The draft may be coming back to the US



  • Reply 41 of 54
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    They won't reinstate the draft. The fact that it's even come up at all is fairly surprising to me.

    We hear sad stories every day out of the war in Iraq. My Mom is a teacher, and her father was in the Army Reserve. With 2 weeks left until he was out, he was called up for action in Iraq. He was among the first troops to go to Kuwait and was involved in the invasion.

    After the invasion, he was among the troops that occupied Baghdad, which was just about the most dangerous place to be at the time. He has been stationed there ever since. When his tour of duty was up, he was told to report to some kind of command building with the rest of his unit, where they assumed they would get their orders to come home. Instead, they were all given another tour of duty, with a minimum of 6 months of active service. So my Mom is having her class write him a letter that they will mail to him so he gets it before Christmas. This kind of story is happening throughout the military.

    That being said, they won't ever have a draft. I think that we would pull everyone out of Iraq before it ever coming to that.
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  • Reply 42 of 54
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Anders the stakes are death. I will not die for something I do not believe in. If I was drafted I would move to Canada and possibly never come back. I've been to Canada a lot, and frankly, I think it's better than America in many ways. I like America, it's great on paper, but in reality it's become controlled be an elite few. I think there should be a reset clock in terms of personal wealth and assets every century. Maybe I'm just crazy. I don't know. I think most states in America are great, but DC is where all the lobbyists are...I especially like small states like the twin states VT and NH and RI, how people feel connected and issues affect everyone because of the smallness of the state.

    As the oft maligned "documentary" (yes I know there are a lot of holes in it) Bowling for Columbine highlighted, Canadian people are just nicer. I think it has to do with the local feeling of rural communities. As always, I think overpopulation is the root of the problem.


    If there were a draft, I wonder what would be the defense of all our brave chicken hawks for skipping out on the last draft they were eligable for, chief among them Dick "I had other priorities" Cheney, and George "what me AWOL" Bush. Seems like a tough sell.

    True. Bush has a pair of steel balls to start a war when he went AWOL for a year doing crack. Now he cuts vet benefits. And the aircraft carrier stunt. The gall is just breathtaking.

    OK that's enough AO rambling for today!
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  • Reply 43 of 54
    jcjc Posts: 342member
    I hope the draft does come back

    because then all of the liberals will go to canada and europe and we will be left with a conservative nation
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  • Reply 44 of 54
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by JC

    I hope the draft does come back

    because then all of the liberals will go to canada and europe and we will be left with a conservative nation.

    No, liberals have been making the strongest argument in favor of it, smart guy. With the draft it will be harder to sell a war.
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  • Reply 45 of 54
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Anders the stakes are death. I think there should be a reset clock in terms of personal wealth and assets every century.

    Now thats about the dumbest thing i ever heard. What do you think we are playing monopoly?

    ps. have fun in Canada
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  • Reply 46 of 54
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by giant

    No, liberals have been making the strongest argument in favor of it, smart guy. With the draft it will be harder to sell a war.

    Do you believe that WW II was a just war?

    I am just curious. I do not follow that if we had a draft that it would be Harder to "sell" a war. Thanks for the comp itts good to know that my critics think i am smart
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  • Reply 47 of 54
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by JC

    Do you believe that WW II was a just war?

    Are you asking the voices in your head, or do you have a point related to my post?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 48 of 54
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by giant

    Are you asking the voices in your head, or do you have a point related to my post?

    I am just curious. I do not follow that if we had a draft that it would be Harder to "sell" a war. Thanks for the comp itts good to know that my critics think i am smart
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 49 of 54
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by JC

    I am just curious. I do not follow that if we had a draft that it would be Harder to "sell" a war.

    Like I asked, do you have a point, or are you just looking to dance?


    Thanks for the comp itts good to know that my critics think i am smart

    Oh, OK. So it is the voices. Sorry to interrupt.
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  • Reply 50 of 54
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    Here is what is going on:


    Bush and Putin agreed to co-opt the Israeli prime minister to their project, which will undoubtedly yield personal, political, intelligence and economic changes over the years ahead. The two leaders are aware they face some rough passages, but are determined to forge ahead toward their uniquely ambitious objective which is, in a nutshell, the establishment of a shared American-Russian world hegemony based on the twin foundations of US economic and military strength and Russian oil wealth.

    What is going on

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  • Reply 51 of 54
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    Here is what is going on:

    What is going on


    You actually read that garbage? I don't even know what the article you are citing is, but if it's from debka, chances are it's BS. In fact, some might remember that debka was the source for the iraqi bases under the dunes that move underground by remote control. Hell, that was part of a TWO PART story! Please, oh, please find a better source. As close to reality as a debka story might seem, 9+ times out of 10 it is totally made up.
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  • Reply 52 of 54
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    I think there should be a reset clock in terms of personal wealth and assets every century.

    It's called the estate tax, and there's a reason why repealing it is the top priority for a certain group of elites. It used to work real well as a reset when it was set at 90%.


    Originally posted by giant

    As close to reality as a debka story might seem, 9+ times out of 10 it is totally made up.

    Debka is 9/10 right when they talk about war-related events. They obviously have a real source in Israeli intelligence, getting info a few days before the papers. But their grand-strategy pieces are over the top. And they assign waaaay too much importance to Israel in the grand scheme of things (understandably, I guess). The world doesn't revolve around Ariel Sharon, much as they might like.
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  • Reply 53 of 54
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Towel

    Debka is 9/10 right when they talk about war-related events.

    Now this is clearly not true. Debka is the joke of the intelligence world. If you want semi-real intel, go to stratfor, but even stratfor felt the need to be ignorant in the wmd sector so my subscription will not be renewed, even though they get it spot-on with many other areas, like africa.

    Debka's only possibly slightly valid role is as a propaganda piece, but if you are going to them for real info you might as well believe in unicorns.
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