New PowerBooks (April 19 intro)



  • Reply 141 of 176
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by johnq

    Did you tweak the Display Profile? It can do wonders. Of course, nothing can make a Powerbook be as bright as a Cinema display lumens-wise.

    Yup, johnq. I use SuperCal about twice a year. But as you anticipated, it's really the brightness (or lack thereof) that makes the 12" LCD look sub-par next to a 17" desktop LCD. There apparently isn't enough space or power for a powerful backlight in a 12-inch PowerBook.

    I simply like to have everything on one screen. I also don't do any work that would warrant spanning. Thus my choice of clamshell mode.

    maninmac: I recommend you follow dfiler's advice about creating a custom color profile for your typical operating environment. You can even create several, e.g. for the office, your living room, yard, etc. SuperCal, linked in the paragraph above, is a fantastic tool for this purpose. Make sure to go through the more extensive calibration process with additional steps.

  • Reply 142 of 176
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    I tend to always adjust the Display calibration when in the Apple Store. it's always way too washed out at the default setting.

    There are people that actually think that Panther's Aqua has no stripes.

    One cool feature (that I am not recommending in terms of using in a production or creative environment where color accuracy is important!) is:

    System preferences: Universal Access: Seeing

    Play with the Enhanced Contrast slider.

    Slide it up to a little past the L in "Normal".

    It's subtle but really brightens things up. Again, only for general use.

    If you ever did command-option-control-comma (or period) by accident (it happens) you might have set it too high and never have known it.
  • Reply 143 of 176
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by Escher

    I disagree. E.g. when you launch an application, your system will pull everything from your HDD, not from RAM.

    That's why I hardly ever quit anything: Once an application or document has been opened, OS X will keep as much of it in RAM as it can for as long as possible. Most of my apps "launch" instantly these days.
  • Reply 144 of 176
    gsxrboygsxrboy Posts: 565member
    How warm did the rev B 12" get and were they noisy at all? .. just pondering on which way I am going to go 12" pb + future G5 imac, 12" ibook + low end tower, 15" sd pb
  • Reply 145 of 176
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by PB

    As for the 7200 rpm hard drives, I think they are not an option for the new Powerbooks since they are not yet available at 80 GB. It is a matter of perception: 80 GB @ 5400 rpm or 60 GB @ 7200 rpm? I know each of you have the answer that suits best your needs, but Apple thinks different .

    80GB all the way baby!
  • Reply 147 of 176
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I have been thinking, although not necessarily seriously yet, about trading my 1Ghz Tibook in for a 1.33Ghz 12" PowerBook. I have played with the old 1Ghz 12" and it was substantially slower than mine, especially in games. I figure it is because of the 32MB VRAM v. my 64MB. I don't know how big of a difference the lack of a L3 cache will make, but the extra 333mhz and faster GPU should make a difference. I probably will just wait for the G5 Powerbook. You think the extra 333mhz will make much difference on the slow bus?
  • Reply 148 of 176
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Old news. Defiant! See Twinbrook's post on page 3 of this thread. You really can't rely on MacNN [Edit: and even MacRumors!] for up-to-date information anymore.

    I prefer to rely on MacMinute and these here AI boards instead.

    Bottom line from the Dev Notes: The PPC 7447A has landed both in the iBooks and PowerBooks.

  • Reply 149 of 176
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by Algol

    I have been thinking, although not necessarily seriously yet, about trading my 1Ghz Tibook in for a 1.33Ghz 12" PowerBook. I have played with the old 1Ghz 12" and it was substantially slower than mine, especially in games. I figure it is because of the 32MB VRAM v. my 64MB. I don't know how big of a difference the lack of a L3 cache will make, but the extra 333mhz and faster GPU should make a difference. I probably will just wait for the G5 Powerbook. You think the extra 333mhz will make much difference on the slow bus?

    I think your commonsense will previal and ensure you wait for the next update at MWSF - whatever it might be? (although I hope its G5, baby).

    Yeh, I have a Ti400 and was about to get the 1G like yours, but with the rumours, I waited, now no more, Im getting the 1.5G 15", and I wont update till at least the second revision of the G5 (thats got to be at least 18months away!, and 2G+ cool!.
  • Reply 150 of 176
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    yea honestly my 1Ghz TiBook is still a great laptop. I think I am just going to keep it till the second G5 rev, unless the first one is really good.
  • Reply 151 of 176
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by Algol

    yea honestly my 1Ghz TiBook is still a great laptop. I think I am just going to keep it till the second G5 rev, unless the first one is really good.

    The second one? Weird.\

    Let me know how that 2 year wait goes.
  • Reply 152 of 176
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member

    Originally posted by Escher

    Old news. Defiant! See Twinbrook's post on page 3 of this thread. You really can't rely on MacNN [Edit: and even MacRumors!] for up-to-date information anymore.

    I prefer to rely on MacMinute and these here AI boards instead.

    /me goes to sit in corner? sniff
  • Reply 153 of 176
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Gotta love eBay...

    My 1 GB 12" PowerBook Auction

    With what I'm getting on the sale of this 1 GHz 12" PB, I'll be upgrading to the 1.33 GHz for a net cost of around US $300 (including buying 512 MB of third-party RAM).

    I hadn't ever set a "Buy It Now" price on eBay before -- I generally prefer to let an auction run its course. But just to shut up the people who are always trying to talk me into cancelling my auctions to sell early to them, I decided I'd set a "Buy It Now" price that I could point to and say "If you want it now, that's what you've got to pay".

    Before I decided to upgrade, and put my old 12" up for auction, I saw another 1 GHz 12" PB that had been bid up to $1325. It had a SuperDrive which mine doesn't, but no added RAM like mine, no Airport card, no hard drive upgrade (40 GB vs. my 80 GB), and the case was scratched up.

    Seeing that kind of price for a comparable old PB was all the inspiration I needed to take the plunge on buying a new 1.33 GHz 12-incher. The SuperDrive PB finally sold for $1420.

    Weighing the one con (my PB only having a combo drive), and all of the pros (Airport Extreme already installed, 40 GB more drive space, 512 MB more RAM, great physical condition, an unused Airport base station I had lying around which I could throw in) I figured I could do better than $1420, but not hugely so.

    I set a price of $1575 mainly to drive away the idiots who think I'll break eBay rules just to jump at a lousy offer that's well below what the full run of an auction is likely to bring me.

    If, however, I knew that I'd sell the my PB so fast (within a couple of hours of editing my auction to set the "Buy It Now" price) at $1575, I'd have held out for more money. Still, it's hardly like I can complain!
  • Reply 154 of 176
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I feel the same way. I think it's a really great upgrade (and I'm happy for anyone needing an Apple laptop right now), but I honestly don't exactly feel "blown out of the water" either, so it's cool on all ends.

    Unlike others around the forum, I DON'T suddenly feel like "yesterday's news". Basically, the only difference from my PowerBook to the version of it announced today is a 4x SuperDrive (the CD-R portion - which I use all the time - hasn't changed, so...) and going from 1.25GHz to 1.5. 250MHz? Nice, but not going to make me throw mine out the window.

    Someone in another thread talked about selling their 1.33GHz 17" PowerBook, which I think is kinda stupid.

    I'll be keeping my PowerBook until the PowerBooks are at least TWO revisions into the G5, and well above 2GHz. This will be - I'd imagine - very, very late 2005 or even well into 2006.

    I'm in no hurry and I vowed to keep this PowerBook for at least two years, but it'll probably be more like 3-plus. I ain't no murbot.

    On this occasion I'm with you pscates. The 15" I got last fall is fabuolous; slight problem with screen leprosy fixed free and immediately by Apple through the SoHo store in Manhattan. I am glad everyone is getting a chance to get in on a great thing.
  • Reply 155 of 176
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Cubit On this occasion I'm with you pscates.

    Well okay then.
  • Reply 156 of 176
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    I'm happy to see so many positive comments about the current updated PowerBooks. Typically there have been so many like "I'm not about to get a notebook until they put a G5 in there." As a result, I was getting sick of reading any thread about PowerBooks. Sounds like folks are finally resigned to the fact that it's going to be darned difficult to get a G5 into them so there's more patience these days. Hooray!
  • Reply 157 of 176
    I'm waiting for a G6 in the powerbook before i even THINK of buying.

    just kidding
  • Reply 158 of 176
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by iDave I'm happy to see so many positive comments about the current updated PowerBooks. Typically there have been so many like "I'm not about to get a notebook until they put a G5 in there." As a result, I was getting sick of reading any thread about PowerBooks. Sounds like folks are finally resigned to the fact that it's going to be darned difficult to get a G5 into them so there's more patience these days. Hooray!

    It's just silly, really. We have portables that now pack as much - if not more - horsepower than the top-end G4 this time a year ago (as well as all the modern I/O and cool little things like light-up keyboards), but people get that G5 hype in their head, thinking they gotta have it or nothing.

    There MIGHT be three people here at AppleInsider who truly do "need" G5 power/capability in a portable for some reason (and no, I'm not one of them). The rest just want it, because...

    It'll come, I'm sure. And it'll probably be really cool and fast. I'm not arguing that. But jeez-louise...the goons who've waited since autumn of 2003 for this mythical G5 PowerBook (and will continue to wait another 10-14 months) to appear sure are missing out.

    What's more, I'm betting a third of them will say - upon the G5 PowerBook's arrival - "nah, I think I'm gonna wait for Rev. B...".


    At that point, let the choking and beatings commence.

  • Reply 159 of 176
    Ok, so here is the latest in my new Powerbook saga... Having spent 3 days with my new 12" and 17" LCD, I went back to the Apple store and turned them both in for a 15" 1.33ghz. The reason? Simple...everyone who saw the 12" either said, "oh, it is just like my iBook, only silver" or "the screen is not as big and bright as my Dell, are you able to see it ok?". That was all it took, call me 'Mr Superficial' of you like, but I just lost it. I marched back, returned it all, and got a shiny new 15" and an iCurve.

    And let me tell you, I love the bloody thing! Forget the size of the screen, but the sheer quality of it puts the 12" to shame.

    What was I thinking, portability without sex appeal is like shock without awe; simply a waste of everybody's time.

    Happier than a clam, I am.

  • Reply 160 of 176
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by pscates

    What's more, I'm betting a third of them will say - upon the G5 PowerBook's arrival - "nah, I think I'm gonna wait for Rev. B...".

    and dont forget their complaints about a short battery life and a .1" increase in thickness.
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