Quality control issues with new PowerBooks...particularly the 15"?



  • Reply 181 of 588
    kanekane Posts: 392member

    Originally posted by EDS66


    They all have gaps. Some are bigger some are smaller. I really thing it's by design. Mine bow upward at the ends also, by the way.

    No! If the gaps differ in size from one PB to another it is NOT a design feature. It is a manufacturing malfunction and it should be fixed. And soon at that might i add!
  • Reply 182 of 588
    buckeyebuckeye Posts: 358member

    Originally posted by Nick DTM

    My 15" has a white spot dead center horizontally and about 1/4 of the way down from the top vertically. It's quite annoying... but I can't go without my computer for a week or however long it would take. Not to mention that the nearest Apple Store is an hour away from my home and three hours from my school.

    Has anyone had success at "massaging" out a white spot like dead pixels? I'd love to take care of this without having to service... it's perfect otherwise

    That is exactly what I have. I don't think that you can massage it away....
  • Reply 183 of 588
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member
    somehow i feel we are in a bad situation...when u have these white spots - apple replaces the screen with the same kind of screen...so there is no way to run from the problem

    they are already replacing sooo many...what about a competition?

    u know...most ppl probably dont even know they have this problem..but it gets worse and worse..and in a month or so..it will be a disaster for apple

    iam so very scared...feels like a bad bad dream
  • Reply 184 of 588
    Did Apple make these screens or do they come from a specific supplier?
  • Reply 185 of 588
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member
    the screen is not made by apple
  • Reply 186 of 588
    So is it the same manufacturer as the 17" and 12" ? White dots seems to be specific to 15"...
  • Reply 187 of 588
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I thought it was figured out that it was the case pushing on the back of the screen? I am worried that they will start appearing on my screen now, but I've been using my PBook for a good 3 weeks without problem yet. Just hope that it says this good.
  • Reply 188 of 588
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    My PB doesn't have the spots yet after a couple weeks of use. I wonder if Apple should recall some of the good ones to figure out what the heck is going on.

    It seems like this is a much bigger issue than the DVD eject problems that plagued the Ti Rev. A units.
  • Reply 189 of 588
    Well, I took my computer to my local Apple Store and the Genuis there said my computer is operating normally.

    I'm going to stop worrying about it and start using it...everything else (besides my hard drive ticking occasionally - hope it doesn't blow up )...

    Best of luck to you guys...
  • Reply 190 of 588
    My new 15" 1.25GHz looks like a keeper. Latch works perfectly. I don't see any screen problems. OS 10.2.8 update added nicely to the battery life. Sorry to hear about so many other problems.
  • Reply 191 of 588

    Originally posted by booyaka

    out of curiosity filmmaker2002 and mac's girl, are you guys transporting your powerbooks and if so, what kinda bag is it in? does the bag put alot of pressure (as in squeezing) on the powerbook?

    i have not transported my PB anywhere and have handled it very carefully. i havent put any pressure on the lid or even attempted to twist it. it's been in a good environment temperature-wise and not exposed to direct sunlight. however my latch works perfectly and no other problems with heat, noise, etc. i did want to install an additional 512mb ram, and now i hear mention of ram problems so i am holding off on that to see how the screen issues resolve.
  • Reply 192 of 588
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    I'm very pleased with my new 12" PB -- except for its one bad pixel. I hate bad pixels. Nothing you can do when it's just one bad pixel except live with it. It looks like a dark fleck of dust, except for always being in the same spot and not being susceptible to being brushed away. I've tried rubbing on the pixel as some people have suggested, but that hasn't helped.

    My 22" Cinema Display has one bad pixel too, but it's white and I hardly ever notice it unless I look for it. This bad pixel, being dark (lacking all green, to be specific) keeps drawing my eye and is harder to ignore.

    I should be happier about all the good things about this laptop, but I keep bumming about the bad pixel instead.
  • Reply 193 of 588

    Originally posted by booyaka

    out of curiosity filmmaker2002 and mac's girl, are you guys transporting your powerbooks and if so, what kinda bag is it in? does the bag put alot of pressure (as in squeezing) on the powerbook?

    I carry mine everywhere in my Brenthaven Titanium Backpack. That's what Powerbooks are for...so I don't think that this would be the cause.
  • Reply 194 of 588
    My new 15" is with Apple Repair for white spots, battery life, latch problems, and, get this, a faulty logic board (won't reboot without resetting the PRAM every time). The latst word is that my repair is on hold "awaiting parts." The parts (new LCD & logic board) are "on order." I hope that the new LCD is reengineered to not develop white spots, but I'm not counting on it. It's a beautiful and incredibly fast and formerly functional machine . . . too bad that I can't use it!

  • Reply 195 of 588
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I don't think you're imagining things Paul.

    IMO, the Al design is the least exacting Pro laptop enclosure Apple has come up with. They dent easily, the plastic edging between the pieces of Al can be jiggled out of place with continuous use, and the CD slot area is easily bent / buckled. I think the flimsy protection the Al offers may be be part of the reason the other problems crop up as well (screen issues, etc).

    The 15" TiBook was a much more robust design IMO. About the only thing I liked less on that design were the exposed hinges in back. Sad fact: the iBook offers a tougher shell than Apple's pro laptops. I know it isn't as sexy, but Apple needs to recosider their materials next time around. I'd take a dense plastic PowerBook that has the same shape and overall characteristics, and is a bit bulkier... over what they have now.

    You have to baby the Al Powerbooks in order to keep them in like-new condition.
  • Reply 196 of 588
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member


    thx to all
  • Reply 197 of 588
    Thanks, Cycle, for doing the petition. According to the ApplCare rep, the white spots defect is not an issue that he's aware of. He also told me that all of their LCD's come from the same company, and that my PB LCD would be probably replaced with a new LCD of the same model as the old. Despite my frustration with the rep's lack of knowledge of the white spot issue, I continue to be very satisfied with how friendly and helpful the AppleCare reps are.
  • Reply 198 of 588
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    they're not likely to admit to that kind of problem. They guy I spoke to initially suggested it might be a software problem and I restart with the installer disc, but I didn't waste his or my time.

    Still awaiting the second - no - third coming of my 'book.
  • Reply 199 of 588
    kanekane Posts: 392member
    You guys (and gals) have me scared ****less. I was gonne order my first Mac right after Panther was released but now I'm gonna have to wait. And that waiting is killing me. I can't leave these boards... Please God why?
  • Reply 200 of 588
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by KANE

    You guys (and gals) have me scared ****less. I was gonne order my first Mac right after Panther was released but now I'm gonna have to wait. And that waiting is killing me. I can't leave these boards... Please God why?

    maybe you can buy some nice stuff with your name on it

    to enjoy yourself while you're waiting for rev b.
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