this is my life



  • Reply 21 of 57
    I think that:

    1. Don't just break all contack, he's your brother, and that might just cause family divisions.

    2. I agree with some of the posters above, try to reconsile in a sober state, silence is not the answer.

    3. Don't give up on a girl you really like and visa versca just because your family may be rascist, F*%# Them.

    just my $.02
  • Reply 22 of 57
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by e1618978

    My wife and I wanted to adopt a baby from

    Korea, and some of my wife's relatives said that

    we would couldn't bring those particular kids

    to their house. In my case, the entanglements

    were very large, so we gave up (adopted a baby

    from Russia, and they paid $22K to make up

    the difference in cost).

    They paid you $22K to make sure asian kids wouldn´t come into their house?

    And you let others decide how your kids should look?

    I know its easy to pick on you but...

  • Reply 23 of 57
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    I would confront him about his racist comment(s). By the way-- just for a better picture of what a lowlife your biological half-brained brother is, what else did he say about Asians? "Slope-eyed bitch" doesn't seem enough for some of our members here. For your information, I date an Asian girl-- but have never experienced such explicitly racist verbal slurs...
  • Reply 24 of 57
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Anders

    They paid you $22K to make sure asian kids wouldn´t come into their house?

    And you let others decide how your kids should look?

    I know its easy to pick on you but...


    The money wasn't the deciding factor, it was punishment.

    The deciding factor was "do I want to deprive my other

    children of their family in order to stand on principal?".
  • Reply 25 of 57
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Such harsh dealings for someone he grew up with. Burn the bridge? Tough love

    I would think timmy o'tool could have a more intelligent interaction with his brother.

    He aint Heavy, He's my brother. - The Hollies
  • Reply 26 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by e1618978

    The money wasn't the deciding factor, it was punishment.

    The deciding factor was "do I want to deprive my other

    children of their family in order to stand on principal?".

    What kind of family would bar a child of a certain race from their home? May your numbers diminish to extinction.
  • Reply 27 of 57
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by tonton

    Honestly. I don't care how you yourself personally feel about your wife's "family members" but I would pay $22,000 to keep my kid away from those fucking racist assholes. It is definitely not depriving your kid from family. It's protecting your kid from ignorant, intolerable racism. If you accept those "family members" for what they are, then you are almost as racist as they are.

    Everybody has dark aspects to their personality.

    I notice various traits of racism, sexism, ageism,

    homophobia, etc, in almost everyone I know - but those

    same people also have good qualities.

    If you only allow yourself to associate with totally

    pure and good people, you will be very lonely. Also,

    if you are honest with yourself, you have some

    dark areas as well.
  • Reply 28 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by e1618978

    Everybody has dark aspects to their personality.

    I notice various traits of racism, sexism, ageism,

    homophobia, etc, in almost everyone I know - but those

    same people also have good qualities.

    If you only allow yourself to associate with totally

    pure and good people, you will be very lonely. Also,

    if you are honest with yourself, you have some

    dark areas as well.


    Cop out.

    Hollow justification.
  • Reply 29 of 57
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by johnq


    Cop out.

    Hollow justification.

    So you are perfect then, no bias at all?
  • Reply 30 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by e1618978

    So you are perfect then, no bias at all?

    I don't use my past imperfections as justification for future ones. I improve.
  • Reply 31 of 57
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Such harsh dealings for someone he grew up with. Burn the bridge? Tough love

    I would think timmy o'tool could have a more intelligent interaction with his brother.

    He aint Heavy, He's my brother. - The Hollies

    Indeed. The last time one of my close family members said something racist to me, I asked "Did you join the Klan while I was away?"

    No more racist comments.
  • Reply 32 of 57

    Originally posted by johnq

    I don't use my past imperfections as justification for future ones. I improve.

    This is typical, neo-left bigotry in action. I'm glad you're so perfectly pluralist. Build yourself a shrine. Everyone has his bad moments, and if the worst thing he has done has been to make a superficial, racial comment, and then followed it with a punch, that's hardly the worst thing he could have done. Some people, like me, think it's far worse to be idealogically intolerant than racial intolerant, particualry when it's just on a superficial level. So while this is a cardinal sin to you, and you seem to have this lust of avengement about it, to most of us it's an easy topic to reconcile.

    And dare I say it, but your intolerance just leads to more hate from the other side.
  • Reply 33 of 57
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by tonton

    I bet you live in a red state, don't you?

    North Carolina - but wait, your are showing your

    predudice against 'red state people'.

    It is a form of classism
  • Reply 34 of 57
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by tonton

    Are you saying racism is an "ideology" that we should be tolerant of? Jesus.

    I read that, too. What's the matter with you, Splinemodel? That post was uncharacteristic of you.
  • Reply 35 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    This is typical, neo-left bigotry in action. I'm glad you're so perfectly pluralist. Build yourself a shrine. Everyone has his bad moments, and if the worst thing he has done has been to make a superficial, racial comment, and then followed it with a punch, that's hardly the worst thing he could have done. Some people, like me, think it's far worse to be idealogically intolerant than racial intolerant, particualry when it's just on a superficial level. So while this is a cardinal sin to you, and you seem to have this lust of avengement about it, to most of us it's an easy topic to reconcile.

    And dare I say it, but your intolerance just leads to more hate from the other side.

    So now I'm "neo-left". Rich.

    I save my hate (or love) for individuals, not mere collections of attributes (most of which don't exist materially).

    That you seem to think that makes me "perfect" says more about your own tolerance for the status quo. I am not perfect. I did however, slowly wake up over the years, carefully assessing my mistakes. Carrying around amorphous hate in you just gets you into trouble deeper and deeper. It holds you back. Now, everyone is a blank slate at the moment I meet them. Their actions then add up being either good, indifferent or bad. When they are on my shit list, I'm more than happy to hate them and avoid them and complain about them - with cause. But that's individuals.

    Now, can I get away with this always? No. Too many people bring too much of their attitude/presumptions to a situation. They aren't in reality/in the now. They are mired in their own preconceptions, whether it's a black kid, hispanic guy, chinese woman, all expecting me to be "the white racist" merely because I am white. It takes two to have a good interaction. Same for another white guy with hatred and lazy tolerance of racism in him thinking I'm a pompous perfect neo-liberal merely because I try to treat people as individuals. I can't change anyone, indeed have no need to. One is free to be a racist prick, but know well that that is what you are. But one's being racist doesn't make me "liberal" Talk about lazy labeling.

    Anyway, "Superficial racial comment" my ass. Nothing superficial about it. What is this, fucking Tourettes Syndrome? Oh excuse him, he says "Slope-eyed bitch" every now and then, he can't help it. Screw that. It was heartfelt, from the core of his being. That shit is bottled up. Assholes like that affect peoples lives, so one couple decides not to get a child of a different race and another doubts his choice of partner etc. How many other things are people like him effecting? Where asians or hispanics or blacks etc. get to live or work or worship?

    Every race has racists. It's not "ideology" it's greed/selfishness/protectionism. "We don't want them to come here, take our jobs, fuck our women and waterdown our race." is not ideology because it is just as likely to be said by Korean, Texan, Irish or Brazilian. Racism is just mob mentality with a facade of justifications and righteousness. There are ideologies that use racism but racism is a universal component as is charity or greed.

    If you hate because of race, then your belief in your God is a sham, your patriotism is a lie (as far as America is concerned *cough*all men are created equal*cough*).
  • Reply 36 of 57

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    I read that, too. What's the matter with you, Splinemodel? That post was uncharacteristic of you.

    No, I'm saying that calling someone a "slanty" is on a different level than disrespecting the general merits of the oriental races and cultures. It's a physical attribute that is often (but not always) found in people from the far east, much like British teeth or Arab noses. There are cases where people disrespect physical attributes as well as more general attributes of a given race, but we have no idea if that is even the case here.

    Would I be a racist from a general unattraction to the oriental look? (And I use oriental because I'm not refering to Indians, Arabs, or Siberians). I would say not at all. It's a race-based preference and a racial judgement, but to funnel it into the general arena of racism is incorrect, and unfortunately all too common in the hyper-sensitive, reactionary stage of modern political correctness.

    I don't endorse this guy's decision to insult his brother's girlfriend and then punch him, but I do appear to be the only one here who is open minded enough to consider the fact that the girlfriend may on one account be a bitch, on another account have slanty eyes, and that the course of events that followed may be totally insular. That may not be the case, but I don't know either of these guys at all, and I do know that we haven't heard both sides of the story.

    As for JohnQ, you didn't really add anything with your last post aside from telling me about yourself and defining some general axioms. That's wonderful, but I don't see what you seem to be laughing at, so I'll spell it out for you. The real underlying point is that judgements that draw upon racial characteristics aren't necessarily racist in nature. Being hyper-sensitive and hyper reactionary about racial matters burdens our courts and minds with trivial events while matters of real racism still persist in number, perhaps ignited by the artificially maintained [brainwashed] presence of race in our 21st century social consciousness.

    In addition to the regular editorials on the matter, there was a particularly good episode of South Park about this.
  • Reply 37 of 57

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Why don't you just stop calling him. . . I know this seems pretty tame in comparison to some of the other stuff, but I see no reason to get so worked up about it. I also question your motive to post such a personal issue to an internet message board. Do you really think I can help you, not having heard what is likely to be the whole, real story?

    Anyway, based on my assumptions:

    1) Have a doctor fix up your nose. You don't want to end up looking like Patrick Roy without also being the best hockey goalie ever.

    2) Call your bro and tell him in four sentences or less, without any emotion, why you want to just forget about the little incident. Keep it short and say bye.

    3) Buy your girl some flowers or some shit like that. Girls always like expensive surprises.

    you forgot...

    4) stop blaming bush for your life being shitty
  • Reply 38 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    No, I'm saying that calling someone a "slanty" is on a different level than disrespecting the general merits of the oriental races and cultures. It's a physical attribute that is often (but not always) found in people from the far east, much like British teeth or Arab noses. There are cases where people disrespect physical attributes as well as more general attributes of a given race, but we have no idea if that is even the case here.

    What insipid contrivance.

    "Slanty" insinuates that it is "wrong". There is no baseline that is "right". Attempting to use or hilight a feature as a cause for divisiveness is inherently racist. If "slant eyes" weren't deemed inferior (hence insulting) by the brother, he wouldn't have said it.*

    The "racialness" of the insult is not in the offended, it's forged by the person who peppers the insult with the racial attributes to begin with.


    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Would I be a racist from a general unattraction to the oriental look? (And I use oriental because I'm not refering to Indians, Arabs, or Siberians). I would say not at all. It's a race-based preference and a racial judgement, but to funnel it into the general arena of racism is incorrect, and unfortunately all too common in the hyper-sensitive, reactionary stage of modern political correctness.

    No one is saying you must be attracted. But the above examples suggest people are actively coerced into shunning people of another race. Adopt an asian kid and you'll never come into my house. Keep dating that asian girl and I'll harrass you and be violent. We all need to be free to love whomever we want to and make families of any type. No neighborhood has the right to be off-limits to a given race or mix.


    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I don't endorse this guy's decision to insult his brother's girlfriend and then punch him, but I do appear to be the only one here who is open minded enough to consider the fact that the girlfriend may on one account be a bitch, on another account have slanty eyes, and that the course of events that followed may be totally insular. That may not be the case, but I don't know either of these guys at all, and I do know that we haven't heard both sides of the story.

    The "slanty eyes" have to do with WHAT? That's the point. Ok, she's a bitch. He's a jerk. Is he a round eyed jerk? It's juvenile to even bring racial attributes into it. Open-minded. Ha.


    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    As for JohnQ, you didn't really add anything with your last post aside from telling me about yourself and defining some general axioms. That's wonderful, but I don't see what you seem to be laughing at, so I'll spell it out for you. The real underlying point is that judgements that draw upon racial characteristics aren't necessarily racist in nature. Being hyper-sensitive and hyper reactionary about racial matters burdens our courts and minds with trivial events while matters of real racism still persist in number, perhaps ignited by the artificially maintained [brainwashed] presence of race in our 21st century social consciousness.

    Nothing I said was hyper-sensitive and hyper reactionary. "Slanty-eyed" is racist, period. I can see why you don't want it to be. Good luck with that. Maybe you can find a good "hook-nosed" lawyer while your at it. One wonders what it's like being around you.


    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    In addition to the regular editorials on the matter, there was a particularly good episode of South Park about this.

    I have no problem with racial humor in entertainment, it's when the generalities it uses are applied to the real world and used to harm, intimidate, inhibit or control others.

    * I know the actual term used is not clearly defined. I'm speaking in general terms, whether it was slope/slant whatever. And it applies to any racial attribute, and yes even when non-whites are being racist to whites.
  • Reply 39 of 57
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Maybe he was drunk and said something dumb? Does one dumb statement make someone a racist?

    Well, sure He's carefully masked his true feelings in public, but alcohol lowers inhibitions, therefore the truth comes out. How do you really feel etc.

    You're saying:

    Person X exhibits no sign of racism

    Person X is drugged to their inhibitions are lowered

    Person X exhibits racism

    Conclusion: Person X is not a racist

    You really believe that?

    What if he got drunk and said your 9 year old girl looked hot. Would you really say "Oh he was drunk and said something dumb. Does one dumb statement make someone a pedophile?"

    Right. Getting drunk: the license to do and say anything.

    Great lesson for the kids.
  • Reply 40 of 57

    Originally posted by johnq

    Nothing I said was hyper-sensitive and hyper reactionary. "Slanty-eyed" is racist, period. I can see why you don't want it to be. Good luck with that. Maybe you can find a good "hook-nosed" lawyer while your at it. One wonders what it's like being around you.

    You continue to make ancillary points without tackling the big one. The comment, "'"Slanty-eyed' is racist, period," is most certainly hyper-sensitive. I provided adequate evidence that using the term "slanty" is not necessarily racist at all, but is merely racial. Without knowing the brother's side of the story, it is impossible to know if the comments were racial or racist, or if they were even made at all.

    To answer your question, being around me is generally fun, since most of my non-professional life involves playing soccer, betting, and drinking beer, but I do tend to irritate quarrellsome people who think that it's their duty to defend the world against free thought and speech, be it misguided or not.

    I also fail to see how you're OK with racial comments in comedy or editorial, but can't face the facts that they are also OK in exposition. Perhaps you're just not aware that racial comments are indeed frequently made, with no racist connotation whatsoever, and that there is no harm. Mostly, the only concern comes from neo-left alarmists, far too consumed with controlling the world around them. This brings me back to the topic of original suggestion, which was to "chill out." I imagine you can see that the reprecussions of an all out brother-brother offensive would only make the two more distrustful of each other, and would probably make the offensive brother even more prone to offend. Alarm is not the best solution, especially when the trigger is so benign as a comment that may not have been racist at all.

    Perhaps you realize that by classifying a person as an "asshole" based on one remark -- a remark that may have been entirely personalized -- makes you an asshole. I think that's really the best conclusion I can make, and I'm happy to let you get in the last word.
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