Just vote: Which Scenario?



  • Reply 21 of 43
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
  • Reply 22 of 43
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    I say #4 with top speed being 1.4 GHz Duals.

    Same case design, newer FireWire interface and no USB 2. DDR Ram is a safe bet with Xserve out now. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 23 of 43
  • Reply 24 of 43
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    I doubt if we'll see anything more than #3, but probably a little less. C'mon, you all know apple, right?
  • Reply 25 of 43
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    No Tacos?

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 43
  • Reply 27 of 43
    busymanbusyman Posts: 3member

    Why? Apple did not put an exhibition in Europe last year because of the known reasons, and so this year they will give the unattended Europeans what they are longing for as a compensation: The new Power Mac G4

    If you want to see the new Power Mac, you should soon get a badge for the <a href="http://www.gldatasystems.fr/apple2002/form/index_a.asp"; target="_blank">Apple Expo 2002</a> in Paris See you soon *g* I'll be there...


    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: Busyman ]</p>
  • Reply 28 of 43
    macjedaimacjedai Posts: 263member
  • Reply 29 of 43
    IMHO, Apple better release a PM with at the very very very least a single or dual 1.4 GHz (1.6 would be fabulous) for the high end PM (and of course DDR memory, a faster IDE I/F and all that cool stuff). Anything less like 1.2GHz will make it clear Apple has to make a life and death decision to move to Intel or AMD, or close shop.
  • Reply 30 of 43
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    #6, just so they can prove that none of us have a clue.
  • Reply 31 of 43
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    6 is the good choice, in a statistic point of vue it's the better bet.
  • Reply 32 of 43
    I'll take a number 3 with cheese, no tomatoes, pickles, or lettuce [special orders don't upset apple, BTO]
  • Reply 33 of 43
    mugwumpmugwump Posts: 233member
    well, literally it should be none of these (6) because there is room to mix and match in between these items.

    The new case is very important, an instant sales Bang! no matter what's inside. Hopefully the DDR chip will be ready (7460?) at 1.4 gHz with the improved motherboard. This will sell well.

    The next big improvement, the G5, will sell well by itself, since that's what the other half is waiting for.

    There you go, two solid powermac releases. Just to piss off those WORM insiders who sold before the warning, I hope the new powermacs fly off the shelves.
  • Reply 34 of 43
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member
    6 -- The truth lies between 3 and 4.
  • Reply 35 of 43
    philbotphilbot Posts: 240member
    the answer is...

  • Reply 36 of 43
    philbotphilbot Posts: 240member
    <a href="http://www.panasonic.com/consumer_electronics/dvd_recorder/dvd_burner.asp"; target="_blank">Link to Superdrive replacement?</a>

    Could a new Superdrive be imminent?
  • Reply 37 of 43
    derrick 61derrick 61 Posts: 178member
    [quote]Originally posted by philbot:

    <strong>the answer is...


    but the question is "what is 6 x 9?"
  • Reply 38 of 43
    [quote]Originally posted by philbot:

    <strong><a href="http://www.panasonic.com/consumer_electronics/dvd_recorder/dvd_burner.asp"; target="_blank">Link to Superdrive replacement?</a>

    Could a new Superdrive be imminent?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    IF it is it would point to later shipping machines. From the press release:

    [quote] The Panasonic brand DVDBurner II drives will begin shipping in October 2002 and, like the continuing DVD-RAM/R DVDBurner, will be available for resale at retail or OEM applications. The Panasonic brand DVD Burner II drive for retail sale will be priced at less than $500*. <hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 39 of 43
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    "Well, since we don't know what will become standard, we'll just do them all. New Superdrive II: DVD-ROM/-R/-RAM/-RW/+R/+RW, CD-ROM/R/RW, and the mystery format (crowd oohs and aaaws). We'll tell you what that is next year "

    Edit: Oops! Forgot to vote :o . I go for 3 sans the 4MB L3 cache. Make it 2MB and it's a reasonable prediction.

    [ 06-29-2002: Message edited by: bauman ]</p>
  • Reply 40 of 43
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