The Intel GPU Thread



  • Reply 21 of 45
    tubgirltubgirl Posts: 177member

    Originally posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R

    tubgirl: Because Graphics acceleration is ATI and Nvidia's bread and butter. Intel merely offers a cheap, bottom of the barrel solution for the super cost-conscious.

    and 'super cost-conscious' is just what apple must be concerning the ibook and the mini.

    my point is, looking at the dev boxes, a gma900 (or similar) paired with what in the second half of 2006 will be considered av pretty dull cpu are cabable of delivering a snappy ui and that is just what it's there for, right?

    this is a simple case of cheaper equals better.

    edit: a bit of reformulation.
  • Reply 22 of 45
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by Telomar

    Intel is the biggest graphics chip manufacturer in the world so they know a thing or two about what they're doing. They cater to the low end but they succeed by offering competitive products. People make too much of integrated graphics. If you have a decent amount of RAM it will sure as hell perform better than a Radeon 9200. In 5 hours I might even hunt down a few benchmarks.

    Edit: Kind of hard to compare given the limited number of common benchmarks unfortunately. On OpenGL Intel's integrated chips do even more horribly. I expect that's more drivers than anything. For reference the 9200 is around 20% slower than the 5200. In the end the only place I think they'd ever turn up is the mini though and possibly the eMac, assuming it survives.

    Intel Integrated

    GeForce 5200

    I looked for Intel Integrated benchmarks and performance was almost bottom of the heap everywhere I saw the card tested, as I expected. Many benchmarks didn't even include results for the integrated GPU and no particular reason was given.

    I'm still waiting to see some benchmark that says the crap-o integrated intel graphics will wow me. I'd love to be wowed, but I don't see it happening.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    tubgirltubgirl Posts: 177member

    Originally posted by Xool

    I looked for Intel Integrated benchmarks and performance was almost bottom of the heap everywhere I saw the card tested, as I expected. Many benchmarks didn't even include results for the integrated GPU and no particular reason was given.

    I'm still waiting to see some benchmark that says the crap-o integrated intel graphics will wow me. I'd love to be wowed, but I don't see it happening.

    you do realise that a radeon 9200 would pull barely above null (100-200) in 3dmark 2005?

    nb; the agp cards are tested in 3dmark 2003 and the pcie cards in 3dmark 2005.
  • Reply 24 of 45
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member

    Originally posted by MACchine

    GPU, GPU, GPU, GPU, GPU... I like to say GPU.



    So there !!!

    Ever get the idea some people are just trying to up there post count?
  • Reply 25 of 45
    macchinemacchine Posts: 295member

    Originally posted by AquaMac

    Ever get the idea some people are just trying to up there post count?

    People always complain about post counts, it does NOT lead to mod jobs or anything else, it is just a count.

    They would never let me moderate anyway, all these forums are admined by EXTREME LIBERALS and all the admins know each other and they pass around information on various conservative types that they want to watch and control.

    They know who you are based on you IP address you know, granted its more difficult if you have DSL but they can often still tell who you are.

    Once I did a bunch of searching on Gadget Don over at Spymac and I found a programmers forum where he had posted a keystroke logging app that he wanted help to finnish !!!

    Spys are everywhere, don't let them talk to your headhunters if you want to get a job !!!
  • Reply 26 of 45

    Originally posted by MACchine

    They would never let me moderate anyway, all these forums are admined by EXTREME LIBERALS...

    Or cause you're crazy :P
  • Reply 27 of 45
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member
    the best part about non-integrated graphics (at least to me) is that they're upgradeable (alebit not as much on macs as on PC's). A while ago, I fried the video card in my pc tower and fixing the problem was as easy as finding another compatible card, whereas fixing a problem on integrated graphics would have been a pain in the posterior.
  • Reply 28 of 45
    macchinemacchine Posts: 295member

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    Or cause you're crazy :P

    Ooouuu PU !!! From Connecticut, one of them...

    ... LIBERALS ~~~
  • Reply 29 of 45
    inubinub Posts: 45member
    Only an idiot would turn a conversation about computers into a conversation about politics. Be glad I'm not an administrator.
  • Reply 30 of 45

    ... LIBERALS ~~~

    Ah, one of the finest compliments that can be paid to another human (edit - in the US)
  • Reply 31 of 45
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by FireDancer

    Ah, one of the finest compliments that can be paid to another human

    not if you're left-leaning and living in australia ~

    in australia's virtually-two-party-system,

    the "liberal party" is actually the centre-right party in australia

    "labour" is the centre-left party... although it's actually a bit of a mess now

    see? good travel advice for north american tourists... if for example, you go to sydney city, byron bay, and hang out in a cool, hippie-ish bar, walking around saying "i'm a liberal" is actually mui mui uncool

    edit: if however you go to western suburbs of sydney, or ritzy downtown clubs in melbourne or a bar in a queensland town, saying "i'm a liberal" proudly, someone will probably by you a drink

  • Reply 32 of 45
    tubgirltubgirl Posts: 177member

    Originally posted by mynamehere

    the best part about non-integrated graphics (at least to me) is that they're upgradeable (alebit not as much on macs as on PC's). A while ago, I fried the video card in my pc tower and fixing the problem was as easy as finding another compatible card, whereas fixing a problem on integrated graphics would have been a pain in the posterior.

    sure, but i dont think we'll see upgradable graphics in the *book or mini anyhow...
  • Reply 33 of 45
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    not if you're left-leaning and living in australia ~

    in australia's virtually-two-party-system,

    the "liberal party" is actually the centre-right party in australia

    "labour" is the centre-left party... although it's actually a bit of a mess now

    see? good travel advice for north american tourists... if for example, you go to sydney city, byron bay, and hang out in a cool, hippie-ish bar, walking around saying "i'm a liberal" is actually mui mui uncool

    edit: if however you go to western suburbs of sydney, or ritzy downtown clubs in melbourne or a bar in a queensland town, saying "i'm a liberal" proudly, someone will probably by you a drink


    Sounds like when I was in Oregon, in a little logging town of Coos, and my buddies and I stopped at THE bar for a drink. We got lots of dirty looks from the start, but when we started talking real loud of liberal environmentalist stuff, we were run out of there! Another Oregonian later told me he knew someone who wore a Spotted Owl t-shirt into a bar like that and got his ass beat.

    One more reason that Liberals should forget about gun control and arm themselves.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member

    Originally posted by AquaMac

    Ever get the idea some people are just trying to up there post count?

    quite often...even more funny when they deny it...
  • Reply 35 of 45
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Sounds like when I was in Oregon, in a little logging town of Coos, and my buddies and I stopped at THE bar for a drink. We got lots of dirty looks from the start, but when we started talking real loud of liberal environmentalist stuff, we were run out of there! Another Oregonian later told me he knew someone who wore a Spotted Owl t-shirt into a bar like that and got his ass beat.

    One more reason that Liberals should forget about gun control and arm themselves.

    yeah dude i visited southern Oregon... it's weird man... there's like an 'uneasy alliance' between the rednecks and the hippies

    like you mentioned, some places, some days, there's no alliance at all, it's downright balls-to-the-wall western-bar-brawl stylez
  • Reply 36 of 45
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member
    I follow both windows and Apple equally (like apple way better, but would never buy a desktop from apple - portables yes). Anywho, you guys do realise that the Pentium M was pretty much the deal clincher for this intel/apple thingy.

    To accompany the Pentium M, intel has the Centrino chipset, wifi and all that crud. MOst centrino laptops use INtel Integrated Graphics. But intel recently revised the Centrino, to the second "Sonoma" revision.

    When they rolled out this revision (everyone knowing months in advance, how very boring), they also updated their intergrated graphics solution. off the top of my head i cant remeber the name, but it was GMA900 or some other shite.

    Anyways, this graphics chipset has a core clock of 700mhz or something, above and beyong anything every released in IGP graphics. While it still shares the memory, put in ENOUGH memory and you wouldnt notice the different. enough being around 768/1024mb. Most proccesors dont require more than 512mb for the most 'heavy' apps (OK, well soem do, but how many of those are u doing on your laptop, and not yuour Powermac?)

    Just my $0.02AUD
  • Reply 37 of 45
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    But in terms of best peak performance, you want a real graphics card, dedicated to just graphics. Sharing system memory over the bus instead of using 128-bit-wide, hella fast on-board memory just doesn't compare.

    It is good, however, to hear things have improved in integrated graphics land.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by pyriX

    Anyways, this graphics chipset has a core clock of 700mhz or something, above and beyong anything every released in IGP graphics. While it still shares the memory, put in ENOUGH memory and you wouldnt notice the different. enough being around 768/1024mb. Most proccesors dont require more than 512mb for the most 'heavy' apps (OK, well soem do, but how many of those are u doing on your laptop, and not yuour Powermac?)

    They could make a lawnmower that clocks to 700MHz. Throwing around a single technical detail like that is useless and nothing can be predicted from it. I'll offer another piece of the picture: the GMA900 has no vertex units. None. They have to be simulated in driver, in other words, CPU.

    edit: google for tomshardware benchmarks of the GMA900 to see the ugly reality.
  • Reply 39 of 45
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Finnish liberal = libertarian in the US.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member

    Originally posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R

    But in terms of best peak performance, you want a real graphics card, dedicated to just graphics. Sharing system memory over the bus instead of using 128-bit-wide, hella fast on-board memory just doesn't compare.

    It is good, however, to hear things have improved in integrated graphics land.

    Honest to good, look at the minimum system requirements for games - they dont require 2.2ghz CPU's or better. Share the love with the GPU, Share the love with your wallet.
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