Catalog resellers attempt to recapture Tiger



  • Reply 21 of 31

    Originally posted by Omega

    You're right. Grab your gun, go to the Apple store and demand your copy. If that doesn't work start capping people. I am sure the judge will understand, especially if he has an iPod.


    Two things.

    - No one knew until recently that the leaked version was the GM (because no-one was 100% certain of the build number).

    - When ordered, Apple state it will be sent on or before the 29th. So unless its sent after the 29th, you have no reason to complain.

  • Reply 22 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by AppleMatt


    Two things.

    - No one knew until recently that the leaked version was the GM (because no-one was 100% certain of the build number).

    - When ordered, Apple state it will be sent on or before the 29th. So unless its sent after the 29th, you have no reason to complain.


    Actually American customers will get their order on the 29th April. Worldwide customers orders will ship on the 29th.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    I can't see wy everyone is blaming apple. The resellers are the ones that caused the issue. They are the ones spreading a little fear. The rumor mongors are the ones that are to blame here. Apple wanted to release this on the 29th. bottom line. Support will begin the 29th. All of you getting upset need to calm down and relax, Don't complain you have to wait if you ordered it and you want to do things legit. If you want it now, break the law and pull it on bt. Don't complain about the wait though if you have decided to wait.

    I am soooo tired of all of your whining. Create something that you are going to make money on and have someone either release it, steal it, or make money off of it themselves and see how you feel as an individual.

    This is how companies make money, if you dont like it. Try linux so i dont have to hear it anymore.
  • Reply 24 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by homebrewsolutions

    I can't see wy everyone is blaming apple. The resellers are the ones that caused the issue. They are the ones spreading a little fear. The rumor mongors are the ones that are to blame here. Apple wanted to release this on the 29th. bottom line. Support will begin the 29th. All of you getting upset need to calm down and relax, Don't complain you have to wait if you ordered it and you want to do things legit. If you want it now, break the law and pull it on bt. Don't complain about the wait though if you have decided to wait.

    I am soooo tired of all of your whining. Create something that you are going to make money on and have someone either release it, steal it, or make money off of it themselves and see how you feel as an individual.

    This is how companies make money, if you dont like it. Try linux so i dont have to hear it anymore.

    i think a consensus has been reached because of a comment I made earlier. But yes it's not Apple's fault.
  • Reply 25 of 31
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Originally posted by Omega

    Wow, you guys are all holding on too tight.

    It is an Operating System. Let me repeat, an Operating System.

    This is not the cure for cancer we are waiting for here. Go outside and get in touch with reality again....

    Hey that's not fair. I'm 36 years old and I don't get really cool Christmas presents anymore. This is all I have
  • Reply 26 of 31
    I just talked to the Apple's not guaranteed that you'll get your copy of Tiger on the 29th. It is dependent on where you live. I thought if you pre ordered before the 26th that you were guaranteed your copy by the 29th?

    I pre-ordered mine on the 12th and it's not showing as shipping until tomorrow meaning I may not have it until next Monday or Tuesday.

    Just a FYI.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by BriJQ84

    I just talked to the Apple's not guaranteed that you'll get your copy of Tiger on the 29th. It is dependent on where you live. I thought if you pre ordered before the 26th that you were guaranteed your copy by the 29th?

    I pre-ordered mine on the 12th and it's not showing as shipping until tomorrow meaning I may not have it until next Monday or Tuesday.

    Just a FYI.

    According to Apple:


    I placed an order for Tiger on the online Apple Store. When will I get it?

    If you place your order with us by April 26th, you will receive your software on April 29th. If you place an order after April 26th, you can check your order status on our website to find out when it ships.

  • Reply 28 of 31
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    oh and btw, i was a full 3 days ahead of appleinsider on this one. though technically i got it from engadget. but still....
  • Reply 29 of 31
    Well then lets hope mine ships today so it'll for sure be here on the 29th. Unless Apple believes in Overnight Shipping.
  • Reply 30 of 31
    omegaomega Posts: 427member
    Well if you don't know I live in NZ and I just got this link:

    Just rang them and they say that they will definitely have them in stock on Friday. And given that we are ahead in the time-zones I may have it before most of you!

    This is of course assuming if I can be bothered going or not.....

  • Reply 31 of 31

    Originally posted by a_greer

    lets look at the facts from my point of view

    pay 70$ wait 3+ weeks and get a pressed DVD, or for the cost of a few hrs and a dvd blank have it ~1.5 weeks ago now...hummmm

    So go back in time and steal it. Or better yet, wait until you get your boxed copy, and THEN steal it. You'll have two! No, wait. I know: steal it repeatedly, so that Apple can boast deeper losses while you boast that you had not just one copy before the release, but dozens! If not HUNDREDS! Come on, economics major, just think of all the DVDs you could burn for the price of just one legit copy! Take a moment to prepare CDs instead of DVDs, and the further cost benefit performance is quite simply nothing short of freaking mind-blowing.

    All around, what exactly the hell is the problem here? Embargoes were violated. Who cares why Apple picked the 29th, that's the day they picked. Apple *can* and *will* pull its products from as many resellers as necessary to make it clear that they mean not to be jerked around by vacuous idiots. Then everyone will whine because nobody sells Apple's stuff but Apple, instead of whining that ordering things involves paying money in advance of the arrival of the goods. O, how the heart breaks.

    I miss the days when using Apple products was about using the best products available to complete the tasks at hand. I'm a little weary of pretty boys coming around expecting oral favors just because they had enough snap to ditch Windows.

    It's like going to order a burrito and having the cashier try to haggle with you over the price of guacamole, depending on whether you ordered lettuce. Maybe it's fashionable to blur the distinction between "client" and "vendor", but hip buzzwords do nothing to change the fact that pricing schemes and retail policies are not the customer's concern. It's the retailer's job to worry about crap like that. I ordered a burrito. Is someone going to sell it to me or not?

    You ordered Tiger. Now do you want it or not?
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