Microsoft to end IE, Safari needs to improve



  • Reply 41 of 55
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Oh yeah, my heart's breaking... Seriously, I just used IE about 30 minutes ago for the first time in *at least* 5 months. I think I've used it 4 times since I discovered Chimera/Camino and OmniWeb quite a while ago. What drive me crazy is that the only sites that absolutely require IE happen to be the sites that shouldn't suck, like filling out my forms online for my financial aid, which I did tonight, or checking the status of my tax return on the IRS site, and checking my grades on my college's website. At least I don't have to use it that much. Hopefully no more IE on Mac and more Safari means a better first impression for PC users that might switch. I've seen people sit down at a Mac that have never seen OS X before open up IE and with in minutes say something like "That's why I don't like Macs.."
  • Reply 42 of 55
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by cboth

    Being a recent convert to the Mac world I have enjoyed the experience very much. One thing I have noticed with Safari is that it does not accept right click. No reason that it should as Mac doesn't advocate it. IE supports it very nicely and made me feel more at home when I switched.

    Here's how Microsoft developed IE for Mac OS X.

    They replaced Bill Gate's toilet seat with a clamshell iBook. He didn't notice the difference, BTW.

    Stop eating Bill Gates' shit and get yourself one of the above.


    PS Not only does Safari support right click (I don't know WTF you're doing wrong), it supports middle click for opening links in tabs!
  • Reply 43 of 55
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by Barto

    Here's how Microsoft developed IE for Mac OS X.

    They replaced Bill Gate's toilet seat with a clamshell iBook. He didn't notice the difference, BTW.

    You should realize that at the time of release, IE5/mac's engine was far superior to IE6/win's. MSN for OS X has a new version of that engine which is once again loads better.
  • Reply 44 of 55
    photoguyphotoguy Posts: 10member
    The only thing that I use IE for is to log on to my router. When Safari first came out I redid my website for Safari and nutscape. Then I checked it for IE. I use Safari for just about everything now, banking , irs and such. I haven't had any problems yet. All I can say is good by and so long IE.
  • Reply 45 of 55
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    "MSN for OS X has a new version of that engine which is once again loads better."

    And this helps us how?
  • Reply 46 of 55
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by mrmister

    "MSN for OS X has a new version of that engine which is once again loads better."

    And this helps us how?

    This tells us that not all Microsoft programmers are "full of crap", as Barto puts it.
  • Reply 47 of 55
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    Originally posted by Chucker

    This tells us that not all Microsoft programmers are "full of crap", as Barto puts it.

    Not by far, though. You have to PAY to use the new MSN browser. Thus, it's completely useless to most Mac users. Of course, I suppose the programmers aren't entirely to blame for that.

    That does, however, say that the MacBU is "full of crap".
  • Reply 48 of 55
    Well, Sadly-until the legal system grows "some" and rechews MS a new brown-eye that is massively leaky- those guys have a corner on the market even still. They in more than one way conrtrol standars on the internet. I too can log into my router with other broswers..but some commands it does not execute correctly, thus I am stuck once again with IE. MS is the mean uncle that people secretly want to poison-but are too afraid to.
  • Reply 49 of 55
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Hmmm. Luckily I don't seem to need IE for anything (knock wood).
  • Reply 50 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    as long as there is a commitment from apple to stay compatible with recent microsoft offerings, i don't think i would care.

    yes, yes, the media would eat it up and say "apple is doomed," but they said that with every other breath between 1996-1998, and look where it got them.

    one of the many reasons that pc users would scoff at macs was the slow-ass internet explorer. well, safari blows the doors off that argument. powerpoint was the only game in town, but now keynote is pretty damn cool -- at least for a 1.x release, and what, one-fifth the price??? (hey anyone remember kai's power show? you could do some cool stuff in that, but it dies along with metacreations... anyhoo)

    and honestly, many of the "internet explorer only" web sites are constructed to make up for the insane inadequacies of internet explorer

    hell, ask anyone, including myself, just how much fun it's been to keep up with the CSS standards that microsoft makes, break, makes up, breaks again, and now seems to have repaired (but not COMPLETELY)... yet i STILL have to support that crap they were making two years ago, because of how slow people are to upgrade without a gun to their head. i can only assume the same crap occurs with .asp, iis servers, and their ilk.

    i finally feel like apple has enough cash to actually keep up with microsoft at its own game, as well as shoving standards down their throats. i know every web designer worth their mouse would agree with me on that one (though don't get me wrong -- those who worked on netscape 4.x shoudl also be dragged out into the street and shot with bb guns repeatedly).
  • Reply 51 of 55
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by tommy_thompson

    Well, Sadly-until the legal system grows "some" and rechews MS a new brown-eye that is massively leaky- those guys have a corner on the market even still. They in more than one way conrtrol standars on the internet. I too can log into my router with other broswers..but some commands it does not execute correctly, thus I am stuck once again with IE. MS is the mean uncle that people secretly want to poison-but are too afraid to.

    all i have to say is just wait -- someday, microsoft windows is going to be solely responsible for some horrible tragedy or security breakdown. provided we all survive the aftermath, people might actually start to wise up.

    basically, you only start backing up after you lose some critical data. you only consider changing once something really bad happens...
  • Reply 52 of 55
    cbothcboth Posts: 16member

    Originally posted by Barto

    Here's how Microsoft developed IE for Mac OS X.

    They replaced Bill Gate's toilet seat with a clamshell iBook. He didn't notice the difference, BTW.

    Stop eating Bill Gates' shit and get yourself one of the above.


    PS Not only does Safari support right click (I don't know WTF you're doing wrong), it supports middle click for opening links in tabs!

    Probably living on the wrong side of the world does get right click and left click confused. I don't think your right click does what my right click does.
  • Reply 53 of 55
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by Brad

    Not by far, though. You have to PAY to use the new MSN browser. Thus, it's completely useless to most Mac users. Of course, I suppose the programmers aren't entirely to blame for that.

    That does, however, say that the MacBU is "full of crap".

    I just don't feel comfortable hearing about IE's "crappy engine" when in fact one of the major contributors to the CSS standards writes large parts of it.
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