Honestly, on average how many calories do you consume a day?



  • Reply 21 of 35
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    mz eating just got worse. damn british cuisine.

    breakfast: coffee. sugar in it. protein drink.

    lunch/dinner/weird hours, normallz 1 times a daz: corn tortillas (brang from US), rice, green veggies or casual fish in them, llouisiana hot sauce. i feel full after 2 or 3 of em but force mzself to eat more, i dont want to lose 10 lb a mo (x 2 mo) like the last time here...

    anztime: (if i remember): a mexican goat milk lollipop, apples, other fruit.

    thatsit. no junk. no milk. verz random alcohol.

    a bit of chocolat when needed, vitamines etc dailz in pills.

    i dont want to calculate how much that is, i hope it#s enough to not shrinken me 20 lbs.
  • Reply 22 of 35

    Originally posted by thegelding

    yes, cutting out fast food is a great start...also sodas (even diet soda), white bread and white sugar (they are the devil)


    no avoiding white sugar. Cane sugar is mostly white sugar (sucrose).
  • Reply 23 of 35
    I don't really keep track, but I'd say about 2000 calories a day (that's now that I'm home on break). College really upped my calorie intake, but I'm learning to restrain myself. I'm not overweight, and I keep a decent meal plan. I don't think I could ever live off bars or a diet, and fast food just doesn't do it for me. It's all about a good, home cooked meal! Let's see... today I ate:

    -Breakfast: Cereal with 2% milk

    -Lunch: Scrambled eggs and a piece of jalepeno-cheese bread (yum!!)

    -Dinner: Stir fry with lots of veggies and tofu

    -Snacks: A handful of pecans and some chocolate

    Recipe for happiness: Live to eat, don't eat to live.
  • Reply 24 of 35
    I am in hardcore training mode though, I lift 5 days a week and run 4 days a week. My calorie consumption is based upon what I burn per day at my weight (165 LBS). I burn approximately 2000 calories a day, so to maintain my weight I'd have to eat that many, to lose I'd eat less than that.

    It's very simple. I dont eat bars all the time but they are a great source of food in terms of replacing something bad for something pretty good. 200 calorie infusions of 15 grams of protein and 20 carb grams is a good, well, balance.

    I like food as much as anyone else, but ever since I lost 60+ LBS I havent been nearly as gung ho about enjoying what I eat. I eat to serve a physical purpose, meaning I can enjoy food sometimes but other times I just eat because in reality it is fuel. Of course you only live once, but I want to live as long as possible, even if it means I dont get constant caloric gratification...However, If I were diagnosed with a terminal illness, you can bet your ass I'd be gorging on Krispy Kreme's until death...probably having them cause my death and not the illness.
  • Reply 25 of 35
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    regardless of what it looks like when it comes out, lol omg gross.

    Does it ever come out? That "diet" has so much processed protein and so little fiber. I'm amazed that your colon isn't the size of Iowa by now.

    My dieter's rule of thumb is that if you can't tell what it came from, it probably isn't good for you. That goes for processed nutrition bars as much as it does for chicken mcnuggets and white bread. I've also heard of the color rule: the more colors on your plate, the better. Both rules basically boil down to eating lots of good fruits and veggies (the more colorful the better) together with whole grains and fresh meats/dairy.

    Not that I follow my own rule very well, but I try. Usually.
  • Reply 26 of 35
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    So far today:

    2 English Muffins (crumpets) w/lots of butter (real butter) - ~500 calories

    2 bowls of Frosted Flakes w/1% low-fat milk - ~400 calories

    2 cans of Coke - 280 calories

    A large helping of potato chips - ~480 calories

    an apple - ~50 calories

    a banana - ~90 calories

    a 6 inch Subway grilled chicken sandwich with everything - 330 calories

    a large bowl of beef round and meatball pho - ~600 calories

    small bar of Toblerone - 190 calories

    an original Peanut Butter PowerBar - 240 calories

    some boiled broccoli - 100 calories

    Odwalla Strawberry-banana juice - 120 calories

    sealed a few envelopes - who cares?

    So my best guess is 3400 calories... ???

    I had no idea. Jeez. It's only 6:30 too.
  • Reply 27 of 35

    Originally posted by Eugene

    So far today:

    2 English Muffins (crumpets) w/lots of butter (real butter) - ~500 calories

    2 bowls of Frosted Flakes w/1% low-fat milk - ~400 calories

    2 cans of Coke - 280 calories

    A large helping of potato chips - ~480 calories

    an apple - ~50 calories

    a banana - ~90 calories

    a 6 inch Subway grilled chicken sandwich with everything - 330 calories

    a large bowl of beef round and meatball pho - ~600 calories

    small bar of Toblerone - 190 calories

    an original Peanut Butter PowerBar - 240 calories

    some boiled broccoli - 100 calories

    Odwalla Strawberry-banana juice - 120 calories

    sealed a few envelopes - who cares?

    So my best guess is 3400 calories... ???

    I had no idea. Jeez. It's only 6:30 too.

  • Reply 28 of 35
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    - 1 big coffee (with brown sugar).

    - 1 big glass of protein powder (1 big spoon = 1/2 dose) plus coffee and brown sugar to blend that

    - 2 corn tortillas with rice and hot sauce

    it's 2 pm. im not hungry at all. i think i'll have more coffee later, and try to eat more tortillas.

    the 8 y old kids shirts look fine on me (disney sizing) .. i don't want to fit to the 4 y size. (6 y looks kind of, sexy).
  • Reply 29 of 35
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    i forgot: the nicest diet for men i have ever heard of.

    actually i think it's invented by 2 of my friends but it works..

    1. get cheap flights to ireland and go there.

    2. drink as much guinness as you want.

    and you will lose weight.

    must be because of the irish food .. \

    but it works .. 1 week in ireland and you can fit 3 americans to the aer lingus toilet ..
  • Reply 30 of 35
    I don't know. \

    Two lattes with 2% milk before breakfast.(Hey, I get up at 5 am).

    breakfast: bowl of raisin bran

    lunch: hmm. Oh yeah, leftover multim-ushroom stroganoff over brown rice (ie, stir fried mushrooms in a sour cream sauce--but it was LITE sour cream)

    dinner: stir fried tofu over Chinese noodles and a salad (romaine lettuce, spinach, carrot, feta, tomato, and vinagrette dressing)

    and one beer. Wait, did I finish that beer? *leaves to go find beer.*
  • Reply 31 of 35
    My entire carb intake is based on beer.

    But that's not really because I care about "eating right." These days I do about 2500, I'd guess, mostly meat and vegetables because they're so easy to make. Back when I used to be on the track team, I used to eat 4-7000 a day. (long distance) . . . And I was still 6' 130lbs. Now I'm 165, and 8% body fat as opposed to 3%.

    Giaguara, you're a nice girl, but quite rexxy.
  • Reply 32 of 35
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Honestly i dont know how many calories i consume a day.
  • Reply 33 of 35
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I've gone on a simple plan since New Years. That's simple in it's strategy, not so simple in the implementation (the beer reduction is killing me).

    I stopped drinking booze. Heavenly beer is gone from my life.

    I stopped eating nachos and cheese at night.

    I started eating one helping of whatever is for supper.

    I make myself eat breakfast, which I always skipped. I make myself eat mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, which I never do.

    I started a workout program (purposely simple so I'll stick to it for a while) of doing pushups/situps/pullups one day, and jumping rope until I want to die the next day.

    I've gone from 207 to 192 in 15 days. A pound a day. How many calories was I eating per day? No ****ing idea. Any more complicated and I'd just go back to the beer and nachos out of frustration.

    Oh, and this was with pounding 4 pints at a hockey game last week. I can't give it up 100%.

    A point to this rambling? Counting calories is for high calible sports dudes and women. Work out, don't pound booze, don't shovel crap into your mouth, and it's all good.

  • Reply 34 of 35
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by murbot

    I've gone from 207 to 192 in 15 days. A pound a day. How many calories was I eating per day? No ****ing idea. Any more complicated and I'd just go back to the beer and nachos out of frustration.

    Oh, and this was with pounding 4 pints at a hockey game last week. I can't give it up 100%.

    A point to this rambling? Counting calories is for high calible sports dudes and women. Work out, don't pound booze, don't shovel crap into your mouth, and it's all good.

    That's right, instinctively we know when we suck with food
  • Reply 35 of 35
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member
    Let's see, had a coke as breakfast, mmm...some cereal and a few slices of bread with butter and choco paste at noon. Then lotsa cookies all afternoon, an instant soup, two cups of coffee, another coke, some more cookies, spaghetti as dinner, two glasses of wine, and now i'm having another coke, in an hour we'll go to the pub, have a few beers and call it a night.

    Somehow i remain very light-weight, guess stress and lack of sleep do that to a man.
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