Public Bathrooms. Scourge of the Earth.



  • Reply 41 of 71
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    First I have to say I didn't read the entire thead... but here's a story that happened to me:

    First off... I'm a little, okay not a little, but really pee shy in public bathrooms. So here I am getting ready to take a piss in a Country Kitchen restaraunt, when this guy walks in and starts talking to me. He's like "hey, how's it going?" and I'm all "hi, fine".... still trying to squeeze one out and he's going on about "so, you from around here?" meanwhile, my peepee is all exposed to the air.. and I say "Look, I don't mean to be an asshole, but... I can't pee when you're talking to me" So he says "Get a hair cut.... and get a real job" all mean like. Here I am trying to pee, minding my own business and some asshole's telling me to get a haircut and a real job. Jesus Christ..... I didn't even work there, nor did i have long hair. I'm not even sure I actually pissed that time. That's the short short version of the story.... why can't people just urinate next to each other in peace? Can't we all just get along?
  • Reply 42 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Akumulator

    First I have to say I didn't read the entire thead... but here's a story that happened to me:

    First off... I'm a little, okay not a little, but really pee shy in public bathrooms. So here I am getting ready to take a piss in a Country Kitchen restaraunt, when this guy walks in and starts talking to me. He's like "hey, how's it going?" and I'm all "hi, fine".... still trying to squeeze one out and he's going on about "so, you from around here?" meanwhile, my peepee is all exposed to the air.. and I say "Look, I don't mean to be an asshole, but... I can't pee when you're talking to me" So he says "Get a hair cut.... and get a real job" all mean like. Here I am trying to pee, minding my own business and some asshole's telling me to get a haircut and a real job. Jesus Christ..... I didn't even work there, nor did i have long hair. I'm not even sure I actually pissed that time. That's the short short version of the story.... why can't people just urinate next to each other in peace? Can't we all just get along?

    Hi Akumulator - I'm sorry but your story really cracked me up. hehe. I had no idea such drama went on in men's restrooms. You certainly were in an awkward position, and I wasn't laughing at you, but at the strangeness of the situation. That guy definitely sounds weird to me; but then, what do I know - certainly nothing about male bathroom etiquette.

    I think he got mean and insulting because you weren't friendly back. Maybe his feelings were hurt, and that's why he got angry. Maybe others have been more friendly to him in the past. Anyway, if I were you, I wouldn't take it personally or be offended by it. It's his problem, not yours. I apologize for laughing. Maybe down the road it will seem funny to you too. It still cracks me up. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Reply 43 of 71

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    Some more stories to share:

    I once was in Munich in a Brauhaus. They had one installation that looked a bit like a urinal that was mounted too high. On both sides there were handles. It was obviously designed for those who had problems with the effects of too much bavarian beer... 8)

    Some stories from foreign bathrooms:

    I was once in Russia. In an Opera house, I had to use the bathroom (I had diarrehea, so it really was urgent). In went into a stall and saw ... a kind of podium that filled nearly the whole stall, and the toilet was installed so the edge was level with the podium. So I squatted over it and luckily was able to aim well...

    In Turkey I once went to a public bathroom. I paid some money, went into the stall, discovered that there was no paper, only a bucket of water and a hole in the floor. I quickly decided that the urge wasn't thaat strong.

    My parents were in Ladakh (Himalaya) last year. My father photographed the "world's highest toilet". It's installed at an altitude of about 5000 m:

  • Reply 44 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by GSpotter

    Some more stories to share:

    I once was in Munich in a Brauhaus. They had one installation that looked a bit like a urinal that was mounted too high. On both sides there were handles. It was obviously designed for those who had problems with the effects of too much bavarian beer... 8)

    Some stories from foreign bathrooms:

    I was once in Russia. In an Opera house, I had to use the bathroom (I had diarrehea, so it really was urgent). In went into a stall and saw ... a kind of podium that filled nearly the whole stall, and the toilet was installed so the edge was level with the podium. So I squatted over it and luckily was able to aim well...

    In Turkey I once went to a public bathroom. I paid some money, went into the stall, discovered that there was no paper, only a bucket of water and a hole in the floor. I quickly decided that the urge wasn't thaat strong.

    My parents were in Ladakh (Himalaya) last year. My father photographed the "world's highest toilet". It's installed at an altitude of about 5000 m:

    I mentioned this in another thread, but it fits in with your post. It was about the bathroom in a cafe/bar type place in a rural French town (from the 'Year in Provence' books). I guess the facility consisted of sort of a flat tray on the floor, with depressions for the feet, and a hole in the floor. There was some kind of flushing mechanism as well. But the problem was that the user had to sort of squat mid-air, while holding his trousers mid-way down his legs and holding them high enough up not to scrape the wet, flushed floor. Then there was a light on a timer that only stayed on like 30 or 40 seconds, and it was across the room next to the door. When it went off, the room was plunged into darkness. So here a person is, straddling this tray, holding his clothes down and up simultaneously, leaning at a precarious and unaccustomed angle, presumably attempting to aim, when suddenly the light goes off, and he is plunged into darkness. Must do some kind of straddle-walk over to the light switch to reset the timer, then back to finish, and then to leap out of the way of the torrent of flush water. I can't remember if there was any paper, but probably not.

    The thing with the bucket - it would only be remotely sanitary if just one person splashed his hand in the water and then for cleansing. Other hands using the same water in the same bucket..... I don't think so!
  • Reply 45 of 71

    Originally posted by Akumulator

    First I have to say I didn't read the entire thead... but here's a story that happened to me:

    First off... I'm a little, okay not a little, but really pee shy in public bathrooms. So here I am getting ready to take a piss in a Country Kitchen restaraunt, when this guy walks in and starts talking to me. He's like "hey, how's it going?" and I'm all "hi, fine".... still trying to squeeze one out and he's going on about "so, you from around here?" meanwhile, my peepee is all exposed to the air.. and I say "Look, I don't mean to be an asshole, but... I can't pee when you're talking to me" So he says "Get a hair cut.... and get a real job" all mean like. Here I am trying to pee, minding my own business and some asshole's telling me to get a haircut and a real job. Jesus Christ..... I didn't even work there, nor did i have long hair. I'm not even sure I actually pissed that time. That's the short short version of the story.... why can't people just urinate next to each other in peace? Can't we all just get along?

    It's stories like this that make me hate George Thoroughgood fans.
  • Reply 46 of 71
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I once walked into a public restroom in Greece that someone had spackled in poo. It was all dry and crusty, all over the walls like stucko.


    And why didn't someone finally wash it off? It had obviously been there a long time since it was dry and flakey.
  • Reply 47 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member
    I've just been thinking about these makeshift outdoor toilets, where there's a hole cut into planks.

    If it's outdoors, and not a chemical toilet, then there are bugs down there.

    If there are bugs, then there are (cough) spiders.....

    Wonder if any wait right beneath the planks? Some don't have webs.....they just wait and leap onto the bug.

    So while you're sitting there, there could be spiders waiting on the underside of the boards. Hehe. Just thought I'd mention that. I don't think it had ever occurred to me before. Hope it doesn't freak anyone out. 'Course, not many of us have occasion to use such facilities, I suppose; but anyway........

    That in turn reminds me of a movie theater I went to once, the operative word being 'once'. It was one of those $1.50 theaters, last chance to see the movie on the large screen. The floor was sticky with spilled Pepsi - god knows how long since it had been mopped. I sat there wearing sandals, and 15 minutes into the movie, I started feeling bugs running across my bare feet. It was horrible. Can you imagine - the entire floor of the theater may have been crawling with bugs in the dark.

    I can't remember if I got up and left, or if I put my feet up on the seats in front of me. What would you have done, if you really wanted to see the movie?

    That place closed down not too long after that.
  • Reply 48 of 71
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member
    In my xperience, those port-a-loo's you have at festivals r about as nasty as you can get. As a college student i'm rather used to avoiding piles of vomit walking through town in the morning, or taking a piss about anywhere (beer does that to a man) at night, but as a rather frequent festival goer i'm still in awe how diguisting those 20 toilets can b that are beeing uses by some 60.000 people for 3 days long.
  • Reply 49 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by SpcMs

    In my xperience, those port-a-loo's you have at festivals r about as nasty as you can get. As a college student i'm rather used to avoiding piles of vomit walking through town in the morning, or taking a piss about anywhere (beer does that to a man) at night, but as a rather frequent festival goer i'm still in awe how diguisting those 20 toilets can b that are beeing uses by some 60.000 people for 3 days long.

    Hi SpcMs - Well, as you undoubtedly know, beer has the same effect on females, only faster and more frequently.

    The difference being that the difficulty is less easily remedied. I will now skip two stories I could tell you, since they reflect dubiously upon my lady-like qualities. hahahahaha

    What happens when people drop their keys down those porta-potties?

    PS Did you go to V2003 ? A friend from London said it was a great festival......
  • Reply 50 of 71
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    lol, this thread is great stress relief after the Packers lost the game. I just found The Urinal Game, good stuff. Got a perfect.
  • Reply 51 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Crusader

    lol, this thread is great stress relief after the Packers lost the game. I just found The Urinal Game, good stuff. Got a perfect.

    Hi Crusader - Cool game. I missed two, however. Not bad for never having been in a men's room when men were actually in it, though. hehe.

    I think they cheated on the last one. I picked the one farthest to the left. I still think that's the best choice. Not fair saying 'turn around and walk out'.

    PS On that last one, you mean 'you' knew to say, "Turn around and walk out?" Why? I don't get it.
  • Reply 52 of 71
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Carol A - lol, it's simple. The urinal closest to the door is taken. All of the other urinals put you next to someone. You can't take the center one, that would be TWO guys. Most people would take the end, but any real guy would look at the situation and run. I really don't know how I got the last one, I figured it was gonna be bad no matter which one I took, so why not leave?

    Yes, trust me you don't want to have to deal with this struggle every-time you need to pee. It is always weird when some guy comes up next to you... Dave Berry wrote a chapter on it in "Dave Berry's Guide to Guys" good stuff.

    Now Carol, I do think that we are entitled to a story

    P.S. tonton - Holy crap that had to be weird. I feel for ya man, but hey I think you made the Chinese guy happy
  • Reply 53 of 71
    ok, my three urinal stories (two mine, one my friends)

    first: at 18 i decided to travel across the country by bus...see the country, meet the people...etc etc (absolute hell...i went from Baltimore to LA and instantly turned my return trip ticket to cash and bought a plane ticket back...buses uuuughhh): anyways, got to Amarillo, Texas greyhound bus station and went to take a piss (give a piss, whatever) and the stalls are on a four foot high wall...but there are urinals on either side of the as you are standing there "draining the dragon" so is some dude in a cowboy hat looking right at you about two feet is almost like you are trying to pee on him as he is trying to pee on you...very strange and i had the horrible thought of striking up a conversation...sort of, "how you doing? nice weather today. what do you have in your right hand?"

    second: at the hospital, second floor, cardiac, gi, neuro level...outpatient area has a nice bathroom with about 5 urinal...walk up to one and unzip and look down to see the urinal is completely covered in blood...well that is something that gets the little gelding quite clamped down and i just zip right back up and walk out...haven't been back to that bathroom since (thankfully i work in pediatrics and have never seen that up on my floor)

    third: at a bar next to a movie theater with a friend, killing time before the movie by having a beer or two...he gets up and goes to the bathroom...comes back a few minutes later somewhat shaken...tells me of his "adventure" the john there are two urinals...a well dressed elderly black man is at one urinal so he steps up to the other one...they are fairly he starts to pee, looking straight ahead as is the usual custom with close, stranger peeing together situations, when he looks down to see that this well-dressed man in his 50's has reached over and put his hand into my friends urine stream and keeps it comment, no conversation, no eye contact...just checking out the stream i guess...

    bathrooms are strange beasts

  • Reply 54 of 71
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by tonton

    My one bad toilet incident happened this year. I was going to see a film (I think it must have been Matrix 2) and before the film went into the john. There was a middle-aged Chinese guy standing at the last urinal in a line of four. I took no notice of him, went to the second urinal (if you've ever played the flash "urinal game" you'll know you can't choose the one nearest the door), unzipped and pulled out my johnson. Suddenly the guy started frantically, as if it were a matter of life and death, jacking off. I shouted, "what the f***?" hurriedly zipped up and left the bathroom. Told my girlfriend "I didn't go." I had to get up in the middle of the film to finally relieve myself, of course.

    Why can't you choose the one nearest the door? I missed that in the game.

    Along the lines of your story - I got in a train car in a city in Germany (which shall remain nameless), and sat down on a bench seat that faced another bench seat. The whole car was empty except for one guy sitting 15 feet away. Suddenly he got up, came over and sat down in front of me. He had on really baggy pants. He had his hand in his pocket, and suddenly starting jacking off furiously inside his pants. I pretended not to notice, got up, walked down the car and started reading a train timetable on the wall, as far away from him as I could get. I couldn't go anywhere. I was trapped. I took the first available stop and got off, not anywhere close to where I wanted to be. What a sicko. I guess I was lucky. He could have been an axe murderer or something.
  • Reply 55 of 71
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    an interesting little tool for those that are bothered by all the people around while peeing.

    count the prime numbers in your head. usually by 29 you're thinking enough of what the next ones will be that it's not a problem.

    and our HS didn't have any doors on the stalls. i never used them. i never had to go that bad.

    creepiest toilet i ever saw though was a toilet at our grandparents cabin by the lake. thing worked by burning instead of flushing. as a kid i was way too terrified to ever use it. pull that lever and *fwoosh!* fire came and burned everything away. awful contraption.
  • Reply 56 of 71

    Originally posted by bunge

    I do apologize to any males in here, but I do flush with my feet whenever possible.

  • Reply 57 of 71
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    creepiest toilet i ever saw though was a toilet at our grandparents cabin by the lake. thing worked by burning instead of flushing. as a kid i was way too terrified to ever use it. pull that lever and *fwoosh!* fire came and burned everything away. awful contraption.

    i think that would scare me verily. how does it work with liquid waste? (is urine flammable? i guess that depends on how much you drink. thuhfreak sips some absynthe and tries lighting his urine stream. ow.)
  • Reply 58 of 71

    Originally posted by Carol A

    [B Well, as you undoubtedly know, beer has the same effect on females, only faster and more frequently. [/B]

    I once went to town with my girlfriend and her friend. On the way back to my car, my girlfriends friend declared she had to pee. It was about 5 o'clock in the morning and we were in the middle of downtown. No toilet and nobody else in vicinity. So she went to a corner, dropped her pants, crouched down an let it flow. (This gave a whole new meaning of 'public' toilet to me). When we started to walk away, we saw the stream flowing alongside the wall. We went around the next corner and there was lying a wino. The rivulet missed him by some inches...
  • Reply 59 of 71

    Originally posted by Carol A

    I got in a train car in a city in Germany (which shall remain nameless)

    I hope it was not near my place
  • Reply 60 of 71
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    A friend of my mother was out snowmobiling several years ago with some friends. She was wearing one of those all-in-one suits with integrated pants, jacket, and hood.

    Out in the middle of nowhere, she has to pee. They pull over, she unzips her entire outfit, squats, pees, zips back up, and flips the hood back up.


    She'd peed in her hood.

    It was a very cold ride back, from what I hear.
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