The 12 inch powerbook funeral at G5



  • Reply 21 of 41
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member

    Originally posted by 709

    'Widely Rumored'. I still think that tag is genius.

    It's like the Daily Show segments where Colbert reports some news as fact because it has been "widely reported."
  • Reply 22 of 41
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Originally posted by THT

    Actually, I'd disagree.

    The 12" PB is an iBook G4, but with slightly faster components. It is definitely a sister of the iBook G4 rather than the 15 and 17 inch Powerbooks.

    No, the 12" PB is the mother of the iBook G4


    My not so radical Apple notebook lineup for Spring 04:

    12.1" iBook G4: 1024x768, 1 GHz 7447

    14.2" iBook G4: 1152x864, 1.25 GHz 7447

    with 167 MHz FSB, 2 PC2700 SO-DIMM slots, 32 MB video, mirroring, etc.

    13.3" Powerbook G5: 1152x768, 1.4 GHz 970fx

    15.2" Powerbook G5: 1280x854, 1.6 GHz 970fx

    17.0" Powerbook G5: 1440x960, 1.8 GHz 970fx

    with 700 to 900 MHz FSB, 4 PC2700/3200 SO-DIMM slots, 128 MB video, spanning, PC card slot, etc.

    This 14" Powerbook business is pretty damn strange. A 13" would make a lot more sense to me however. It'll be the size of a 12x8.5 inch piece of paper, or in other words, it'll be 1.2 inches wider than the current 12" Powerbook G4. Also, it may have enough acreage for Apple to make it 1" or 1.1" thick like the real Powerbook G4's are instead of current 1.2" or the 1.35 inch iBooks.

    Not bad, but you've got the screen sizes wrong. The 15.2 in the current 15 is the ONLY 3:2 panel I know of. Most widescreens are 16:10, including the 17" PB and the 15.4" panels in use in wintel books. That is why the new 14" is so neat, it's a standard 16:10 14" panel, a size that hasn't existed untill now. Expect manufacturers to jump on it.

    Standard ratios really don't matter much on a laptop, since that display won't migrate, so personally, I think that the 15.2" PB's extra bit of height is useful. But with more development going to certain standard ratios, it makes sense to move models over to that size.

    I think an all 16:10 powerbook line might be nice.

    14" 1280x800

    15.4" 1440x900 (this would be a nice size/res, but iDunno if anyone makes one yet, right now you either have to take 1280x800, a loss of 54 vertical pixels over the 3:2 screen, or jump to the insano 1680x1050 and 1920x1200)

    17" 1440x900 or 1600x1000 duplicating resolutions at different sizes is not a sin, there are many for which LARGER pixels are a desired feature! PS, they tend to be older, richer customers too!

    AFAIK, there aren't any 13.3" 3:2 panels; therefore, no 1152x768 resolutions at that size.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    thttht Posts: 5,605member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    No, the 12" PB is the mother of the iBook G4

    Hehe, true.


    Not bad, but you've got the screen sizes wrong. The 15.2 in the current 15 is the ONLY 3:2 panel I know of. Most widescreens are 16:10, including the 17" PB and the 15.4" panels in use in wintel books. That is why the new 14" is so neat, it's a standard 16:10 14" panel, a size that hasn't existed untill now. Expect manufacturers to jump on it.

    But this is Apple, not your typical manufacturer. Using standard components isn't exactly their forte. They do use lots of standards, but they also have a lot of exclusive parts.

    For instance, a variance of this 14.1" widescreen rumor has come about before. Prior to the aluminum Powerbook 15.2" announcement, rumors ran rampant that Apple would use the 1280x800 15.4" "standard" screen because it just came out. Certainly a lot of manufacturers use it, but Apple was not one of them as well all know.


    I think an all 16:10 powerbook line might be nice.

    I like how the math works out with 3:2 for resolutions, so I favor that. And I'm all for a consistent aspect ratio for Apple's LCDs. They ship 2 aspect ratios 2 many right now. Makes good wallpaper hard to find. I also favor a 13.3 inch because it would be about the size of a 12x8.5 piece of paper while a 14.1 will be an inch wider and a little bit "taller".

    The again, I'm not sure it matters to Apple that much. The iMac and Powerbook lines both support multiple aspect ratios. The Powerbook supports 3 different ones!


    AFAIK, there aren't any 13.3" 3:2 panels; therefore, no 1152x768 resolutions at that size.

    Apple can just ask the company that makes the 3:2 15.2 inch screen to make a 13.3" screen. Or alternatively, a 13.3" 1152x768 screen is the same DPI as the 12.1" 1024x768 screen, so I suppose they can ask the same manufacturer just to cut them a wider screen. Or similarly, they can ask the manufacturer of the 3:2 15.2 inch 1280x854 screen to cut a smaller 1152x768 screen at the same DPI for them, which would be about a 13.7 inch 3:2 screen.

    In other words, a custom LCD screen isn't outside of Apple's capabilities.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    I have heard rumor sites (No, I will never actually give a reference for my supposed "rumors") say that Intel has achieved 4ghz. Never mind that this news has nothing to do with Apple current or future. In my world, this means that Apple will soon release a 4Ghz powerbook with a P-IV. I mean, COME ON. (/end dripping sarcasm)

    12" PowerBooks are awesome for creative pros and businesspeople who are on the go... even my trusty 15" could stand to go on a diet. 17" is a different realm altogether. My next PB will be a 12". Guess from where I am standing, I see the 12" hanging around. The enclosure size needed to cool a G5PB is the only wildcard.
  • Reply 25 of 41
    sorhedsorhed Posts: 38member
    Wonder if the cheese-grater convection system could be applied to the powerbook designs to aid with cooling a G5.

    I can think of a number of problems with it... but I'm too lazy to mention them all. Use your imagination.

    btw. I write this on a 12" pbook. perfect size to take notes in lecture, take on the road, or post to forums while watching TV on my couch.

    Plus it keeps my lap warm in this cold March. (rev.A)
  • Reply 26 of 41
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Cup of Coffee of DOOM!

    Dust Bunnies from Mordor!!!

  • Reply 27 of 41
    sorhedsorhed Posts: 38member

    Originally posted by sCreeD

    Cup of Coffee of DOOM!

    Dust Bunnies from Mordor!!!


    I suppose if just the 1" sides were cheese-grater, the risks would be considerably less.

    Man, I'd even be scared of insects flying inside it.
  • Reply 28 of 41
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    I can't see them doing the cheese-grater thing like the PowerMacs but I could see the "windtunnel" design of the Xserve G5s. Of course, at that size, it may be as loud as the original windtunnel G4 PowerMacs. More high-pitched whistling, however.

    EDIT: Oh and just for the record, a 1.4GHz G5 (970FX) is rated at 12.3 watts. Not too bad!

    [correction by Brad]
  • Reply 29 of 41
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Is it possible to use the Powermac G5 cooling system in a Powerbook? Hehe, look at this:

    I'd hazard a guess that Apple will never make a 1.5+ inch notebook system again, so they will probably be doing something different. I think the odds are pretty high that Apple will stay with the current 12, 15 and 17 inch form factors now that it appears they are waiting on lower power components. Otherwise, they can have easily come out with a 1.5+ inch thick Powerbook G5 early this year if they wanted to...
  • Reply 30 of 41
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Looks like a 12-year old Duo Dock:

  • Reply 31 of 41
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by THT

    Is it possible to use the Powermac G5 cooling system in a Powerbook? Hehe, look at this:

    I'd hazard a guess that Apple will never make a 1.5+ inch notebook system again, so they will probably be doing something different. I think the odds are pretty high that Apple will stay with the current 12, 15 and 17 inch form factors now that it appears they are waiting on lower power components. Otherwise, they can have easily come out with a 1.5+ inch thick Powerbook G5 early this year if they wanted to...

    Yeh, its even worse in the flesh!, the damm thing didnt even look remotely like a laptop - it compares favourably to the Apple Portable - remember that?.

    PC users still gush over my Ti, so yeh, the current form factor will stay and as a consequence, we have to wait longer for updates. Oh well it just means Apple doesnt get my money as quick as it once did!.
  • Reply 32 of 41
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Looks like a 12-year old Duo Dock:

    OMG! Bring back the Duo Dock!

    Seriously, I would love the 12-inch PowerBook even more if Apple made a Duo-style Dock for it.

  • Reply 33 of 41
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Escher

    OMG! Bring back the Duo Dock!

    Seriously, I would love the 12-inch PowerBook even more if Apple made a Duo-style Dock for it.

    The Bookendz works pretty nice! Not that you get a larger HD built-in like the Duodock but it does have a firewire port for what it's worth.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    OMG! Bring back the Duo..snip

    I'm with you man. I'm so with you. How many ideas has Apple had before their time now? Mouse, on board video, integrated motherboard, trackpad, laptop, pda, digital camera, Duo Docks, plug n play via Nubus, CDROM drives, DVDR drives! I think they finally got their timing right when the iPod hit. I think it's time to bring the Duo back now, perhaps turn the 12"er in to a Duo or just make it another line.
  • Reply 35 of 41
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I don't care for bookendz, what do they really do besides add needlessly expensive port replication?

    A couple of plugs and you're ready to go. I don't think it saves that much effort and it looks like crap too. Nah.

    However, a dock may not be such a horrible idea. PCI-expresss works over cables, so you'd only need a port somewhere. It has big two way bandwidth, enough for outboard video cards, HDD controllers, pretty much anything you want to hook-up. If you support PCI-express through a port right next to the power plug, a simple connector on the edge of a slab, or a variety of third party solutions could form a dock.

    These docks would have all the I/O of a PCI-Express bus, allowing them to serve a number of purposes as the user sees fit. Anything really, from a cheap RAID box, to outboard video or capture cards, or all of that. Nice.

    There was a similar PCI bridge over the PC-Card bus. It was expensive and didn't have the kind of bandwidth that's possible over PCI-Express.
  • Reply 36 of 41
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    I don't care for bookendz, what do they really do besides add needlessly expensive port replication?

    A couple of plugs and you're ready to go. I don't think it saves that much effort and it looks like crap too. Nah.

    Well, honestly, I have five devices (power included) that I plug into (six, if you count the occasional firewire) the bookendz and it sure is better than plugging in video, external speakers, network, power, usb and the occasional firewire. Too much friggin hastle to do everyday. Just pop in the PowerBook and away you go.

    It does save a bit of cable hassle and to me, that is definately worth it.

    More functionality would be better, but heh I can deal with just the benefits of saving me from stringing cables every morning.

    The PCI-express thing would be cool though, if they could pull it off!
  • Reply 37 of 41
    thttht Posts: 5,605member

    Originally posted by hasapi

    Yeh, its even worse in the flesh!, the damm thing didnt even look remotely like a laptop - it compares favourably to the Apple Portable - remember that?.

    Who doesn't? I was a little surprised to see Dell producing the machine. It appears that "portable" desktop market is a viable market, so perhaps Apple has something to think about.


    PC users still gush over my Ti, so yeh, the current form factor will stay and as a consequence, we have to wait longer for updates. Oh well it just means Apple doesnt get my money as quick as it once did!.

    It's pretty frustrating to me to see the company execute so haphazardly. But back to the subject of a 12 inch Powerbook. I'm a little dissapointed that Apple couldn't keep all the Powerbooks at 1 inch thick with the 15 at 1.1" and the 12 at 1.2". I'd really like to see Apple keep those Powerbooks as thin as possible and make them all 1 inch thick. A 12 inch Powerbook that is 1 inch thick would be sweet! And like Matsu said, if Apple needs to increase the screen size to 14" to make thinner, perhaps it isn't a bad trade after all.

    I'm definitely in the market for more screen space, so a 12" inch Powerbook is out of the question for me though...
  • Reply 38 of 41
    It could be possible. The 14 inch may help on cooling. But I doubt it. The article states that sony and other companies will go to the 14 inch. Apple may follow but I doubt it.
  • Reply 39 of 41
    alephaleph Posts: 15member
    No more 12" PowerBook?

    Could be true.

    One of the local resellers here is selling its "stock" of 12" PB with free bag offering (and some other stuff).

    They only do this for the 12" product.

    The 12" screen will eventually become more expensive than the 14" when everybody else stops using it. I think something similar happened with the Color Classic years ago.

    Furthermore, it could also be a problem of form factor: cooling the G5 can use more room. Just a guess though.
  • Reply 40 of 41
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    I just don't think this would (will) happen. There are too many advantages in having such a small form factor; it will not disappear. For business travelers the 12" PowerBook is a godsend. Remember the bulk of the Pismo and the current 14" iBook---not a pretty thing on airplanes, trains, or in tight lecture halls.
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