Wait Time Between Al 15 Order and Actually Getting the Box?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I'm a student and have been waiting on Apple for a while to get a new laptop. My school starts relatively late on Sep 22 so I didn't think it would be a problem waiting for the new PBs - but noting that the G5s are taking months to ship - I'm wondering: will it be the same for the new PBs?


  • Reply 1 of 22
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Probably. I wouldn't doubt it for one second.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Personally it seems to me that they very rarely announce awesome things are ready for immediate shipment... \

    It's such a dilemma, because what if they announce a speedbumb in Sept but then the G5 in Feb?

    The 12" education deal is really good right now... maybe you should look into that or a used if it gets to Sep 14ish and there's no sign of new 'bookage....

    It's the same question a lot of us have, I think... not that I really have a deadline like you, but there comes a point when if they are not going to update, I could have been plunking away on a laptop by now, and I've been waiting for NOTHING, which is annoying.

  • Reply 3 of 22
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, for reasons too numerous (and boring) to go into, I've simply decided to get the Rev. B 12" PowerBook, whatever/whenever it is.

    Figure it'll be at least 1GHz, maybe FireWire 800 and USB 2 (I don't know), probably a stock 60GB hard drive, maybe a faster SuperDrive (2X?).

    That'll do me fine for a year or so, I'm sure. I'll revisit the whole "15-inch high-end PowerBook" issue in 2004/2005. Too "in between" right now, in the G4>G5 transition.

    I'd rather drop $1799 right now than $2599, just until the smoke settles and we see what's what.

    But yeah, they'll probably announce the 15" (and updated 12" and 17" models) and say "announcing today, shipping in November..." or whatever.


    Seems they do that A LOT. Don't they schedule their stuff a little bit? Don't they know when to properly ramp up production to correspond with a particular trade show or whatever?

  • Reply 4 of 22
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Totally, not to mention they all too often push back the release date, reduce the specs, or bump the price due to 'high demand' ...

    Then people cancel their orders when they're out of the 'new stuff frenzy' and are already waiting for the next one by the time it ships... by the time they finally ramp up production people don't want it any more...

    Let's have some foresight, folks.

    FWIW I think that's a good choice pscates on the 12"... it always works out better not to get the top-of-the-line powerbook, in terms of holding their value and all...

    Originally I was giong to wait and see for MWNY, then buy... but that was when I was pretty sure something would be speed-bumped, at least. Now I think I can hold out the extra weeks-month for 8/19 or AEParis... but again I'm (perhaps unwisely) pretty anticipatory.

    <sigh> the longer I get used to staring at this cinema display, the bigger the Powerbook I'll have to get.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I badly am hoping an update at Paris. Is Paris a Steve-note like normal? I was looking on their website but couldn't see anything. I really would love a Rev B. 12"...actually I'd probably get a Rev. X 15" (not sure what their at haha).

    Haha can anyone give me some encouragement so that I can hold out till Semptember.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Seems to me that the next PowerBook revision is going to be a simple bump which means they should be available immediately. Whenever they're announced that is.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    naufnauf Posts: 12member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Seems to me that the next PowerBook revision is going to be a simple bump which means they should be available immediately. Whenever they're announced that is.

    I completely agree. 8)
  • Reply 8 of 22
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Seems to me that the next PowerBook revision is going to be a simple bump which means they should be available immediately. Whenever they're announced that is.

    Yeah, probably right. \
  • Reply 9 of 22
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member
    pscates good logic.

    I have a 15"Ti (rev B) and I think now I'll probably try and do the same.

    In terms of bang for the buck a well quipped 12" Al will probably be a better investment than a non-G5 15" model.

    curse these long and uncertain transition periods!
  • Reply 10 of 22
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Seems to me that the next PowerBook revision is going to be a simple bump which means they should be available immediately. Whenever they're announced that is.

    Agreed, I wonder if sales for the PB's will partially stall due to the forthcoming expectations of G5's in approx 6 months.

    For that matter the G4 speed bump may have to be significant enough for people to put the G5 PB out of their minds until apple is ready to announce the G5.

    Having an original Ti400, I would be keen to upgrade, but if its not that great, I can hang out the 6months. If its 1.6G - Ill take it and upgrade to G5 in 12-18mths. If its 1.3G - Yawn, Ill take the pain till G5.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I just want an Al 15" and I'll get it.

    If they update in Sept, what is the chance that they will update or come out with a G5 in Jan? I mean that is under six months! I hope they update in Sept and then move to the G5 next Aug.

    Well maybe that isn't best for them but it suits me the best.
  • Reply 12 of 22
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I totally fall into the "G5 PowerBook in January...NO WAY IN HELL!" camp.

    I think this next round of PowerBook revisions (12" and 17" rev. B and "aluminated" 15") will take us through the remainder of 2003 and well into the first quarter (perhaps even half?) of 2004.

    Just looking at previous history, what we know about how they update, the time between things, the G5 itself, etc., I'll be completely shocked beyond words if a G5 PowerBook is unveiled before April 2004.

    I really don't see them putting out 7457 PowerBooks for just 4 months, as a "stopgap". Seems like a waste and inefficient way of doing things.

    IF they know they're aiming for a G5 PowerBook in January, then I'd rather them just bottom out the prices on all existing PowerBooks, bundle them with iPods or inkjets and additional RAM, etc. and somehow make it obvious to everyone that we can a) buy a current PowerBook of any size at GREAT prices (if we really, really need one) OR that an additional 4-month wait will be handsomely rewarded with spiffy G5 PowerBooks at MWSF.

    But again, I think MWNY (or whatever the crap is now the big summer show) is more likely and reasonable for any PowerBook with a "5" in its title.

  • Reply 13 of 22
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    Echoing pscates thoughts...

    I too believe that revised AlBooks are coming this month. 12, 15, 17)

    The G5 PowerBooks are a year away in my mind.

    And when the G5 Powerbook do come.. (say MWCP 04 a la July) i think the case will be the Aluminum enclosure we have now. -- only slightly modified to show it's a G%. maybe some of that cheese grater trim here and there or some sometic stripe etc.

    But the exact same sizes/ dimesnions as the ALcases none-the-less.

    Keep in mind, the 7457's are expected to have speed bumps as well. So Maybe a speedbump again in February or something before the G5 PowerBook in July.


  • Reply 14 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Masker

    Echoing pscates thoughts...

    I too believe that revised AlBooks are coming this month. 12, 15, 17)

    The G5 PowerBooks are a year away in my mind.

    And when the G5 Powerbook do come.. (say MWCP 04 a la July) i think the case will be the Aluminum enclosure we have now. -- only slightly modified to show it's a G%. maybe some of that cheese grater trim here and there or some sometic stripe etc.

    But the exact same sizes/ dimesnions as the ALcases none-the-less.

    Keep in mind, the 7457's are expected to have speed bumps as well. So Maybe a speedbump again in February or something before the G5 PowerBook in July.



    It seems that is how it will work out, and if it does, I will be as happy as can possibly be.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    MacBidouille is reporting that they will be announced August 18-19th. EDither a week from Monday or Tuesday. So we call all keep our fingers crossed that they'll be here.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by AHDuke99

    MacBidouille is reporting that they will be announced August 18-19th. EDither a week from Monday or Tuesday. So we call all keep our fingers crossed that they'll be here.

    Although I would like that alot, why not wait till Paris to release them. Well maybe they don't want too much attention taken away from the G5
  • Reply 17 of 22
    joecooljoecool Posts: 97member
    I just hope that they hurry up and announce the AlBook soon cos I just caved and ordered a 1GHz TiBook!!

    Hurry Apple.....HURRY!! I need a machine now.....preferably an AlBook!
  • Reply 18 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Joecool

    I just hope that they hurry up and announce the AlBook soon cos I just caved and ordered a 1GHz TiBook!!

    Hurry Apple.....HURRY!! I need a machine now.....preferably an AlBook!

    What is the est. shipping date?
  • Reply 19 of 22
    joecooljoecool Posts: 97member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    What is the est. shipping date?

    I dunno. My friend manages an Apple store and htey ordered it for me.

    On the internal Apple site, there is no ETA for the PB. Only to say that any orders received ny the 31st of July will ship by the 8th of Aug. No other info other than that.

    They (at the store) said it generally takes a couple of weeks to get PB's in.

  • Reply 20 of 22
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Although I would like that alot, why not wait till Paris to release them. Well maybe they don't want too much attention taken away from the G5


    I think G5 PB may be in Spring 2004 rather than Summer. I think it just depends on how soon IBM can fabricate a mobile G5 in quantity. I do see the upcoming models as the Stopgap Gang. So I'm going to wait for G5s. 6 to 9 months doesn't seem too long to me. But a 1.6 G4 12" could be mighty tempting . . .
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