Some Star Trek Enterprise rantings...



  • Reply 21 of 47
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    Great discussion, guys (and girls)!
  • Reply 22 of 47
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    um, i hate to say this, but i, too, thought that t'pau and t'pol were the same person, which added an interesting timeline aspect to everything. but according to a trekkie fan of mine, they are not supposed to be the same person.

    hey, i liked nemesis. so did the iconfactory. so did my WIFE (god, you want a hard sell? she's it). case closed.

    voyager had potential, but then devolved into borg episode, holodeck-gone-crazy episode, borg episode, holodeck-gone-crazy episode, borg episode, holodeck-gone-crazy episode, holographic borg-gone crazy-episode. you would think they'd just eject the entire deck out into space for all the trouble it caused them.

    don't worry, though. i am sure that brannon et al. will come up with some sort of time-travel whip-around-the-sun scenario to fix up all the timelines they have shot to hell.
  • Reply 23 of 47
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Well, in the overall scheme of everything ST, I enjoy Enterprise. It's the first ST spin-off in years I can actually watch. And T'pol is hot. Voyager was just foul from the very start (although the ship was cool), DS9 started out horribly then started to come together after about 3 years, and TNG while starting out 'OK' started wearing on me after a while. Probably around the time they started making movies with the 'original' ST crew.

    I like that they're kind of starting from the 'beginning' of the whole warp era, and that the Vulcans are just hanging around to monitor the progress of humans. And T'Pol is hot. Kind of gives a freshness to the show that was sorely needed in other spin-offs. Their 'discoveries' really are discoveries because they're the first ones out there. I like that.

    And T'Pol is hot.
  • Reply 24 of 47
    sondjatasondjata Posts: 308member
    DS9 was a good show. I love Avery Brooks. The best episode to me was the one where he narrates the "compromise" episode. The one where he has to rationalize giving away biological weapons in order to preserve the federation and "the greater good." That was by far my favorite episode.
  • Reply 25 of 47
    naderfannaderfan Posts: 156member
    I love the original Star Trek. The Next Generation wasn't bad either. The problem is that there are only so many story lines. Basically every episode is in someway based on something from the original. I tried watching Enterprise when it first came out, but just couldn't develop any sort of liking for it. I think it's time to just let this idea die a peaceful death.
  • Reply 26 of 47
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by Naderfan

    I tried watching Enterprise when it first came out, but just couldn't develop any sort of liking for it.

    You have to get through 'The Ballad of Enterprise aka The Long Road' first. If you can sit through that, you can sit through anything. Personally I find it's a good time to go and crack a fresh pint of Ben & Jerry's.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    Stay tuned next episode then, for this one is about Com. T-Pol entering "Vulcan heat".
  • Reply 28 of 47
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Sondjata

    DS9 was a good show. I love Avery Brooks. The best episode to me was the one where he narrates the "compromise" episode. The one where he has to rationalize giving away biological weapons in order to preserve the federation and "the greater good." That was by far my favorite episode.

    DS9 has been my favorite Trek series so far. I'd say, however, that it took the writers a while to flesh out Sisko's character -- for the first couple of seasons, his character was not very compelling or interesting. In general, however, I think DS9 hit its stride must faster than ST:NG or Voyager. It did better with the development of alien cultures, and got more of its interesting story ideas out of cultural conflict and political intrigue, rather than relying on gee-whiz sci-fi concepts and morality plays like a lot of other Trek stuff.

    Now when, dammit, is DS9 going to start rerunning in syndication?
  • Reply 29 of 47
    sondjatasondjata Posts: 308member

    Originally posted by shetline

    DS9 has been my favorite Trek series so far. I'd say, however, that it took the writers a while to flesh out Sisko's character -- for the first couple of seasons, his character was not very compelling or interesting. In general, however, I think DS9 hit its stride must faster than ST:NG or Voyager. It did better with the development of alien cultures, and got more of its interesting story ideas out of cultural conflict and political intrigue, rather than relying on gee-whiz sci-fi concepts and morality plays like a lot of other Trek stuff.

    Now when, dammit, is DS9 going to start rerunning in syndication?

    well DS9 got better once they let Avery Brooks grow back his goatee. I agree it wasn't as good in the beginnning and I had a problem when they made him cut the thing. But teh Goatee is a part of Avery's character

    Anyways no syndication as of yet., but the DVD's are out.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I became acquainted with the editor of a newstand sci-fi magazine who was talking about the danger to the Star Trek universe by Rick Berman 10 Years Ago!!! As a industry "insider" of sorts he had lots of first-hand dish on what Berman was doing politically inside that franchise.

    The agressive empire-building stance is not necessarily a bad thing IF you don't dilute the product's image. Look at where the product's image is the dumper.

    I even -forgot- to go see Nemesis at the theater. I'll have to rent it and watch it when it arrives at the Blockbuster.

    Gee whiz.
  • Reply 31 of 47
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by Sondjata

    The one where he has to rationalize giving away biological weapons in order to preserve the federation and "the greater good."

    I can't stand narration episodes. For some reason that one sticks in my mind as "bad". But I ALSO can't stand last minute temporal twists or "pointless" episodes that revert the whole hour (or 2) that you spent watching back to the same timeline that you started with.


    Originally posted by Ebby

    First off, the latest Enterprise episode is in my VCR where it will sit until my homework is done. But Borg? Every treckie knows that Q introduced the Enterprise ("D" - I think) to the borg. Must I remind people about Wolf 359?

    I hope you are wrong. \

    I retract my pessimistic attitude. That episode didn't cross many lines for me and it was much better than I expected.

    happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
  • Reply 32 of 47
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    i think Enterprise has done a nice job of setting the groundwork for the Federation.

    Archer sets a more restrained tone than Kirk, despite not having a Prime Directive to violate consistently as Picard, Janeway, and Sisko do either. Archer earns us puny Humans a whole lot of positive karma... helps Klingons, helps Andorrians, helps Suliban, helps damn near everybody (except patronizing Vulcans, plenty friction over revealing hidden spy base, etc).

    Still needs to work on at least 3 things.




    The chemistry between T'Pol and Archer is nice (mmmm... let me rub that decon gel in), but we know an inter-rank relationship would never go anywhere if someone's emotional chain gets pulled. oh wait... Vulcans don't have that problem?

    Funny the way Trip, Malcolm!?!, and Hoshi are getting HOT ALIEN LOVIN'. Even Flox seemed to be a Playa for a while. Maybe its the toenails.

    In each series, especially in their first few seasons, there were crewmembers who deserved to be ejected out an airlock.

    TOS : uh... most of the whiney Red Shirts made the mistake of beaming down.

    TNG : Wesley, unquestionably... Troi, both Mother & Daughter (sorry Majel).

    DS9 : Kira, at times (too Celine Dion-ish), Bajoran High Priestesses, Grand Nagus

    Voy : most of the kids, except maybe Iicheb, some Maquis, Janeway at times.

    Ent : Hoshi is still the prime candidate for spacing. gradually earning her air.

    as for the Borg timeline, it seemed pretty clear as a result of this week's episode "Regeneration" that what they found was the wreckage of the Sphere in First Contact, which i don't think we see vaporized, just blowed up. the alleged subspace time shift of 200 years to reach the Delta Quadrant and Arhcer's comment that we've "put things off until the 24th Century" would seem to fit well with TNG. Q "introduces" humans to the Borg, but the location of Earth doesn't arrive until the message (just sent in Enterprise) and/or Locutus provide the 411.

    IMO it would have been much cooler to leave us with the uncertain impression that the "automatic, self-repairing, cyborg CPU'd spacedock garage" Archer's gang ran into in season one were the predecessors of the Borg. (Delta Quadrant origins hundreds of years later notwithstanding... maybe they got yanked by Voyager's Caretaker.)

    the Temporal Cold War timeline was more of a worry for writer's paradox, but so far they haven't pooched it too badly... but could you really resist the temptation to peek into the holo-specs device and build more advanced shields, etc?

    give it time, and Enterprise may prove to be the best of the bunch (though TOS gets a huge lead for breaking so many barriers)

    but if i had godlike TV Producer Powers...

    i'd save Farscape.

    it deserves to finish its 5th season.

    and then i'd cast myself as T'Pol's Seven Year Itch.

  • Reply 33 of 47
    sondjatasondjata Posts: 308member

    Originally posted by Ebby

    I can't stand narration episodes. For some reason that one sticks in my mind as "bad". But I ALSO can't stand last minute temporal twists or "pointless" episodes that revert the whole hour (or 2) that you spent watching back to the same timeline that you started with.

    I agree. I usually hate narrated episodes, but I liked the subject matter. The compromises one in a leadreship position makes in order to protect some institution that one believes in. I think it was good social commentary and probably shoulda been aired right after 9-11.
  • Reply 34 of 47
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I feel like Roddy Piper in "They Live". You know, wake up one day and realize everyone you thought you knew were aliens? Who are you freaks?!

    All I know about Star Trek is I wanted to bang that brunette in the tight purple pyjamas. Only I'd have a hell of a time, since she'd know ahead of time...

  • Reply 35 of 47
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Yep. It's like turning on the light in the kitchen at two in the morning. It's realising that you are witnessing the happening of what you knew had to happen, but kind of thought wouldn't. Appleinsider is down with a case of the trekkie syndrom. Mildly amusing to behold, however. Carry on. I'll try to keep quiet. I used to be somewhat of an occasional Star Trek watcher when I was smaller, so I can imagine what you're going through, I think.
  • Reply 36 of 47
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by murbot

    All I know about Star Trek is I wanted to bang that brunette in the tight purple pyjamas. Only I'd have a hell of a time, since she'd know ahead of time...

    Many an adolescent desire has been directed towards that lovely betazoloan, or whatever.
  • Reply 37 of 47
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    Many an adolescent desire has been directed towards that lovely betazoloan, or whatever.

    except she was the most useless character in any tv show i have ever seen. man, i hated listening to her...

    "i sense much anger..." theyre shooting at you you stupid whore!!! of course theyre angry!
  • Reply 38 of 47
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member

    That dialogue would go great in an "Astronaut Jones" skit! Then add, "Now bend it on over so I can slap that big, fat-az!"
  • Reply 39 of 47
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    What the heck even happened in Nemesis anyway? I never got around to seeing it either this past year -- guess it wasn't that appealing; and the whole thing with a vehicle with WHEELS...heh. The SUV madness hits everybody it seems.

    But, did anything "pivotal" to the ST sequence happen or was it a no-brainer like Insurrection? And don't tell me they get a new ship...again. No money my A$$, it's time for the dang marvels of technology not to get blown up. Whenever they have something new it's always, "It's not functioning." Or else they've already gotten hammered by some weeny and can't do anything. The Enterprise D sucked compared to what it was supposed to be capable of.

    Gosh, all I want is an all-out BLOW UP EVERYTHING movie from Star Trek with a good guy having the most awesome, friggin huge "I'm not just compensating for my lack in manhood" ship that just blows up everything....just like Spaceball I (could have).

    Yeah, Spaceballs, which was the best SCI-FI movie ever made.
  • Reply 40 of 47
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by fred_lj

    What the heck even happened in Nemesis anyway? I never got around to seeing it either this past year -- guess it wasn't that appealing; and the whole thing with a vehicle with WHEELS...heh. The SUV madness hits everybody it seems.

    But, did anything "pivotal" to the ST sequence happen or was it a no-brainer like Insurrection? And don't tell me they get a new ship...again. No money my A$$, it's time for the dang marvels of technology not to get blown up. Whenever they have something new it's always, "It's not functioning." Or else they've already gotten hammered by some weeny and can't do anything. The Enterprise D sucked compared to what it was supposed to be capable of.

    Gosh, all I want is an all-out BLOW UP EVERYTHING movie from Star Trek with a good guy having the most awesome, friggin huge "I'm not just compensating for my lack in manhood" ship that just blows up everything....just like Spaceball I (could have).

    Yeah, Spaceballs, which was the best SCI-FI movie ever made.

    actually, nemesis comes pretty close to what you would liek to see. just so i don't spoil it for those who have not seen it, there is one VERY pointless subplot in the movie (yes, the dune buggies have something to do with it... not much, but something. they were useless, too. 10 minutes of "what the f*ck?" i'm still not sure why they did it), but the rest was a lot of kablam! boom! major character "death" (though, annoyingly, they left a loophole -- see if you catch it), etc. if nothing else, it's far, far, FAR better than "insurrection" (see below for the scene that almost had me THROWING things at the screen for its idiocy)

    riker: "activate manual control!"

    cheesy joystick, complete with ORANGE FIRE BUTTON, rises from panel next to captain's chair. then riker uses it to control a ship that, y'know, usually requires DOZENS of people to maneuver. what the holy hell?!?!?
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