For all the Apple apologists here

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
So I haven't really been here much of late, and of course the new G5 has brought a lot of new discussion to the forums. I pointed out some of my gripes with the new tower shortly after the WWDC keynote, and now the past couple of days I have noticed the Apple apologists and Steve Jobs' street team seem to be out in full force.

In every thread now relating to the new G5 hardware, we have the RDF-induced consortium apologizing for Apple's idiocy and obvious design flaw. I am getting sick of the trite responses by you Apple fanatics about how this Powermac G5 is meant to be a "pro" machine and how "pros" dont need a second hard drive or more than one optical drive bay. Give me a ****ing break here. I produce and I want direct cd to cd burning, am I not "pro" enough? Do I not merit this task? Or should I go out and buy a couple USB or Firewire burners for twice the cost of an internal? The reason people buy towers is for expansion, if I wanted to buy a ****in firewire hard drive or cd-rw I would've bought an iMac. You people are ridiculous in assuming that every single Mac user on the planet has an infinite supply of money to throw away on external drives that shouldnt be needed in the first place. This is a machine marketed toward those of us that would like a tower for INTERNAL expansion and tower configuration who enjoy working on the Mac operating system. If we wanted an iMac, eMac, iBook, or Powerbook I am sure we would buy one instead. Are these not "pro" things? Oops I'm sorry, even Joe Smoe wants a dvd, cd-rw, floppy drive on his Dell Dimension.

Then you have others with the nerve to say that a real "pro" would go out and buy an xRaid or whatever the hell to connect to for storage. Give me a break. So everyone wants to spend another few thousand when they shouldnt have to? The tower offers choices for users, regardless of whether the heck you only need a 2 GB hard drive and a cd-rom drive. I couldnt flippin care, the point is I DO. So why shouldnt I have these options? Dont "pro" users like to have options? Im already paying $3000, and on top of that I have to shell out money for external devices and clutter my desk even more. These are just all added costs that shouldnt be there in the first place. Someone mentioned if they wanted 2 drives they wouldve made it taller? They didnt need to make El Capitan taller, and I am sure the G5 is probably near the same height. Not only that, you just took a step backwards. Obviously there's a design flaws in the case. They wanted to keep it compact and it was too tall already? An extra 2 ****ing inches added onto the height and you have a 2nd bay.

Your arguments are lame and your stupidity doesnt make a good case. Money doesnt grow on trees folks. "Oh, you dont need 3 PCI slots, everything is there for you, Apple is perfect. Steve Jobs is god, how could anything be wrong with this almighty savior known as the G5?". How the hell would you know what I need? And why would Apple take things away for no reason whatsoever? You just add the shit after users are complaining, then you go take it away senselessly.

I'm tired and need to go to bed. Oh, and if you wanna see how "pro" I am, my website will be posted here in a couple weeks when it is up.

Last but not least, please do us a favor and get your head surgically removed from out of Steve's left scrotum.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    Out of interest, what would you fill your 3 slots with?

    What would you put in your 4th?
  • Reply 2 of 25
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    Get over yourself.

    Obviously losing an optical drive bay, and internal expansion sucks. However the towers are huge as it is, where would more[drives/pci] go?

    Too much heat. Got to make sacrifices somewhere, ya'know?


    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    ...and how "pros" dont need a second hard drive or more than one optical drive bay. Give me a ****ing break here.

    Actually you can have two internal drives, for a total of half a terabyte. I'm going to assume that was a typo.


    Oops I'm sorry, even Joe Smoe wants a dvd, cd-rw, floppy drive on his Dell Dimension.

    Dell dropped floppy drives as standard.


    Holy Christ tiger, I just read the Why do you need more Optical drives? thread and you're right. What a bunch of ****wits. You still need to get over yourself though.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    There are plenty of MDDs still available if you really want 4 HDs and 2 Optical drives. These too are "pro" machines, even though they dont have the power of the G5/
  • Reply 4 of 25
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Gasp... I agree with TW99 on this one
  • Reply 5 of 25
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    2400+ posts on forums dedicated to a platform you hate and cannot bear... That's just... cool.

    Anyway, I cannot see how one company can satisfy everybody with its products. One needs two optical drive bays, another wants 16TB of RAM, a third one asks for $200 machine, a fourth cries for an AIO with 25 inch display... Apple is not the only computer maker in the world. If Apple doesn't make a box for you, someone else does. This is not a sufficient reason to call all Mac users idiots.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by costique

    2400+ posts on forums dedicated to a platform you hate and cannot bear... That's just... cool.

    would 2400+ of blind evangelism be better
  • Reply 7 of 25
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by serrano

    Get over yourself.

    Obviously losing an optical drive bay, and internal expansion sucks. However the towers are huge as it is, where would more[drives/pci] go?

    PCs from all major OEMs are about the same size, except they have 5-6 PCI slots, 2-3 5.25" bays, 3-4+ 3.5 inch bays, etc. Sure the heatsinks on the G5 are huge, but they are relatively poorly designed. I have a P4 2.4B overclocked to 2.88 GHz, which means it probably gulps down a healthy 70+ watts, but all I have is a low flow 24 dB 80 mm fan blowin on its copper heatsink. Apple needs to start using conventional cooling methods in its towers.

    Heat rises, they should take advantage of that...not try to ram it out the back.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by applenut

    would 2400+ of blind evangelism be better

    Blind? No, it wouldn't.

    You know, the Internet has changed people in that if you don't like what you see written in HTML at some address, you browse past it until you find something interesting. Did you ever notice, when talking to people, that you feel like closing the window or typing a new URL? With the Internet it seems like you don't have to waste your time on what you don't like. Better spend your time comfortably reading posts from those thinking alike. A matter of energy exchange. As long as people agree with one another, they feel more positive, they feel better.

    If you are a catholic, what would you choose:

    1. going to Muslims to decry their religion by calling it RDF;

    2. gathering with other catholics to praise Jesus Christ?

    A matter of choice, isn't it? Either way, doing it regularly is a religion.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    I just wanna say: Fvck you TigerWoods, you fvcking bastard a**hole idiot, for using such foul language here! This is a respectable forum so fvck off if you can't use a proper tone!


  • Reply 10 of 25
    On a more serious note! I don't agree with TigerWoods - simply because I'm sure that no matter what Apple would release, he would critize it and those who liked it. And I really like the PMG5 and plan to buy one when I need the extra power for audio filters.

    However, I also think it's a shame that they didn't find room for two opticals drives and at least 3 internal Harddrives. I don't need it myself, but if some pros do - it should have been there. Also, many wintel users will find the machine less attractive because of that. If for no other reason , then simply that most (all) pc's come with more space.

    When that it said, I do think all the great things about the G5's outweight these minor (yes, they are minor because they can be worked around with external drives!) issues many times!!
  • Reply 11 of 25
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Power Apple

    On a more serious note! I don't agree with TigerWoods - simply because I'm sure that no matter what Apple would release, he would critize it and those who liked it. And I really like the PMG5 and plan to buy one when I need the extra power for audio filters.

    However, I also think it's a shame that they didn't find room for two opticals drives and at least 3 internal Harddrives. I don't need it myself, but if some pros do - it should have been there. Also, many wintel users will find the machine less attractive because of that. If for no other reason , then simply that most (all) pc's come with more space.

    When that it said, I do think all thew good things about the G5's outweight these minor (yes, they are minor!) issues many times!

    no doubt.

    it's just very dissapointing (and baffling) to me. The case is effing HUGE and yet internal expansion was greatly reduced. Somewhere in there is an inefficient design.

    Just when Apple started giving us the expansio options many were clamoring for they took that away and THE SOME.

    just odd.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    vikingviking Posts: 127member
    Okay tiger, I hear where you are coming from but if you added what you think the G5 is lacking, would you be willing to spend the extra cash for that? So instead of $3000, it would be more like $3700 or more for dual 2ghz. It sounds to me like you are already strapped for cash, yet you want a powermac with everything imaginable for as little as possible. Welcome to the real world.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    question.... what in the world makes you think these additions would result in a $700 price increase? For that matter, why would more empty space in a case and an additional connector and interface or two result in any more than a $50 dollar increase? IF THAT?
  • Reply 14 of 25
    sorhedsorhed Posts: 38member
    Those of you who desperately need two optical drives and 3-plus internal drives are a minority - and not a single one of you present a valid reason why external drives are not an acceptable alternative.

    If the fact that you wont spend a little extra for the versatility of an external drive will prevent you from purchasing the most powerful Macs, if indeed, the most powerful PCs ever, then you are quite simply an idiot.

    Don't cry about the extra cost, if you're really a pro then you can afford it. If you cant, then perhaps you should be rethinking your business strategy.

    These machines are spectacular, incredible, whatever.... and they will sell by the truckload. If you're too stupid to buy-in, not my problem, not Apples, and not anyone elses.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    People, different users have different needs and wants, and none of them are "stupid". Please tone down the language in here, I really don't want to have to start editing your darn posts and locking threads.

    It's getting like Apple Outsider in here and I don't like it.

    (I did edit your title)
  • Reply 16 of 25
    fawkesfawkes Posts: 80member
    It seems to me that Apple probably added a second optical bay to the latest El Capitan cases due to customer demand--I doubt that they'd have gone to the trouble/expense otherwise. So, I'd say that there is at least some evidence that this was a feature requested by enough buyers to have affected a change in the design.

    It also seems likely that the PMG5 was designed to address another customer complaint: noise. This case is over-designed for cooling, and I expect that they are giving the design legs to handle the next several speed-bumps. i.e., I doubt that the trade-off of expansion at the expense of cooling is entirely worth it right now, but in the future...

    This is a first-generation case, and It seems that they decided to walk before they run. There is no disputing that these cases lack expansion; the question is, does it matter to enough customers? If it does, you can bet that we'll be seeing a more expandable case in time; Apple seems to be more market-driven these days, and they wouldn't be wise to upset a segment of their own market if it is large enough.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by sorhed

    Those of you who desperately need two optical drives and 3-plus internal drives are a minority - and not a single one of you present a valid reason why external drives are not an acceptable alternative.

    If the fact that you wont spend a little extra for the versatility of an external drive will prevent you from purchasing the most powerful Macs, if indeed, the most powerful PCs ever, then you are quite simply an idiot.

    Don't cry about the extra cost, if you're really a pro then you can afford it. If you cant, then perhaps you should be rethinking your business strategy.

    These machines are spectacular, incredible, whatever.... and they will sell by the truckload. If you're too stupid to buy-in, not my problem, not Apples, and not anyone elses.

  • Reply 18 of 25
    nervnerv Posts: 26member
    I'm sure Apple could have made this machine with room for a second optical drive, 4 internal drives and a few more PCI/PCI-X slots, but then there would be little reason to inspire people to buy future revisions. This same practice of holding back is why the original iMacs only had USB ports (Firewire was not added until later).

    Over the course of the next year or so, the features you want will be added. You might not like the G5's limited internal expandability relative to the MDD G4's, but Apple has done some smart marketing here ensuring that future G5's sell.

    Bottom line, don't buy the Rev A G5 if you don't think it's worth the money. I know there are a lot of people out there who think it is. Personally, I'll be waiting for Rev C or D which should have a case mod by then (not to mention the fact that Rev A computers typically have fatal flaws in them).
  • Reply 19 of 25
    vikingviking Posts: 127member

    Originally posted by applenut

    question.... what in the world makes you think these additions would result in a $700 price increase? For that matter, why would more empty space in a case and an additional connector and interface or two result in any more than a $50 dollar increase? IF THAT?

    Case design would have to be considerably larger (more aluminum and production cost), heavier (transportation cost), more materials (brackets, connectors), labor costs go up, power consumption goes up which means heat goes up which might mean additional cooling ( but maybe not), and of course Apple has to make a nice profit.) Maybe $700 was to high... maybe $500.

    If you ask me, it all comes down to money. Why is the G5 missing a few things... because they don't want to price-out (or piss off) the average Mac consumer. I'm sure if you were to look at where they make the most profit, its probably from their ibook, emac, and imac lineup... not from their high end machines (although I don't have anything to back that up.)

  • Reply 20 of 25
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    The discussion is getting serious. Do we take it too hard?

    Please, make a list of PCI cards and optical drives you don't have enough room for in the G5 case.


    1. A professional audio card.

    2. Analog video capturing card.

    3. Some interface card (like SCSI or proprietary optical bus).

    Not enough?

    Optical drive bays:

    If you have a superdrive, what is it that you can't do with? TigerWoods claims to be copying CDs all day long like an underground pirate. Is this the only possible reason why one optical drive bay sucks? Let's pretend for a second that Apple made the G5 with 2 superdrives. TigerWoods would again complain about 2 superdrives sucking for professional pirates who need a CD copying station like this: (price: $1299). Who else needs it with dual G5 CPUs at 2GHz? If 0.1% of potential buyers of this machine need 7 CD-RWs, do you need Apple will make and sell it for $2999? Damn, Tiger, if you were a CD copying professional, you would know that nobody ever in sound mind mass-copy CDs on a desktop computer. There is special equipment exactly for professionals who need to copy thousands of CDs every day.

    If you don't duplicate CDs in such quantities, a superdrive and Roxio Toast are fine. I burn up to 30 CDs every day on one CD-RW and that is no problem. And there are Firewire and USB CD burners galore.

    Hard drive bays:

    How many hard drives do you need if 500 GB is not enough? 3? 10? Do you keep terrabytes of uncompressed video on your desktop? If your level is that high, why not go for an Xserve RAID? At the very least, your data will be safer on a RAID; and if you were a professional, you would know that too.

    Remember that you cannot please everyone with one and the same present. If the G5 satisfies 25% of those who need a Mac, it is a victory because there are other products from Apple for other categories of people.

    Everything else is a technical duscussion on pluses and minuses and not about idiots who suck in general. Sorry.
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