thing was, I was on drugs!" she added. "I was on Benedryl, my allergy medication, so I was really out of it anyway."

"That's why my eyes were all red, because I have seasonal allergies," she continued. "But no one believes me."

She says that Apple reached out to her after the ad went viral, to "supposedly advise me."

"They were like, 'We don't really want you to take this anywhere,' but I decided to get an agent anyway," she continued. Feiss did get taken to Macworld in July of that year, and met Steve Jobs.

"He called me by my first name -- clever, huh?" she said. "It was brief."

Feiss was also not impressed with Macworld. "It seems like the kind of thing where if you're not in the biz... I thought it was the most boring thing," she said.

Ellen Feiss in her 2002 Switcher ad
Ellen Feiss in her 2002 Switcher ad

Some 21 years on from that commercial, Dr. Feiss joined the History of Art Department at Ohio State for for 2023-2024 in a research and teaching role. She received what the university calls one of its most prestigious postdoctoral fellowships, the President's Postdoctoral Scholars Program (PPSP).

Dr. Feiss studies art and politics in post-1960 Europe and the US. Her 2022 PhD in the History of Art is from UC Berkeley, and her dissertation was on "Art in the War on Poverty, 1959-1973."

That paper that the PC ate was "about Chinatown," she told Post-, " and the formation of Chinatowns in America."

"I lost like three pages of it; it was terrible," she said. "It was a really, really good paper."

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  • Reply 1 of 12
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,482member
    I loved her in that commercial. It was hilarious and so real. 

    Glad she's doing well! 
  • Reply 2 of 12
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    They should do a new commercial with her: "This was Ellen after years of using a PC [footage from original commercial]. This is Dr. Feiss after she switched to Mac [shots of her teaching now]."
  • Reply 3 of 12
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,525member
    Clearly, using Macs keeps you young because there’s less stress from “destroyed papers.” :smile: 

    Dr. Feiss looks like she’s barely aged at all from 20 years ago! Congrats to her for her success and overcoming that setback.

    Hope the seasonal allergies have subsided a bit in the intervening years. :smile: 
  • Reply 4 of 12
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,529member
    That was such a great ad. Fun to see it again. Though resurgent, Apple was still an underdog back then. They could be a bit more edgy or quirky. Now everything is so polished and controlled. I guess that’s unavoidable, but I miss quirky apple. 
  • Reply 5 of 12
    Spoon!Spoon! Posts: 7member
    If I were her and I were high, I doubt I'd admit it as a working professional decades later.

    Note that Feiss was a student friend of the son of the director of this Apple commerical series, Errol Morris (who most recently directed the Apple TV+ interview/documentary The Pigeon Tunnel), and she and Hamilton Morris each jumped in front of the camera for an an impromptu recording, each of which became an Apple commercial. (You can see Hamilton's commercial here.)

    Now, Errol Morris' son Hamilton not only was a massive acidhead, as an adult he got his own drug-focused show on VICELAND called 'HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA'. 

    So it's possible that Ellen Feiss just happened to be hanging out with Hamilton Morris while she has allergies. But it's also not implausible that this was just a convenient cover story.
    edited March 9
  • Reply 6 of 12
    mrrmrr Posts: 70member
    That ad always cracked me up. I just showed it to my college students on the 40th anniversary of the Mac. They weren’t impressed but it still makes me smile from ear to ear. Thanks for the update AppleInsider!
  • Reply 7 of 12
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,030member
    So… the pc destroyed her “paper?” Or was it a document? As in Word doc?

    because then the PC really didn’t destroy her “paper.” She just forgot to save her work. 

    Must have been the Benadryl?
  • Reply 8 of 12
    longfanglongfang Posts: 513member
    So… the pc destroyed her “paper?” Or was it a document? As in Word doc?

    because then the PC really didn’t destroy her “paper.” She just forgot to save her work. 

    Must have been the Benadryl?
    All this second guessing doesn’t make a lick of difference to the person whose paper was devoured.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    Dr. Feiss still looks stoned.

    I don't doubt that she's telling the truth.  I look awful when I'm having allergies.  I look more stoned with bad allergies than when I'm actually stoned.

    I have no idea if she enjoys cannabis.  But as an art professor, it wouldn't be even slightly unusual, and Ohio is a legal state now.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    XedXed Posts: 2,822member
    So… the pc destroyed her “paper?” Or was it a document? As in Word doc?

    because then the PC really didn’t destroy her “paper.” She just forgot to save her work. 

    Must have been the Benadryl?
    Who says “I have to write a document on Chinatown”? You say paper. Do you really not know that? 
  • Reply 11 of 12
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Spoon! said:
    If I were her and I were high, I doubt I'd admit it as a working professional decades later.

    Note that Feiss was a student friend of the son of the director of this Apple commerical series, Errol Morris (who most recently directed the Apple TV+ interview/documentary The Pigeon Tunnel), and she and Hamilton Morris each jumped in front of the camera for an an impromptu recording, each of which became an Apple commercial. (You can see Hamilton's commercial here.)

    Now, Errol Morris' son Hamilton not only was a massive acidhead, as an adult he got his own drug-focused show on VICELAND called 'HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA'. 

    So it's possible that Ellen Feiss just happened to be hanging out with Hamilton Morris while she has allergies. But it's also not implausible that this was just a convenient cover story.
    I think it’s irresponsible for a poster who knows nothing about the person, to make comments about he in a negative way. I’ve been on allergy medication, and yes, you can get a bit loopy from it. Let’s leave it at that.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    melgross said:
    I think it’s irresponsible for a poster who knows nothing about the person, to make comments about he in a negative way. I’ve been on allergy medication, and yes, you can get a bit loopy from it. Let’s leave it at that.
    So, she was doing a shoot with a renowned director, for a national ad campaign, for a $5 billion company, and thought, "Hey, maybe this is a good time to take the medication that will make me 'a bit loopy'?" It's not like the film crew hopped out from behind a bush to surprise her and ask about her computing habits. I guess your argument is that she wasn't stoned, just foolish. Foolish people make mistakes, no matter what kind of computer they're using. Would love to be one of her students: "Hey, class, I don't have a syllabus to give you. I wrote it on the mac, but then when I pushed a bunch of different buttons to save it, it disappeared. It was a really good syllabus, too."
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