This is REAL treason Ann Coulter: Someone is going to Jail or worse!



  • Reply 101 of 494
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Chase that tail boy, chase it....

    Just keep lying then. As I've said before, if we're going to use it I want it used equitably. If Rove did this, I support him getting the chair for it. If some politician wants to abolish the death penalty, I'm doubly for that.

    You call me dense, but you can't understand what I just wrote.
  • Reply 102 of 494
    I say we send Karl as an enemy combatant to Gitmo sans lawyers before trying and executing him via a no-appeals military tribunal.

  • Reply 103 of 494
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Yes, Shawn except for you forget an important point. I don't call you out into discussions. I don't post and say "Hey Shawn take a shot at this and here's what you are if you don't or haven't."

    Or perhaps you have forgotten this little post...

    Shawn, are you playing with those dolls again? Have you been taking the Mr. Trumptman doll and making him argue with you when all the children won't play with you again?

    Cornered... last time I argued with nothing on my side. I would love to see that one.

    I didn't try to spin this. There hasn't been anything "contributed" by anyone to argue/spin. All we have is an inquiry for information that could lead to a possible investigation by the Department of Justice.

    Does that mean Bush, Rove or anyone else is innocent? I would assume so until proven otherwise but heck they could be guilty. Nothing is impossible(though improbable) and at this point we pretty much know nothing. It is all conspiracy theories.

    So why argue conspiracy theories with folks who clearly want Bush gone no matter what the cost? I mean there are folks here basically asking whether we should put his head on a wooden stick or on the wrought iron gates of the White House. Let them have their fun. Why should I spoil it?

    Let's give Shawn some homework. As a lawyer he should always be able to argue both sides of a case. What fine legal reasoning would you deploy against these fine arguments?

    Or perhaps this...

    How about this deductive piece..

    Wow deep...



    Yes I haven't argued, but rather have sat back and enjoyed the rabid replies to the initial post. That and the "exclusives" coming from a writers blog page which are "factual evidence" of wrong doing.

    Deep belly laughs... keep'em coming.


    My that was hollow.
  • Reply 104 of 494
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    You are amazing in your denseness. You said to criticize my quote of you. I said I couldn't because it wasn't a true characterization of what you believe, even though it was typed by you. I said you don't support the death penalty.

    You then say, "you lie" and that you don't support the death penalty.

    How is it a lie to say you wouldn't really support the death penalty for Rove for leaking information about an unharmed CIA agent, (not even rape, murder or something else of that nature) when you say yourself that you don't support the death penalty.

    Nevermind, as I mentioned, dog's chasing their tails. I should have known better.....Now I'm a LIAR for saying you don't support the death penalty when you admit you don't support it... classic....

    Likewise you say that it is applied unevenly. I even said how could you trust the government to make a case strong enough to convict Rove when as you claim yourself, they can only seem to convict poor black folks. You claim it is a lie of omission because you would endorse two wrongs in an attempt to make a right. If anything I truthfully presented your position because you DON'T support the death penalty. If I were going to lie about you, I would distort the two wrongs position into an attempt to portray you as a death penalty supporter of which you are not.

    As for the links, you can do the search yourself. User name, bunge, keywords death penalty. You and Shawn should both get off your "guilt by omission" kick. Everyone here has access to the search function, knows your handle, and can type the words death penalty. Nothing is being kept from anyone. If you want me to link to you while using you to refute you, that is your problem and you can link to yourself if you want.(say that three times fast)

    Chase that tail boy, chase it....


    This one also. Keep blanks in your gun do ya?
  • Reply 105 of 494
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    I just wanted to say I would engage Trumpetman in a discussion but in the past that has proven pointless as he is only slightly better at dancing with words than SDW. So I figure a comment would suffice and be a better use of energy and time.
  • Reply 106 of 494
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Moving on:

    Rove needs to disappear. I wonder if there has ever been a person in american politics that has undermined american democracy to the degree he has. Maybe someone needs to tell him that he's not in college anymore.
  • Reply 107 of 494
    Why do you think I'm not responding? I used to find him annoying. Now i just find him to be sad...

    I mean think about it in the abstract. There is a grown man sitting at a computer typing post after post after lengthy post of nothingness. How many posts does he have? All of similar quality. Its really sad...

    Just add him to your "ignore list" in the AI user control panel. It makes life just that much better...
  • Reply 108 of 494

    Originally posted by bunge

    Just keep lying then. As I've said before, if we're going to use it I want it used equitably. If Rove did this, I support him getting the chair for it. If some politician wants to abolish the death penalty, I'm doubly for that.

    You call me dense, but you can't understand what I just wrote.

    I fully understand it. So tell my bunge, what do you think is the probability of getting not only a conviction of Rove, but a stronge enough conviction that Rove would be sentenced to death.

    It's easy to claim support for the impossible.

    You don't believe it possible to apply the death penalty equitably. You don't believe it would be given to Rove. So you can claim support for something that will never happen so that support will never be tested.

    Hey I support Bill running for a third term. I mean sure it would require a Constitutional amendment that I don't support, but hey, if he got it passed I would vote him.

    You are a funny, funny man... really....

  • Reply 109 of 494

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Well I guess Josh Marshall's theory that it's Tenet makes the most sense... the administration hasn't treated him very well in the past.

    I'm still surprised that Tenet wasn't transferred to CIA/McMurdo Icebase after September 11, 2001.

    Y'all Lib'rals might, might want ta look at this here link from the Theistic Crowd over t' WorldNetDaily:

    The choicest morsals:

    What did appear relevant could easily be found in what the CIA would call "open sources." For example, Mr. Wilson had long been a bitter critic of the current administration, writing in such left-wing publications as The Nation that under President Bush, "America has entered one of it periods of historical madness" and had "imperial ambitions."

    What's more, he was affiliated with the pro-Saudi Middle East Institute and he had recently been the keynote speaker for the Education for Peace in Iraq Center, a far-left group that opposed not only the U.S. military intervention in Iraq but also the sanctions and the no-fly zones that protected Iraqi Kurds and Shias from being slaughtered by Saddam.

    Mr. Wilson is now saying (on C-SPAN this morning, for example) that he opposed military action in Iraq because he didn't believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and he foresaw the possibility of a difficult occupation. In fact, prior to the U.S. invasion, Mr. Wilson told ABC's Dave Marash that if American troops were sent into Iraq, Saddam might "use a biological weapon in a battle that we might have. For example, if we're taking Baghdad or we're trying to take, in ground-to-ground, hand-to-hand combat."

    Equally, important and also overlooked: Mr. Wilson had no apparent background or skill as an investigator. As Mr. Wilson himself acknowledged, his so-called investigation was nothing more than "eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people" at the U.S. embassy in Niger. Based on those conversations, he concluded that "it was highly doubtful that any [sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq] had ever taken place."

    ""...eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people" at the U.S. embassy in Niger." What intrigue! What a tiger! What a Field Agent! Now that's the stuff of James Bond!

    Run away! Agent Wilson is in town!

    "My name? Wilson. Joseph Wilson the fourth."

    "Martini? Perish the thought! Tea, please; sweet mint tea.

    Oh, Washington's going to be ablaze over this one! War of 1812 all over again! Keep yelling that President Bush is a traitor, fellows! The American People will just love you for that!


    Aries 1B

    (Funny how this dust up is treason, yet when Saint Jack Anderson published the name of an American Intelligence Asset in the Soviet Union (which resulted in the asset's death by torture), the Democrats were, by and large, outrage-less).
  • Reply 110 of 494

    Rove needs to disappear. I wonder if there has ever been a person in american politics that has undermined american democracy to the degree he has. Maybe someone needs to tell him that he's not in college anymore.

    If tenent leaked it, then i bet he held back a few juicy goodies for a counter punch. If some of those goodies involve clear and obvious risks to national security then we are looking at scandal that even republicans are going to distance themselves from...
  • Reply 111 of 494
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by giant

    Moving on:

    Rove needs to disappear. I wonder if there has ever been a person in american politics that has undermined american democracy to the degree he has. Maybe someone needs to tell him that he's not in college anymore.

    Hanna and McKinley around this time last century.
  • Reply 112 of 494

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    Why do you think I'm not responding? I used to find him annoying. Now i just find him to be sad...

    I mean think about it in the abstract. There is a grown man sitting at a computer typing post after post after lengthy post of nothingness. How many posts does he have? All of similar quality. Its really sad...

    Just add him to your "ignore list" in the AI user control panel. It makes life just that much better...

    Yes it is terrible to be accused of typing the same thing over and over...


    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    keyboardf12, I agree this is a really horrible thing that Bush and the gang should be punished for, but you you calm down a little bit? Of the eight posts (now nine counting this one) in this topic, six are by you.

  • Reply 113 of 494
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Aries 1B

    ""...eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people" at the U.S. embassy in Niger."

    What are you? 10?

    Please, do yourself a favor and actually know what you are talking about before you post.
  • Reply 114 of 494

    You're kidding us right?
  • Reply 115 of 494
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I fully understand it. So tell my bunge, what do you think is the probability of getting not only a conviction of Rove, but a stronge enough conviction that Rove would be sentenced to death.

    It's easy to claim support for the impossible.

    You don't believe it possible to apply the death penalty equitably. You don't believe it would be given to Rove. So you can claim support for something that will never happen so that support will never be tested.

    Hey I support Bill running for a third term. I mean sure it would require a Constitutional amendment that I don't support, but hey, if he got it passed I would vote him.

    You are a funny, funny man... really....


    Oh my god distraction tactic # 1,529!
  • Reply 116 of 494
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    LOL@giant that describes some people's drivel so accurately. I should've used it on another thread to quote womenbeater's non sensical mega posts. Static makes more sense than them.

    Back on topic, this could have serious implications for the administration if there's an investigation and the source does prove to be K. Rove(or have his blessing). If the press stay at it, then maybe we'll get to the bottom of this and find out if it merits firings or prosecutions.I seriously doubt it's going to go anywhere.

    I tuned in to Crossfire today just to watch Novak squirm and try to weasel himself out of this one. How can this person have any credibility at all if now the "operative" in his article is "just" an "analyst"? Or after it comes out that he has lent himself to do other's dirty work in the past?

    I liked the Democratic Representative who had enough class to even try to help his Republican colleague pull his foot out of his mouth before he ended in total ridicule.
  • Reply 117 of 494

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Oh my god distraction tactic # 1,529!

    Oh my god, dimissive one line comment # 3,454

  • Reply 118 of 494

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    LOL@giant that describes some people's drivel so accurately. I should've used it on another thread to quote womenbeater's non sensical mega posts. Static makes more sense than them.

    Back on topic, this could have serious implications for the administration. I tuned in to Crossfire today just to watch Novak squirm and try to weasel himself out of this one. How can this person have any credibility at all if now the "operative" in his article is "just" an "analyst"? Or after it comes out that he has lent himself to do other's dirty work in the past?

    I liked the Democratic Representative who had enough class to even try to help his Republican colleague pull his foot out of his mouth before he ended in total ridicule.

    Yes of course the man that reported the name should never be trusted to say where it came from. That would never fit with your agenda. CNN hired him too so obviously they are part of the grand Bush/Rove scheme.

    Serious implications... and because Gilsh said so too... so amazing...

    I like how you try to label me with a wife around a womanbeater. I suppose it is because you have had to declare your left hand your lover. I mean in that sense I suppose you are a "beater" as well, you just misunderstand how the word is applied. Self love = beat your meat, but wife love doesn't = beat your wife. Hope that is clear for you now.

  • Reply 119 of 494
  • Reply 120 of 494
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Oh my god, dimissive one line comment # 3,454


    Dismiss when it's valid to dismiss. What can I say?
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