apple cube...again sometime soon?



  • Reply 61 of 182
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    No, I think they will sell them relatively cheap so they can get an answer to the question "would the Cube be successful if it was cheap?". Their stock would fall through the floor if they re-introduced their one discontinued hardware product for a second time and priced it too high yet again. Unless they're only going to make 10,000 of the things, but that wouldn't cover the costs of R&D for updating the Cube. Apple's made many mistakes in their time, but I don't think they've ever made the same one twice - not that I can think of off the top of my head, anyhow.

    The more I think about it, the more this "special 20th Anniversary Edition" Cube thing sounds like a really good idea. Apple could announce their special edition cube, tell everyone they're only making 50,000 of the things, they're going to be available only from the Apple online store, and they're going to sell for $999. I bet they'd sell the whole lot the first day. The next week, they release a press release saying they've sold them all, so they've decided to run two more batches, for a total of 150,000 units. And then, if the other 100,000 unites sell as well as the first 50,000 did, they can seriously think about replacing the iMacs price field with Cubes.

    The Cube and the iMac can NOT however exist together as regular yearly products, unless the eMac gets dropped and the iMac takes it's price range. Why? Because when you get right down to it, the Cube is almost the same product as the current iMac, except the monitor isn't attached. Ones reasons for purchasing an iMac are nearly identical as they would be for purchasing a Cube. Aesthetics aside, you're talking about a small, silent computer that's powerful yet non-expandable. Yeah yeah yeah, you can upgrade the graphics card in the Cube and pick your own monitor, but that doesn't pertain to 95% of the people purchasing a product with the features the Cube and iMac carry. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a Cube that didn't have an Apple Studio display connected to it, so the monitor being attached to the iMac is a convenience to 95% of its buyers. My percents are obviously guesses, but like I said, I've never seen a cube that wasn't attached to an Apple Studio display.
  • Reply 62 of 182
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by FauxCaster

    The only flaw in the cube was the pricing. The cube rumor floating around places such as this before the official announcement was it would be a shockingly tasty $999. I was ready to chunck down the cash on the day of the release. When the $1799 price tag was officially announced, I wanted to vomit. Do you think the mini cooper would sell as well for $50,000?

    I paid $29,000
  • Reply 63 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Timely thread, it seems.

    MacWhispers today is talking about some possible Cube-based sort of anniversary Mac.

    Of course, for all I know they are on the same level of MOSR. But still interesting reading.

    I think they'd have quite a hit on their hands, IF it had decent specs AND was priced in a somewhat sane manner.

    But beyond any sort of "limited, special edition" status, I agree with the majority of posts in this thread that - done right - the Cube design could indeed be a huge hit, even replacing the iMac. For all the reasons stated by myself and others throughout this thread.

    It's just odd how the LCD iMac doesn't seem to be THAT big of a hit, in the big scheme of things. I think a consumer-oriented "iCube" thing would.

    [EDIT: changed "Loop Rumors" to "MacWhispers" above Thanks, NETROMac...can't keep all these bullcrap rumor sites straight!]
  • Reply 64 of 182
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Timely thread, it seems.

    Loop Rumors today is talking about some possible Cube-based sort of anniversary Mac.

    You mean MacWhispers
  • Reply 65 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Oops. Yes, MacWhispers. Sorry!
  • Reply 66 of 182
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    ok mr cates....what are you planning on buying??

    the 15" PB AL

    the 14" widescreen iBook

    or the new cube


    if apple released a new cube (or kinda kube (tm)--since it would be 10 x 12 and not a true cube shape) that had a single 970 1.7 gig chip, 900 bus, 100 gig HD, was mildly expandible and included a 17 lcd for $2200 or a 20" lcd for 2600...i would be all over that puppy like the neighbors dog is all over my leg everytime i visit them....

    make the PM all dual 970 and widely expandible to get separation of the lines....

  • Reply 67 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Easy, gelding: the 14" widescreen G4 iBook. BUT, since it doesn't exist (and there's a REALLY good chance the Cube story isn't true), I'd go for the updated 15" PowerBook.

    But appearance/money/feature-wise, I'd prefer the 14" iBook.

  • Reply 68 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Post-It notes ROCK!

    - Tray loading drive, like the Quicksilver towers

    - Encased in clear acrylic (like the Cinema/Studio displays, original G4 Cube, towers, etc.

    - Glossy white body (dual USB iBook, eMac, iPod)

    - Chrome Apple logo (like LCD iMacs and eMacs)

    - NO sharp corners/edges ANYWHERE (like on new iPod). Smooth, rounded corner/edges

    - Ports lined up across bottom back (like the left side of the doodle above doesn't reflect that)

    - Some sort of venting on the side and, I guess, the top? I don't know about this sort of stuff, but the heat does need somewhere to go...

    - Recessed little "well" below Apple logo (no door or latch) with a USB, FireWire and headphone jack (again, my doodle above doesn't reflect this...but a "real" drawing in the works will). Somehow this can be done because the 17" PowerBook proves it (throwing duplicate ports on either side of a device). For peripherals and things meant to stay connected (scanners, printers, etc.), you use the rear ports. For digital cameras, camcorders, the iPod, etc. (stuff you frequently want to easily - and quickly - hook up to your "iCube") you use the convenient front ports. No digging around the back anymore. For a device TOTALLY geared for the whole digital hub/lifestyle/iLife thing, making people fumble around in the back for USB and FireWire ports is idiotic.

    Put a couple in front where people actually would LIKE them and USE them. They'd appreciate the thoughtfulness.

  • Reply 69 of 182
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    ps....can you have the cd tray at a 20 to 30 degree slant?? this will allow some air to channel from bottom to top, maybe keeping it from having a the cd would come out at an angle so you can easily see the cd label and it would also be easier to take out...other than that, yes i like one usb and one firewire on front...that way it is simple to connect a digital camera to use iPhoto, a firewire camcorder to use iMovie or a usb flash thumb drive to add files....

    it would be great if the new cube (iNC) or kinda kube (iKK) or iAC (almost cube) could either have no fan, or a small, quiet fan like the current iMac FP...slanting the cd drive might help channel the air if it is done right...


    get to work on that as soon as possible paul...i expect the mock-ups this afternoon

  • Reply 70 of 182
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    ps....can you have the cd tray at a 20 to 30 degree slant??

    Or maybe keep the top slot loading config. That would make it possible to build a nice passive cooling solution, or at least with a low rpm fan. There is the speed trade off question with the CD-rom though.
  • Reply 71 of 182
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member

    It's a baby Powermac...just like the baby towers that Dell, Compaq, HP, and Gateway sell...
  • Reply 72 of 182
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    oh, and paul, could you give it more than one color?? i would love to see a smoked glass version like the iMac DV special edition, a white version and maybe a silver version...and yes i know you will want an orange version too, but i don't see this coming from apple...but the see-through sage and cherry red were very nice also from the iMac DV line

  • Reply 73 of 182
    brunobruinbrunobruin Posts: 552member
    Apple should release a limited-edition 20th-anniversary Cube, in exactly the same form factor as before, but with a 1.8GHz 970, a 900MHz system bus, a slot-loading SuperDrive, FW800, onboard Bluetooth (theoretically none of these things would require a change to the case)...

    ...and offer it only to those of us who were smart enough to buy a Cube the first time around.

    That would fix your little red wagons.
  • Reply 74 of 182
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    Actually, notebooks are taking huge bites out of most tower sales.

    Especially if you're Apple. (Heh.)

    Amorph, Pussycat and Matsu are the holy trinity of bring back the Cube and how it should be done. All three of their thesis should be stapled to Mr. Jobs head. (How did this guy ever make the Mac successful?)

    I'm less than convinced by the iMac 2. It is very expensive and clumsily positioned... In fact, it is WORSE, not better, than the Cube in many respects. It's very limiting. Underspecced. Underselling. Overpriced. You have to pay a grand to get a low-end one. That is far in excess of the original iMac's mission.

    I'd can the iMac2 and eMac. What we really need it iMac 3. The 'iCube'. From £499 to £1495. Everything from a G3/Rio to a single 970 as options. 10 by 10 for standard components. Front slot loader. Get rid of the ugly grill from the top. (Put it at the sodding back where it can be seen.) A quiet fan ala iMac2. Ports via the back.

    Forget the silver. Go for iBook enamel white. 'iPod' aesthetic white...with a back lit blue Apple that glows through the white case ala iBook.

    A MUCH smaller skirt ala Pussycats drawings. (The old skirt was too tall and clumsy looking...and must have cost loads in plastic...)

    Onlly Apple could have pulled defeat from utter victory regarding the Cube. Breathtakingly overpriced and limited.

    And that has summed up many of Apple's product attempts of the past, the Cube and imac2 included.

    Consumers tend to vote with their wallets. Check the sales of Cube and iMac2. Sales don't lie.

    If Apple really want to test the Cube's mandate. Offer it as a machine which you can 'diy build to order' from a 1 gig G3 to the new 970 when it hits...from a cheapo £495 box to a £1495 artist's workstation. I think Apple may find themselves surprised at the results. The Cube 'configure to order' to run alongside their failing desktop line... I think it would pick up the slack. ie the hundreds of thousands who fall outside of Apple's rigid and limited 3 tier desktop line.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 75 of 182
    madmax559madmax559 Posts: 596member
    apple may rethink the cube & offer a.....pyramid

    it makes perfect sense

    a pyramid with an all seeing apple web cam on top

    with an all new name apple TIA

    (Not to be confused with total info awareness or the

    dollar bill

    the first rev ofcourse will be know as the patriot I

    as opposed to rev A

    now how many of you would buy that ?

  • Reply 76 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Can we do away with the "pussycat" tag? I don't quite how to take that, you know...


    But I appreciate your comments, Citrus Candy Boy.

  • Reply 77 of 182
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    make with the mock-ups soon or we will all be using the nickname of pussycat for you ...and you see how the nickname for EbOy has stuck for some time now....

    make me a mock up and make it snappy

  • Reply 78 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Hey, I just had a pretty neat idea, while doodling around. I want the front to have a drive tray/door (Quicksilver style: rounded "hot dog" shape), an Apple logo, a power button and that small, slightly recessed area where a front-accessible USB, FireWire and headphone connection reside.

    Those four things, all on the front, look a little too much. Too busy, too cluttered, etc. So how about combining two-for-one and make the Apple logo the power button?

    You push it in and power up. And it is, as Lemon Bon Bon pointed out, illuminated slightly. When the Cube is asleep the Apple logo slowly pulses from full strength to dim, as the current buttons and indicator lights on existing Macs do.

    Also, it kinda has a neat metaphor or "grab" to it, in that to "start up" or enter this "digital hub" world, you reach out and touch an Apple. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

    Just small. Probably less than an inch or so?

    I'd do away with my chrome idea and have a backlight Aqua Blue colored logo on the front that glows a bit when on, pulses when sleeping and simply has a nice OS X-esque blue shade to it when the machine is off.

    And, considering the market for this thing (well, ONE of the markets), it's kinda just cheesy enough to be gimmicky and neat, but still serves a purpose AND reduces a bit of clutter on the front.

    Now there is only a slim outline of a drive tray, the Apple logo/power button and the small "port well" at the bottom of the white body part of the Cube, gradually recessed in just a tad, with a soft, curvy "ramp" leading in to it, NOT a harsh "cut in".
  • Reply 79 of 182
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Hey, I just had a pretty neat idea, while doodling around. I want the front to have a drive tray/door (Quicksilver style: rounded "hot dog" shape), an Apple logo, a power button and that small, slightly recessed area where a front-accessible USB, FireWire and headphone connection reside.

    Those four things, all on the front, look a little too much. Too busy, too cluttered, etc. So how about combining two-for-one and make the Apple logo the power button?

    You push it in and power up. And it is, as Lemon Bon Bon pointed out, illuminated slightly. When the Cube is asleep the Apple logo slowly pulses from full strength to dim, as the current buttons and indicator lights on existing Macs do.

    Also, it kinda has a neat metaphor or "grab" to it, in that to "start up" or enter this "digital hub" world, you reach out and touch an Apple. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

    Just small. Probably less than an inch or so?

    I'd do away with my chrome idea and have a backlight Aqua Blue colored logo on the front that glows a bit when on, pulses when sleeping and simply has a nice OS X-esque blue shade to it when the machine is off.

    And, considering the market for this thing (well, ONE of the markets), it's kinda just cheesy enough to be gimmicky and neat, but still serves a purpose AND reduces a bit of clutter on the front.

    Now there is only a slim outline of a drive tray, the Apple logo/power button and the small "port well" at the bottom of the white body part of the Cube, gradually recessed in just a tad, with a soft, curvy "ramp" leading in to it, NOT a harsh "cut in".

    could you point out your ideas in illustrator, just like you did the 14" ibook... please, please, please....

    the whole cube thing, well, i don't know.

    i'm using a pb with a 19" lacie for some years now and i think next set up will be a 15" pb with a 20" cinema display. (works fine for me)

    if people need something compact on their desktop... where is the imac 19"/20" discussion, an imac with a ppc970... who needs a cube...?
  • Reply 80 of 182
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, lots of people, I'd imagine, gar...something compact, powerful, all the ports, stylish, affordable.

    I, for one, never got into the towers because for what I do, I never needed the expansion and extra bulk. I've never bought a PCI card or extra hard drive in my life. I'd suspect that most consumers, soccer moms and iFolks don't either.

    Who wants unnecessary bulk or clutter in their lives? No one I know.

    Actually, I'm like you: at this point in my life/career, I'd much rather have a smokin' PowerBook or muscular little iBook and - when at home - hook it to a nice display for extra wiggle room. For me, my traveling, constantly tooling around and visiting friends and family, showing freelance clients roughs, etc. I'm much better served with a laptop.

    Which is why I'm spazzing for the new 15" PowerBook.

    But I'd imagine that TONS of people out there (the very types who bought the original iMac and who now own digital cameras and camcorders) AND a smattering of the "pro-sumer" crowd would totally dig a compact, feature-strong computer. I've really come to believe that - like it or not - some people (probably lots of people) are turned off by not having choice in monitor styles and sizes. They probably dig the iMac and its features/specs/power/ease, but don't want to necessarily be locked in to a 15" or even a 17" screen.

    A powerful little "everything you need in this cute little box" computer that is attractively priced, reasonably powered and easy to hook to all these digital devices everyone is buying would fly off the shelves.

    THAT'S who "needs a cube".

    Consumers/hobbyists/switchers/home users/grandmas/soccer mom aren't buying Apple towers (the expense and overkill probably play a factor?). BUT, for whatever reason (and I think sales figures/trends are bearing this out) they aren't exactly snapping up the iMacs either, cool as they are.

    All those miniaturization lessons learned in the production of a small domed iMac (and the original G4 Cube) could really be put to use on a smaller, more stylish and "digital hub"-oriented re-take on the Cube.

    I simply talk to too many people from all walks and levels of experience/knowledge and there's a common, running thread through all of their comments or wishes, regarding Apple and Macs.

    I feel that the kind of thing being discussed in this thread would go a long way toward addressing that.
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