2004: welcome to the year of the partnership!



  • Reply 41 of 44
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    I love mac but you mac ppl are too blinde to see that pc ppl dont want to spend 5000$ plus on a new laptop and a new desktop (or 2 or 3) BUT we would GLADLY spend 100-300$ for a better more stable os that actualy has a support network from manufacturer (unlike all linux accept redhat enterprise) and with wine for osx on the horizon, we could still run our apps, until the next upgrade cycle when e simply buy the osx copy of photoshop-office-acid (who needs it w/ GB) - and swich from premeir to fce/fcp

    and ftlog...for 3000$ on a g5, the least they could do is let you choose a 2 button mouse not that 1 button thing (w/o a scroll wheel i would die)
  • Reply 42 of 44
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    Hey greer, if you pc people are too cheap to ever buy a new computer, even the PC companies don't need or want you.

    Sheesh, talk about "blind"...
  • Reply 43 of 44
    coscos Posts: 99member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    I love mac but you mac ppl are too blinde to see that pc ppl dont want to spend 5000$ plus on a new laptop and a new desktop

    When was the cost of entry into the Mac world start at $5,000?

    At last check, it was $799
  • Reply 44 of 44

    Originally posted by Video

    I think the partnership with microsoft really isn't that bad. I enjoy working with office on my mac. I wouldn't want that product discontinued. I hate to say this, and I probably will be shunned by saying this. but microsoft does have some cool things to offer.

    There are places for the Microsoft product on the mac, just not EVERYWHERE on it. Microsoft's implementation (or should I say the MAC BU (Mac Business Unit) @ microsoft) has gone the direction of pretty much modularity with some resemblence to .dll files...but pretty far from it.

    What this means for end users, is that their implementation on Mac OS X and older is good because it doesn't cripple your operating system should it go bad. This has never been the case, for almost all instances on the Mac side, and for any version...wow, they wrote office first on the mac.

    Should it go bad underneath windows, the chance is there that this could happen, as it does. As those nasty .dll files are linked to other applications under windows...when one goes bad they all do.

    Plus the people at the MacBU are nice, and are probably as anti-microsoft as anyone here, just in a more rebellious way and not-as-evil type of way.

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