iBook speed bump at MWTK?



  • Reply 21 of 41
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Keeksy:


    Anyone who thinks Apple should hold off product announcements to please costumers who bought notebooks three months ago is stupid. Apple will never break the single digit market share this way. Unless it's a major update, I see no reason why Apple shouldn't udpate its product lines when a new chip or video card ships. Waiting probably hurts them more. People aren't going to stop buying Macs because a new model comes out every three months. It would do the opposite. It would convince a lot of people that Apple will always be competitive in the future, and investing in Mac hardware and software now is not risky.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exaclty. That's why it pisses me off when people complain about Applre releasing new stuff too soon.
  • Reply 22 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by Keeksy:


    Anyone who thinks Apple should hold off product announcements to please costumers who bought notebooks three months ago is stupid. ... It would do the opposite. It would convince a lot of people that Apple will always be competitive in the future, and investing in Mac hardware and software now is not risky.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thank you. Well said.

    This has been a pet peeve of mine for quite some time. While updating every month would merely be confusing, updating at 3-6 month intervals is perfectly reasonable. And, as we've seen with the PowerBook, waiting more than six months to update causes its own set of problems.

    If your feelings get hurt because a faster machine is introduced, then you need to reevaluate your reasons for investing in a computer in the first place.

  • Reply 23 of 41
    robbyrobby Posts: 108member
    [QUOTE]SATCHMO:Another speed bump could happen but would'nt do much. They're more likely to wait till MWNY in July for a newly re-designed one.

    No chance in hell youre gonna see a new redisigned i-book.Apple already did that a few months ago.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    Hi guys, I personally feel that MWSF is going to be a Ghz party and that everything, is going over, I don't know it's just a gut feeling, but it's the same one I had when the iPod came out. BTW a little bird told me iPod "extras" may be appearing at MWSF.
  • Reply 25 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by macgirl:

    <strong>Hi guys, I personally feel that MWSF is going to be a Ghz party and that everything, is going over, I don't know it's just a gut feeling, but it's the same one I had when the iPod came out. BTW a little bird told me iPod "extras" may be appearing at MWSF.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do you seriously think Apple has the resources to pump 5 new products into the retail channel? Hell, the CDRW PowerBooks aren't even shipping. Yes, there is a $100 rebate on the iBook, but I think this is more holiday sales driven than channel clearing. Plus, the TiBook has no deal. Well... the double RAM thing, but that's worth about $50. The soonest we'll see updated laptops is MWT.
  • Reply 26 of 41
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    1GHz iBook my ass.

    I swear to God...it's like Macworld rolls around and 74% of you people COMPLETELY lose it and totally disregard any sort of established, set patterns and practices.

    It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the-blue, all of a sudden there's supposed to go, in one fell swoop four weeks from now, BAM...INSTANT GHz, across the line.

    Hey, I'm an optimist, but I'm not sniffing glue and sprinkling crack on my Raisin Bran. Good gravy.

    We'll go through the entire YEAR of 2002 and the laptops (iBook AND PowerBook) won't even get CLOSE to 1GHz.

    This time next year, the Titanium will (hopefully) have a combo drive and probably be at 867MHz, give or take. The iBook will probably be at 800MHz. Gotta figure each of them getting two refreshes/speed bumps a year (Macworld Tokyo and autumn Seybold, perhaps...or simply, like last time, just a quiet, non-event refresh/update) at 100MHz each.

    When has Apple, in the past three years, jumped up some funky ass amount like 200-400MHz in one pop?

    They HAVEN'T.
  • Reply 27 of 41
    [quote]Originally posted by satchmo:

    <strong>Please. Can you imagine how many people would be pissed off if Apple revised any of it's laptops in January?

    For heaven sake, it's been only a few months since the speed bump. If you can't live with the machine you just bought just 3 months ago, then you shouldn't have made the purchase in the first place.

    Any hardware purchase should pay itself off in a year or so.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why is it that it's completely acceptable for Dell or Gateway to update to the latest processor and it's just the "way it is" when a faster unit comes out 2 or 3 months later. Have we grown too used to slow updates? This is stupid. We should glad that Apple is updating instead most Apple owners fear the day their Macs are no longer the latest. I guess this is a testament to the loyalty to the Mac!
  • Reply 28 of 41
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Personally, I'd welcome uggrades every frickin' month, but that won't happen.

    And it won't happen every 3 months either.

    Doing so would only cause confusion and kaos among consumers. Not to mention the headache it would cause for the dealers.

    And what about the excess inventory of older models? Apple doesn't need to be stuck with piles of outdated Macs. Dell may be able to do as most of their crap is built to order with parts that don't necessarily need customization.
  • Reply 29 of 41
    smalmsmalm Posts: 677member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong> We'll go through the entire YEAR of 2002 and the laptops (iBook AND PowerBook) won't even get CLOSE to 1GHz. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    The PowerBook runs at 667 MHz because there is no faster PPC7440 and the 7450 is to hot. This will change with the 7460, so there's no reason not to push the PB to 1Ghz and above.

    Same will happen to the iBook. Speed will go up as soon as IBM can deliver faster PPC750FX!

    People will love it, they will buy it, Apple will sell it, you will see it.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    [quote]Anyone who thinks Apple should hold off product announcements to please costumers who bought notebooks three months ago is stupid. Apple will never break the single digit market share this way. Unless it's a major update, I see no reason why Apple shouldn't udpate its product lines when a new chip or video card ships. Waiting probably hurts them more. People aren't going to stop buying Macs because a new model comes out every three months. It would do the opposite. It would convince a lot of people that Apple will always be competitive in the future, and investing in Mac hardware and software now is not risky. <hr></blockquote>

    You are so right on. I've been preaching this for the past year, too. I just WISH Apple would put it in to practice. My instincts tell me they would put this into practice if they could; the real problem is the supply of updated parts.

    pscates: [quote] When has Apple, in the past three years, jumped up some funky ass amount like 200-400MHz in one pop? <hr></blockquote>

    Well, obviously, the answer is never. But that is not to definitively say it would never happen. If we are to believe your logic stating that because Apple has never made such a jump, they never will, then we are in a precarious situation. The implication is that Macs will never catch up to PCs. For us to catch up, Apple's processors are going to have to make some huge jumps in the future.

    What this will entail is a two part convergence:

    1. Motorolla/IBM actually make the faster chips

    2. Apple is willing to make the jump

    If these two happened, then we could see a jump of around 500 MHz. It's the only way we will get competitive again. The current "incremental increase" pattern is leaving us in the dust.

    - Pook
  • Reply 31 of 41
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the-blue, all of a sudden there's supposed to go, in one fell swoop four weeks from now, BAM...INSTANT GHz, across the line.

    Hey, I'm an optimist, but I'm not sniffing glue and sprinkling crack on my Raisin Bran. Good gravy.

    We'll go through the entire YEAR of 2002 and the laptops (iBook AND PowerBook) won't even get CLOSE to 1GHz.

    This time next year, the Titanium will (hopefully) have a combo drive and probably be at 867MHz, give or take. The iBook will probably be at 800MHz. Gotta figure each of them getting two refreshes/speed bumps a year (Macworld Tokyo and autumn Seybold, perhaps...or simply, like last time, just a quiet, non-event refresh/update) at 100MHz each.

    When has Apple, in the past three years, jumped up some funky ass amount like 200-400MHz in one pop?

    They HAVEN'T.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    A small correction: It is MOTOROLA and/or IBM that has been unable to deliver the GHz goods thus far. They've only had 200-400 MHz speed bumps because that's all there was. Obviously, Apple will use the fastest chips available for its stuff. If Moto and IBM have the chips in January (or shortly thereafter), you can bet your butt they'll be in the products.

    If it's a 2x speed bump and next gen processors that obsoletes all current hardware, they'll be crowing, not apologizing. They're in the business of selling computers, after all.
  • Reply 32 of 41
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by pscates:

    [QB]1GHz iBook my ass.


    It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the-blue, all of a sudden there's supposed to go, in one fell swoop four weeks from now, BAM...INSTANT GHz, across the line.

  • Reply 33 of 41
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by pscates:

    [QB]1GHz iBook my ass.


    It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the-blue, all of a sudden there's supposed to go, in one fell swoop four weeks from now, BAM...INSTANT GHz, across the line.


    Howdy y'all (sorry about that blank post pushed reply key to soon) :}

    I thought I would stick in my 2 cents. Apple is not the reason it has taken so long to get the processor speeds up, it was Motorola remember how long they kept us stuck around 500 mhz. I would not be surprised if there were Gig hz chips available that Apple would take this opportunity to make up for lost ground. And if they went Gig HZ on all models it might pay for itself by causing a stir of excitement with us users and with the press.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    [quote]And JD, what the hell is a Sierra G3? Do you mean the Sierra C3--GMC's new top-flight luxury truck, or do you mean Sahara G3, IBMs processor? <hr></blockquote>

    Oh, yeah, Sahara. That Sierra would run a bit hot for an iBook.
  • Reply 35 of 41
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Also, the only reason Apple bumped 200 mhz each time, is because that's all they could bump. If Apple could bump 500mzh everythime they would.
  • Reply 36 of 41
    Exactly, if apple had the processors we'd be seeing mad amounts of bumps. As it is my predictions go as such:

    New Ti's: 867 and 800 models

    iBook 800 with new 16mb graphics card (LONG OVERDUE) and across the board 100mhz bus.
  • Reply 37 of 41
    Nah, 867 and 800 are too close together. I'd say maybe 733 and 867. That is a more realistic gap.
  • Reply 38 of 41
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Tarbash:

    <strong>Nah, 867 and 800 are too close together. I'd say maybe 733 and 867. That is a more realistic gap.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, that makes more sense.
  • Reply 39 of 41
    An October press release from IBM said:

    [quote] Select customers are currently evaluating the hardware with general sampling available in January of 2002. The PowerPC 750FX is planned to initially debut at 700 MHz, with versions at speeds up to 1 Ghz later that year. <hr></blockquote>

    I can only assume that Apple would be one of those "select customers". Here's my question: could Apple release a Sahara-based iBook at around the same time that IBM offers Sahara for general sampling?
  • Reply 40 of 41
    MWTK will bring us new TiBooks and iBooks, if MWSF is desktop oriented.

    The iBook will be bumped to 700, maybe 750MHz.

    The TiBook will get bumped to 667/800. Perhaps 600/733.
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