Using Powerbook LCD Screen

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Ok I know that the VGA Out does indeed output Video. However, is there anyway to turn my LCD screen into VGA In? I'd love to hook up consoles or anything like that to my laptop. I have a PSOne and I thought it woudl be cool to bring my powerbook and psone on a road trip and use my laptop as a screen.

I've seen it done for thinkpads and other notebooks but I'm not sure if anyone has been able to do this? Does anyone know of a mod that can make this happen? Thanks!


  • Reply 1 of 7
    I'm very interested in this too, as it would be a great way for me to avoid purchasing a television when i start college.

    However, as far as i can see (with my limited technical knowledge), there are no options to input video unless there is a solution to utilise the pc card slot (which is only on the 15/17 inch models).

    Does anyone have any ideas?
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    I'm having doubts that anyone has tried to do this since when I do search in google no tutorials come up or anything. I'm sure with some proper drivers and maybe a proper cable its possible?

    I just wasn't sure if anyone had developed something like that? It seems very possible but I'm not sure how many people would be willing to try and get that to work especially if it might take some opening up of the powerbook. I wouldn't dare open mine up haha.
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
    You could use a Firewire-based analog to digital converter and display it in a window. To actually run the LCD you'd be looking at major Powerbook surgery and there isn't enough room inside for the D/A converter anyway so you'd have some kind of external box.
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  • Reply 4 of 7

    Originally posted by a10t2

    You could use a Firewire-based analog to digital converter and display it in a window. To actually run the LCD you'd be looking at major Powerbook surgery and there isn't enough room inside for the D/A converter anyway so you'd have some kind of external box.

    Ok so it is possible to at least run in a window inside Mac OS X? I would be totally fine with that if that was possible. I don't technically mean using the LCD as its own TV screen but actually running some kind of video input inside the Mac OS X by using the firewire / mini-dvi port. I have a 12" so a PCMIA card is not possible. Hmm are there firewire tv tuner devices?
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  • Reply 5 of 7 has tv tuners for mac. They are not good for playing games though because there is a couple second delay as it converts the video.

    You can also find more online.
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  • Reply 6 of 7

    Originally posted by ericeason has tv tuners for mac. They are not good for playing games though because there is a couple second delay as it converts the video.

    You can also find more online.

    Hmm yeah... I would need no delay or close to no delay. Does anyone know of a way to avoid that? To just have a pure signal pass through with minimal conversion? I feel like I'm getting close to the answer hehe.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by mnarciso

    Hmm yeah... I would need no delay or close to no delay. Does anyone know of a way to avoid that? To just have a pure signal pass through with minimal conversion? I feel like I'm getting close to the answer hehe.

    With a Powerbook, it'll be pretty hard, since there's no way to make the monitor function without the rest of the computer claiming ownership of the screen.
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