So this is Christmas.....



  • Reply 41 of 51
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    You'd only keep posting as Anna Mated anyway, so why bother. Besides, someone has to take care of Benzene. The rest of us voted for it to be you while you were out. And segovius would pine away without you.

    May the Sun god leave your very own Creationist under the tree to heckle and annoy whenever you feel the need.

    actually, last time I got banned, I kinda promised Powerdoc I wouldn't post under Anna, and I kept my word! Benzene's gone awol! and I fear Seg is turning into a fundie, and because I fear that, it's OK to shoot him (CommonMan).

    And I refuse to put up a tree, until it is universally accepted that this is a (another) pagan tradition that was hijacked by a Christianity I discovered is entirely false.

    I was kinda hoping Osiris would leave me a Creationist tied up and bent over my bed, so 'uncough' MarcUK could ream him sore, until he repented for his ignorance.

    Anyway, wishing you a happy whatever, and If you're not a fat balding guy, couldya send me the pics aswell
  • Reply 42 of 51

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    Last year, I was victim of a false diagnosis. I lived in hell during 15 days, and I take a full aditionnal year to recover. Since this event, I am very concerned about death, and or physical and mental degeneration. This is quite scary. I even tried to find some help in the metaphysical stuff, but I am desesperatly a cartesian guy. But after a couple of months of dark idears,I came to the conclusion, that being concerned about this (death and degeneration) was leading to nowhere, except pain. So, I decided for my mental sake to forgot this thoughts but it's not a cakewalk : we are surrounded by bad examples, and medecine is king for providing such examples.

    There I was thinking you spent your time enjoying a carefree existence that involved nothing but tits and golf. No time for death stories, the Born Agains are coming! Gotta look lively. But FWIW these are the conclusions I've come to about death:

    1. The actual dying bit probably isn't as scary as I previously thought.

    2. Assume it's always nearby because it likes surprises.

    3. Belief in any form of afterlife is really damaging because it encourages complacency.

    4. The thing I most want to avoid is thinking I'd squandered too much time just before the lights go out.

    So to me, billybob and drew are squandering time. You enter and exit alone. So don't pin your hopes on anything or anyone else to make it meaningful for you or you'll be disappointed. When you get to the white light at the end of the tunnel, there's nothing on the other side. And while religious types see this as making existence meaningless, I come to the exact opposite conclusion. You've got one performance and it's very, very brief, so make it bloody good. Believing there's got to be more to it is just reveals the human tendency to get carried away with our own specialness. Relative to the life of the universe, we're granted a split second to check it out. Not happy with the deal? "Bad fucking luck", replies the universe. And if you want to sit around moping about that, fine, but the universe doesn't care. Got burnt by love? Yeah well, feel the pain guys and revel in it because soon enough you won't feel anything at all.


    As a dancer I knew that you where beautiful, but I ignored that you where that cute. Anyway you forgot to mention the young handsome personal secretary commited to write your memories under your very private direction.

    As much as I hate to disappoint you, while nobody has ever asked me to put a paper bag over my head or been physically ill at the sight of me, I am neither cute nor beautiful. I do, however, have a body to die for and I have no doubt this would have been more than enough to allow me to make a sufficiently heathy living from prositution that I would now be in a position to enjoy the fruits of my labour and satisfy my rather expensive tastes for many years to come. Unfortunately, I fear there is no longer enough time to make the most of this as a career option, so I am forced to consider other alternatives. Finding one that is both satisfying and provides adequate financial reward is proving illusive but the search has at least provided the opportunity for me to shine my lamp into many dark corners into which I might not have otherwise looked. This year the light revealed a big, horrible, hairy spider. Next year? Who knows.


    Originally posted by billybob

    I hope the masonic brush with death wasn't too serious.

    Full scale medical emergency is the phrase that most readily springs to mind. Fortunately, like me, he tends to have incredible luck right when it most counts.


    Originally posted by MarkUK

    couldya send me the pics aswell

    No. But points for trying.
  • Reply 43 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    [B]So to me, billybob and drew are squandering time. You enter and exit alone. So don't pin your hopes on anything or anyone else to make it meaningful for you or you'll be disappointed. When you get to the white light at the end of the tunnel, there's nothing on the other side. And while religious types see this as making existence meaningless, I come to the exact opposite conclusion. You've got one performance and it's very, very brief, so make it bloody good. Believing there's got to be more to it is just reveals the human tendency to get carried away with our own specialness. Relative to the life of the universe, we're granted a split second to check it out. Not happy with the deal? "Bad fucking luck", replies the universe. And if you want to sit around moping about that, fine, but the universe doesn't care. Got burnt by love? Yeah well, feel the pain guys and revel in it because soon enough you won't feel anything at all.

    This is exactly my own advice on the subject. I suspect that you are also a desesperate cartesian.


    As much as I hate to disappoint you, while nobody has ever asked me to put a paper bag over my head or been physically ill at the sight of me, I am neither cute nor beautiful. I do, however, have a body to die for and I have no doubt this would have been more than enough to allow me to make a sufficiently heathy living from prositution that I would now be in a position to enjoy the fruits of my labour and satisfy my rather expensive tastes for many years to come. Unfortunately, I fear there is no longer enough time to make the most of this as a career option, so I am forced to consider other alternatives. Finding one that is both satisfying and provides adequate financial reward is proving illusive but the search has at least provided the opportunity for me to shine my lamp into many dark corners into which I might not have otherwise looked. This year the light revealed a big, horrible, hairy spider. Next year? Who knows.

    You don't disapoint me : we are on internet, and we can only enjoy some verbal exchange here, and I must admit they are quite interesting. I have the feeling that you are depressed more than you admit. When I read you I hear a voice saying " look I have screwed up all busisness in my life, I am just good enough to be ..." Looks like autoflagellation for me. You started your own busisness : good you have my admiration even if you losed. At least you tried. There is not adventure without risks.

  • Reply 44 of 51
    tonton = teh father!??!??
  • Reply 45 of 51

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    You don't disapoint me : we are on internet, and we can only enjoy some verbal exchange here, and I must admit they are quite interesting. I have the feeling that you are depressed more than you admit. When I read you I hear a voice saying " look I have screwed up all busisness in my life, I am just good enough to be ..." Looks like autoflagellation for me. You started your own busisness : good you have my admiration even if you losed. At least you tried. There is not adventure without risks.

    Oh great, now I'm being analyzed. Terrific. I am joking about the prostitution thing you know. Geez what do you take me for? I think it's small wonder I'm not curled up in the fetal position sobbing quietly to myself. Don't mistake being a realist for self-loathing. While I recognize my weaknesses when it comes to running a business, on the balance of things, I don't feel for a minute that I failed here.

    On the contrary, to me the achievement was all too apparent. Especially when, towards the end, the situation morphed from being more than just difficult to truly bizarre. And while I think there have been times in the past where I've given up too easily, in this instance I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that getting the hell out is absolutely the right thing to do.

    Still haven't quite got the hang of it have you tonton. Still, as that has got to be the quintessential tonton post, I guess it will have to do.

    The Born Agains were absolutely fucking amazing. My faith in human nature is at least partially restored. Escape is almost complete.
  • Reply 46 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Oh great, now I'm being analyzed. Terrific. I am joking about the prostitution thing you know. Geez what do you take me for? I think it's small wonder I'm not curled up in the fetal position sobbing quietly to myself. Don't mistake being a realist for self-loathing. While I recognize my weaknesses when it comes to running a business, on the balance of things, I don't feel for a minute that I failed here.

    On the contrary, to me the achievement was all too apparent. Especially when, towards the end, the situation morphed from being more than just difficult to truly bizarre. And while I think there have been times in the past where I've given up too easily, in this instance I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that getting the hell out is absolutely the right thing to do.

    OK, I will stop my analysis

    Terrific is the word when a surgeon is practicing psychanalysis

    This said, even if you were joking and It was the way I understood that, I still think that there was a small amount of autoflagellation here. Happy to see that it was a very small amount.

    BTW, I am very happy to see that you still have your fighting spirit.And if you want to leave your busisness it's not me who will said the contrary.

    Au fait, Who created the (false) myth of the weak woman ?
  • Reply 47 of 51
    That's OK. Besides, I think you probably tend to be a bit neurotic.

  • Reply 48 of 51

    What's the downside of California that it needs mentioning? Is there any state that doesn't have a "downside"?

    You're right, all states have downsides. Some more than others.


    All those fags? Wetbacks? Liberals? Ahhnold?

    Back to political outsider with ya. Ahhnold would be a good start. Liberals? What? I be liberal fool. Wetbacks are no problem. Fags are great, the more fags, the greater the male to female ratio. Tadow!


    California's actually a pretty nice place, especially San Diego and San Francisco. And being one of the most liberal states in the country (hooray for San Francisco), as well as my home state, it holds a special place in my heart. Beautiful mountains (among the most beautiful in the country), gorgeous beaches (among the most beautiful in the country), amazing deserts (among the most beautiful in the country), terrific architecture, California has a lot going for it that places like Florida and New York and Washington (comes close) don't.

    I mostly agree actually. California has those things. Although Washington has them as well, except the water next to the beach is just a wee bit on the nippy side.

    California is probably better than half the states out there overall.

    Only problem with California though is that it is full of Californians.

    Happy Holidays

    Powerdoc, Feliz Navidad wasn't the song. It was the greeting fool. Check yo self wit yo babelfish.
  • Reply 49 of 51
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    You're right, all states have downsides. Some more than others.

    Back to political outsider with ya. Ahhnold would be a good start. Liberals? What? I be liberal fool. Wetbacks are no problem. Fags are great, the more fags, the greater the male to female ratio. Tadow!

    I mostly agree actually. California has those things. Although Washington has them as well, except the water next to the beach is just a wee bit on the nippy side.

    California is probably better than half the states out there overall.

    Only problem with California though is that it is full of Californians.

    Happy Holidays

    Powerdoc, Feliz Navidad wasn't the song. It was the greeting fool. Check yo self wit yo babelfish.

    Thanks a lot, some time I am twisted mind.

    Joyeux Noël
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