Discontinue The Imac



  • Reply 61 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by Ybot:


    This rbald twit is so obviously jealous of the fact that such a large group of people (namely: us) actually likes the company, products and CEO of our computer and OS company.

    Wheras most PC people admit to hating Windows, Gates and that whole scene, we actually get positively excited when Jobs speaks and new products are revealed. It's what happens when a company is run well and makes good products.

    So let's just ignore the uninitiated and uninformed rbald and leave him to his 'smokey quartz' graphite rip-off Compaq computer (see: <a href="http://athome.compaq.com/default.asp?ProductLineId=441&page=families"; target="_blank">http://athome.compaq.com/default.asp?ProductLineId=441&page=famili es</a> ) running Winbloze XPlode.

    -Ybot</strong><hr></blockquote>Apple a company that is run well? Lets see! 17 yrs ago apple was the leader in gui! Microsoft had dos! Today microsoft has 95% of the os market apple has 3%! Dosen't sound like a company that is run well to me? Looks like Bill Gates is the better CEO! Oh by the way i use a Dell PC.

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</p>
  • Reply 62 of 86



    Thank you very much.

  • Reply 63 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>I really believe that the only thing truly holding Apple back was the glacial pace of PPC development. 2002 may change that in a big way.</strong><hr></blockquote> Apple's biggest problem is their prices! Lower the prices and you would be able to kick up market share some! Maybe.
  • Reply 64 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by Horned_Frog:


    Hey, I drive a Ford! (1997 Ediie bauer Explorer to be exact w/ Michelin Tires)

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    Seems everybody is makin' jabs at me today. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Always buy American!
  • Reply 65 of 86
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by rbald:


    Always buy American!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    why? to get worse quality for a higher price? to get poorly designed cars? to get horrible fuel economy?

    BTW, I own a 1998 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: applenut ]</p>
  • Reply 66 of 86
    [quote]Apple computers are more for women! What with all those goofy and pretty little colors!<hr></blockquote>

    Yes, rBald, troll that you are, Apple computers definitely *ARE* for women! And men..Real men that is . What is wrong with pretty colors? Do you see in beige only?

    I was a Windows user who was introduced to Macintosh by a chance encounter 3 years ago. Our our office converted to all Macintosh, and computer maintenance overheads and deadtime have been slashed. Great for business, the bottom line. Not so great for IT personnel perhaps since Macintosh networks are so simple to set up and maintain?

    And to to try to keep on topic, the iMac does require a facelift and some innovative industrial design to renew the coolness factor; if Apple discontinues this icon of invention...what would be the replacement?
  • Reply 67 of 86
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    rbald: You can put more than one rebuttal in a post. You do not need to make a different post for every sentence. Checking over your spelling might help also. Zerox is not a company.

    Your point of Bill Gates being a better CEO is null. Reason? Bill Gates is not a CEO.

    Apple is still the leader in GUI development. The influence Aqua had on the Luna interface is readily apparent.

    Apple is a very healthy company. They pull good profits, they are examining new business ventures (retail stores, consumer electronics) while continually improving their mainstay?computer hardware. Apple is a computer company, not a software company like Microsoft. Apple is the leader in the education market, far ahead of the competition and introduces many innovative ideas before other corporations catch up (Airport, DV, DVD burning, Firewire...) which keeps their products from collecting dust on the shelves. There is more to a computer than the numbers on a spec sheet. While Apple may not be the vendor of choice for hardcore gamers and 3D artists, Apple provides a viable solution to graphic designers, home markets, and business customers.

    Apple's colored computers sold well and were readily imitated.They are still being imitated, but Apple is now looking at different design themes.
  • Reply 68 of 86
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    re: macs are for women nonsense:

    You know, some men **gasp** like colors! No really, and we're not gay or anything! Believe it or not, men can see beauty too. I know, I know, you're perplexed as to why this whole time, you've been left out of the loop and assumed it was because you're only a man. But alas, women aren't really better, just different. Sorry to burst your bubble there.

  • Reply 69 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    why? to get worse quality for a higher price? to get poorly designed cars? to get horrible fuel economy?

    BTW, I own a 1998 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer


    Cool! Personally i hate the redesign for 2001...the 1996-(I think) 2000 were the nicest. Plus you gotta love that 13 MPG!

  • Reply 70 of 86
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:

    <strong>rbald: You can put more than one rebuttal in a post. You do not need to make a different post for every sentence. Checking over your spelling might help also. Zerox is not a company.

    Your point of Bill Gates being a better CEO is null. Reason? Bill Gates is not a CEO.

    Apple is still the leader in GUI development. The influence Aqua had on the Luna interface is readily apparent.

    Apple is a very healthy company. They pull good profits, they are examining new business ventures (retail stores, consumer electronics) while continually improving their mainstay?computer hardware. Apple is a computer company, not a software company like Microsoft. Apple is the leader in the education market, far ahead of the competition and introduces many innovative ideas before other corporations catch up (Airport, DV, DVD burning, Firewire...) which keeps their products from collecting dust on the shelves. There is more to a computer than the numbers on a spec sheet. While Apple may not be the vendor of choice for hardcore gamers and 3D artists, Apple provides a viable solution to graphic designers, home markets, and business customers.

    Apple's colored computers sold well and were readily imitated.They are still being imitated, but Apple is now looking at different design themes.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Your Points:

    1) rbald's postings: Yes, he is clogging the servers. mods need to fix this. I told him that on page 1

    2) Xerox: Thank you. And rbald...Apple used the GUI with permission. The engineers WENT to XEROX to work on it. Watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley" since you obviously can't read.

    3) Bill Gates: Right again, MacAddict!

    4) Profitablity/Apple business state: Right yet again, MacAddict

    5) Innovations by Apple: Guess what rbald? MacAddict has taken you to school AGAIN!

    6) Colored Computers: What's that noise? That's right! It's MacAddict knocking your argument on its ass again!

    Also, rbald: It is common knowledge that the best product doesn't always win out in terms of market share. It is the company that is cut- throat enough to win. I agree though, that Apple and its counter-business culture of the time (1970's and 80's) ****ed up the legal end. They should have had a rock solid agreement preventing MS from imitating the MacOS in ANY version.

    But, in any case M$ did something illegal and more importantly unethical. Jobs was too trusting and at the time wasn't a good enough businessman to deal with Gates.

    In any case, the MacOS is the real thing. It is a better OS, period. And Gates can't be CEO anymore because he had to RSVP to HELL in time to make it down there for good seats for the Hitler VS. Bin Laden match up.

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 71 of 86
    Sorry, jumping on the Dogpile.

    I have supported several brands of Personal Computers running a variety of Microsoft operating systems over the phone and I can honestly say that it has cured me of any desire to own a PC (Anything I NEED a PC for can be handled by Virtual PC).

    There are many more programs available for the PC than the Mac, and most of them conflict in some way or another with at least one other program, the OS, or a driver. I couldn't even hope to count the hours I spent helping folks try to undo the disaster inflicted on their system by a new Application (even MS ones).

    Frankly most of the software not available on the Mac isn't worth having (perhaps with the exception of a FEW games).

    My experience is that when most home users talk about all the software that is available for the PC, they mean all the software they can pirate for the PC. Who has the money to buy a boatload of Apps? There are more games available for the Mac than I would ever care to buy. Sure, if you're not paying for it, there are lots of cool games. Most of the games that are "cool" enough to spend money on make it to the Mac.

    The main reason I stick with the Mac is it just works. I can handle most crises that come up on a PC, but why? I have a life (and a pretty doggone full one at that). By and large my Mac just keeps on trucking along without any intervention on my part. I mean if you have nothing better to do with your time than play with your computer, by all means, knock yourself out.

    I still remember the Lady who called in with a new Compaq. The salesman talked her out of an iMac and into a PC which had a DOA modem and software conflicts out of the box and she couldn't understand why her Mac using friend thought she should take it back and buy an iMac like he told her before.

    Every PC twit from Bill Gates on down gets all frothing at the mouth about the iMac colors. I can understand why. Dell offers two case colors, beige and black, and most of their customers can't keep them straight. "I ordered a black monitor and a beige computer, waah, why is it so complicated?" Heck, Dell's entire operation would probably have ground to a halt under an avalanche of returns and exchanges if the customers had to keep FIVE colors straight.
  • Reply 72 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:


    Your Points:

    1) rbald's postings: Yes, he is clogging the servers. mods need to fix this. I told him that on page 1

    2) Xerox: Thank you. And rbald...Apple used the GUI with permission. The engineers WENT to XEROX to work on it. Watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley" since you obviously can't read.

    3) Bill Gates: Right again, MacAddict!

    4) Profitablity/Apple business state: Right yet again, MacAddict

    5) Innovations by Apple: Guess what rbald? MacAddict has taken you to school AGAIN!

    6) Colored Computers: What's that noise? That's right! It's MacAddict knocking your argument on its ass again!

    Also, rbald: It is common knowledge that the best product doesn't always win out in terms of market share. It is the company that is cut- throat enough to win. I agree though, that Apple and its counter-business culture of the time (1970's and 80's) ****ed up the legal end. They should have had a rock solid agreement preventing MS from imitating the MacOS in ANY version.

    But, in any case M$ did something illegal and more importantly unethical. Jobs was too trusting and at the time wasn't a good enough businessman to deal with Gates.

    In any case, the MacOS is the real thing. It is a better OS, period. And Gates can't be CEO anymore because he had to RSVP to HELL in time to make it down there for good seats for the Hitler VS. Bin Laden match up.

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>Pirates of Silicon Valley?? Oh yea that's the movie were Bill Gates runs rings around Steve Jobs!!!! MacAddict! What kind of a name is that for a magazine? you got to be kidding me! The MacOS is the real thing? Not with 3% of the market it isn't!! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</p>
  • Reply 73 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale:


    Yes, rBald, troll that you are, Apple computers definitely *ARE* for women! And men..Real men that is . What is wrong with pretty colors? Do you see in beige only?

    I was a Windows user who was introduced to Macintosh by a chance encounter 3 years ago. Our our office converted to all Macintosh, and computer maintenance overheads and deadtime have been slashed. Great for business, the bottom line. Not so great for IT personnel perhaps since Macintosh networks are so simple to set up and maintain?

    And to to try to keep on topic, the iMac does require a facelift and some innovative industrial design to renew the coolness factor; if Apple discontinues this icon of invention...what would be the replacement?</strong><hr></blockquote> Pretty colors are good for women! I agree! The imac it's a little kids computer! It dosen't sell anymore! Why beat a dead horse!

    [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</p>
  • Reply 74 of 86
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
  • Reply 75 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:

    <strong>Sorry, jumping on the Dogpile.

    I have supported several brands of Personal Computers running a variety of Microsoft operating systems over the phone and I can honestly say that it has cured me of any desire to own a PC (Anything I NEED a PC for can be handled by Virtual PC).

    There are many more programs available for the PC than the Mac, and most of them conflict in some way or another with at least one other program, the OS, or a driver. I couldn't even hope to count the hours I spent helping folks try to undo the disaster inflicted on their system by a new Application (even MS ones).

    Frankly most of the software not available on the Mac isn't worth having (perhaps with the exception of a FEW games).

    My experience is that when most home users talk about all the software that is available for the PC, they mean all the software they can pirate for the PC. Who has the money to buy a boatload of Apps? There are more games available for the Mac than I would ever care to buy. Sure, if you're not paying for it, there are lots of cool games. Most of the games that are "cool" enough to spend money on make it to the Mac.

    The main reason I stick with the Mac is it just works. I can handle most crises that come up on a PC, but why? I have a life (and a pretty doggone full one at that). By and large my Mac just keeps on trucking along without any intervention on my part. I mean if you have nothing better to do with your time than play with your computer, by all means, knock yourself out.

    I still remember the Lady who called in with a new Compaq. The salesman talked her out of an iMac and into a PC which had a DOA modem and software conflicts out of the box and she couldn't understand why her Mac using friend thought she should take it back and buy an iMac like he told her before.

    Every PC twit from Bill Gates on down gets all frothing at the mouth about the iMac colors. I can understand why. Dell offers two case colors, beige and black, and most of their customers can't keep them straight. "I ordered a black monitor and a beige computer, waah, why is it so complicated?" Heck, Dell's entire operation would probably have ground to a halt under an avalanche of returns and exchanges if the customers had to keep FIVE colors straight.</strong><hr></blockquote> Bill Gates? Oh yea that's the guy that helped bail apple out about 3 yrs ago when they were on the verge of going out of business! Dell Computer, don't they sell about 5 times the amount of computers that apple does in any given quarter?
  • Reply 76 of 86
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] Pirates of Silicon Valley?? Oh yea that's the movie were Bill Gates runs rings around Steve Jobs!!!! <hr></blockquote>

    What movie did you watch? What rings? Do trolls wear rings? I guess you could afford them after buying that raggedy peice of crap pc box.

    [quote] MacAddict! What kind of a name is that for a magazine? you got to be kidding me! <hr></blockquote>

    Let's see, it;s a macintosh magazine for those who like the mac platform. I guess you could call those who like the mac and read magazines about the mac-addidtcs. So, if your little mind is not capable of understanding the name "MacAddict" and how it can properly represent a magazine, then your choice of platform is the correct one. You mind is not developed enough for a mac.

    [quote] The MacOS is the real thing? Not with 3% of the market it isn't!! <hr></blockquote>

    5, Five, sinco, 4+1, it's 5% of the market share. I know your small mind can't read, so I can't expect you to be good at math, but it's currently 5% of the market share. Also, tollboy, factor in that the total pc sales also calculate all computer sales, that includes cash registers. So wow, you have a dominating peice of crap. I wish I could be you.

    Pc's aren't for women, they're too smart for that. PC's are for that little pesky sub human species that dwell under bridges
  • Reply 77 of 86
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] Bill Gates? Oh yea that's the guy that helped bail apple out about 3 yrs ago when they were on the verge of going out of business! <hr></blockquote>

    No, that's the chump that got sued for stealing Apple's OS and was taken to court. After his head was up his ass, they settled for $150 million of Apple stock which has since been bought back. If it's wasn't for Apple, you trolls wouldn't have a platform to piss on, um , I mena from.

    [quote]Dell Computer, don't they sell about 5 times the amount of computers that apple does in any given quarter? <hr></blockquote>

    Wow, and what's point? I remeber Yugo selling a lot of cars before it went out of business. Does that mean their cars sucked?
  • Reply 78 of 86
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Well, I've had my fun with this kid, has everyone else? Anyway, I'm starting to feel bad for the admin crew and the server for putting up with us. Besides, that Bin Laden tae was doctored! -- I mean this kid just can't see what's in front of him! (Same situation.) Kudos to all for their effort. 'Twas fun. Feel free to leave some departing thoughts. Perhaps some day, the boy will open his eyes, ears, mind, eh?
  • Reply 79 of 86
    LOL, rBald, it's like shooting cows. But I know you're actually someone who is somewhat of a regular here. And I'm not laughing.
  • Reply 80 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    Wow, and what's point? I remeber Yugo selling a lot of cars before it went out of business. Does that mean their cars sucked?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Oh yea,the Judge laughed at Apple and threw the suit out of court! Yugo's are out of business! What's your point?

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