Bought an iBook. Need advice

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I was the winning contestant for trailmaster's iBook package. I bought it for the fiancee. Without telling her. Now I've got to think of a slick way to give it to her without having my head chewed off for not asking her first.

FIrst, some background: before she bought her Dell a couple years ago, I lobbied strongly for a Mac. I even offered her my to-be-sold iBook 500mhz so she could sell that POS. She resisted and we eventually got the Dell. Part of the reason she resisted is because I was so adamant that she get a Mac (it's an ongoing thing in our relationship - we're both stubborn as hell).

Just a few weeks ago, she was lamenting that she had to sit in the house and work on her dissertation. She even said "I want a laptop." She was mostly kidding, but it got me thinking. Then yesterday, I couldn't pass up the chance.

So, what's the best way to give it to her? All creative possibilities would be appreciated... If it doesn't work, you may see me trying to sell it next week.

Wish me luck, guys and gals. I'll need it.


  • Reply 1 of 18
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    I was the winning contestant for trailmaker's iBook package. I bought it for the fiancee. Without telling her. Now I've got to think of a slick way to give it to her without having my head chewed off for not asking her first.

    FIrst, some background: before she bought her Dell a couple years ago, I lobbied strongly for a Mac. I even offered her my to-be-sold iBook 500mhz so she could sell that POS. She resisted and we eventually got the Dell. Part of the reason she resisted is because I was so adamant that she get a Mac (it's an ongoing thing in our relationship - we're both stubborn as hell).

    Just a few weeks ago, she was lamenting that she had to sit in the house and work on her dissertation. She even said "I want a laptop." She was mostly kidding, but it got me thinking. Then yesterday, I couldn't pass up the chance.

    So, what's the best way to give it to her? All creative possibilities would be appreciated... If it doesn't work, you may see me trying to sell it next week.

    Wish me luck, guys and gals. I'll need it.

    What do you mean by "winning contestant"? Did you get the iBook for free in a contest? If so, she can hardly complain, although I think that this would be a bit of a dismal selling point from the perspective of someone who wants to sell the real advantages of an Apple.

    Incidentally, I have the same wife is not as much of an Apple fan as I am. She does not like PCs, but has to use one for work and does not have a lot of time or patience to understand another system.

    The only advice I can give is to take some time to set up the computer before you give it to her so it will to conform to her needs and preferences. If possible, try to get the equivilant programs on the Mac that she uses on the PC, even if this means buying MS Office. Set up the preferences in such programs(menu bars and the like)so they look familiar. And spend some time on the little things: screen background and screensaver; a personalized slide show on iPhoto (if you have some digital pics you can put in); some pre-downloaded music on iTunes. Make it feel like it is already hers before you give it to her.
  • Reply 2 of 18

    Originally posted by Chinney

    What do you mean by "winning contestant"? .

    Oh, apparently trailmaster's thread last night generated a heck of a lot of interest. I got to it first.

    Good ideas. I just hope it comes while she's out so I can get it ready to go.
  • Reply 3 of 18
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    What do you mean by "winning contestant"? Did you get the iBook for free in a contest? If so, she can hardly complain,

    Trailmaster is a forum member. He just sold his iBook and some more goodies for dirt cheap, $500. Pensieve beat me to him... Grrr...

    (Oh, I see Pensieve beat me to an explanation too... DAMN YOU!!!! YOU TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!!!.... lol, j/k)

    Seriously though Pensieve, if she gets ticked and demands you sell it, I'll buy the package from you for $600, then at least you get $100 out of the deal.
  • Reply 4 of 18
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Guartho

    Trailmaster is a forum member. He just sold his iBook and some more goodies for dirt cheap, $500. Pensieve beat me to him... Grrr...

    I must have missed that sale. In any case, I will probably also buy a laptop for my wife to supplement our iMac, but will save for one of those fancy new ones.

    [Edit] Hey, I have reached Post 500...I automatically have been transformed into a "Senior Member". I will have to make sure that my posts are especially wise and eloquent from now on.
  • Reply 5 of 18
    If she uses MicroSucks Word on her PC for the majority of her work, then this idea seems to fit;

    Get a copy of Office X for OSX, disquise the iBook frame with giftwrap, (so long as you cover anything Apple Like ... I know this will be hard, but just try) - Open Word for OSX, tell her you have a surprise for her, and sit her down to the iBook. Tell her something like "Look at MicroSucks new Word Interface. Let her see the pure elegance of the interface (not word, but the iBooks) and then pull the gift wrap off and say Surprise!

    just an idea
  • Reply 6 of 18
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    Oh, apparently trailmaster's thread last night generated a heck of a lot of interest. I got to it first.

    Good ideas. I just hope it comes while she's out so I can get it ready to go.

    Well, technically, I got to it first. For some reason he didn't like me though.
  • Reply 7 of 18
    You walk up to her, while she's in the kitchen, or hungry, or something, and ask "I'm going to get a snack, you want something? honey?" (add your own pet name, if this does not fit )

    She will undoubtedly say "okay," but if not then do not pressure her, you must remain cool. Wait for another moment of opportunity.

    Come back chewing on a red deliscious and say "I got you an apple (Apple®, ), too" then hand her the iBook very casually, as if everything is normal.

    Whatever happens next will without a doubt be hilarious, but maybe not for you.

    ? OR?

    You go on for about a week, raving about this book you read. "It's on everyone's best sellers list!" you'll preach! "It made me laugh and cry at THE SAME TIME!" then tell her you came back from the library at the end of the week and say "I got you that book I was talking about," you hand it to her and say "enjoy!" Then sit on the couch and satre at her for a reaction.
  • Reply 8 of 18
    Awww, you guys....jeez you're funny sometimes.....

    Step 1. What do women want? A sensitive caveman. The suggestions above while with some merit, are too much caveman not enough sensitivity. You need to think outside the box a bit more here and this is the bit you have to do on your own (she'll be able to tell if you get help). Here's a clue: Did you buy her the iBook because you love her or you want to make her a switcher?

    Step 2. Why do women get mad at men? Because men can't read their minds. Or, as in your case, you can read her mind but you're failing to act on the psychic information. Yes it's unfair but that's life. Learn to live with it.

    You already know there's a very good chance she's going to be really ticked off with you. So after making the necessary arrangements under Step 1, you email her ahead of time (not by phone and definitely NOT face-to-face) and tell her what you've done. You come clean. You're whole attitude should be one of a puppy with it's tail between it's legs. If she gets mad, you explain you can resell it at no loss (don't tell her you might be able to make a profit on it). If she then goes totally ballistic, you agree to resell it, no fuss. You act very humble and contrite. You let her win. You then delay the sale for at least a week and just leave the iBook sitting around. Chances are she'll come round after a few days. But there are no guarantees.

    Good luck. You're gonna need it.
  • Reply 9 of 18
    Well, I took crazychester's advice. I fessed up. Sort of. I told her I got her xmas present for a really good deal and we can decide what to do with it if she doesn't like it. We'll see if she gets wowed or is her usual fiscally conservative self. At any rate, I think I'm going to avoid getting blasted for spending so much without telling her.
  • Reply 10 of 18

    Originally posted by pensieve

    Well, I took crazychester's advice. I fessed up. Sort of. I told her I got her xmas present for a really good deal and we can decide what to do with it if she doesn't like it. We'll see if she gets wowed or is her usual fiscally conservative self. At any rate, I think I'm going to avoid getting blasted for spending so much without telling her.

    Well done pensieve! You chose wisely for Chester is from Venus not Mars so she knew she was right all along. The Xmas present thing is a very nice touch. You're clearly a fast learner. Hope it all works out.
  • Reply 11 of 18
    Tell her you're the man of the house and this is her new computer ... then throw her Dell in the trash compactor.

    If she can't handle this, you need a new woman!

  • Reply 12 of 18
    pensieve - you took the right approach 8)

    KingOfSomewhereHot - you'll never get a good woman with that approach
  • Reply 13 of 18

    Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot

    Tell her you're the man of the house and this is her new computer ... then throw her Dell in the trash compactor.

    If she can't handle this, you need a new woman!

    When I'm feeling frustrated because I've got to try to figure why the hell something that worked yesterday doesn't work today and getting the heat for things not working right (I got some crap for upgrading her to W2k from ME, if you can believe that), that's what I'd like to do.
  • Reply 14 of 18
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    Well, I took crazychester's advice. I fessed up. Sort of. I told her I got her xmas present for a really good deal and we can decide what to do with it if she doesn't like it. We'll see if she gets wowed or is her usual fiscally conservative self. At any rate, I think I'm going to avoid getting blasted for spending so much without telling her.

    So it'll be Christmas before she finds out? Well, I can't promise that I'll be able to leave my offer on the table quite that long, but we can talk when the time comes.
  • Reply 15 of 18

    Originally posted by Guartho

    So it'll be Christmas before she finds out? Well, I can't promise that I'll be able to leave my offer on the table quite that long, but we can talk when the time comes.

    Oh, no. She's getting it tomorrow or the next day. It's not REALLY her xmas present. Just something I thought she'd like to have when she needs to do work but wants to get out of the house.
  • Reply 16 of 18
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Ah, grooviness. All is well.
  • Reply 17 of 18
    One more switcher! She loves it! Woo hoo. Thanks for the tips.
  • Reply 18 of 18
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    One more switcher! She loves it! Woo hoo. Thanks for the tips.

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