The Democrats are really starting to tick me off.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm forcing myself to listen to the garbage coming out of the DNC Fall Meeting that's currently on C-SPAN.

The Democrats are blaming Bush over and over and over again for the economic downturn, jobs being lost in America, and an unjustified war in Iraq simply because of no visible proof of WMDs.

WAKE UP FOLKS! 9/11 happened!

This is a different world we live in, and the Democrats wouldn't have been able to do any better if Gore were in the White House. Face it, the economy was starting its downturn right when Bush took the White House, and 9/11 was the gigantic straw that broke the camel's back.

But I'm NOT blaming Clinton for all this. The President has only a very minor part in the shape of the economy and the health of the country.

Read that sentence again.

I'm just sick of hearing the left-wing banter trying to convince all of us that Democrats are God's gift to America and Republicans are the devil incarnate. Both parties make mistakes, and both parties have VERY good ideas of how to lead this country.

p.s. I'm really not trying to troll here. I just have a hard time believing that there are people in the U.S. that truly think that Bush is responsible for everything that's wrong here. Wake up!

Discuss. 8)


  • Reply 1 of 31
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    sure, but the folks saying Bush is to blame for everything bad now are just offsetting the similar idiots who said Clinton is to balme for everything when he was in office.

    that's just politics in our country, at least for now. maybe some day people will wise up, but i doubt it.
  • Reply 2 of 31
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    p.s. I'm really not trying to troll here. Wake up!

    Wake up people! 9/11 happened! We were totally justified taking out Saudi Arabia...umm..err...I mean Iraq. Wait. The hijakers were Saudi? The ring leader was Osama? Oh, screw it. Sadam's a bastard so let's take him out instead. Yeah! Oh, wait...North Korea's got an evil dictator with mass graves in his back yard does Syria...Iran...

    I'm confused. The mastermind was who again? The hijackers were what nationality again?

    Sorry for the confusion. My wife got laid off last week and we still haven't received a check from the federal government for that fantastic tax cut. Maybe it got lost in the mail.
  • Reply 3 of 31
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    sure, but the folks saying Bush is to blame for everything bad now are just offsetting the similar idiots who said Clinton is to balme for everything when he was in office.

    that's just politics in our country, at least for now. maybe some day people will wise up, but i doubt it.

    If it can be of some help, it's the same in France and i think in most democraties.

    The little difference is that people tend to blame the prime minister in France who is the chief of the governement. The president tends to protect himself that way. When something turns wrong : it's the fault of his prime minister. He fired him and put an another at his place ...

    I prefer the US system, who is less hypocrytical.
  • Reply 4 of 31
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Yes, 9/11 did happen, it was a tragedy. Now I hear that Gore wouldn't have done anything differently than Bush, and that the country might even be worse off without President Bush.

    But the fact is that Gore *would* have done things differently. I believe that Gore would not have ordered our troops to Iraq. That alone, makes a huge difference. Our soldiers are over in Iraq, fighting and dying in a war that has *nothing* to do with 9/11, but has been firmly tied to the war on terrorism by the Bush Administration. That's what people are upset about.

    Then you have the scandals surrounding the war. The lack of weapons of mass destruction was the first (although we now see this 'report' which says that they might have had the capability to start a weapons program at some point). Revealing the name of an undercover CIA operative who now has 3 decades of cover and informants blown just to get back at her husband who contradicted the report that there was a nuclear program in Niger was the second. Add in the fact that the Bush administration did not remove the line in the State of the Union (which was trying to make the case for the war in Iraq) about nuclear materials coming from Niger, even after they were told that the intelligence reports were false.

    You also can't forget all the contracts that friends of the Bush Adminstration are getting to rebuild Iraq. Why bid for contracts when you can have Cheney's friends at Halliburton do the job?

    Speaking of 9/11, how many Billions of dollars did the Bush Administration promise the city of New York after the terrorist attacks? Now guess how much of that promised money has gone to NYC? Oops, sorry. Had to divert that money to Iraq, you're on your own.

    The other thing Gore would have done differently? There would have been no tax cut. Republicans will claim that the economy would be in even worse shape, but you wouldn't have the *record deficit*. Don't forget that the Bush Administration has managed to increase the size of the federal government in the last 2.5 years than the Clinton Administration did in the 8 years they held the White House.

    The war in Iraq is costing the United States over $1 Billion per week, and that amount is rising. Soldiers aren't getting their hazard pay, tours of duty have already been expanded once (and they are about to expand them again), and our troops are living in terrible conditions, a place where there is no 'front', they are facing a major lack of local support, and the majority of people in Iraq feel less safe now than they did when Saddam Hussein was in power (although many are optomistic that the country should be better off in another 5 years or so).

    Then you have Afghanistan, where President Karzai says he needs $15 to $20 Billion in support for his country over the next 5 years, or the country will fall 'back into the hands of the terrorists'. Afghanistan is the front line for the war on terror, not Iraq, yet the Bush Administration didn't include aid for Afghanistan in the 2003 budget until the Senate wanted to know why it wasn't there.

    It also would be hard to claim that Gore would have done significantly worse on the foreign relations front than Bush has done. Maybe if we insult the UN a few more times, they'll come help us out.

    Yes, 9/11 happened, but it's the Bush Administration that seems to have forgotten it all so soon. They completely ignored the 2nd anniversary of the tragedy, they took the US from a position where the world would have done anything to help us out to a position where most people in the world hate the US (or at least the leadership), and they still haven't supported NYC which was so devastated by the attacks (and really has not recovered).

    This administration had it's chance and it has failed us miserably, and there is no sign of a turnaround. We spend billions of dollars each week trying to rebuild other countries when more Americans are out of work for the first time since Bush 41's recession.

    There's hardly any bright points to the Bush administration, almost no reason to re-elect him, so is it really any wonder that the Democrats are *FINALLY* going after him? It's been long overdue, in my opinion. If they had only done this before the elections last year.
  • Reply 5 of 31
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Fran, that was an excellent post. You clearly summarized the disappointment Americans are now feeling about the president and his cronies. With so much mismanagement going on with the current administration I find it very interesting that others would take great exception with our disappointment and anger. As though it is somehow unjustified.

    Many on these boards like to characterize our position as "frothing at the mouth." In the face of an honest political scandal involving the white house, some around here have characterized our concern as "it's more fun to watch all of you salivate, rant, and scream for blood." Well, they should know, they perfected the politics of personal destruction.

    After a decade of poking their index fingers into people's chest proclaiming themselves the "restorers of honesty and integrity" I find it interesting how much they don't like having that index finger pointed in their own chests. The shoe doesn't fit so well on the other foot, does it? Of course, my valid points will easily be dismissed by those on the right as "revenge for Clinton" or "Bush bashing". I don't really care how they dismiss me. When you set yourself up that high, you can't be surprised how hard the ground is when you fall.

    Do I somewhat revel in the recent follies of Bennet, Limbaugh, Schwarzenegger, Novak and Wilsongate. You betcha! However, I also watch in complete bewilderment as Bush, with a straight face, says the Kay report actually supports the war in Iraq. I am further astonished that the great Bush tax cut will create all these great new jobs when my wife gets notice that she's effectively out of work come November 1st, just before the holidays. And I still haven't received that tax-cut check in the mail. I'm starting to think it's not coming.

    Sean Hannity barks loudly and clearly via his radio and TV show that liberals like myself should be "ashamed" and "embarrassed" for taking the positions I do. Yet, O'Reilly will tell you that ANY liberal voice on radio or TV is destructive and dangerous. Really?

    Edit: Typo.
  • Reply 6 of 31
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    If you're going to blame a president for the current situation the proper name would be "Clinton Recession".

    In the end though the economy is too complex to blame/credit any one person.
  • Reply 7 of 31
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Yes, IMO too, the economy, at least in the short-term, is not influenced by the president much if at all.

    However, as Fran says, the fiscal situation is strongly influenced by the government. We have an entirely Republican-controlled government right now, and we've had some of the largest spending increases and now the largest deficits. That does negatively impact the economy.
  • Reply 8 of 31
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by Scott

    If you're going to blame a president for the current situation the proper name would be "Clinton Recession".

    In the end though the economy is too complex to blame/credit any one person.

    Fran and I put forth thoughtful, mutli-layered arguments about the positions of the left, without flaming, and this is all you have to say? You decide to blame Clinton for our current economy (even though he's been out of office for THREE YEARS) and then go on to say the president actually can't be blamed. What? You would equally bristle if I made a stupid blanket statement like "Bush's Deficit".

    Folks, this is exactly the type of meaningless right wing rhetoric that gets spewed from Limbaugh's and Hannity's microphones on a daily basis. And then that type of ignorant marketing gets repeated on boards like these. It is void of ideas, thoughts or meaning. It only attacks. Yet, don't you dare attack the president on...well, pretty much anything. He's a Republican. He can do no wrong.

    Like his father before, out in four.
  • Reply 9 of 31
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Fran and I put forth thoughtful, mutli-layered arguments about the positions of the left, without flaming, and this is all you have to say? You decide to blame Clinton for our current economy (even though he's been out of office for THREE YEARS) and then go on to say the president actually can't be blamed. What? You would equally bristle if I made a stupid blanket statement like "Bush's Deficit".

    Folks, this is exactly the type of meaningless right wing rhetoric that gets spewed from Limbaugh's and Hannity's microphones on a daily basis. And then that type of ignorant marketing gets repeated on boards like these. It is void of ideas, thoughts or meaning. It only attacks. Yet, don't you dare attack the president on...well, pretty much anything. He's a Republican. He can do no wrong.

    Like his father before, out in four.

    Can you read?

    If you're going ...
  • Reply 10 of 31
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    You would equally bristle if I made a stupid blanket statement like "Bush's Deficit".

    Why would that be a stupid blanket statement? It is Bush's policies that have put us where we are. Most of the analyses I've seen suggest that we probably would not be in deficit right now, and certainly would not have these massive projected deficits, if it weren't for the tax cuts and increased spending that Bush has proposed and passed.
  • Reply 11 of 31
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Bush.... Clinton.... blah blah blah

    I wonder how nice it would be to have the omnipotent powers these two apparently possess?
  • Reply 12 of 31
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Hey! this is a DEMOCRACY... get over it.

    This is the MOST political White House in recent history... of course any backlash is going to hit them that much harder... they've effed up big time... and the Democrats are making sure everyone knows about it. That's their job.
  • Reply 13 of 31
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    Hey! this is a DEMOCRACY... get over it.

    This is the MOST political White House in recent history... of course any backlash is going to hit them that much harder... they've effed up big time... and the Democrats are making sure everyone knows about it. That's their job.

    That exactly tells what politics is all about today.

    It's not about trying to fix things that are broken, it's about letting someone break them then pointing the finger at them. Both sides are equally guilty.
  • Reply 14 of 31
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    Huh? After 2-Years of the Bush administration almost getting everything it's wanted?

    Someone in the Bush administration broke the law in order to exact political revenge. OF COURSE the democrats should scream bloody murder... anyone that shows dissent is called unpatriotic and aiding the enemy... the free ride is over.
  • Reply 15 of 31
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    the free ride is over.


  • Reply 16 of 31
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    I am not happy with one single presidential candidate. I voted for Bush the first time around but I will not vote for him in the next election. I may not vote for anyone. I can not vote for those who propose raising taxes on the "rich". Democrats love to divide Americans into groups against each other. They play the race card, the wealth card, and every other card they can find. I am a conservative who supported what we saw in the 1994 congress. Clinton himself borrowed much of his policy from the 1994 freshmen republican congress "Contract With America". Clinton on the one hand would demonize the policy within the contract with america while in practice he would advance much of the policy. Welfare reform, balanced budgets, and other issues were achieved. I actually thought President Clinton was a good president minus his personal flaws. President Clinton was known for leading based on what the polls said. For this he was attacked by many conservatives as having no core beliefs. I think he was brilliant however for doing such a job of listening to the public. Now reverse that concept of listening to the public and you have President Bush. President Bush is far too off and out of balance in this regard. Bush does not make a true and honest effort to listen to the opinions of "ANYONE" and this is bothersome to me to the degree I will not vote for him in the future. Sure some would argue that leadership is needed over popular opinion at times but I think what Bush is doing (in Iraq for example) is to advance his political and corporate "friends" interests more so and instead of so much advancing the interests of the American people. In the process Bush is getting the American people to pay in terms of young lives and $$$. Bush when he ran for President put on this image that he believed in being humble and not nation build etc. In practice Bush has failed with that notion. Bush is very unilateral and arrogant. Not the image he tried to cast of himself during the first election. I do not think 9/11 is an excuse for Bush to go through with this transformation in style. As a fiscal conservative I am let down by the spending in Washington. As a social liberal I believe Bush is not helping the view of America from others in the world with his style of arrogance.

    Sitting out the next election,

  • Reply 17 of 31
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    But it's ok to cut taxes for the rich?

    The Democrats are purposing to suspend the tax cuts given to the rich... some see it as a raise... some see it a different way.
  • Reply 18 of 31
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Roughly $30 Billion for 9/11. Our economy has had almost a Trillion dollar turnaround. That's thirty times the cost of 9/11.
  • Reply 19 of 31
    etharethar Posts: 111member
    I'm sure you're all aware that the post-Clinton economic decline would have happened regardless of the next man to be placed into office. The economy simply could not have maintained that kind of insane growth any longer. It's always been an oscillating pattern...the steeper the climb, the harder the fall.

    Now, I'm not about to try to let Bush off the hook for any of that. He certainly could have done a lot better to help us out at home. But this downturn was matter what.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by ethar

    Now, I'm not about to try to let Bush off the hook for any of that. He certainly could have done a lot better to help us out at home. But this downturn was matter what.

    I'm sure a correction was in the future no matter what, but a one Trillion dollar correction? I don't think that's reasonable.
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