iBook G4 and 1GB RAM module?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Has anyone attempted to put a 1GB RAM module in the new iBook G4s? Assuming that they have the same motherboard as recent powerbooks, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

My sister just got an iBook G4 and if it works, I will probably tell her to replace the removable module with a 1GB mod.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    These modules are just *very* expensive, but apple dealers sell them specially for the ibook. So they should work. At the moment when Apple finished the work on the ibook, there might not have been testing 1 gb modules (and apart from that they want professionals to buy the powerbook). For the price of the module you could have bought a powerbook in the first place and just plug in two 512kb-modules.
  • Reply 2 of 8

    Originally posted by just123

    ...and just plug in two 512kb-modules.

    Yah... OSX will scream with two 512kb-modules... I would love to see a PB running on one megabite of ram!
  • Reply 3 of 8
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    If any OS could pull it off, it would be Panther.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    Does anyone know/has it been tested if the 1GB RAM modules for the powerbookG4 fit and work in the iBook G4 ?

    For both portables, the 256 and 512 MB modules are identical:

    PBG4 http://www.memoryx.net/appog41g12co.html

    IBG4 http://www.memoryx.net/apib9314codr.html

    So I guess the 1GB PBG4 module should work ?

    Can anyone test this ?
  • Reply 5 of 8
    The motherboard BIOS must be able to recognize the 1GB module. It is possible for the motherboards in the Powerbook and iBook G4 to be phyiscally identical but have different BIOS'. Apple could screw us iBooks owners in this manner. The only for sure way is to test it out. However they are hard to find and expensive. If anyone does this please let us know.

    Just because they use the same PC2100 200-pin memory doesn't mean they will both recognize the 1GB sticks!
  • Reply 6 of 8
    "overcapacity" RAM is recognized in most modern Macs

    iMac rev.A users are running 256s in slots rated max 128s

    some new iMac and eMac users also report successfully overstuffing RAM

    there are some iBook users sporting >1Gb, but most go PB for the cash a slimline Gig stick costs.

    as for voiding the warranty or borking your chances for tech support if you call and cop to it...
  • Reply 7 of 8
    go here

    400 bucks doesn't seem too bad if you really need a gig of memory...

  • Reply 8 of 8
    I would love to have that kind of memory in an iBook. That is one of my only sticking points on buying one. I'm gonna wait, I don't need a new computer now. I'm hoping that we'll see a G5 in a PB soon (I don't want to start up the debate again though) I want a G5, but don't want a desktop.

    thegelding, your right, $400 isn't bad if you really need that kind of memory. However, the price of a 1 gig stick should be coming down real soon, as do all computer components.
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