What's the most derogatory thing you've ever been called?



  • Reply 21 of 44
    naderfannaderfan Posts: 156member
    well, one of the more funny insults I ever got was when I was working at customer service at the Christian bookstore where I used to work and this woman grabbed my hands and started praying that I'd be a better example to young girls and women everywhere by wearing skirts. That day, I was wearing black dress pants, unaware that I was "invading" the men's world. I wasn't offended (I dealt with a lot of weirdos throughout the course of the job) but if I were more sensitive, I might have been.

    I've also been called a communist, but since that's mostly true, I couldn't really consider it an insult. Same with being called an albino.
  • Reply 22 of 44
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    you're a total pinko commie.

    but we'll fix that.
  • Reply 23 of 44
    jobjob Posts: 420member
    AI Member.

  • Reply 24 of 44
    xenuxenu Posts: 204member

    Originally posted by Naderfan

    ... when I was working at customer service at the Christian bookstore ... (I dealt with a lot of weirdos throughout the course of the job) ...

  • Reply 25 of 44
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    A Nigger-loving Wop

    And I'm serious, by a kid at school who's one of the "hicks." Cause I have black friends.

    ...and "because you're a wop". You forgot the wop part.

    Wop....what a silly word.

    Worse thing I was called? A "Yankee" by a southern guy. Nothing worse for a Red Sox fan to be called a Yankee.

    Wanker and daft c*nt are also good ones from across the pond, (usually by friends. Instant bar fight otherwise)
  • Reply 26 of 44
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    Those Black Israelite dudes pointed at me and called me a white devil one day as I was walking through times square. I was constantly called a fag and a queer in high school and had a few fist fights over it.
  • Reply 27 of 44
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    What I want to know is who are the YankERs?

    If it's at all possible to get past a history of hurt and the pride of identity, the insulting names that are given to various nationalities and social groups are so incredibly silly sounding that it could make you laugh out loud if the animosity behind them wasn't so real.

    It just makes me want to sing.....

    Never be rude to an Arab.....
  • Reply 28 of 44
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member
    Nordic freak..... it hurts.
  • Reply 29 of 44
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member

    Originally posted by kneelbeforezod

    ...with cult members on a crowded street corner in Union Square...

    my incident was around union sqr too. i didn realize they were called "Black Israelites." hmm.


    Originally posted by Akumulator

    Nordic freak..... it hurts.

    freak isn't a deragatory term. its a term of endearment. it merely means that you are different from the herd. thats not a bad thing. i proudly wear the title. nordic, too, is hardly mean (unless you really dont like scandinavia).
  • Reply 30 of 44
    podmatepodmate Posts: 183member
    I've been called lots of things:

    fat bastard

    I had a black guy say this to me: (edit: this was a religious discussion)

    f'ing atheist. mother f'ing white piece of shite. I bet you f'k little kids.

    The he tried to hit me. After having his head pounded into the concrete for a while he decided to apologize.

    I was labled a typical example of a backwards, racist, KKK loving Southerner by some students and a teacher at Suffolk University in Boston all because I was from the South and had a noticable accent. I laughed at their idiocy.

    When I moved back to the South I was called a yankee. That just about started a fight, but the guy apologized.

    A christian

    I've been called a nigger lover many times (I heard this more in Boston than in the South)

    a liberal

    a pinkey (because I support gay rights)

    a fag (see above. my wife thinks different )
  • Reply 31 of 44
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by trick fall

    Those Black Israelite dudes pointed at me and called me a white devil one day as I was walking through times square. I was constantly called a fag and a queer in high school and had a few fist fights over it.

    I had that happen to me in Times Square too. I told the guy that he was really repressing his true nature, that he realy should just give in and have sex with a white guy like he secretly wanted to. I thought his head was going to explode

    I got called a "White Traitor" by someone who was part of a protest in front of the South African embassy on LaCienega in support of apartheid. I was about to point out that to the person that if they were truly part of the master race, they might have been born with something resembling a chin, when my friend (who is black, hence the WT bit), grabbed my arm in a very intimate way, and purred "now darling, don't talk to those awful people". Then she stuck her toungue in my ear.

    The funny thing is that the city seemed to send only black officers to police the protest. I thought it was funny anyway. The howling cracker neo-nazi types protesting that South Africa had ended apartheid seemed not to get the irony of it at all.
  • Reply 32 of 44
    Growing up in a small town I found myself neer-alone when it came to my race. I am mostly German, the town was mostly Italian/French. Needless to say as a child I was called a Nazi, neo-Nazi, and Facshist on a weekly basis. They hurt the most.

    The other day, while crossing a street in Toronto (when I had the right of way) A car that was planing to do a right on red had to slam on his breaks to avoid hitting me. The man was in a hurry, I guess. He then rolled down his window and yelled "You ****ing sidewalk Nazi!". I was cought off guard at first, but when the insult registered I turned and dented his passenger side door. The dammage was not much... just what I was able to do with one quick kick and my boot, which was very sightly but not un-fixable. Anyway, I bolted down the street and did not look back.

    It was like all the anger I felt growing up came up and forced me to do it...
  • Reply 33 of 44
    argentoargento Posts: 483member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    you're a total pinko commie.

    but we'll fix that.

    Let me know when that happens. And DICK is the worst thing I've been called.....
  • Reply 34 of 44
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    freak isn't a deragatory term. its a term of endearment. it merely means that you are different from the herd. thats not a bad thing. i proudly wear the title. nordic, too, is hardly mean (unless you really dont like scandinavia).

    Yeah, I know. I was kidding about it hurting. It's the only thing I could think anyone calls me.... The guy who calls me that is a little man from India.
  • Reply 35 of 44
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    You have the head of a Butcher boy.

    It was my first year of resident in medecine. I recieved a man, who did not want to give his identity (He was brougth by firemen in the emergency center, after founding him inanimate on a road).

    He gave me tons of insults, Butcher boy was one that i did not forget. I did not know how to react at the time, and i did not reply. Today i will certainly reply differently, in a more authorative way ....
  • Reply 36 of 44
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    You have the head of a Butcher boy.

    Not the cleverest thing to say to your attending ER physician. He or She might be tempted to prove you right.
  • Reply 37 of 44
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by tmp

    Not the cleverest thing to say to your attending ER physician. He or She might be tempted to prove you right.

    He tried to provocate me. I don't know why. He insulted and say me the worse things during one hour. He had a good education. I have forgetten this ass-hole since a long time. Just remember this story 14 years later, when i see this thread.
  • Reply 38 of 44
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Edited to reduce the length of the post. Too much "life story" no one gives a rats ass about, not enough slur.

    I presume this has to be an instance of some kind of bigotry, as most people have been called the generic names for whatever reason.

    The one that reall stuck with me was from my freshman year in HS. I was waiting in a classroom for Spanish to start. There was one other guy there at the time. The dialog went something like this:

    "Hey Marino, did we need to have ___ done for class today, or was that due tomorrow?"

    "Shut up, you dick-nosed Jew."

    That was the first time I had ever spoken to the guy. It's still unreal to me how utterly insecure and mean-spirited kids can be in order that they "remain above the unpopular".

    Anyway, he apparently thought because my nose is larger than the average person's (think Adrien Brody, Not Carl Malden), and because I have a somewhat middle-eastern complexion, that I must be Jewish (a condition worthy of contempt in his eyes -- he was from Skokie, IL if that means anything to you).

    That was the last time I spoke to the guy... until a couple years later when he came to ask me something about a class project. By that time I was no longer "unknown geek boy", as I was most of my freshman year. I looked him right in the eye, paused, and calmy told him to "fvck off". It was such poetic justice to me at the time (high school being the "little universe" that it is).

    I should've risen above it, but in the intervening two years the guy never changed his tune. He just went from ripping on people like me, to ripping on other people who remained less popular or less "accomplished" then he was (naturally that became more and more difficult for him each year).
  • Reply 39 of 44
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member
    I was called a bigot. Once. That's the only insult anyone's ever given me (as far as I can remember, anyway).
  • Reply 40 of 44
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by Naderfan

    well, one of the more funny insults I ever got was when I was working at customer service at the Christian bookstore where I used to work and this woman grabbed my hands and started praying that I'd be a better example to young girls and women everywhere by wearing skirts.

    See, you missed your chance there. Instead of letting her walk off when she was done praying, you should have held onto her hands, and started praying, "Dear Lord, please help this women control her desires to see me with my pants off..."
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