New look for the eMac?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Rumors are that the iMac will get a new look, and the forums are filled with people throwing out ideas for what the next iBooks should look like. But what about the trusty old eMac?

Do you think Apple will stick with the current form/factor, or is it time to give the eMacs a new look in their 3rd revision?

I for one am happy with the current look of the eMac, but I wouldn't be upset if Apple tried to mimic the brushed metal/titanium/aluminum look in the new PowerMacs, PowerBooks, and Panther.

Ignoring tech specs for now, what do you want the next eMac to look like?


  • Reply 1 of 21
    Well......thing is, it's not really old.

    It's newer than the TFT iMac.

    And since cost is the driving force behind it, why spend more updating it (at least in form; obviously not in specs).
  • Reply 2 of 21
    i wouldnt be suprised if the emac leaned up a a bit. that would seem to be a logical progression just as the previous crt imac. something like the overall size being slightly reduced. they wouldn't look much different but when you looked at an older one, the older version would seem clunky.

    i just sold my iBook i am typing my last posts on it

    but i am looking for a used g4 or ooooh a cool new emac :O
  • Reply 3 of 21
    chagichagi Posts: 284member
    One has to wonder how much longer Apple will choose to ship the lowest end Mac with a CRT monitor, particularly when the PC world is gradually being taken over by LCD panels.

    I think Apple would be better off with a larger "iMac" line. E.g. Something ranging from very low in price thru to high-end "consumer".
  • Reply 4 of 21

    Originally posted by Chagi

    One has to wonder how much longer Apple will choose to ship the lowest end Mac with a CRT monitor, particularly when the PC world is gradually being taken over by LCD panels.

    I think Apple would be better off with a larger "iMac" line. E.g. Something ranging from very low in price thru to high-end "consumer".

    Actually, since I do freelance photo editing and graphic design, I prefer CRT monitors (color managment/accuracy is FAR superior on a CRT). If Apple went with an LCD on the eMac that would mean my only choice is a PowerMac ... which is more power than I really need.

    I'm still using my old PowerBook with external CRT at the moment. But it's getting harder and harder for my old girl to keep up with the new kids on the block ... Which is why I'm looking at an eMac.

    Since the current revision has been out for a while, and since Panther is getting ready for release, I think I'll wait until the next generation of eMacs (hopefully with CRTs) come out.
  • Reply 5 of 21

    Originally posted by Chagi

    One has to wonder how much longer Apple will choose to ship the lowest end Mac with a CRT monitor, particularly when the PC world is gradually being taken over by LCD panels.

    I think Apple would be better off with a larger "iMac" line. E.g. Something ranging from very low in price thru to high-end "consumer".

    The EMAC was made for Education and was for Education customers only(because currently the monitors are more durable and harder to break/damage than LCD screens), they were released to public after public demand.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    The eMac WAS NOT made "for education"

    Whatever Apple tells you, that's just spin. I know plenty of schools/boards that now mandate the purchase of LCD's over CRT's for ergonomic reasons (les radiation to fry growing eyeballs)

    Apple pig headedly placed an unrealistic premium on LCD's, just about any PC maker will sell you a good LCD equipped system for the price of a similarlt spec'd eMac. iMac costs to much. Apple realized that, and the schools with a certain MacOS commitment couldn't afford them, and so they released the kludge known as eMac. Which would have been fine if they released it two years earlier, but not now.
  • Reply 7 of 21

    Originally posted by Matsu

    The eMac WAS NOT made "for education"

    Whatever Apple tells you, that's just spin. I know plenty of schools/boards that now mandate the purchase of LCD's over CRT's for ergonomic reasons (les radiation to fry growing eyeballs)

    Apple pig headedly placed an unrealistic premium on LCD's, just about any PC maker will sell you a good LCD equipped system for the price of a similarlt spec'd eMac. iMac costs to much. Apple realized that, and the schools with a certain MacOS commitment couldn't afford them, and so they released the kludge known as eMac. Which would have been fine if they released it two years earlier, but not now.

    All excellent points. Apple has made the price of LCD monitors a joke compared to other companies. For the price of one 17-inch Apple LCD display I can buy TWO nice 17-inch LCD displays from another manufacturer.

    Still, I won't object to a CRT on the next eMac ... particularly if they slim the body down a little, add the eMac stand as standard, and give the eMac an silver/metal look.

    (Of course, I want a better processor, faster RAM, a better graphics card, and USB 2.0 ... but I want to keep this thread focused on the "look" of the eMac.)
  • Reply 8 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I would imagine an eMac revision being somewhat along the lines of the change between the original iMac and the slot-loading DV iMacs: some subtle slimming/streamlining and maybe a small tweak of the plastics and trim (the DV iMacs were SO much glossier than the original ones, and not as deep front-to-back. The "handle" on the back was changed, the "trap door" for AirPort/RAM was added, the door was removed from the side port area, etc. Stuff like that).
  • Reply 9 of 21
    I think the eMac deserves its place in the somewhat confusing grid of products. I'd like to see it slim down much like the original CRT iMac and the second revision of it did. The change was subtle, but impressive. I seem to remember a technology in the last year or two that significantly reduces the depth of CRTs. It was something like rather than a straight tube it would be S-shaped. This reducest depth by half and could shorten the design further. I think this would be perfect for the eMac as well as the usual upgrades that Apple is making to the complete bluetooth, airport extreme etc.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    While I am not sure, I would love to see a bit-larger-than-a-Cube desktop with LCDs replace the eMac. I never did like the look of an eMac. It was the big nasty Hummer in a lineup filled with Porsches.

    The iMac is a good concept, but the non-removable LCD and non-upgradable dome is just too limiting.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    I do not think Apple should dump any R&D money on the eMac.

    Leave it how it is or dump it.

    Its sort of the sore thumb of Apples computer line.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member

    Originally posted by msantti

    I do not think Apple should dump any R&D money on the eMac.

    Leave it how it is or dump it.

    Its sort of the sore thumb of Apples computer line.

    sore thumb???it's got killer value, superdrive and all, i recommend to many families for entry level to the mac, also, if they change from crt the cost goes up and they will respond to the needs of the education market, crt's are more durable.
  • Reply 13 of 21
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by NOFEER

    ..., crt's are more durable.

    based on what facts?

    i've seen a lot of crtees crash or get really unworkable blurry and unsharp after a period of about three years.

    the lcd-screens of the same age (wallstreets/pdq's and ibooks) keep on running albeit the fact they were heavily (ab)used or for example made a crash on concrete after a flight of 1.5 meters.
  • Reply 14 of 21
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member

    Originally posted by gar

    based on what facts?

    i've seen a lot of crtees crash or get really unworkable blurry and unsharp after a period of about three years.

    the lcd-screens of the same age (wallstreets/pdq's and ibooks) keep on running albeit the fact they were heavily (ab)used or for example made a crash on concrete after a flight of 1.5 meters.

    it was in reference to a previous post saying in the school environment schools find the crt less vulnerable, but shouldn't crt's cheaper than lcd? then better price point and larger screen per $$
  • Reply 15 of 21
    The eMac arrived because Apple couldn't get the price of the iMac2 low enough.

    (No way was it especially designed for education. Nearly everywhere is going LCD. CRT is a clear backward step.)

    The iMac 2's sales have been hammered as a result. It's not in the same league as the original because it failed to cement several models in the sub 1K sterling market...something the iMac 1 achieved in comparatively quickly.

    I can see the eMac being remodelled into a cheaper LCD pizza box version. CRTs are 'dead'. Remember, Apple?

    The eMac is overdue a redesign. It just aint right. The screen is naff. It's bulky. It's limited. It's a lardass.

    I can see the eMac becoming a simpler/cheaper LCD pizza box minus chrome arm.

    As for the iMac2? A stunning redesign for the consumer flagship is now a priority. Those sales figures and high price suggest that something aint right.

    I aggree with the Appleinsider news story. Apple's probably working on something.

    Personally, I'd rather see the iMac2 and eMac binned and replaced with a scalable consumer design. A mini-tower cube-esque design to take the Apple line from £495 up to the price of the low end tower. Choice of monitor. CHOICE to uprade the graphics card fer crying out loud.

    CHOICE! (When the consumer desktops improve the sales of 'em will suck less...)

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 16 of 21
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member
    Stop bashing the eMac, please. I like the eMac.
  • Reply 17 of 21

    Originally posted by ryaxnb

    Stop bashing the eMac, please. I like the eMac.

    As do I, but like all Macs, I like Apple to give it a new look every so often. As cool as I think the eMac looks, I'm ready for a new enclosure ... even if it's just a change of color.
  • Reply 18 of 21
    If an LCD is to be in the next "education" unit, it would probably need some sort of clear cover or re-design. I don't think elementary school students and current LCDs would get along very well together. Those kids are so touchy-feely....\
  • Reply 19 of 21
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Hope the eMac can be a bit lighter...
  • Reply 20 of 21
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    OK, so the eMac and iMac can be replaced by an armless LCD AIO. There are numerous drawings of such designs floating around.

    I don't like it tho. I like Lemon Bon Bon's headless G5 (pizza box?) and I want to see the arm on a separate monitor (maybe it can snap onto the pizza box). And the pizza box has upgradable video, hard drive and RAM like the cube, but no external muffler.

    As much as I like the headless G5 concept, I don't think Apple's going to produce it, at least not anytime soon. I think we're in for another AIO, probably around the $800 to $900 range.
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