Sources confirm new Apple products next week



  • Reply 21 of 69
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    It was/is not certain whether or not the iMac will indeed make its debut at the Paris Expo.
  • Reply 22 of 69
    Croquer (in France) is saying announcement in Paris and deliveries in October. Hopefully they are way off. They did say, however that the dual 2.5s were originally going to be 2.2s. Maybe 2.2 will be the top end for the iMac . . . One can hope with less than a week to go. After than dreams are only what is available at the Apple Store.

    Been waiting since January to but the G5 iMac so my BTO order goes in on day one. Should be delivered by Christmas.
  • Reply 23 of 69
    ejieji Posts: 39member
    But where are the artist renderings? Kaspar had mentioned a long time ago that someone had slipped him a few artist renderings, but so far I haven't seen them.

    Help the imaginationless and impatient.
  • Reply 24 of 69
    What I'm wondering about is:


    Apple will reportedly incur significant air-freight charges to fly the new iMacs from manufacturing plants in Asia over to Europe and the United States, in an attempt to flood its retail channels.

    Does this mean that Apple will be announcing them, and saying that they're available that instance? Or am I reading too much into that?
  • Reply 25 of 69
    45" cinema display with a res of 3000x???? Woehahahaha

    No serieusly, i hope Apple wil introduce something that's not just an update from a current model. Something like a tablet or an anniversary product that is not as expensive as an BMW 5 series.
  • Reply 26 of 69
    I looked at that eluminx keyboard , but it appears it's only PS/2 compatible so USB Macs can't use it.

    As for the aluminum iMacs, I personally would rather Apple keep the distinction between the consumer and the professional lines. The white designs of the iBook, iMacs, iPods, Airports are consistent this way. Now if they could manage to blend the two materials in such a way like they did with the new Cinema displays, that might be a nice compromise and show a visual middle ground, a prosumer product.


    Originally posted by MPMoriarty

    I know this isn't exactly what you want, but this keyboard is silver and has backlit keys.


  • Reply 27 of 69

    I found you iDunno
  • Reply 28 of 69

    I would have sworn it was an official name change.

    You are quite right. It was in all the mags, news sites a few years back.

    I thought this had been made 'official'.

    It would certainly sum up the slow 'redefinition' of Apple since Jobs assumed command of the mothership.

    Apple is now about more than computers.

    It's the new Sony.

    But loads better.

    The emphasis on iPods is selling Apple laptops.

    Get used to this.

    I thoroughly expect other DLD devices to match:

    iPod, iPod mini, iSight, Airport Express...(pay attention in class children...Apple 'computer' has been expanding from its 'Mac only' remit for some time now...)

    As well as Windows software...(hell froze over...)

    As well as Business hardware (hell REALLY froze over...)

    As well as a supercomputer that p********* all over Opteron and Intel clusters (DA WHOLE DANTES INFERNO GOTTA A BIT OF DE FROSTBITE, CLYDE...)

    Add to that a Mac OS on 'Unix'? Not to mention industry standard components and Open GL instead of the laughable Quickdraw 3D? Not to mention Apple monitors compatible with Windows machines?

    What's going on?

    If you'd have said that to me in 1997?

    I'd have whizzed myself laughing.

    No joke. This is all in 7 years? What about the next 7?

    Think the unthinkable.

    As for the 'alu chrome' iMac G5? Did we not know? Did we not care? Who but Galactus (Steve J) could have the power? Didst thou not see-est the G5 tower alu? THe laptop selleth a Powerbook sexy sales? Alu mini smash hit? Verily? Tis alu.

    iBook and eMac...borrowed time is dirty white...more sexy is alu...look cooler it does...more professional...more seductive...quicker to the dark is.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    PS. I can't wait to see the new iMac G5 and other goodies next week!!!

  • Reply 29 of 69
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by mactarkus

    I looked at that eluminx keyboard , but it appears it's only PS/2 compatible so USB Macs can't use it.

    As for the aluminum iMacs, I personally would rather Apple keep the distinction between the consumer and the professional lines. The white designs of the iBook, iMacs, iPods, Airports are consistent this way. Now if they could manage to blend the two materials in such a way like they did with the new Cinema displays, that might be a nice compromise and show a visual middle ground, a prosumer product.

    ps2 > USB adapter
  • Reply 30 of 69
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    If there are 3 models of the new iMac, if history is any example, two will be available "imediately" while the top end "at the end of the month" or something to that effect. Supplies will be very limited of course. I doubt there will be any other new hardware announcement however. Check out the Newsweek and Time magazine sites on Sunday!
  • Reply 31 of 69
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    Croquer (in France) is saying announcement in Paris and deliveries in October. Hopefully they are way off. They did say, however that the dual 2.5s were originally going to be 2.2s. Maybe 2.2 will be the top end for the iMac . . .

    Croquer is nothing more than MOSR in French. Perhaps more amusing than that, as they often write in a way that gives you the impression they are the absolute truth.

    Predicting deliveries in October is pretty safe, given the production problems IBM still faces. No need Croquer to tell us that.

    And their explanation of the water cooling system in the new Power Macs simply does not make sense, supporting my hypothesis that they don't know what they say.
  • Reply 32 of 69
    Well they finally have room for a 60gb iPod in the line. is a apple mouse with 2 buttons and a scroll wheel that is alluminum. Also if they actually did release an iPod with wifi I bet it would be generation 5. It would be it's own airport express and be able to access the iTMS and sync wirelessly, which would work very well if the iPod had airport extreme in it.
  • Reply 33 of 69
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    At Paris I would expect to see the Apple "iDJPod Lucky Boy": A double iPod with two scroll wheels, two 60G drives and Airport Express so that you can DJ from the Bar area. Nah..just kidding.

    Or am I?

    ...or not

  • Reply 34 of 69

    Originally posted by Bancho

    ps2 > USB adapter

    what? PS2-(only-)keyboards in the year 2004?

  • Reply 35 of 69
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by dr. zoidberg

    what? PS2-(only-)keyboards in the year 2004?


    I know, sad really that legacy connectors like PS2 even exist today. At least there are adapters though .
  • Reply 36 of 69
    Whatever happens to the distinction of aluminum = pro, white = consumer? First, iPod mini "violated" the rule, now iMac (if true). Will it come in an anodized aluminum case just like iPod mini?

    If the new iMac case is aluminum, then the "chameleon" case patent is not for iMacs. Hmmm.. interesting.
  • Reply 37 of 69
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by PB

    And their explanation of the water cooling system in the new Power Macs simply does not make sense, supporting my hypothesis that they don't know what they say.

    Croquer comments on the new Power Macs are being discussed here too.
  • Reply 38 of 69
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    New products to be announced at a major apple event?!? At a keynote?!? wow thats a first...

    AI really went out on a limb with this one!
  • Reply 39 of 69
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Bancho

    I know, sad really that legacy connectors like PS2 even exist today. At least there are adapters though .

    most every PeeCee ships with PS2 KB+Mouse. It is insane but true, but then again, if it aint broke...

    BTW most PCs still ship with floppy drives
  • Reply 40 of 69
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    They don't do it for no reason, either. PS/2 keyboards are (slightly) cheaper, all else being equal, and USB support in NT and 2000 left so much to be desired that I'm not surprised that USB keyboards and mice never really caught on in Windows land the way they did on the Mac.

    I'm not really sure how good XP's support of USB is. I'd be shocked and amazed if it isn't better, but then USB keyboards and mice make special demands of the OS, because they have to be able to function at startup.
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