Why hate?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Just one question. Why does everyone hate on PCs? PCs are awesome. Although my first computer was an ol' school Macintosh, with only a floppy drive and a b&w screen, every computer since then has been a PC. The big problem with PCs(and their users) is their preferred choice of OS. My main reason for switching back to Mac ( and my PC to Linux) was because of Micro$hit Winblows and its general unstability and lack of security. Also i dont understand how some (not all) Mac users feel that they are better than their PC, Linux using counterparts. We're not better, we're one in the same. Both of our OSs are based on Unix. Now, are we better than our Windows using counterparts? I think we all know the answer to that...


  • Reply 1 of 37
    joeyjoey Posts: 236member

    I don't have a problem with the hardware... and for the most part... there is some very good x86 based hardware out there... the problem is that there isn't a consumer friendly alternative out there to Windows... OS X on the x86 platform would be a dream come true... that would present consumers with a real choice... and inspire developers to increase development on OS X compatible software.... it's a win win win situation all around... the only company that would be hurt by that would be Microsoft. Apple may loose some hardware sales... but the difference would likely be made up by the increase in OS sales (over time).
  • Reply 2 of 37
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    The problem I have with the hardware is that it is driven by Windows.

    For instance: Windows had crappy USB support for the longest time: hardware had to maintain PS/2, serial and parallel ports.

    MS drives the hardware bus (no pun intended) just as much as they do the software one, unfortunately, and their crappy products force the hardware manufacturers to hobble their systems to cater to Windows.

    BIOS, anyone? I mean dear god, how old/crufty/aged/obsolete is that again? So why not ditch it? Because the lowest layer of Windows boot code still relies on it, and MS is terrified to touch it. So MS requires it... so hardware manufacturers still use it... so users can't do simple things that Mac users have taken for granted for ages, like boot from any storage device.
  • Reply 3 of 37
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    BIOS, anyone? I mean dear god, how old/crufty/aged/obsolete is that again? So why not ditch it? Because the lowest layer of Windows boot code still relies on it, and MS is terrified to touch it. So MS requires it... so hardware manufacturers still use it... so users can't do simple things that Mac users have taken for granted for ages, like boot from any storage device.

    Edit (sorry forgot to add comment).

    Isn't OSXs OpenFirmware prompt similar to Bios?

  • Reply 4 of 37
    Yes that's very true, it's similar, but a basic Mac user will never need to open the firmware-EVER. It's for very rare, very serious problems that need command line access to the hardware to fix.
  • Reply 5 of 37
    i certainly dont hate on PC hardware. I love amd chips. I wont dicard the pc i have now... i am gonna upgrade it with an amd 64 and such. Its windows that blows. and unfortunately it ruins it for alot of the hardware too.

    i am thinking about switching to linux for good.
  • Reply 6 of 37
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by dobby

    Edit (sorry forgot to add comment).

    Isn't OSXs OpenFirmware prompt similar to Bios?

    In the same manner that an F1 is similar to a Model T, yes.

    OpenFirmware is a Forth interpreter that allows direct access to hardware elements on the motherboard, storage volumes, and the like.

    BIOS is... brain dead. "Oook, grunt, look for a boot partition on ATA0... oh well, me confused..." :P
  • Reply 7 of 37
    I absolutely "hate" them. It falls back on MS Windows.

    That's all I should honestly have to say. (I have to use brand new Dells everyday at school, it's an absolute nightmare.) I was looking forward to Mac Labs in HS too...
  • Reply 8 of 37
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Protostar

    Why does everyone hate on PCs? PCs are awesome.

    I don't understand the question.
  • Reply 9 of 37
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member
    Can't stand windows either.

    I tried many flavors of linux 3 years back and they just weren't there. Ease of use was just as bad as windows was IMO. Are their any really user friendly versions out there? I work with technology all day and love the ease of use of my mac, kind of an escape from the grind.

    I have plenty of hardware even a newish AMD machine, but I hate to run windows on it. What to do.

    Hardware that is used is not much different than what is used on the mac. Most newer PCI cards that I have tried work with the mac. I guess I should say a lot.
  • Reply 10 of 37
    of course we know why windows chumps hate macs...

    cause it would put all those cis system admins out of work...
  • Reply 11 of 37
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    That's actually a big part of why IT depts tend to not buy them... if you were in charge of 100 people to keep the company's systems up and running, and in the next upgrade cycle were handed the opportunity to install new systems that would cut your necessary staff (and budget) by 80% after the upgrade... would you do it? Most people wouldn't. The ego involved in being a manager of an IT dept 1/5 the size but much more efficient isn't nearly as satisfying to most people than being the manager of a huge department.
  • Reply 12 of 37
    oh i know.. tons of truth. I work at the Mars Space Flight Facility. We control the Thermal Emissions Spectrometer on the Mars Global Surveyor and on Spirit and Odyssesy.... ALL mac and Linux syustems. Our it department consists of 3 people. 2 of which spend 95% of their time programming while the other walks around and does small things that need to be done like updates (cause people cant be trusted to do them themselves).

    never a problem! and we have a huge server room that needs maintaining and these 3 are more than enough
  • Reply 13 of 37
    I love X86 componements, but I don't like much PC.

    Macs have a nice inside design, and PC are a box filled with componements : they haven't got any internal design.
  • Reply 14 of 37
    its quite a wake up when i look at the extent the tides have changed. I was posting today about macs on a board completely unrelated and so many people responded favorably and with good ideas about macs too... a few years ago even this response would be a surprise.

    one person said: Apples are like caddies. They are built pretty differently than your typical american car and pain to fix and buy parts for, but god damn don't ya love the purr, the ride and the body.

    hahah well said!
  • Reply 15 of 37
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    I love X86 componements, but I don't like much PC.

    Macs have a nice inside design, and PC are a box filled with componements : they haven't got any internal design.

    Powerdoc, do you mean something like this one?
  • Reply 16 of 37
    All my antipathy is towards the operating system. My limited use of Windows always just reinforces how glad I am to have Mac OS on my computers. The worst parts for me are the mouse tracking, the way most apps take ove the whole screen so you can't access the desktop, the fact that each window spawns it own set of menus, and the confusing dialogs that pop up with bizarre option sets, like "Yes, Apply, No, and Cancel" all in one dialog.
  • Reply 17 of 37
    g2gg2g Posts: 39member
    I have been using Windoze since 97...I have a ATI 9800XT that will not work with my brand new mobo ...usb only works when it whants to ...and the {its getting very old crtical update } blah blah I just whant somthing that works...is that to much to ask for...I cant wait to save my money to buy a powerbook..I will be using it for my company...and to surf the net photo's e-mail playing a few games etc... I cant do that on my pc seems like the more you do ie have more on the hd the worse it runs ...and who whants to tinker with there pc for weeks..like me I cant even get my usb headphones to work when I whant them to...also I know Apple is not perfect..but its better than MS...imho
  • Reply 18 of 37
    We don't hate PCs...we hate Windows.

    BeOS was awesome and Linux has tremendous potential. But Windows?

    A PC running Windows is nothing more than a very expensive gaming console with a stability problem.
  • Reply 19 of 37
    thttht Posts: 5,593member
    I don't have any hate. I use it all the time, and it is fine!

    My reasons for buying Apple instead of Win-x86:

    1. Apple's systems have a certain elegance in form and usage in both hardware and software.

    2. Win-x86 is so ubiquituos that it is boring

    3. Win-x86 is in fact boring to use
  • Reply 20 of 37
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    We don't hate PCs...we hate Windows.

    BeOS was awesome and Linux has tremendous potential. But Windows?

    A PC running Windows is nothing more than a very expensive gaming console with a stability problem.

    Agreed. There is some very nice PC hardware but I hate Windows. Linux on the other hand holds a lot of promise in my opinion. It has made improvements at a rate greater than that of Windows and while I do not think it will eclipse MS soon I do think it will give them some real headaches and that makes me happy.
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