iTunes problem

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Well, I have been dabbling in the iTunes music store, but its ease sometimes makes me have to work around it. I have been having a horrible problem. I "purchased" the free DNC speeches and they were placed in my Purchased Music folder. They take so damn long to download (dialup) I decided to forget it. I purchased the song "Marked" by Bad Religion because, for some reason, it didnt rip off of my brother's CD. But to download "Marked" I have to finish downloading the DNC speeches?!

When I click the "X" by the downloading of the DNC speech Day Two, it says "Downloading Canceled. Some of your purchased songs did not download."

So then I decided to right click on both of the DNC speeches in the Purchased Music folder and select "clear". But "Marked" still doesnt download, and when I re-select "check for purchased music" the DNC speeches show up again and start downloading!

How do I get the damn song to download before the long speeches? The download will take about 10 minutes, I shouldnt have to wait for those long speeches to finish downloading first!

Sorry if this post is rambling or incoherent. This is an odd problem and as such is hard to explain. VERY frustrating, though!


  • Reply 1 of 9
    What? I just noticed that I have 74 posts here? I have made about three posts... has someone hijacked this account? Has anyone else seen this account being posted with?

    but I would rather know how to fix the downloading song problem!
  • Reply 2 of 9
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by stpalm

    What? I just noticed that I have 74 posts here? I have made about three posts... has someone hijacked this account? Has anyone else seen this account being posted with?

    but I would rather know how to fix the downloading song problem!

    unlikely... i'd badger an administrator to run the recount posts script so it a bit more realistic, 70 phantom posts is a LOT

    as for your problem, I'm going to take a look at it right now...

    but it is unlikely that there is a workaround... \
  • Reply 3 of 9
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    the only thing I can think of is to poke around in the "account" section and to see if there is some way to purge a track that is waiting to be downloaded...

    click on your account's email address in the top right hand side of the iTMS and snoop around-especially in purchase history...

    oh, and next time when you create a thread try to have a more descriptive thread title like "iTMS downloading problem over 56k" or something like that. It would be helpful...

    also, your buddy luca moved on to another forum...

    let us know how it works out.

  • Reply 4 of 9
    Wow, if there is no way to work around it there is a serious flaw in iTunes. they should give you more control over the downloads. pretty damn stupid. another thing they should add is retaining progress on downloads. I got about 60% percent through the first DNC file but when I disconnected it started from the beginning.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    well normally it would continue from where it left off (it should anyway), but didn't you "clear" the file to try to get rid of it?
  • Reply 6 of 9
    well thanks for your help. I did not know of the existence of an options panel accessible from the Music Store. I am poking around there as we speak.

    PS. yes I did clear those- duh. okay, apple you get that one. but using this iTunes Music Store reminds me of using Microsoft Word- constantly working around the things that are supposedly there for your convenience.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    stpalmstpalm Posts: 8member
    well, I still cant delete those files or move them from the queue. does anyone have any ideas?
  • Reply 8 of 9
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    how long will it take to download a 20 meg file?

    you could stop in at an apple store or some other place with broadband and download your files... just make sure to COPY (make sure you physically copy them, rather then burning them to an audio CD) the file(s) to your computer.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    stpalmstpalm Posts: 8member
    A 20 meg? hmm probably about 5 hours. Horrible, I know. The thing is, I desperately want those files. Are they really 20 megs? I didnt know how big they were exactly. Thanks, I will try again to download them overnight.

    I could go to the damn Mall of America to download them, but I hate that place
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