TS reports on new imac specs



  • Reply 81 of 697
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by applenut

    you can do all the things you said on an iMac from 2 years ago. Just because all of that is possible does not mean Apple does not have an obligation to improve performance....maybe even to a level where most people won't benefit from it.

    Apple basically contradicts themselves. When they talk software they say the GPU is the future, alleviates all the CPU problems, the faster the better, can do all these cool real time effects that mere mortals will benefit from. And they when they talk hardware, they give you the bare minimum.

    Good point. Wonder if it will support Core Image? If we go by TS specs, on the high-end model does. Bah....
  • Reply 82 of 697
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by Jamil

    Check out the Think Secret story on the new Imac specs. 17 & 20 inch widescreen, confirms AIO pizza box design similar to Sony, priced from 1300 - 2200,

    Geforce MX 5200 ultra graphics (any good?).

    A GeForce MX 5200 on a brand new computer - oh come on now are Mac users that stupid that they would accept this. Esepcially in the context of having already told the world where they are going with software excelleration in the future.


    Still crippled RAM.

    This is probally the biggest complaint that most people have had recently with respect to the hardware Apples sells. Agian this is just going to drive customers away. The majority of PC's now adays come with 512MB and often 1 gig in this price range. Again the question that pops up is are Mac users this stupid?


    No pics though.

    If the top of line is $2200, considering the 20" cinema display is 1300 by itself, seems like a good price.

    Why would the price of a cinema display have any bearign on the precieved value of a consumer machine. This is a wholly different class of hardware.

    The value of the iMac will be determined by comparison to like priced models targetting the same market.


    Al though the edu $1300 model seems too high for schools. Why take this over an Emac? Lack of an optical drive can't be the only attraction. Might as well release a optical drive less Emac and reduce the price by $100-$200. They'll gobble it up.

    The eMac certainly has its attractions, but it does seem that Apple is oblivious to those qualities. Apple also doesn't seem to understand why a machine like the eMac is so desirable for many applications.

    I don't know how accurate TS is with this but it is beginning to sound like Cube Mac all over agian. The toaster died due to high price and really terrible specs, sounds like the new machine is being configured to follow in the cubes foot steps.
  • Reply 83 of 697
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by dws

    Here's something to add to the mix:

    The Register has a story about a trademark filing in Europe that concerns a so-called tablet Mac.


    Merge the Register story with the one from ThinkSecret and you end up with an iMac3 that would be truly revolutionary. If the iMac3 came with a detachable tablet-like screen, then the assumed price points would seem modest.

    Perhaps I've had too much coffee this morning!

    okay, while applenut and macs4good4u duke it out, i'm going to focus on this way cool development. i mean, apple does not file patents it doesn't intend to use, and the description of this unit sounds VERY similar to the general description of what thinksecret posted.

    and as i said in the sketchbook thread, i believe apple and alias have talked about this. alias is a HUGE ally in the mac camp, and i was stunned that alias even bothered to make sketchbook for os x, when it REQUIRES a tablet. what, you thought alias said "oh, shucks, let's port sketchbook to os x for the 3% of MAC users that own a cintiq. yeah, that's a good business plan." bullcrap. steve and johnny ive wanted sketchbook ready to show off at apple expo paris. period.
  • Reply 84 of 697
    I have not read the whole thread but I am sure someone has complained about prices.

    Just remember these will be in excess demand for a while after announcement. High prices are good then. I hear the whole reason for the redesign was because the manufacturing costs of the arm just bever came down.

    A new design might allow lower pices in the future as these have been out for a while. That never really happened on the iMac(2).

    All in all looks like good specs. Lets just hope its not too bulky like that Vaio
  • Reply 85 of 697
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by rok

    okay, while applenut and macs4good4u duke it out, i'm going to focus on this way cool development. i mean, apple does not file patents it doesn't intend to use, and the description of this unit sounds VERY similar to the general description of what thinksecret posted.

    and as i said in the sketchbook thread, i believe apple and alias have talked about this. alias is a HUGE ally in the mac camp, and i was stunned that alias even bothered to make sketchbook for os x, when it REQUIRES a tablet. what, you thought alias said "oh, shucks, let's port sketchbook to os x for the 3% of MAC users that own a cintiq. yeah, that's a good business plan." bullcrap. steve and johnny ive wanted sketchbook ready to show off at apple expo paris. period.

    yea, you have fun with your 17 and 20 inch tablets
  • Reply 86 of 697
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by applenut

    yea, you have fun with your 17 and 20 inch tablets

    hmmm... yeah, you have a point. a rude one, but a point nonetheless.

    but what exactly is the difference between a 17" LAPtop and a 17" tablet? now the 20", um, yeah, that's a cafeteria tray.
  • Reply 87 of 697
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Originally posted by applenut

    When they talk software they say the GPU is the future, alleviates all the CPU problems, the faster the better, can do all these cool real time effects that mere mortals will benefit from. And they when they talk hardware, they give you the bare minimum.

    When I first read the TS article I had a response similar to above. It is like the hardware people don't understand what the software people are doing.

    If the specs are at all true this machine will be as usefull in the near future as one of the old G4 based machines. That is it won't be very useful at all, except for maybe as filler at the landfill. I'm honestly hoping that TS has been given a line of crap and the described configuration simply won't exist. Otherwise Apple will be making a gigantic error with this machine.

    Lets face it Apple did not do well at all with the iMac2, why would they build a machine that repeats all of the mistakes made there? If the machine described is released, I think it will be fair to describe this as an example of corporate abuse of customers. Its only a couple of weeks now so I guess we will soon know if Apple has gotten its act together with its consumer products. Lets all reserve the thought that these descriptions are not fact at all but rather disinformation. Maybe Apple has addressed the majority of consumer complaints with this new machine and this is nothing more than a short term nightmare.

  • Reply 88 of 697
    tak1108tak1108 Posts: 222member
    Here's to hoping that this information was designed to find out the leak to TS.

    Otherwise, this is just BAD NEWS all around.

    A 1.6 powermac can be had cheaper from apple, refurbished of course. With a super drive it's a way better deal.
  • Reply 89 of 697
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by Jamil

    [priced from 1300 - 2200, Geforce MX 5200 ultra graphics (any good?)[/B]

    If these specs are correct, I won't be upgrading from my G4 iMac! the only improvement is the G5/FSB....
  • Reply 90 of 697
    Gaming is an important feature of a "consumer" computer. The iMac does the other things very well: Internet, e-mail, digital hub, and the occasional word processing/taxes. But if Apple is serious about increasing marketshare in the consumer space, gaming cannot be ignored.

    Some say that iMac users should buy a PS2 and forget about games on their Mac. But that's the kind of thinking which keeps the Mac in the niche computer status. Most serious gamers and many casual gamers will play games on both their consoles and their PCs.
  • Reply 91 of 697
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    I'm just pointing out the fact that unverified specs are posted and the barage of negativism from the same people begins. Why not wait until the real specs are revealed...

    In the end, wait until it's time, then whine if you don't like something!

    This is Future Hardware on a rumor site, or did I miss something?
  • Reply 92 of 697
    Why would Apple introduce new hardware models that do not support Tiger's Core Graphics?

    TS is wrong.

    And their prices are TOO high. The iMac2 had 2 problems: high price and perceived mediocre performance.

    I hope Apple is awake enough to solve them both.
  • Reply 93 of 697
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Originally posted by tak1108

    A 1.6 powermac can be had cheaper from apple, refurbished of course. With a super drive it's a way better deal.

    It's kind of comical that in the market place, Apple's consumer brand competes with refurbs and older used towers. Which tends to slow sales of the new consumer brands and increases the resale value of used towers.

    Now that I think about it, it's not comical, it's kind of sad.
  • Reply 94 of 697
    YOu guys don't get it. For education, unless you are in digital video class, they are all using computers that are 10+ years old and are some of the wose peaces of crap you will ever use. For education, also, most will still be getting the eMac, at $750, it does everything you need and more. Though the iMac is good enough for iMovie and pretty much everything else a normal user would do. If you are looking for a computer for games get a powermac g5 or just get a freaking xbox or ps2. Look around on bestbuy, almost every computer at the $1300 price range will have the built-in intel shit. Also I know one of those will be great for my family, does everything a normal user would need.
  • Reply 95 of 697
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by brianru

    YOu guys don't get it. For education, unless you are in digital video class, they are all using computers that are 10+ years old and are some of the wose peaces of crap you will ever use. For education, also, most will still be getting the eMac, at $750, it does everything you need and more. Though the iMac is good enough for iMovie and pretty much everything else a normal user would do. If you are looking for a computer for games get a powermac g5 or just get a freaking xbox or ps2. Look around on bestbuy, almost every computer at the $1300 price range will have the built-in intel shit. Also I know one of those will be great for my family, does everything a normal user would need.

    Tell that to Maine.

    As for the gaming nonsense, Apple is the one advertising the iMac as a gaming machine.
  • Reply 96 of 697
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I think your being a bit generous in calling these people idiots. This is a computer whose major sales will come in 2005 - the configuraiton simply sucks.

    Maybe it is Jobs desire to simply shut down the Mac division at Apple. He offers up such hardware and when the time comes can blame the lack of consumer interest. The reality is they will be selling less of these than the old iMac2 in four months time. So maybe it is a matter of evil intentions and not idiotcy that is the problem.

    I'm rather hopeing though that TS has had the wool pulled over their eyes. That would be the best explantion.

    One has to wonder if Apple has even heard of Linux and the hardware that it runs on. Apple isn't the only alternative to MS these days, they really need to pay more attention to the market.



    Originally posted by Aurora

    LOL did you say 4mx?lol lol did you say fx5200? lol lol iF Apple uses the worst & old video like 4mx & fx5200 they can expect to have a lot of imacs laying around. who in there right mind would buy any new machine with these dog video chips. If this holds true then its easy to see that some idiots are running and ruining Apple. 4mx was old garbage and fx5200 is garbage. a poor video sysytem with no upgrade has killed imac yet they are going to do more of the same? idiots runnning apple just dont get it do they. 64bit fx5200 will kill off sales faster then sky high prices.

  • Reply 97 of 697
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by rickag

    It's kind of comical that in the market place, Apple's consumer brand competes with refurbs and older used towers. Which tends to slow sales of the new consumer brands and increases the resale value of used towers.

    Now that I think about it, it's not comical, it's kind of sad.

    Very true and its all about Apples poor tier structure. it almost forces old,stale technology into iMac. cripple the pisss out of iMac so it doesnt hurt powermac and apple wonders why they dont sell millions. The tier they play doesnt allow for a decent iMac. every item in the new specs are from last year or older technology. its again fancy clothes with stale hardware only the clothes arent fancy this time. amazing that Apple hasnt had a succesful consumer desk top since the color imacs. cube cool but failed,poor specs,imac lcd again cool but failed poor specs, and the coming imac will fail again poor specs. Consumers expect a little more machine when handing over 2 grand.
  • Reply 98 of 697
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    As for the gaming nonsense, Apple is the one advertising the iMac as a gaming machine.

    Hmm, not only there, but here also. Guess what is the desktop for casual gamers. And guess what is the desktop for intermediate gamers.
  • Reply 99 of 697
    eric_zeric_z Posts: 175member
    Now if it'd only compete with Mini-ITX systems then the specs aren't all that bad, aspecially if the thing (box on the back) is as thin as I suspect that it might be. I'd however chosen a ATI 9600SE (found on fanless slimline cards, dead cheap) instead of the GF5200, but anyhow. But it isn't competing just with the small formfactor designs out there, it's allso competing with all of the rest of the consumer PC's out there in the price range of 1300-2200$.

    The trouble as it stands now (if this rumor is right) is that it's more of an "enthusiasts" machine in my eyes then a "consumer" one with the broad appeal in terms of TCO and preformance that such a machine would need.
  • Reply 100 of 697
    You people need to shut up about the gpu. The 5200 is a consumer gpu and the imac is a consumer machince. Don't make it what it is not by adding a pro card. The 5200 will do the job as a consumer gpu.
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