Ridiculous music argument with a friend...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Dhuge67: Pepsi and Apple are giving away 100 million free songs

Dhuge67: legal downloads at iTunes.com

benzoXL: wow

Dhuge67: 1/3 win a code to redeem them under the cap, its cool

benzoXL: ill just wait til summer - download for freeeeeee

Dhuge67: they let you stream them...not physically download the file

benzoXL: i dont care - its not like im takin it anywhere, im not gonna have a car

Dhuge67: if you want to download the file to make it burnable or syncable to an iPod, it must be paid for

benzoXL: and besides, im gonna have a wireless connect too, so i can dl there

Dhuge67: eh, i dont know...i think its stupid and PSU misses the point... it just encourages illegal downloads... reinforces the idea that music is a commodity not something that should be paid for

benzoXL: no - cause im only gonna dl music for my dorm, and ill be fine with it. it gives incentive to buy a song, or buy the cd instead of buying the song

benzoXL: which in turn makes more money for big companies

Dhuge67: no, it instills the idea in people's minds that "listening to a song without paying for it is ok"

benzoXL: most of the cds i get are 20, 21 tracks

benzoXL: i never spend 20 bucks on a cd

benzoXL: thats overpaying in the long run

Dhuge67: full quality, fast downloads, reliable download, album art, profit to the artist, legal piece of mind, and you have full use rights

benzoXL: piece of mind can suck my balls

Dhuge67: reliable and quality AAC encoding is nice

benzoXL: im not having a psychological struggle here

benzoXL: ill stream, stay legal, and not care

Dhuge67: ok, I wont...I refuse to give up iPod portability and quality downloads and most people want iPods

benzoXL: but i dont have an ipod, i dont plan on buying one, and im not gonna have a car to use cds in frosh year, so why not stream?

Dhuge67: they already account for 60% of the revenue in mp3 players and 30% of the market, its sick

benzoXL: mp3 players are useless in my opinion, cause i dont use them to walk around with

benzoXL: i listen to music in my car

benzoXL: and i dont have a tape player to plug it into

Dhuge67: I dunno man, you may see in time that you will want one, especially when they become more affordable this summer when HP releases the HP iPod

benzoXL: and i dont want the extra hassle of having something loose in my car... i used to have an mp3 player and i hated it

Dhuge67: u could buy a 20 dollar fm transmitter

Dhuge67: I dont think youd hate the iPod, nobody does

bnzoXL: its an mp3 player

benzoXL: yes, come to grips with it, not everyone loves it, alot of people like it yes but not everyone

Dhuge67: the album is dead man

benzoXL: no its not

Dhuge67: It has been dying at least, hardly alive

benzoXL: without it, there would be none of this

benzoXL: ok, so thats why there are still multiplatinum artists

Dhuge67: in a couple years there probably wont be off the shelf CD's

Dhuge67: its an ancient technology

benzoXL: ill mark your words

Dhuge67: its not convenient anymore

benzoXL: ill hold you to this

Dhuge67: people want iPods, MP3's...I'm in good company with this vision


  • Reply 1 of 45
    benzoXL: the album is dead, cds are ancient technology, theyll be gone in a couple years

    Dhuge67: DVD's are actually over the hill

    Dhuge67: in a few more years there will be HD DVD's

    Dhuge67: I say by 2010 CD's will be as scarce as 8tracks are today

    benzoXL: to keep up with every technological advance made is madness

    Dhuge67: the album as we know it is dead....everything is just progressing sooo fast to the Apple iTunes idea... its all about what people want, and why they want it...lets look at why this is happening...let me have the floor for a sec

    Dhuge67: people are embracing the idea of the digital hub which Apple coined over 4 years ago (well ahead of everyone else but thats another story) and what has happened since

    Dhuge67: You want your computer to be a hub, connecting your video, photos, music, and everything else you create....the computer houses the files....the computer provides more worth and value to these things by editing them, sharring them, and repackaging them...then there are devices that branch off of the hub and add even more value yet

    benzoXL: its all in how you view it

    Dhuge67: they enable portability, convenience

    benzoXL: quality that a burnt cd lacks

    benzoXL: ok, and thats why im telling you this

    Dhuge67: my friend, where do you think a CD comes from?

    Dhuge67: it is burnt, it is digital

    benzoXL: much mor coimplex than what we do

    Dhuge67: but see, not anymore

    benzoXL: dont get condescending with me

    Dhuge67: not since the AAC standard has come along...
  • Reply 2 of 45
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    Too many words....

    I don't want to read your entire conversation...

    what was ultimately decided? iTunes/Pepsi good or bad?
  • Reply 3 of 45
    Ultimately, he just reared his ugly PC user head.\ But I won the argument.8)
  • Reply 4 of 45
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    That's awesome.
  • Reply 5 of 45
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    There's no way in hell or on God's green earth that I'm going to read all of that. A simple, "My friend's argument was that...." would have sufficed.
  • Reply 6 of 45

    DVDs are not going to replace CDs for music.


    "the album is dead"

    "no it's not"

    "yes it is"

    no, the ALBUM is fine, compact discs as a means to play albums is dying
  • Reply 7 of 45
    you 'won' an argument against this


    benzoXL: piece of mind can suck my balls

  • Reply 8 of 45
    You edited this conversation quite a bit it reads like, You're talking about one thing then the next message is like, totally unrelated. \

    edit: or rather, it cuts to something that could very well have been 10-15 minutes later, still vaguely related, but more developed and all that.
  • Reply 9 of 45
    I'll revise all that and make a comprehensible summation out of all of it. I think it should be a bit less daunting now, I dont know how else to do it to expose his PCness. If I didnt show the conversation as it was, it wouldnt drive home the simplistic view in which he percieves things to be.
  • Reply 10 of 45
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    nice job. \
  • Reply 11 of 45
  • Reply 12 of 45
  • Reply 13 of 45
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    DVD-Audio is supposed to be the next step. Doubt it'll ever happen until we all get 1000 watt stereos, with massive rooms to use them in (otherwise your ears will bleed) and can all afford a couple of grands worth of music systems.
  • Reply 14 of 45
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I'd get into a fight with you too if you just kept telling me how good Apple's solution is and wouldn't leave me alone
  • Reply 15 of 45
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Is "piece of mind" the same as "chunk o' brain"?
  • Reply 16 of 45

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh


    You think so? I thought it was a little over the top... but I am glad you like it...
  • Reply 17 of 45
    i've had so many discussions like that with so many people. most realize eventually that itunes and ipod are the way to go, but those stubborn people that just hate apple b/c its apple, and refuse to buy anything made by them just pisses me off.

    i dunno about all of you, but i think psu needs an xserve cluster then iTMS....
  • Reply 18 of 45
    Haha, right on. Do you know about PSU?
  • Reply 19 of 45
    What I don't get is that you say that the album is dead (which I don't really agree with, I collect vinyl copies of my favorite records, ever heard Shout at the Devil on vinyl? Sounds awesome.) and he disagrees. Then you try to push digital music, iTMS and iPods on him, praising all this great new technology that he says isn't worth it, but he says he'd rather just stream music for free. It sounds like he is almost on the same lines about technology, but he just wants to do it all for free. From the sounds of it I doubt he ever buys very much music at all, which is another reason digital music business is getting so big, it's not just because of iTMS and similar, it's also the illegal music downloads that's killing traditional music sales.
  • Reply 20 of 45
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Guys, don't downplay the massive level of suckitude currently present in the music world either.

    I love it when the record industry and/or Hollywood squawks about "declining music sales" and "lower box office takes" and so forth, as if they have no control or hand in it.

    Then why don't you lunkheads stop scouting, signing and promoting such empty, derivative, intelligence-insulting shit...and just MAYBE those precious numbers will creep up a bit?

    Nah, that makes too much sense...

    Britney is simply this decade's Tiffany, but nobody seems to realize it.

    Two big titties and a flat tummy not a quality musical artist make.
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