USB Wireless adapter support?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I ordered my Mini without WiFi but would like to add it in the future, if the price is too high to get it done at a Apple store is there much support for the many USB wireless adapters out there?

I guess if all else failed I could get one of the wireless bridges that use the NIC so there'd be no need but those are somewhat pricey.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    Hi there!

    I just looked a bit around and found this:

    The DWL-122 from d-link claims to be mac compatible (supports IEEE 802.11b), and costs around 20 to 25 EUR here in Germany.

    Just plug in into the back of your mini.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    After much research I found that one too, it is pretty cheap but I'd be running a 802.11g network that uses WPA for encryption

    Oh well, I think i'll just invest in a airport extreme
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