Think Different, people! New iDevices and Apple philosophy



  • Reply 21 of 95
    i think we're all overlooking the importance of the new .mac services.

    the next digital lifestyle device from apple could tie into that. such as a mpeg4 webcam for using with iChat, or even a handheld unit with an lcd display and an airport card for connectivity.

    the consumer video conferencing thing has never really take off yet, because no one has provided the right solution yet. mpeg4 is an enabling technology in this respect.

    (i have a longer description of these ideas in that other digital device thread).

    ...personally, i'm hoping for a digital still camera at MWNY. i'd buy on the spot if it's under $600.
  • Reply 22 of 95
    mugwumpmugwump Posts: 233member
    Another seriously lame thread where people get all worked up over fantasy concepts that have little to do with future hardware.

    iCam? Oh so Apple is ready to compete against Canon, Sony, Olympus, Nikon, Kodak, etc. Sure, that would be a smart move.

    iVideo? Oh so Apple is going to take on Sony, Canon, Panasonic, and JVC? Sure, that is a realistic idea.

    iPDA? Sure, so Apple is going to create something where Palm, Sony, and Handspring are struggling to get any profit from.

    MP3? Yes, this was something that Apple could jump into, and did it with style. This is the one "hub" device that grow into other areas.

    Look y'all, if it doesn't improve market share then you can stop your dreaming now.
  • Reply 23 of 95
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member

    sorry to say this but your points make no sense, especially that last bit about MP3. That goes against the previous ones.

    Apple went up against giants like Avid with Final Cut Pro and whipped them soundly. That isn't to say that Avid will go out of business.

    Apple introduced iPhoto against Adobe's childish wishes, (although I wager they severely cut features).

    And your remark about MP3 and the iPod is another perfect example. Other MP3 player makers are still there and competing.

    There's nothing wrong with competition. And that's the operative word. Apple is fully aware that a device must outdo similar devices in features or ease of use.

    A single "button" still or video camera has yet to be done. But Apple has the design history to do so. [Addendum] Actually I'm sure there's half-a-dozen single button digital still cameras, so I retract that bit.


    [ 07-14-2002: Message edited by: sCreeD ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 95
    I don't buy the idea that the competition really matters, in the PDA and still digital camera really matters. If Apple makes it work BETTER than the others, Apple users will buy them.

    The iPod isn't 'better' than other mp3 players, but it just 'works better'.

    So, a PDA is still possible, if it works better than other PDA's. Right now, that's a pretty low bar to clear. I don't think ANYONE is satisfied with the way Palm and PocketPC devices interact with Macs.

    A still digital camera is a possibilty, because it could be put together with a good photo-editing suite (iPhoto 2?) that 'just works better'.

    I don't think a DV cam is feasible, but only becuase I think DV cams are expected to have lots of bells and whistles, and DV cam buyers would not accept a 'simplification'. Furthermore, the entry level of quality DV is still in the high hundreds, limiting mass appeal.

    As for a DV/digital camera hybrid, I think no one has made a satisfactory case that having these two devices together is a good thing. You almost always end up with a DV cam witha crippled and pointless still feature, or a still cam with crappy video. Simply put, the CCD's that are good for DV are terrible for still, and vice versa. I'm willing to be proven wrong, though. :cool:

    Tablets? I don't think anyone has made the case that anyone, Mac or PC, really WANTS these devices (or at least in large numbers). Better left to a specialized firm, than a a mass-market device.

    If I had to wager, I'd bet on an iSnap (digital still camera) in the next six months with the launch of iPhoto 2. An iPDA would be next (somehow synced to A think a DV cam and Tablet are pretty unlikely.

    But I'm just guessing, using my own arguments.....I really have no idea what (or even if) Apple is going to come out with.

    Thanks for all the positive feedback!

  • Reply 25 of 95
    mugwumpmugwump Posts: 233member
    Sorry screed, think market share.

    Avid announces that they are going to drop support for apple hardware. Microsoft is giving funding to Avid behind the scenes. Apple buys Final Cut Pro to keep that market. Avid now is back supporting Apple.

    Photoshop gets a leader from the PC world. They have an entire team boosting optimizing the PC side of things, while they have one dude on the Apple side. XP support is immediate, while OS X support is laggard. Apple releases iPhoto, and Adobe jumps for the media that Adobe is still interested in the apple platform. "Please apple, just don't release iPhoto 2!"

    MP3's had no real big players in there yet, not even sony. A smart market for Apple to move into.

    I'm shocked that you didn't suggest the Apple iPrinter to be released next, who cares that Epson, HP, and Lexmark are fighting it out. You know, iLaserwriter X.
  • Reply 26 of 95
    vvedgevvedge Posts: 41member
    same people who want the kitchen sink and all the nuts an bots in a tiny thing that fits in your pocket are the same people who are going to B*TCH about it when it costs $9000...
  • Reply 27 of 95

    Apple DV/Still cam, using the Foveon sensor!
  • Reply 28 of 95
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Edit: Oops, nevermind.

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: Kickaha ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 95
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    [quote]Originally posted by mugwump:

    <strong>Sorry screed, think market share.



    [quote]<strong>Avid announces that they are going to drop support for apple hardware. Microsoft is giving funding to Avid behind the scenes. Apple buys Final Cut Pro to keep that market. Avid now is back supporting Apple.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Point of order: Apple didn't buy FCP but video editing companies (I forget the one(s)). Anyway, this is not the main reason that FCP exits. For the same reason that Apple bought Emagic. Apple is building "Complete Solution" kits for creative professionals. Apple's not trying to pump water out to keep the ship afloat but competing by shooting across Avid's (and others') bow.

    [quote]<strong>Photoshop gets a leader from the PC world. They have an entire team boosting optimizing the PC side of things, while they have one dude on the Apple side. XP support is immediate, while OS X support is laggard. Apple releases iPhoto, and Adobe jumps for the media that Adobe is still interested in the apple platform. "Please apple, just don't release iPhoto 2!"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Adobe was irked by iPhoto's competition with a consumer grade image editor (i.e. Photodeluxe) and not Photoshop.

    [quote]<strong>MP3's had no real big players in there yet, not even sony. A smart market for Apple to move into.

    I'm shocked that you didn't suggest the Apple iPrinter to be released next, who cares that Epson, HP, and Lexmark are fighting it out. You know, iLaserwriter X.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Oh come now. I know you're being facetious but printers are so commoditized (that's why Apple got out of the printer market). Besides, aside from well written drivers(!), one can't innovate paper much more.

    Back to your main point about market share. Please submit the number of hard-drive-based digital still or video cameras...

    Uh-huh, thanks.


    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: sCreeD ]</p>
  • Reply 30 of 95
    Many of the ideas mentioned seem promising, and here is what I think:

    DV Cam - For reasons previously mentioned along the lines of simplification=bad, cost, etc.

    Still Cam - VERY promising, methinks. Something in the area of 3MP (now accepted as norm) would be appropriate, and mid-cost. Design could be excellent, as well as functionality.

    PDA/Tablet - I doubt it, until a fully-scaled version of OS X can run at least moderately well on it; as a Newton user, I understand the idea that Steve (as well as the rest of Apple) does not want to have 2 separate OSes being pushed in sync with each other. Regardless, Apple has previously mentioned that their ties with Palm are going to remain as-is.

    Set-Top TiVoish Thing - No way. I have the strong belief that Apple views the computer monitor as the only worthwhile monitor in the house.

    I could be wrong, of course, but my bet is on the Still Camera, if anything at all.

    /me crosses his fingers
  • Reply 31 of 95
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    [quote]Originally posted by SQUÅSH:


    You're not on the bleeding edge unless you support these type of devices, so why not just make the best possible ones to sync with your OS and hardware?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    drip, drip, drip <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" />
  • Reply 32 of 95
    Modified nForce inside of the new iPod.
  • Reply 33 of 95
    bluesignsbluesigns Posts: 315member
    i would imagine any new hardware related to mpeg4 has been killed by the Microsoft/Samsung hijacking of the licensing process.


    and what are we, like, 10 years behind now on doing voice over ip ?

    how about a phone using both cel and voip technology with a little hard-drive, a firwire port and bluetooth.





  • Reply 34 of 95
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    [quote]Originally posted by sCreeD:


    Point of order: Apple didn't buy FCP but video editing companies (I forget the one(s)).

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: sCreeD ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    But they did....the software was called "KeyGrip" and owned by Macromedia.

    Companies they bought in the last while....

    Raycer Graphics

    Astarte GMBH

    Spruce Tech



    Nothing Real

    Silicon Grail

    Prismo Graphics


    Astarte and Spruce both created DVD authoring software, and tech was merged to become iDVD and DVD SP. Zayante designed firewire chips. The rest were all graphic/film related.

    [quote] and what are we, like, 10 years behind now on doing voice over ip ?

    how about a phone using both cel and voip technology with a little hard-drive, a firwire port and bluetooth. <hr></blockquote>

    Apple has held a patent for a cell phone WITH what appears to be an early Airport card since '95.

    I would think some interesting iApps and devices are on the way, with the way Apple has worked in the past.

    iDVD -&gt; DVD SPro -&gt; Superdrive

    iTunes -&gt; ????????? -&gt; iPod (and maybe eMagic?)

    iMovie -&gt; Final Cut -&gt; ?????????

    iPhoto -&gt; ????????? -&gt; ?????????

    Have I missed any?

    If I had to guess, Apple has a "photoshop" like program sitting in a dark room somewhere, to be released if and when.....remember the digs SJ made at Adobe, with no X version ready?

    I would also guess that they've got an "after effects" like one in the works. As well as a camera and vide camera (maybe in one unit).
  • Reply 35 of 95
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:

    <strong>Tablets? I don't think anyone has made the case that anyone, Mac or PC, really WANTS these devices (or at least in large numbers). Better left to a specialized firm, than a a mass-market device.


    A few points on this thread:

    1) The iPod is an accessory for the Mac. The product extends straight through iTunes, and I suspect some day to an MP3 store that lets you do a 1-click transaction and get the song on your device. If you want to consider Apple creating similar video products, you need to see how they would extend through the Mac.

    2) iPod is not like any of the other products being speculated at here. iPod is not a creation device (nor is iTunes). It takes some element of the Mac experience and makes it portable. The video equivalent would be a portable photo album, video player, etc. That doesn't necessarily weaken the speculation for other products, only that these are different in some way. IMO, the next device that I would like to see is a MP3/MPEG player/PVR device so that I could extend my Mac to my TV/stereo, instead of having to burn everything. There's nothing particularly strong in this area right now.

    3) On the tablet, the tablet is something of an emergent device. If you load it up like a laptop, then it's no better than a laptop. I see the tablet like a thin client - like Mira. It doesn't need to be huge - 9" would be fine, certainly no larger than 12". It would not have much processing power, as it would basically be shifting the display from your Mac to your tablet. Wireless with a battery so you can take it to meetings etc. Provide the network is there, you're in business.

    Right now, it wouldn't appeal to too many people. But if you add in some new devices, then it becomes handy. Control your PVR from it, or your MP3 jukebox, with a USB port hook your camera into the tablet, rather than have to go to your computer. Download/view on your sofa. Surf the web there as well.

    It requires a fair amount of infrastructure and device need to be in place. You need fairly pervasive wireless, and you need enough *casual* computer need that you tire of sitting at your desk.

    At home we only have laptops, and our life has adjusted to having them around with Airport. Everything is on the laptops because it's easy to move them from room to room, but we'd buy a tablet if one was available because we're almost *too* dependent on the computers now. Recipies, looking at something on the web, uploading pictures, etc. None of these activities requires any more than a trivial amount of typing - I don't need the keyboard, and as a result, I don't need the extra space that the laptop needs. We're moving toward iBooks because they are smaller and even more portable. Simlar arguments would apply in my office and half my staff would get a tablet to augment (not replace) their computer.

    Not everyone is in this spot, so it might be too early for a tablet, but I think the time will come where more people see the usefulness of it.
  • Reply 36 of 95
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    a 20 GB HDD would have to complement MiniDV, not replace it. If Apple is about simplification and convenience, then it defintiely will not make things more complicated by forcing you to download every 90 minutes of footage.
  • Reply 37 of 95
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    [quote]Originally posted by johnsonwax:


    A few points on this thread:

    1) The iPod is an accessory for the Mac. The product extends straight through iTunes, and I suspect some day to an MP3 store that lets you do a 1-click transaction and get the song on your device. If you want to consider Apple creating similar video products, you need to see how they would extend through the Mac.

    2) iPod is not like any of the other products being speculated at here. iPod is not a creation device (nor is iTunes). It takes some element of the Mac experience and makes it portable. The video equivalent would be a portable photo album, video player, etc. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good points. Maybe I should modify my little chart to show.....

    iApp -&gt; Lifestyle Device -&gt; .Mac service -&gt; Pro software -&gt; Creation Device

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: taboo ]</p>
  • Reply 38 of 95
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    For people who want a tablet

    [quote] Originally posted by me in the "Microsoft Tablets: Will Apple have one, too?" Thread:

    Tablets basically say: You have one computer hidden in a den. You have multiple interfaces to it. You hardly ever touch the monitor. You use a screen it your living room for playing WMAs and WMVs. You use a tablet to browse online in your living room. You use an Xbox for games.

    Apple basically says: You have an Airport network connecting your main Mac (which is good looking and quiet enough for your living room), with other computers. These can be a laptop, a second mac, or whatever. No multiple interfaces. An iPod/set top box for music. Digital devices functioning independently of a computer, but dependent to edit/transfer data.

    No monolithic PC 4x as powerful as current ones to make performance hit from multiple interfaces less noticiable for Apple. A PC should be beautiful enough for you to be proud of it. A PC should be... a Mac.

    A microsoft iPod would stream audio from your mainframe (which is what the PC would become). Would you like an iPod you couldn't take songs from multiple computers from? Would you like an iPod which didn't function as a hard disk? Would you like an iPod that would only work when an Airport network was present?

    A tablet computer is an interface basically. Necessary for a computer you hide in a den. Not necessary for a Mac, more beautiful than the Monét on the wall.


  • Reply 39 of 95
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:


    Think like Steve.


    [ 07-14-2002: Message edited by: Yet Another Registration ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're ideas are utterly worthless! Now why don't you join in my private garden and we'll smoke a bag, see what comes to mind? I've got some good kind bud, the sort you can stick on a mirror and it just stays there. Oh, ok, we can clam-bake in my Jag-Wire. It's parked over in the handicapped zone in front, meet me there in 10 minutes.
  • Reply 40 of 95
    k_munick_munic Posts: 357member
    over here we call it KISS= Keep It Simple & Stupid

    I DO believe in technique which works with a simple click, with a single button, which does KNOW what i want to do (I do know where i wanna go today - but does my software? yes, it does, it comes from Apple)

    talking about iCams: a camera is since kodaks box a point-and-click-device... there is actual no need for an apple branded device, but i would like one (a rio mp3 player is nice, an ipod i nicer).

    same wirh video. when i look, how my wife is using our canon, it is point-and-click, she doesn´t use all the nice gadgets... and with imovie and firewire it quiet easy to edit the shakey stuff..

    iMusic will be something... connect a usb (forget midi)-keyboard and let the fun begin.

    iMusicPro makes you a record artist, a producer and with QT6 a broadcaster/radio station

    iRadio...- i wanna find my music (stationlist), listen to it when i want it (rec it), want to know the title/artist (playlist) and want to order the cd (who says limewire it?!)

    iTV ...- my favorite digital device. watching several station simultaniously, de-edit the commercials with iMovie and burn ("rec-clean-burn"... - hmm, obviously I m not a native english...)

    iSpeak - who remembers Scottie in one old Startrek movie, talking to an Apple Computer "Proceed!"? Yes, in an office it would be hell, but at home? "Computer do this, do that and do it now!"

    iSpeak would be the end of the no-button mouse - you don´t even need a mouse!

    (btw: Under a different nicname a year ago i dreamed of iWrite...- next week we get it!)

    iStore - i still have lots of paper, articles in magazines, cooking recipes, fotos..- imagine a piece of software, which scans, OCRes and stores all my stuff intuitively (" awhile ago i read an article about traveling, something with USA and i think it was indians... or was it Columbia and horses? just find it!")

    btw: does anyone rememember the terms "fuzzy logic" and "5. generation AI"?

    Hardware.... make it good looking, quiet (did i mention i use a Cube?), reliable and affordable... the usual suspects.- we do have the all-in-one, the to-carry-it, and the-big-ones for pros (does pci fit in? yes. good. that´s the form factor.) All other stuff is for fans... a G5, G6? GHz, THz... does it work? does it work better then a PC? does it look "better" then a PC? Good.

    iDevices: it´s all just add-on, no market share. An Apple branded, business-card-size foto (casio exilim), a tiny video cam with an iPod connector (record-direct-to disc... does an live-to-mpg4-chip exists?) iGPS, online I plan my route, then my tiny apple device shows me the way in livin´ colors.

    Apple´s philosophy is one word. PURE.

    nuff said......
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