Installing Tiger with Migration Assistant

in macOS edited January 2014
Tiger will allow the usual Upgrade Install, and the Archive and Install options in addition to the Erase and Install ("Clean Install").

However, there is a way to avoid the manual recopying of everything from an Archive and Install or a manual backup - use Tiger's Migration Assistant.

The Migration Assistant requires another volume (partition, external drive including large iPod) that contains the "old" information that you want to migrate to the new Tiger clean install. SO:

1. If you have a spare partition on your current Panther drive:

- Clean Install Tiger on the spare partition.

- When the Migration Assistant runs, point it to the current Panther partition.

- Done.

2. If you don't have a spare partition, but you have an external drive or large iPod:

- Use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the Panther drive to the external drive. You can't just copy over bits and pieces because the Migration Assistant needs a full OS X volume to copy from. Carbon Copy Cloner can be found at .

- Once you have the Panther volume copied to the external or large iPod, then run the Tiger Install disk and do a clean install. This will wipe out your Panther install on the hard drive, so some might advise making a second backup of your Panther Home folder to DVD or other media.

- When the Tiger installation asks if you want to run the Migration Assistant, say yes and point it to the CCC Panther clone that you made on the external drive.

- Done.


  • Reply 1 of 31
    Please bear with a rookie question.

    I have a 40GB iPod, so I'll be going that route. I understand that I'll need to adjust my iPod setting to use it as an external drive. I think I can handle that.

    When you say "clone the Panther drive to the external drive", is that a process CCC will walk me through clearly or do I need to develop some understanding of partitions and similar things beforehand? Will it ask me "Clone All?" or do I need to know what to have it do?


    I think I may go for the clean install after all if this is pretty straightforward.

    P.S. Does all of this also hold true for those of us with Jaguar? I have 10.2.3 right now.
  • Reply 2 of 31
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm not at my computer right now, but I remember Carbon Copy Cloner to be extremely intuitive, with cloning as its focus (unlike Disk Utility, which would require quite a few steps)
  • Reply 3 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    To use Carbon Copy Cloner, choose a source disk and then a target. Preferences can choose more details - like permissions repair. Don't save as a disc image if you want to be able to boot from it. Then click the lock button and then clone. It's really simple. Make sure you verify the copy though!
  • Reply 4 of 31
    If you do a clean install are all your Applications and Utilities still installed or do they have to be copied over via the Migration assistant?
  • Reply 5 of 31
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by hirsch22

    Please bear with a rookie question.

    When you say "clone the Panther drive to the external drive", is that a process CCC will walk me through clearly or do I need to develop some understanding of partitions and similar things beforehand? Will it ask me "Clone All?" or do I need to know what to have it do?

    It's easy. Just run the app and it will tell you what to do. If you are concerned that you are tight on fitting onto the iPod's 40GB, you might want to trash the /Users/youraccount/Library/Caches folder first. This is useless stuff that takes up space.



    I think I may go for the clean install after all if this is pretty straightforward.

    P.S. Does all of this also hold true for those of us with Jaguar? I have 10.2.3 right now.


    Don't forget though - nothing is perfect and you might want to copy the Jagwyre Home folder to a DVD just in case something goes whacko with the iPod.
  • Reply 6 of 31
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by Tony Swash

    If you do a clean install are all your Applications and Utilities still installed or do they have to be copied over via the Migration assistant?

    Clean Install erases the volume and installs TIger, complete with all of its apps and utilities, BSD, and printer drivers.

    Then the Migration Assistant will copy over everything on the previous volume that doesn't have a newer version on the Tiger clean install. Which is precisely what you want. I have not tried running the M.A. AFTER using the Tiger install for a while - I can see where that might be a problem as the M.A. would not be able to tell if you wanted your current Safari bookmarks, or the ones on the old volume.

    But if you run the M.A. DURING the Tiger install (as it tells you to), then there are no "prefs" since no apps have been run yet, and it can be sure that the prefs on the old disk are the ones that you want.
  • Reply 7 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    this is one of those 'bad habits' from pc days but i dont 'trust' the upgrade install...

    i cant do a clean install because there is 10gb of stuff in just one folder at root level (lets call it "/_backups") i want to leave on the hard disk, no space to put it anywhere else

    but everything else can go, eg, home folders, what not

    lets say i boot up from Tiger dvd when i get it, can i then delete all other folders on the hard disk except for my /_backups folder, then do the Upgrade Install ?

    i know i'm a paranoid android but i just don't feel comfortable doing an "upgrade" install with all the old system folders and stuff hanging around... but i really have no more space to put those *ahem* video files in the "/_backups" folder anywhere else... so i can't do a 'clean install'....

    ... no it is not p0rn !!!11!!
  • Reply 8 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    this is one of those 'bad habits' from pc days but i dont 'trust' the upgrade install...

    i cant do a clean install because there is 10gb of stuff in just one folder at root level (lets call it "/_backups") i want to leave on the hard disk, no space to put it anywhere else

    but everything else can go, eg, home folders, what not

    lets say i boot up from Tiger dvd when i get it, can i then delete all other folders on the hard disk except for my /_backups folder, then do the Upgrade Install ?

    i know i'm a paranoid android but i just don't feel comfortable doing an "upgrade" install with all the old system folders and stuff hanging around... but i really have no more space to put those *ahem* video files in the "/_backups" folder anywhere else... so i can't do a 'clean install'....

    ... no it is not p0rn !!!11!!

    you can do an archive and install which erases all your preferences etc. but keeps documents, emails etc. Just for the record there is a problem with Mail so back that up. Upgrades have always worked fine for me and i fiddle with the system a lot
  • Reply 9 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    you can do an archive and install which erases all your preferences etc. but keeps documents, emails etc. Just for the record there is a problem with Mail so back that up. Upgrades have always worked fine for me and i fiddle with the system a lot

    cool thanks... i would be devastated if i lost my full and current collection of Alias Season 4 episodes
  • Reply 10 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    cool thanks... i would be devastated if i lost my full and current collection of Alias Season 4 episodes

    sorry i made a mistake earlier, Mac OS X saves your preferences but in a folder called "old system."
  • Reply 11 of 31
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    this is one of those 'bad habits' from pc days but i dont 'trust' the upgrade install...

    i cant do a clean install because there is 10gb of stuff in just one folder at root level (lets call it "/_backups") i want to leave on the hard disk, no space to put it anywhere else

    but everything else can go, eg, home folders, what not

    Can you burn that 10GB to 2 DVDs with Disk Utility?


    lets say i boot up from Tiger dvd when i get it, can i then delete all other folders on the hard disk except for my /_backups folder, then do the Upgrade Install ?

    Not while you are installing. There is no Finder to go to. I am not confident that an Archive Install would save something at the root level - be advised.Quote:

    i know i'm a paranoid android but i just don't feel comfortable doing an "upgrade" install with all the old system folders and stuff hanging around... but i really have no more space to put those *ahem* video files in the "/_backups" folder anywhere else... so i can't do a 'clean install'....

    ... no it is not p0rn !!!11!!

    I would just make sure that the files are in your Home folder somewhere - perhaps in the Movies folder, before depending on Archive/Install.
  • Reply 12 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by lundy

    Can you burn that 10GB to 2 DVDs with Disk Utility?

    Not while you are installing. There is no Finder to go to. I am not confident that an Archive Install would save something at the root level - be advised.

    I would just make sure that the files are in your Home folder somewhere - perhaps in the Movies folder, before depending on Archive/Install.

    nope, i don't have DVD burner.

    thanks for the info, it has been very helpful... i'm confident i'll work something out.
  • Reply 13 of 31

    Originally posted by lundy

    Can you burn that 10GB to 2 DVDs with Disk Utility?

    Not while you are installing. There is no Finder to go to. I am not confident that an Archive Install would save something at the root level - be advised.

    I would just make sure that the files are in your Home folder somewhere - perhaps in the Movies folder, before depending on Archive/Install.

    I have a quick question:

    I have run CCC on external drive yesterday. But have done more work on my system plus mail down loads etc. I noticed a sync option in CCC. Does that sync your last CCC back up with he new files and directories, or is it best to run it all over again before installing Tiger?


  • Reply 14 of 31
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by scott_r

    I have a quick question:

    I have run CCC on external drive yesterday. But have done more work on my system plus mail down loads etc. I noticed a sync option in CCC. Does that sync your last CCC back up with he new files and directories, or is it best to run it all over again before installing Tiger?



    Don't know, Scott. I have not used that option. Personally I would run the whole thing again if it were me.
  • Reply 15 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    I performed a backup using CCC and made it bootable - but it won't boot. Thi is the same as someone else who had a problem doing the same thing. I compared the folders and there's nothing wrong. Is this a bug in 10.3.9 - it shouldn't be because it fails before the OS starts so I don't know - very confused.
  • Reply 16 of 31
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    lundy, thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. I tested the copy to my 4G 20GB iPod by booting off it and everything worked fine. Look forward to using Tiger once it arrives here.
  • Reply 17 of 31
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by DanMacMan

    lundy, thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. I tested the copy to my 4G 20GB iPod by booting off it and everything worked fine. Look forward to using Tiger once it arrives here.

    This is good information - to know that a CCC copy can fit on 20GB and work.

    Keep up informed of how the Migration works.
  • Reply 18 of 31
    gibagiba Posts: 99member
    What is the difference between using Migration Assistant with Clean Install versus Archive and Install (Preserve User and Network Settings)?

  • Reply 19 of 31
    scott_rscott_r Posts: 98member
    Hi All,

    Well I've run into a snag with my install.

    I was very cautious when installing. So got a another HD (firewire) to install. So did a CCC to one partition. That worked very nicely. Then installed Tiger on the second partition. As the install when along all was OK. The rebooted all ok, then started the migration. All went well until it seemed to finish copying my files from my CCC partition (as I ran the CCC system to make sure it was working and all was copied.)

    When the progress bar showed it was finished copying my user files over, the time jumped to 1,192,046 hours and 28 minutes and it still said that it was copying my user account file. I let this go for another hour and the HD made that typical sound of a stuck HD. So I hit Command-Q and then got a dialog that asked if I wanted to finish setting up my user account to click "continue." When I click continue, just got stuck again. So finally shut it down. Restarted and then just let it setup a new account. Well couldn't use my name as it was already in the system. So made a new user account. Tried the migration again but the drive showed up as being full! I know there was no way that it could be! And it was not!

    Now I'm in my new Tiger OS. In System Preferences, I can see my migrated account, but can't access it as it's grayed out. So not sure what to do. Well typing this under Tiger. Safari seems to be much faster, but can't get to my e-mail to see the apple video. Well can reboot back to the old systems and get it.

    Just curious if anyone else has had a similar problem?

    Also, how can I run the migration app again?


    -Scott - Who has the Tiger, but the Tiger has Scott by the tail at the moment!
  • Reply 20 of 31
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by scott_r

    Hi All,

    Well I've run into a snag with my install.

    I was very cautious when installing. So got a another HD (firewire) to install. So did a CCC to one partition. That worked very nicely. Then installed Tiger on the second partition. As the install when along all was OK. The rebooted all ok, then started the migration. All went well until it seemed to finish copying my files from my CCC partition (as I ran the CCC system to make sure it was working and all was copied.)

    When the progress bar showed it was finished copying my user files over, the time jumped to 1,192,046 hours and 28 minutes and it still said that it was copying my user account file. I let this go for another hour and the HD made that typical sound of a stuck HD. So I hit Command-Q and then got a dialog that asked if I wanted to finish setting up my user account to click "continue." When I click continue, just got stuck again. So finally shut it down. Restarted and then just let it setup a new account. Well couldn't use my name as it was already in the system. So made a new user account. Tried the migration again but the drive showed up as being full! I know there was no way that it could be! And it was not!

    Now I'm in my new Tiger OS. In System Preferences, I can see my migrated account, but can't access it as it's grayed out. So not sure what to do. Well typing this under Tiger. Safari seems to be much faster, but can't get to my e-mail to see the apple video. Well can reboot back to the old systems and get it.

    Just curious if anyone else has had a similar problem?

    Also, how can I run the migration app again?


    -Scott - Who has the Tiger, but the Tiger has Scott by the tail at the moment!

    Could you try a clean install as you've got a partition with a backup? I've found Tiger a hell of a lot faster - although it does seem sluggish with dashboard and spotlight.
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