
in General Discussion edited January 2014
Anyone else really excited about this years E3? We're going to be seeing some really great games, and two new portable systems, the PSP and the Nintendo DS. I watched the Microsoft Press Conference and was really disappointed. If Apple is turning into iPod Inc, Xbox has become Halo 2 Inc. Besides Halo 2 and Conker's I didn't really see much that excited me.

Sony's Press Conference starts in about 40 minutes and Nintendo's is at 1PM EDT for those that care.

What are you looking forward to coming out of E3?


  • Reply 1 of 38
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I usually don't get very excited about E3, I don't really follow gaming news much, I did however, just complete Zelda: Wind Waker(would have done it sooner, but I went to college!) and now I'm interested in the sequel
  • Reply 2 of 38
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    el reg leaks a pic of the new nintendo


    is it me, or does that look like the original orange donkey kong handled from my youth?!
  • Reply 3 of 38
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member
    Yes- I'm excited about E3! I'm mostly interested in what Nintendo has up its sleeves this year...

    I'm looking forward to a few things- Wind Waker 2, Metroid Prime 2, and seeing what the DS is like.... I also wouldn't mind seeing some more details about Doom 3 and Half Life 2. I'm sure Doom 3 will come to the mac, but I'd like to see HL2 to come over as well (fully optimized for the G5 and not a crappy port, but I doubt that will ever happen).

    I really hope Nintendo gets its next console right 'cause I really love my gamecube and wish more people paid attention to it 'cause it has most of the best games available for it... I couldn't imagine a gaming world without nintendo!
  • Reply 4 of 38
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    I really hope Nintendo gets its next console right 'cause I really love my gamecube and wish more people paid attention to it 'cause it has most of the best games available for it... I couldn't imagine a gaming world without nintendo!

    Indeed, the gamecube is so overlooked, people get so caught up in graphics this, realism that, 'mature' content etc. they forget that games are supposed to be FUN!!

    Who cares if it's a game about a group of monkeys rolling around in balls on weird mini golf courses in the sky, if it's fun, I'm there!

    Of course, with the next gen console revolution, a lot of people found themselves owning a PS2, then a gamecube, then an Xbox, which used to be pretty unheard of(at least on my playgrounds when I was little)

    Nintendo isn't going anywhere, they are like apple remember
  • Reply 5 of 38
    concordconcord Posts: 312member

    Originally posted by tacojohn:

    I also wouldn't mind seeing some more details about Doom 3 and Half Life 2. I'm sure Doom 3 will come to the mac, but I'd like to see HL2 to come over as well (fully optimized for the G5 and not a crappy port, but I doubt that will ever happen).

    I've been keeping my eye on that but, so far, they have no plans to bring HL2 to the Mac.

    Now if there were only some way for the Mac to licence and somehow adopt DirectX for OS:X as that seems to be the way games are increasingly going towards these days. Perhaps that isn't even technically feasible, I don't know.

    OpenGL seems to be slowly dying on the gamefront and that hurts the small Mac gaming platform even more. I recently saw a video on Nvidia's site which demoed the Unreal 3 engine (coming in 2006) and it was jaw-dropping. But all they could talk about were DirectX 9 features with their shaders, improved shadows, per-pixel lighting, improved bumpmapping, high precision color, realistic light blooming and so on.

    What do people here think? Are there still going to be Tier 1 OpenGL games 5 years from now? Will Apple have to adapt?

  • Reply 6 of 38
    mellomello Posts: 555member
    I'm a big console gamer (Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, N64) & one thing that has hurt Nintendo's marketshare is that they seem to just make sequels. The last original game that I can think of that Nintendo made was Pikmin which is now coming out with a sequel. It's not that I don't like their games, Zelda & metroid are fave's. It just seems like they're in a rut.

    I really appreciate sequels that really try to stand out from their previous incarnations (Resident Evil 4 springs to mind.) I like where Capcon has been going, (Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe, etc.) That is where Nintendo needs to get back to. Those wow games that keep pushing Nintendo's envelope.
  • Reply 7 of 38
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member
    Is anyone trying to follow the nintendo conference live today? Where are you getting your info from?
  • Reply 8 of 38
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    Is anyone trying to follow the nintendo conference live today? Where are you getting your info from?

    I am watching the Nintendo conference live as I type this, although it's nothing but a Nintendo logo and some Zelda and Mario remixes.
  • Reply 9 of 38
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member

    Originally posted by HOM

    I am watching the Nintendo conference live as I type this, although it's nothing but a Nintendo logo and some Zelda and Mario remixes.

    Where? Link Please....
  • Reply 10 of 38
    homhom Posts: 1,098member
    I am watching the live stream from Gamespot, but you have to pay for it.

    If you want free, you got to go text.
  • Reply 11 of 38
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member

    Originally posted by HOM

    I am watching the live stream from Gamespot, but you have to pay for it.

    If you want free, you got to go text.

    Cool- I guess this will have to do... If I didn't have to work at 3pm I would shell out the 6 bucks for a subscription this month specifically for the E3 coverage... I really get into these conference things- I LOVE MACWORLD and WWDC- its exciting! I've only been to 1 macworld and would like to go to an E3 sometime- can you go as a consumer? How much does a pass cost?

    Thanks for the link....
  • Reply 12 of 38
    mellomello Posts: 555member

    Originally posted by HOM

    I am watching the live stream from Gamespot, but you have to pay for it.

    If you want free, you got to go text.

    Can you copy & paste the news in this thread? The company I work at has websense blocking software so I can't see it. Do'h!
  • Reply 13 of 38
    tacojohntacojohn Posts: 980member

    Originally posted by mello

    Can you copy & paste the news in this thread? The company I work at has websense blocking software so I can't see it. Do'h!

    Here ya go

  • Reply 14 of 38
    mellomello Posts: 555member
    Still blocked out!

    Probably because "game" is in the address.

    Double Do'h!
  • Reply 15 of 38

    Originally posted by tacojohn

    I really hope Nintendo gets its next console right 'cause I really love my gamecube and wish more people paid attention to it 'cause it has most of the best games available for it... I couldn't imagine a gaming world without nintendo!

    Graphics aside, I can't get over the physical fugliness of Nintendo's machines
  • Reply 16 of 38

    Originally posted by Concord

    I recently saw a video on Nvidia's site which demoed the Unreal 3 engine (coming in 2006) and it was jaw-dropping.

    Holy Mackerel!
  • Reply 17 of 38
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by HOM

    I am watching the live stream from Gamespot, but you have to pay for it.

    If you want free, you got to go text.

    For some reason the stream worked fine for me without paying. I just left it playing in the background as I was doing some work. Of course, I had to turn around and check out the video as they showed the new Zelda. Looks like they went back to the style so many missed when Wind Waker (which I'm playing through right now and is a wonderful game) came out.
  • Reply 18 of 38
    homhom Posts: 1,098member
    Meet the new Link.
  • Reply 19 of 38
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    a quote from when i was watching it


  • Reply 20 of 38
    mellomello Posts: 555member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Meet the new Link.

    Thanks Hom! Rock on!

    Is there a release date for this yet?

    PS. Websense blocking software sucks!
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