Stocks that did well for 2003

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I realize many here have faced hard times being in Design / IT after the tech bubble burst.

However look at how various stocks have done during the course of 03:

Best Buy Electronics

Four Seasons

Nortel Networks

Starbucks Coffee

Electronic Arts Apple Computer

My advice is to save as to invest and ride the wave.

How many here invest in equities? bonds? speculate in futures and options?

What are your favorites investments / trades?



  • Reply 1 of 12
    Index funds. Over time you'll get your annual 12.5%, after allowing for periods of recession...daytrading is, in the end, just too risky. You'll never have the same access to information that institutional investors / fund managers have, so any extraordinary profits that you might make will be due to lucky second-guessing.

    All my money is tied up in paying off college loans anyway
  • Reply 2 of 12
    AKAM. Since their all time low (in Oct of last year) at $.56, they have gone up over 1600%. That's a damn good return. Just during this year, they've gone up over 400%. From about 1.90 in January to 9.08 at closing today. BTW, AKAM is serving the data for the iTMS and many of the other music services. One of them is going to win (probably AAPL), but AKAM will come out on top regardless.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    I trading.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Only these 6 and index funds? Someone else must have some money in the stock market....
  • Reply 5 of 12
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    I realize many here have faced hard times being in Design / IT after the tech bubble burst.

    However look at how various stocks have done during the course of 03:

    Best Buy Electronics

    Four Seasons

    Nortel Networks

    Starbucks Coffee

    Electronic Arts Apple Computer

    My advice is to save as to invest and ride the wave.

    here are some other good pics

    Marvel Comics

    Adobe(makers of photoshop)

    marvel comics was a dollar a share last year and with all of the super hero movies and the resurge in comics they are a cant miss

    and Adobe makes Photoshop and they are the last word in graphics
  • Reply 6 of 12
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by pensieve

    Only these 6 and index funds? Someone else must have some money in the stock market....

    hey, if yu are looking to get started I recommend Buy and Hold. you can buy fractional shares of stocks. the minimum purchase is $20 and cost $3 a trade. i have buy and hold automactically invest $100 dollars a month for me.

    check it out
  • Reply 7 of 12
    Yup I second the Marvel Comics one, thats definitely a sleeper.

    Applied Materials (AMAT) is always a good stock.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    aaplaapl Posts: 124member
    Why isn't AAPL on the list?!! LOL
  • Reply 9 of 12
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by aapl

    Why isn't AAPL on the list?!! LOL

    Look! What's that in the first post?!
  • Reply 10 of 12
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    Yup I second the Marvel Comics one, thats definitely a sleeper.

    Applied Materials (AMAT) is always a good stock.

    i bought in at 4.50 a share and sold it at 25

    now i have a powerbook 17
  • Reply 11 of 12
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by JC

    hey, if yu are looking to get started I recommend Buy and Hold. you can buy fractional shares of stocks. the minimum purchase is $20 and cost $3 a trade. i have buy and hold automactically invest $100 dollars a month for me.

    check it out

    is this basically a DRP kind of thing?
  • Reply 12 of 12
    AKAM is now up to $11.04. This stock has been insane in the past 2 weeks. It's doubled in price. I got out at $11.50 today. No more stocks for me for a while. Whew.
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