eWeek article on Smeagol and Q37



  • Reply 301 of 401
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    So....the big tower would be Minas Morgul, right? Does that make the pro users evil? 666...hmmm, guess so.
  • Reply 302 of 401

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    I'm not so sure Moki meant heavy as in poundage. I'm thinking more like, heavy, as in, "Far out, man, that new Zep album is HEAVY".

    IF he did mean poundage, then the only explanation is a hulking xStation (666 tower for some ) This would be awesome, but not if it were the only 970 based desktop offered. WTF, keep the lame G4 Powermacs and only let rich folk in on the $4000 XStation? Not cool.

    Mmmm....would that Xstation be shipping with or without DapperDan version 1.0? 8)
  • Reply 303 of 401
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Somehow my post found it's way into the wrong thread...weird.
  • Reply 304 of 401
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Man you've got to get off this LOTR kick. The original Apple 1 allegedly sold for $666.
  • Reply 305 of 401
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by salty chips

    Macrumors: "Something is coming...."

    Be ready for a new computer era on 23.06.2003, starting at 6:00 PM in the ******.]

    The begining of that sounded like your normal apple get ready for great stuff banter, but this last statement is well.. in the words of the great Keanu... Woh!

    Or maybe my head is clouded with false hopes and exaggerations
  • Reply 306 of 401
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    I'm not so sure Moki meant heavy as in poundage. I'm thinking more like, heavy, as in, "Far out, man, that new Zep album is HEAVY".

    LOL, i have a new sig now
  • Reply 307 of 401
    moosemanmooseman Posts: 126member
    ...maybe the "heavy" thing means its based on big iron cuz the 970s aren't totally up to speed yet. Maybe this "heavy" Mac is an xStation based on the Power4+ IBM 6E3 Workstation.

    That would be wicked cool. Maybe Apple could wrangle a 2 way model out the door for 'round $5k+.


    Oh well, just grasping at straws. moki is such a tease.
  • Reply 308 of 401
    artcatartcat Posts: 19member

    but this last statement is well.. in the words of the great Keanu... Woh!

    Remember Apple's "Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond." hype? (Was it the new iMac? Can't remember.) I just hope this is more than Apple's historical hype.
  • Reply 309 of 401
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member
    yea it was the imac2. But even though to us it wasnt amazing, it was a new version of a very important product that previously helped bring apple back from the grave. So the hype didnt live up, but the hype was for an important product to apple.
  • Reply 310 of 401
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    yea it was the imac2. But even though to us it wasnt amazing, it was a new version of a very important product that previously helped bring apple back from the grave. So the hype didnt live up, but the hype was for an important product to apple.

    The iMac2 was 'way beyond' what some rumor sites were predicting. So I guess it comes down to individual interpretation.

    There is speculation that Steve will demo the 970 and then it may be announced later, possibly at MWNY. What happens the 24th thru MWNY to tower sales? How can it be shown at Apple stores via web cast but not ship until Sept? (Assuming Apple streams it as stated somewhere at the Apple stores) Why have a patchwork OS (smeagol) to run a 970 in Sept, when Panther is rumored to be out a few weeks later in August? It will take a few weeks for shipments to arrive, just delay them a week or so and ship with Panther.

    It just sounds to me like some of the times tables are off. Either Panther is far from being ready or the 970s are far from being ready.
  • Reply 311 of 401
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Oh come on. The system controller is a name. It can denote anything anyone wants. I used the name because many people are familiar with the name and can understand the symbolism.

    Don't bullshit. I was correcting you, because the term system controller was incorrect in your context. And by "bullshit", I mean "You are a very nice person", because names can mean anything.

    And??? Northbridge/Southbridge is PC nomenculture, so Apple use their own. The name doesn't mysteriously change the function of the chip.

    That's what I'm saying. Different terms for the same chips.

    That we know about yet. How far off can it be? I just want Apple to concentrate on its strong points and use others where it makes sense. nVidia nForce 3 PRO is short Firewire 800, but is up Dolby 5.1 sound, serial ATA and built in RAID. How long until they fix that?

    The nForce 3 Pro won't work on Macs. The MCP might, but that's because it's a traditional southbridge. The nForce 3 is a single chip designed specifically for the Opteron.

    By the time the PC manufacturers catch up to the technology that is in Macs now, Apple will be using newer technology not in future PCs or present Macs.

    I specifically mentioned using eDRAM as a possability. There are many other things you can do with the extra space, including not using it.

    Anything other than compensating for increased latency and decreased bandwidth would result in a Power Mac G5 as fast as the Power Mac G4.

    And? Where is 100% of Apple's market at the moment? If someone wants a 4 CPU system let Apple cater for it in a very high margin xServe based product. I have always been talking desktops, and have assumed that in a thread discussing desktops you would be too.

    You are making the mistake that Quad CPUs will always be rare, when infact much "noise" is being made about moving from powerful single CPUs to less powerful multiple CPUs. I'm talking about increasing future possibilities, you're talking about limiting them.

    I tried to answer rationally and politely. Now I will say this: If ever I want a superficially powerful and cheap computer, I'll by a f***ing Dell, DUDE!

  • Reply 312 of 401
    I just posted this in the WWDC thread, but since this thread is essentially the same...

    You know I just thought of something. If Apple were NOT going to intro new hardware at WWDC wouldn't they just come out and say it? They did exactly that at Mac Expo Paris awhile back. It would be even easier to justify this time around as it is a "developer" conference. The press release would go something like this.

    "Apple is looking forward to a great WWDC this year where we will showcase the stunning new OS X 10.3 Panther. Developers will receive advance copies to begin optimizing their software offerings for the new OS. As we intend to concentrate on this milestone software acheivment, we have no plans to introduce any new hardware products."

    Steve knows the expectations have been sky high for weeks. If he wanted to throw cold water on the rumors he could. He's done it before, why not now???
  • Reply 313 of 401
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    I just posted this in the WWDC thread, but since this thread is essentially the same...

    Yes all of the threads are starting to converge from lack of new info.

    It is hard for me to believe that there isn't going to be any new, significant hardware unveiled Monday and I think the Joz keynote during the next big event is the clincher for me), but maybe I'll convince myself to just hope that real buttons come back to the iPod and be pleasantly surprised by anything else.
  • Reply 314 of 401
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member
    Can't sleep so I am going to allow myself to fully lapse into "Temporary Insanity" and throw a little more fuel on the fire.

    What if the mysterious "large" boxes talked about, really are 19" eMacs. By what law is it stated that they must be CRT displays.

    A few points
    • Rumors have existed for a while now, of a low cost 19" LCD presumed to be for an iMac

    • Points have been made though, that such a large screen would be too heavy for the articulating arm of the iMac. i.e an entire new articulating arm would have to be created (at some cost) for a single model.

    • What if instead of for the iMac, such a theoretical low cost display was for the eMac instead.

    • FNAC has marked the bottom end eMac on their website as "Not available or no longer available". This opens up the possibility of the higher models all moving down the price scale.

    • The current cost (US dollars) of the high end eMac is $1299.

    • The current cost of a 17" iMac is $1799 with its specialized base and expensive articulating arm.

    • In the PC market, stand alone 19" LCD displays are already available for under $700, and a lot of that cost is packaging and marketing.

    • Since a 19" model would have to have a new case anyway, what is to say that it could not incorporate a low cost LCD display instead of a heavy CRT? This would solve the weight problem. It would create a whole new perception of the eMac line as well. After all, sooner or later, LCD's or better, will be present througout all the lines. That seems to be the trend.

    Again this is merely wild and insane speculation, but for a moment, let's open our minds to the possibilities. After all, why come to a rumors forum with a closed mind.

    You are free to now tear apart all of my insane speculation and contemplations. But please give some good reasons for it.
  • Reply 315 of 401
    synpsynp Posts: 248member

    Originally posted by Shaktai

    [BWhat if the mysterious "large" boxes talked about, really are 19" eMacs. By what law is it stated that they must be CRT displays.


    What is an LCD eMac? The only difference between the eMac and iMac is the screen type. You are suggesting that Apple makes an eMac that's bigger (and better) than an iMac?

    I don't think so.

    A 19" iMac is a possibility to consider, though.
  • Reply 316 of 401
    drboardrboar Posts: 477member

    With TFT in an eMac what is the difference compared to an iMac??

    The core of this occation is the migration to the IBM970 cpu and update of some core features of the motherboards. The natrual way to do this revisons are top down. I really do not see any point in make a major revison of the eMac and still keep it G4 and so on. The only reason would be to migrate the eMac to some kind of simplified iMac design with TFT screen and then at the same time bump the iMacs upwards. But this is not the time to scatter the focus

    I do not believe in any "new era in personal computing", I do hope that the Towers take a huge leap forward both in performance and features. Servers are nice to migrate to 970 as well as they will not constrain the CPU aviability due to the low number of sales. A PB is possible as any 970 above 600 MHz is faster than the 1 GHz G4. For marketing reasons they hardly can replace a 1 Ghz CPU with a 700 MHz CPU even if it faster. They have to have it at at least 1GHz. I remember the mess when 250 MHz 603 performas were slower then 200 MHz 604E pro models

    970 Towers, sure

    970 Servers , why not

    970 PB, that would be nice

    Other hardware (exluding monitor keybord, mice etc) why the heck now?
  • Reply 317 of 401
    The pallets were delivered, the stock room is crammed now and the large boxes have 4 smaller boxes inside of them... I mean they "might" have 4 smaller boxes inside of them if we had opened them. The boxes are 3'x3'x2' (roughly I did not measure them)
  • Reply 318 of 401

    Originally posted by stalkerdeapplenut

    The pallets were delivered, the stock room is crammed now and the large boxes have 4 smaller boxes inside of them... I mean they "might" have 4 smaller boxes inside of them if we had opened them. The boxes are 3'x3'x2' (roughly I did not measure them)

    sorry I just want to clarify that THESE larger boxes may or may not contain, do or DON'T contain smaller bozes inside or CONTAIN other things in these SMALLER sized BOXES!. hmm is that clear? I hope so, but should say these are sweet looking... um boxes
  • Reply 319 of 401
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    you're going to be in so much trouble...
  • Reply 320 of 401
    boy_analogboy_analog Posts: 315member

    Originally posted by Programmer

    Possible things to wire together with HyperTransport: memory controllers, processors, I/O chips, GPUs.

    I just read a white paper on HT. It is more flexible than I remember and can support fairly long connections (> 0.5 meters) which can be across connectors and cables.

    I (foolishly) raised this question in the late and unlamented Dapper Dan thread, so I'll raise it again, having learnt the error of my ways.

    Here 'tis: Would the best way of exploiting these characteristics of HT be to offer an HT-based expansion chassis for that small but vocal and cashed-up minority who want 6 or more PCI slots, etc. etc.? It seems almost certain that Apple will release a video workstation some time -- possibly some time soon. This could be achieved by creating an expensive, specialised box just for this purpose, or it could presumably be achieved by adding an expansion chassis to the fastest tower.

    If so, then it seems to me that it would make very little sense to build specialised workstations, instead of simply leveraging the existing line of towers. Am I missing something?
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