iPod got jacked

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
My brand new 10 gb iPod got jacked. I know who did it.

¿should i beat him up for it?

That seems like my only way out.

¿is it worth it?


  • Reply 1 of 29
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    <irrational-vigilantie mode>

    Hell yes!

    Kick that mother****ers ass. If your not big enough to do it yourself, pay some rock-ape $20 to do it for you.

    </irrational-vigilantie mode>

    Or you could go to the authorities with your recipt and ask a nice police man to go get it back for you.
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  • Reply 2 of 29
    If you use RIAA math, count the number of songs "licensed" on the ipod and add up all those $$$, I'm sure it's GRAND theft now, and you can let the cops in on it.
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  • Reply 3 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    best bet would be authorities

    i probably would go the more violent method of it though, i'd offer him one warning of giving it back to me or else

    then if u he does not give it back u wait a little (day or two) and go after him (taking out what he likes best...car, knees anything will do)

    heh, if u can get away with it do that stuff and THEN go to the police...just make sure they can't trace that other stuff to you
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  • Reply 4 of 29
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    the real question for anyone who has an iPod is can you kick his ass?

    if you can, go for it. make sure he has the iPod on him though, otherwise you'll just give him a beating for nothing.
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  • Reply 5 of 29
    Tell us what happened nx7oe.
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  • Reply 6 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    well i dont know about you, but even if YOU personally can't beat somone up, there is always the point of having ur friends help

    what did you do with ur old broken one nx7oe?
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  • Reply 7 of 29
    nx7oenx7oe Posts: 198member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    Tell us what happened nx7oe.

    Well, in school, some dudes asked me to let them borrow the iPod to see it and they never gave it back. I know who has it.

    The broken one is still here being non-functional. with a wierd harddrive noise.
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  • Reply 8 of 29
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    ummm... you don't have much of a choice but to TELL SOMEONE.... i mean as underhanded and "against the code" that that is... this guy STOLE A $300 object from you...

    make sure you can proove it is yours...
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  • Reply 9 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by nx7oe

    ...The broken one is still here being non-functional. with a wierd harddrive noise...

    what are you doing with your old one? if its not under warrenty and ur not getting it repaired, can i have it? if its a harddrive issue, i will work on fixing that (my friend has the right size harddrive and he said he will sell it to me)

    so if i got it to work i'd sell it back to ou cheap (whatever i bougth the HD for)

    and i didn't know he took it like that from you...if u do anything do it fast, because if u warn him or else u'll get the police, he can hide it or get rid of it, if u are going to use authorities do it fast and without notice

    if u are going to beat him down, then u can give him an or else
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  • Reply 10 of 29
    adpowersadpowers Posts: 188member
    I'd say go for the police report. Trying to beat him up (even if successful) would more than likely backfire.
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  • Reply 11 of 29
    I know this is after that fact, but how did this person get away with taking it at that moment when you gave it them? I can't believe you let them borrow it for a day, I don't understand how you would let your $300 investment out of your hands? I would defiantly file a Police Report, though, because at my High School the school administrators don't do anything.
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  • Reply 12 of 29
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    if nobody does anything... take somethen of his of equal or greater value ... ok seriously file a police report, but don't just say for the value of the ipod add on the price of all the songs you have on there, and say that was music you purchased that he stole as well.
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  • Reply 13 of 29
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    ask for it back one time...then, personally, i am the cinder block through his car windshield kind of guy...it's hard to get a fingerprint off a cinder block but you might want to wear gloves anyway...

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  • Reply 14 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    ask for it back one time...then, personally, i am the cinder block through his car windshield kind of guy...it's hard to get a fingerprint off a cinder block but you might want to wear gloves anyway...


    that is exactly how to take care of things

    heh, you would be amazed at what you can do with Cyanoacrylate Glue...that stuff can be damaging to cars

    some ideas

    -glue windsheild wipers before it rains

    -glue gas tank closed

    -fill locks of car with it *this is the best haha*

    of course for what he did to you i'd be doing more then this glue, i'd be fire marble out of my paintball gun...AT HIM
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  • Reply 15 of 29
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    or you can sleep with his mother...that is another good way to get back at somebody....make an iMovie of it and post it on the web....

    ah, good clean fun

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  • Reply 16 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    or you can sleep with his mother...that is another good way to get back at somebody....make an iMovie of it and post it on the web....

    ah, good clean fun


    haha fun yes but i'm not sure there is anything clean about that
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  • Reply 17 of 29
    ericj551ericj551 Posts: 89member
    Heres an idea for revenge: rent a cement truck, and fill his car with cement. Once it drys, the car will be worthless, and the tires will probably burst due to the weight, so he will have a hell of a time getting it outta there....
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  • Reply 18 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by ericj551

    Heres an idea for revenge: rent a cement truck, and fill his car with cement. Once it drys, the car will be worthless, and the tires will probably burst due to the weight, so he will have a hell of a time getting it outta there....

    praytell how you fill it up discreetly?
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  • Reply 19 of 29
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    praytell how you fill it up discreetly?

    who said anything about discreetly?

    Too bad you ain't in nyc I'm always in the mood to give a good ass whoopin.
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  • Reply 20 of 29
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by O and A

    ...who said anything about discreetly? ...

    so i forget, what tv show/movie did they do this in?


    Originally posted by O and A

    ...Too bad you ain't in nyc I'm always in the mood to give a good ass whoopin...

    haha...pennsylvania is pretty close to NY
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