"a new line in the sand"



  • Reply 41 of 50
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by bostongeek

    Well, not according to all the reports about power-adapters melting (or catching fire). Oh... and my powerbook (which I love) gets REALLY hot. More hot than any PC laptop I have ever owned (more hot than my current P4 2.8HT Laptop). So hot that it gets really uncomfortable in my lap sometimes.

    I've never heard of this mass wave of power adaptors melting and bursting into flames. I've never heard of a single one actually. The PowerBook gets hot because it's only an inch thick. There's just not a lot of room for heat dissapation or multiple fans to cool things off. That's the price you pay in order to have a thin and lightweight portable. If your beefy 2.8 GHz PC laptop was an inch thick you would have been burned to a crisp long ago.
  • Reply 42 of 50
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Everyone can see its a copy but really folks all apple did for the most part is yank out the innards of Emac and throw it in a box.

    Really? I didn't know the eMac's logicboard was less than 6x6 inches in size. Go figure.
  • Reply 43 of 50
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Nice! Props for the remote control and the full array of ports on the back. This thing is nicer than the Mini and will probably be cheaper, too.

    Too bad it runs Windows.

    Too bad it doesn't run anything. It's just an empty case. What full array of ports? The only thing the Mac mini really needs is an optical/analog audio port like that used on the Airport Express and I'm sure that's coming.

    Nicer than the Mac mini? It looks like bathroom tile. Cheaper? Yeah, a crappy and ugly plastic case like this would be cheaper to produce than a nice aluminum one.

    Thus far, the concept PC is just a piece of plastic, literally, although its design showed a clock display and optical drive in front, with ports such as USB, optical audio and FireWire in the back.
  • Reply 44 of 50

    Originally posted by 1984

    --snip-- The PowerBook gets hot because it's only an inch thick. There's just not a lot of room for heat dissapation or multiple fans to cool things off. That's the price you pay in order to have a thin and lightweight portable. If your beefy 2.8 GHz PC laptop was an inch thick you would have been burned to a crisp long ago.

    Heh, so it is fine for Apple to have problems as long as it looks good while doing so?

    And, true my PowerBook might be sleeker and nicer looking, but it cost me more than 2x what I spent on my P42.8HT Toshiba... wouldn't one be right in expecting alot from it (besides a fantastic OS and a nice looking case)?

    The one thing that has been noticeable over all since I have purchased my first Mac, is the sheer number of people who only sing the praises of Apple, don't expect much from Apple, and denounce every other compture manufacturer (and, Microsoft).
  • Reply 45 of 50

    Originally posted by bostongeek

    The one thing that has been noticeable over all since I have purchased my first Mac, is the sheer number of people who only sing the praises of Apple, don't expect much from Apple, and denounce every other compture manufacturer (and, Microsoft).

    I'd have to agree..... (I have only owned Macs, but have worked on a PC platform occasionally). Apple is not the end all and be all, unless you are talking about viruses etc and industrial design.

    What is remarkable is the influence Apple has on the market as a whole given its market share. What is also remarkable is that Windows is certainly not 30 times better than OSX (if M$ has 30 x's marketshare, then they ought to have a significantly better product than Apple). OSX is not perfect but I can do pretty much everything you can do on a PC.
  • Reply 46 of 50
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    Originally posted by 1984

    ...The PowerBook gets hot because it's only an inch thick. There's just not a lot of room for heat dissapation or multiple fans to cool things off. That's the price you pay in order to have a thin and lightweight portable. If your beefy 2.8 GHz PC laptop was an inch thick you would have been burned to a crisp long ago.


    Originally posted by bostongeek

    Heh, so it is fine for Apple to have problems as long as it looks good while doing so? ...The one thing that has been noticeable over all since I have purchased my first Mac, is the sheer number of people who only sing the praises of Apple, don't expect much from Apple, and denounce every other compture manufacturer (and, Microsoft).

    The aluminum case that the powerbooks come in are an integral part of the cooling for the Powerbook line. The heat transfered by the case is proof it's working. If a large part of your usage is spent with your portable sitting on your bare legs then the iBook would be better suited to your needs.

    Well, I for one, expect a lot from Apple. While I do sing the praises of Apple when warranted, I'm not alone by any means in taking them to task when they don't meet my expectations.

    ? ~ Not leveraging OSX and multiple processors more effectively

    ? ~ Steve Jobs conceiving the digital hub while leaving off the key spoke - TV

    ? ~ Apple not giving enough value for the money with dot mac

    ? ~ Killing the best computer they have ever designed with price

    ? ~ Late to the CD burner game, Flowerpower, Blue Dalmatian & iBoob

    ? ~ iSuite's (Think Secret et al) and 3 GHz Powermac's

    There, that's just my top ten.

    Now as to denouncing Wintel mfg's and Microsoft:

    The commodization of PC's into bland "me too" boxes, built to the lowest cost denominator; resulting in cheap, crap, boxes dominating the market, would be a valid criticism of Dell et al.

    Microsoft is a special case when it comes to decrying their business practices and greed. They have (I won't say irreparably) harmed the personal computer as a platform with their conduct.

    Turning a Monopoly they created by deceit and trickery, into the stranglehold they have achieved, especially in corporate accounts, Microsoft is well worth any scorn heaped upon them.
  • Reply 47 of 50

    Originally posted by Aphelion

    The aluminum case that the powerbooks come in are an integral part of the cooling for the Powerbook line. The heat transfered by the case is proof it's working. If a large part of your usage is spent with your portable sitting on your bare legs then the iBook would be better suited to your needs.

    Well, I for one, expect a lot from Apple. While I do sing the praises of Apple when warranted, I'm not alone by any means in taking them to task when they don't meet my expectations.

    <--snip Apple criticisms-->

    Now as to denouncing Wintel mfg's and Microsoft:

    The commodization of PC's into bland "me too" boxes, built to the lowest cost denominator; resulting in cheap, crap, boxes dominating the market, would be a valid criticism of Dell et al.

    Microsoft is a special case when it comes to decrying their business practices and greed. <--snip MS bashing-->

    Ok, if the PowerBook is meant to get too hot to place on the lap, then that seems like poor design. Maybe they should re-think their cooling strategy.

    Also, I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone in particular. But, my overall impression as a new Apple/Mac user has been that there are far too many zealots.

    I think many of the criticisms made against computer manufacturers who sell cheap computers is unwarranted. I mean, it is true that most of the time you get what you pay for, but most people can't afford an Apple. And, even though the mini starts at $499, if you don't have a monitor, and you perform a few upgrades it is hardly a cheap computer. Manufacturers, such as Dell, allow people to get a complete computer for under $500. Not a bad deal for someone who can't afford the highest quality (not everyone can drive BMWs...some of us have to get cheap japanese imports).

    As far as the MS monopoloy issue. Let's hope that Apple doesn't follow suit. The lawsuits being launched coupled with the authorized apple-resellers accusations aren't a good sign. Has the taste of monopolization that Apple has with the iPod gone to their head?


    I hope it doesn't seem like I am Apple-bashing. I am just trying to provide some balance... ying and yang, etc.

  • Reply 48 of 50
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally posted by bostongeek

    As far as the MS monopoloy issue. Let's hope that Apple doesn't follow suit. The lawsuits being launched coupled with the authorized apple-resellers accusations aren't a good sign. Has the taste of monopolization that Apple has with the iPod gone to their head?

    Absolutely, listen put away the robe Mac evangelists; if Apple had beaten Microsoft in the late 80?s we would be calling Steveo the Anti Christ right now. We as Apple enthusiast have this unnatural attendency to paint Apple as the computer savoir. It?s ridiculous to say least because given the chance Apple would want to dominant like Godzilla in Tokyo. The iPod is just the beginning, if the Mac Mini has any penetration into this already saturated Windows market you can rest assure Apple will smear their greed scent allover the place. Soon the only safe haven will be the Amiga community, yippee?. Relic grabs a gun for inevitable apocalypse the Mac community will leash upon him....dope!
  • Reply 49 of 50
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by 1984

    I've never heard of this mass wave of power adaptors melting and bursting into flames. I've never heard of a single one actually.

    Well now you have:

    3 weeks ago I started smelling burned metal, about 10 seconds before my power adapter starting sparking where the line coming out had burned away and was starting to scorch my carpet. Had i been out of the room for any reason, my carpet would have ignited.
  • Reply 50 of 50
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    Originally posted by bostongeek

    ... Maybe they should re-think their cooling strategy ... As far as the MS monopoloy issue. Let's hope that Apple doesn't follow suit. The lawsuits being launched coupled with the authorized apple-resellers accusations aren't a good sign. Has the taste of monopolization that Apple has with the iPod gone to their head?

    Oh I'm sure Apple engineers are spending much of their time thinking about cooling strategies. IBM uses heat pipes to wick the CPU's heat to the screen's outer casing. If the Powerbook could implement a similar scheme it might make the top of the device the hot spot.

    And you have a good point about Apple becoming "The New Microsoft", it is distressing to see of their actions with the "iSuits", and even more so with the retailer's class action lawsuits.

    I, for one, hope ThinkSecret, PowerPage and Appleinsider (this very site!) get their cases with Apple tossed, and that the retailers suing Apple get appropriate relief for whatever wrongdoing Apple has done to them. I'll be the first to call for a smackdown of Apple corporate practices in this case.

    As an AAPL stockholder I have taken more than slight notice that the stock has suffered since these lawsuits, and Apple needs to get the message quickly. I want Apple to be a business success, but not if they turn into another Microsoft in doing so.

    Edit: naming the names
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