It is Pepsi's fault...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
It just dawned on me, why we haven't seen "nirvana" yet this year.

Pepsi's deal with Apple must say that Apple can't steal the "thunder" of the iTunes give-away. Apple is obligated not to release new products that would certainly be highlighted on Apple's home page, until the contractual agreement has been fulfilled. Two weeks sounds about right too me, and their was the week of pre-advertising, and that puts us on three, so maybe it is four weeks and that would end next tuesday.

And yes this is a stream of thought. lol.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    Sorry, but your "stream of thought" makes little sense to me. I really doubt that Apple is being held back. I think that they needed to give the Pepsi/iTunes deal time. This isn't at all a case of one holding back the other, it's a case of good marketing. We're all pissed off here because Apple hasn't given us the sorely needed Rev. B G5s, but this is what had to be done. It has nothing to do with Apple having a desire to release new products and being unable to.
  • Reply 2 of 29
    I highly doubt theres some kind of imposed hardware delay simply because they want to keep the Pepsi/iTunes ad up. They've run multiple (refresh for different ad) campaigns on their homepage before. Nothing stopping them from doing it now.

    The ad on the homepage isn't what's driving that campaign anyway, its point of purchase displays, television ads and yellow caps on soda bottles. Also the people who feel that new Macs would steal the "thunder" of the Pepsi/iTunes campaign are not the same people who would be most affected by the advertising anyway (ie non-mac users).
  • Reply 3 of 29
    So $100 million doesn't have any weight as to what is happening?

    This is a big money deal and Pepsi wants bang for it's buck.

    IMHO, if I were Pepsi, I would want a one month exclusive focus.

    I think Apple banked on the give-away as a bigger deal than it

    has turned out to be. I have, as of yet, not seen 1 positive article

    in regards to this matter, only negative.

    Are their any early returns as to how many songs have been downloaded todate?
  • Reply 4 of 29

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    Sorry, but your "stream of thought" makes little sense to me. I really doubt that Apple is being held back. I think that they needed to give the Pepsi/iTunes deal time. This isn't at all a case of one holding back the other, it's a case of good marketing.

    Ok, but you just contradicted yourself.
  • Reply 5 of 29

    Originally posted by dviant

    The ad on the homepage isn't what's driving that campaign anyway, its point of purchase displays, television ads and yellow caps on soda bottles. Also the people who feel that new Macs would steal the "thunder" of the Pepsi/iTunes campaign are not the same people who would be most affected by the advertising anyway (ie non-mac users).

    ok, non-mac user shows up on the site, goes "wow this stuff is way cooler than that PC stuff I have been using", and goes and buys a mac.

    Apple sells them the old stuff, because non-mac user doesn't know to expect an update. Clear out old inventory, at full price, instead of reduced price after new items come in. Take advantage of a possible increase in switchers from the increased Advertising. When the give-away dies down release the new products.
  • Reply 6 of 29

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    ok, non-mac user shows up on the site, goes "wow this stuff is way cooler than that PC stuff I have been using", and goes and buys a mac.

    Apple sells them the old stuff, because non-mac user doesn't know to expect an update. Clear out old inventory, at full price, instead of reduced price after new items come in. Take advantage of a possible increase in switchers from the increased Advertising. When the give-away dies down release the new products.

    That doesnt sound like something apple would do. That seems like a better possible reason for the hold up on the rev b g5s. Apple gets more traffic to their site, gets rid off old stock, and makes a lot more money than they would if they had new pm out. Seems like a win win for apple to me.
  • Reply 7 of 29
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    It's Apple's deal just as much as Pepsi's. They want exposure for their store more than Pepsi needs our purchases.

    Recently Apple has also proven that they release products (especially speed bumps) when they are ready. Not at expos, not at trade shows, but when they are ready.
  • Reply 8 of 29
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Pepsi is the most important thing in Cupertino right now.

    I imagine the cafeteria is stocked with nothing else right now.

  • Reply 9 of 29
    I believe apple employees are exempt from the free songs.

    I think that Apple doesn't update their lines extremely slow.


    I have no idea what I just said.

    It's Apples fault for NEVER delivering in a timely matter.
  • Reply 10 of 29
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    It just dawned on me, why we haven't seen "nirvana" yet this year.

    Pepsi's deal with Apple must say that Apple can't steal the "thunder" of the iTunes give-away. Apple is obligated not to release new products that would certainly be highlighted on Apple's home page, until the contractual agreement has been fulfilled. Two weeks sounds about right too me, and their was the week of pre-advertising, and that puts us on three, so maybe it is four weeks and that would end next tuesday.

    And yes this is a stream of thought. lol.

    o0o0 your a genius. i never thought of that one. but what if pepsi got equal time with some new product? would they be allowed to do that?
  • Reply 11 of 29
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Keep in mind that the Pepsi/iTunes giveaway TV ad :

    Never mentions Apple Inc.

    Never mentions

    Never shows an Apple logo (except the little blot in iTunes in the background on the iMac)

    Apple "the brand" is completely irrelevant to the commercial as is Macintosh (that's to be expected though somewhat).

    Instead, it is merely "iTunes" as the brand. "iTunes" is "it", not "iPod", not "Mac OS X", not ""

    "Download at iTunes"

    In fact the web address given is merely ""

    The whole affair has thoroughly removed Apple/Mac from the picture.

    Which is fine considering the idea is a trojan horse to get people liking Apple products on the Windows side.

    So I have to think that the main page means next to nothing to Pepsi.

    I doubt most windows or non-computer using person that is interested by the ad will either go to or and never even think to go to's front page.

    Yes, simply resolves to but I think the main page will be rarely viewed relative to the intended flow which is:

    1. (click here to start banner) ->


    3. there is no step 3.
  • Reply 12 of 29

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    So $100 million doesn't have any weight as to what is happening?

    This is a big money deal and Pepsi wants bang for it's buck.

    Pepsi isn't paying $100 Million for those songs. In fact, I believe Apple is picking up the tab on the songs and Pepsi is picking up the tab on the promotion. It is probably only costing Apple $10 Million or so, and Pepsi is paying more for advertising, promos, etc.

    I can't find the original article about the details of the deal, but, Pepsi isn't buying those songs.
  • Reply 13 of 29

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    So $100 million doesn't have any weight as to what is happening?

    This is a big money deal and Pepsi wants bang for it's buck.

    By golly i think we've got et
  • Reply 14 of 29
    1) I recall sometime back reading that Pepsi was paying full freight for the songs. No discount. However, of the 100 million bottle caps sent out they only expect a third to be redeemed.

    2) The paper drink cups which also carry the chance for a free song there is a large, blue Apple logo.

    3) My opinion is that the new products will come when they will come. I seriously doubt that actual shipment or announcement of any new product is being held back by Pepsi. Except in rare cases the anticipation of new products on these boards far anticipates the actual release of products.
  • Reply 15 of 29
    Well, Pepsi is off the front page the iPod mini is their now with a count down till friday. So Pepsi did get it's three weeks worth, one less than I predicted but I was waffleing on that anyway. The mini is their now and I don't believe we will see anything new next tuesday. The Mini will still be King.

    I had an idea previous that Steve would wait till the 29th because of the Oscar awards that attract a huge well balanced viewing audience, unlike the SuperBowl, it is also the only other time of the year that people intentionally watch commercials. Yes, Steve will most likely be there (Finding Nemo) has been nominated for 2-3 awards. It should win at least one.
  • Reply 16 of 29
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    Well, Pepsi is off the front page the iPod mini is their now with a count down till friday.


    Thank god for that.
  • Reply 17 of 29

    Originally posted by oldmacfan

    Yes, Steve will most likely be there (Finding Nemo) has been nominated for 2-3 awards. It should win at least one.

    Why would Steve be there for Finding Nemo? He had nothing to do with the film... ie. he isn't the producer or director is he? He's just the company's CEO. Yes, I'm sure he's proud of his company, but I doubt he'll be there.
  • Reply 18 of 29

    Originally posted by Leonard

    Why would Steve be there for Finding Nemo? He had nothing to do with the film... ie. he isn't the producer or director is he? He's just the company's CEO. Yes, I'm sure he's proud of his company, but I doubt he'll be there.

    "He had nothing to do with the film", you might want to rethink that.

    How about Publicity? Free Advertising? How many Americans Know that Steve Jobs is the leader of Apple, or that he owns Pixar? Your assumption is worse than mine.

    My speculation is just that, Speculation.
  • Reply 19 of 29
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    no product no promotion.

    where are these bottles anyway, haven't seen one. I think pepsi is losing momentum. when you tie in merchandising with a movie, you want the stuff out there before, during and after the movie. I can look at pepsi commercials till i'm blue but who cares if there is no product to pull me to it. There is a problem here. maybe pepsi gets the apple coverage but because it holds back the product it just half heartedly promotes apple.
  • Reply 20 of 29
    Flip the bottle. My god get with the times. Why do I have to read it on CNN I should read it here first. You are so behind the times.

    i am sad that your giving yesterday's news today
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