Falling Behind



  • Reply 21 of 23
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member
    Apple's PB numbers are not that good. Look at the earnings from last Q, and they suffered a massive drop off.

    The Centrino 2 comes out tomorrow. IBM needs to get us a fast mobile CPU with a fast motherboard. The 167 mh FSB is killing the speed.
  • Reply 22 of 23

    Originally posted by Programmer

    Well, a binary order of magnitude maybe. I don't disagree that the G4 is behind the Dothan, but there's no need to exaggerate.

    Edit: Damn! Second time in a row I'm beaten to the punch.

    I'm pretty sure a shiny new dual 2.5GHz G5 would improve your posting times and avoid these embarrassing situations.
  • Reply 23 of 23

    Originally posted by Existence

    Yes, Intel's Dothan is an order of magnitude faster than the G4s in Apple's PB line. It's really quite embarassing. In fact, a 2.1GHz Dothan benches close to 3.2-3.4GHz P4's, around the same ballpark as a single 2.5GHZ G5.

    Even with a G5 PowerBook, Apple will still be behind if that G5 is the PPC970 and less than 2.5GHz. No, Apple needs either a dual-core low-power G5 or a G5 with significantly more cache and more/improved functional units. As it stands right now, Dothan > PPC970 >> G4.

    And that's just the processor architecture. Apple's PowerBooks also lag in screen technology, battery life, size/weight and drive options when compared to Sony's new S series (4.2 lbs) for instance.

    Actually, those don't see overly compelling. Yes it's a few ounces lighter than a 12" PB and has a slightly larger screen, but beyond that it's pretty similar right down to the price. Of the 3 people I know off the top of my head with a Vaio laptop, none of them lasted more than a year. They were fragile little buggers. That may have changed, but the PB is rugged for a light laptop.

    Sure, Apple always lags in mix/match options, but we've always known that.
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