Drudge: SCHWARZENEGGER WINS BIG (10:02 p.m.)



  • Reply 61 of 143
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot

    Take a look at the businesses he owns/operates ... the guy seems to know quite a bit about running a business, how is running a state any different ?

    No. Arnold is a savy investor. He's not a business man. He may own several restaurants and land holdings, but he DOES NOT conduct the day-to-day activities of these businesses. Investor savvy does not translate to effectively running the 5th largest economy in the world.
  • Reply 62 of 143
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    Do you actually think that people have 'their hearts filled with joy' because the Terminator . . . the 'Barbarian' was voted to the position of the most serious responsibility in their state?

    I agree with you pfflam. I think people are going to wake up in the morning and say "what have we done?"

    I think it's funny that so many people complain about politicians not turning them on - as if people are just passive sheep who politicians need to excite rather than the other way around - but then when those typical non-voters do get turned on, we end up with the cast from "Predator" as our governors.

    It's not even his political views - I think many neo-liberal-type Democrats would support many of his views, maybe even more than many Republicans and conservatives. It's just the fact that he's, well Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's a cartoon character. He's a celebrity. The lowest forms of life on the planet.

  • Reply 63 of 143

    Originally posted by Northgate

    These allegations are NOT new. Not by a long shot. ALL of these allegations were revealed over a year ago in a Premiere Magazine expose detailing Arnold's "loose spirit."

    HELLO... read my post which you quoted in its entirety. I SAID that. I even pointed out that the Los Angeles Times contacted the author of the Premiere article to get the ball rolling again.

    You also conveniently ignored everything else I said, simply because you have an axe to grind with right-wing radio. That's fine if you do, but that has NOTHING to do with the content of what I posted... and is an extremely weak position in light of the number of angry Democrats over the timing and nature of the Los Angeles Times stories.

    You know what? You really need to improve your reading comprehension, because it makes you look ignorant when you attempt to "reveal" what has already been stated by the person you quoted.

  • Reply 64 of 143
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by Gandalf the Semi-Coherent

    HELLO... read my post which you quoted in its entirety. I SAID that. I even pointed out that the Los Angeles Times contacted the author of the Premiere article to get the ball rolling again.

    You also conveniently ignored everything else I said, simply because you have an axe to grind with right-wing radio. That's fine if you do, but that has NOTHING to do with the content of what I posted... and is an extremely weak position in light of the number of angry Democrats over the timing and nature of the Los Angeles Times stories.

    You know what? You really need to improve your reading comprehension, because it makes you look ignorant when you attempt to "reveal" what has already been stated by the person you quoted.


    Hey, I didn't attack you personally or try to insult you in any way, shape or form. if you have an argument, then state it. But, don't make this personal!
  • Reply 65 of 143
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    "Iraq's top gym changed its name Wednesday to "The Arnold Classic" to honor former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger's win in the California governor's race.

    Before anything he is a champion. He is above anything," Mehdi told Reuters at his gym, where the country's top weightlifters and other athletes have long trained.

    "He was a champion in sport. He was a star of the movies. So it is no surprise that he is a champion politician. I am renaming my gym 'The Arnold Classic' from today," Mehdi said. "We need a strongman, a leader like him, in our country at this moment."

    Fine, send the bodybuilder/no-talent actor to Iraq.

    My only comment/opinion...carry on...
  • Reply 66 of 143
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i think my dismay at this election is that i feel, right or wrong, that many voted for arnold simply because they thought that it'd be cool to have arnie as governor. i am not one of these people who says everyone should vote if they can't make even a semi-informed vote.

    that is NOT to say that many voters who were informed did or did not vote for him. but i think he got a lot of "hehe... the governator. that's cool... hehe" vote, which turns my stomach. maybe i am not giving enough credit to californians, though...

    also, our parents (and even we, to a certain extent) were brought up with the idealistic belief that anyone can become president (or governor, or whatever), but this election just seems to reaffirm that massive media coverage, a likeable personality and loads of money is what really puts you in office. heck, schwarzeneggar is almost a household name... who has money to counter that kind of name recognition on a balllot of 135 people (by the way, the state of california actually did a stupid thing design-wise by mixing up the alphabetical order of the names... it actually visually increases the longer and shorter names in the ballot for scanning purposes, which is what most people do if they are undecided and scan a list... if they were in alphabetical order, and you knew you wanted to vote for mcclintock or bustamante, you knoew where to go within a few pages... unless you studied the alphabet reordering before you got in there, you had to go through, what, 10-15 pages? people will usually go for the first recognizable name they notice, which as arnie points out, would likely be his since it "is the longest one on the ballot.").

    in the end, i think his heart is in the right place. for all the hoopla and broken english, he is right in that he is a candidate who cannot be bought off or intimidated. pity it takes a high-grossing, well-recognized action star to achieve that. it also sounds as though he will surround himself with the right staff to get things accomplished.

    i just think the prize he "won" won't look so good to him and his cabinet in a couple of months. reminiscent of robert redford's 70's movie "the candidate, where once he has won the election, silently asks his campaign manager during the celebration "what now?"
  • Reply 67 of 143

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Dems should be happy for Arnold. It's very unlikely he'll be able to turn California around by 2004, and he'll of course be branded a failure. California will stay Democrat for sure and Bush will be gone.

    With Davis in office through 2004, California could swing Republican and >50 electoral votes would go to Dubya.

    i heard Davis will be out by Thanksgiving
  • Reply 68 of 143
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    i heard Davis will be out by Thanksgiving

    Just saying that had Davis not been recalled, the possibility of California voting Republican in 2004 would have been much greater. With Arnold in Sacto, the status quo will be maintained unless he really turns things around. Either way, it's win/win for Democrats come 2004.
  • Reply 69 of 143
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Hey you and Tonton can claim you aren't "partisan" but the point is that recalling the recall would be a stupid move. I said I hope they do it because I would vote no against it and waste their time and money. I didn't say I hoped they would do it because it would damage a candidate or even damage the party itself.

    Art Torres said it very strongly: no Recall to the Recall. It' the worst thing they could do right now.


    I posted a thread earlier about the recall actually representing a truer form of Democracy which both you and Tonton, spoke against. We have had millions of additional voter registrations, lots of them independent. We were treated to a debate that didn't just include two candidates from two parties, but included an independent candidate and the green party candidate.

    truer form of democracy? how could starting a Recall movement weeks after the republicans lost an election be a "truer" form of democracy? would you think the same way if Davis was a Republican and had been recalled in exactly the same way by Democrats?? I SERIOUSLY doubt it.


    It was claimed by others that this recall was a Republican ploy. Well if it was then their "ploy" gave the Green Party exposure, registered millions of independents and still achieved a result that tons of moderates are very happy with.

    Uhh, it was a Republican "ploy". Isn't the father of the Recall, Issa, a Republican?

    Those "millions" of new independents like you said....who do you think they voted for? I doubt it's millions but I'm sure the majority of votes went Republican judging by the result.

    I think it's great that others got a little bit of exposure, but I doubt the Reps are worried about the Green party... if anything that will be less votes for the Dems come Election 04. A pro for the Rep party obviously.


    Take a look at the businesses he owns/operates ... the guy seems to know quite a bit about running a business, how is running a state any different ?

    I'm sure the guy has experience running his businesses, but they don't even remotely compare to running the 5th largest economy in the world. Not even close.
  • Reply 70 of 143
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    My only comment/opinion...carry on...

    Oh come on, he's an Oscar caliber actor and you know it. Yeah, send him over to Iraq...let's see how tough he really is
  • Reply 71 of 143
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member


    I think it's funny that so many people complain about politicians not turning them on - as if people are just passive sheep who politicians need to excite rather than the other way around - but then when those typical non-voters do get turned on, we end up with the cast from "Predator" as our governors.

    What stunning qualifications do the rest of them offer? Especially taking into account the glad-handing guys like Davis have done to stay in office?

    Your attitude is one I find to be extremely disturbing, because it assumes that only a certain class of people should be leading. Very very disturbing.

    I cannot believe people are pissed off that a recall vote happened.

    "Democratic systems? What bullshit!"
  • Reply 72 of 143
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Just saying that had Davis not been recalled, the possibility of California voting Republican in 2004 would have been much greater. With Arnold in Sacto, the status quo will be maintained unless he really turns things around. Either way, it's win/win for Democrats come 2004.

    Yea. Having your top man in the state tossed out is "win/win".
  • Reply 73 of 143
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by groverat


    Please don't confuse me with BR.


    What stunning qualifications do the rest of them offer?

    Let's just have as one itty bitty qualification, oh, for example STATING THEIR POSITIONS ON POLITICAL ISSUES. An exit poll showed that 64% of the voters thought that Mr. Kaleeforneeah never stated his positions on the issues, and yet they voted for him anyway. "I've seen him on the TeeVee box!" There were how many choices with varying political views? But people picked the guy they had seen in movies. Wonderful. It's our celebrity culture, the same one that puts Princess Di on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century.

    Let's just compare him to his closest counterpart Republican, McClintock. There's a guy who actually had articulated a set of positions that people could evaluate. Oh, but he was never on the USA network.


    Your attitude is one I find to be extremely disturbing, because it assumes that only a certain class of people should be leading. Very very disturbing.

    I find it disturbing that people vote for someone simply because they've seen him in the movies. Very very disturbing.

    I cannot believe people are pissed off that a recall vote happened.

    "Democratic systems? What bullshit!"

    I assume you're not referring to me, because I've never stated that. I don't have a problem with recalls. I'd like to see the process of choosing the replacement tightened up, but I have no problem with the concept of recall.
  • Reply 74 of 143
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Yea. Having your top man in the state tossed out is "win/win".

    In a sense it really is. Davis was not the model democrat...the other governors and representatives around the country are probably not that sad he's gone...
  • Reply 75 of 143
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member


    Please don't confuse me with BR.

    One million apologies. I did not mean to deliver such a grave insult.


    Let's just have as one itty bitty qualification, oh, for example STATING THEIR POSITIONS ON POLITICAL ISSUES. An exit poll showed that 64% of the voters thought that Mr. Kaleeforneeah never stated his positions on the issues, and yet they voted for him anyway.

    An unclear stance on issues seems like standard operating procedure for most candidates, especially new ones.

    Kind of like the push to get Wesley Clark to run.


    It's our celebrity culture, the same one that puts Princess Di on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century.

    I would certainly agree that we have an unfortunately celebrity culture, but there isn't much evidence that this kind of election brings bad things. Minnesota didn't collapse and die. Schwarzy will form some positions and people seemed to have faith he's a reasonable man, and I don't see anything wrong with that, really.

    I don't know what your stance on drowning ugly people for Eugenics is, but I'm sure it's reasonable.


    Let's just compare him to his closest counterpart Republican, McClintock. There's a guy who actually had articulated a set of positions that people could evaluate. Oh, but he was never on the USA network.

    Nor did he seem to have influence and charisma, which are not trivial qualities. LBJ was a redneck who had to watch his words lest "nigra" slip out, but he got things done.

    I'm sure Ahnuld will be able to lay out his ideas once his advisors tell him what they are.


    I find it disturbing that people vote for someone simply because they've seen him in the movies. Very very disturbing.

    I don't think that's the only reason, I thin you're oversimplyfing.


    I assume you're not referring to me, because I've never stated that.

    You assume right!
  • Reply 76 of 143
    zouniczounic Posts: 53member
    Since Arnie (a person that doesn't has a single experience of politics ? or the simple fact of driving a company) could one day become President of the US (I supose his goal is 'Power' -> he's already rich), witch 'Evil' (or not) country do you think he'll invade to be re-elected (because you'll have to admit that it became an habit since the end of the 'cold war' to declare Wars and that it's an electoral argument if it happens in the good timeframe) ?

    (A) - Easy: Irak (already done) : Iran : Lebanon : (The whole Middel East actually...) : Cuba

    (B) - Harder : North Korea : France-Germany-Belgium

    (C) - Impossible : China : Russia

    (D) - Not in his Interests : Saudi Arabia : South America

    Who ???
  • Reply 77 of 143
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by zounic

    Since Arnie (a person that doesn't has a single experience of politics ? or the simple fact of driving a company) could one day become President of the US (I supose his goal is 'Power' ->...

    Pure ignorance. "Arnie" does have experience in politics, has experience in business with a company he was part owner in and he cannot become president.
  • Reply 78 of 143
    zouniczounic Posts: 53member
    Witch 'company' ? His own personal business defending his own private interests ? (This is 15 people at max...)

    Why can't he become president...? Reagan did it...
  • Reply 79 of 143
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by zounic

    Since Arnie (a person that doesn't has a single experience of politics ? or the simple fact of driving a company) could one day become President of the US (I supose his goal is 'Power' -> he's already rich), witch 'Evil' (or not) country do you think he'll invade to be re-elected (because you'll have to admit that it became an habit since the end of the 'cold war' to declare Wars and that it's an electoral argument if it happens in the good timeframe) ?

    (A) - Easy: Irak (already done) : Iran : Lebanon : (The whole Middel East actually...) : Cuba

    (B) - Harder : North Korea : France-Germany-Belgium

    (C) - Impossible : China : Russia

    (D) - Not in his Interests : Saudi Arabia : South America

    Who ???

    Here is a thought..... What if Arnie is the Anti-Christ???

    Think about it.... Nutty Christians talk about an evil rise to power out of nowhere something about the revived roman empire. Arnie is from Austria hmmmmm What if he starts in America and then causes the "End of the World" hence the name "TERMINATOR" hmmmmmm sort of makes you think.

    LOL!!!!!!!!! had to share....

  • Reply 80 of 143
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by zounic

    Witch 'company' ? His own personal business defending his own private interests ? (This is 15 people at max...)

    Why can't he become president...? Reagan did it...

    If you're not born in America, then you cannot take the office of the president.
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