The look of the new macs



  • Reply 41 of 61
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member
    The worst possible thing would not be the intel jingle. It would be the jingle played halfway through an add (ala dell), making you think it was over, then going back with more sh*te.

    Prefer not to have Dells, we have a sale everyweek, throwing in crap you really dont need, so we make our crap look like better value than Hp's. Just one steady price - businness like that too, so they can plan ahead.

    Would not like intel sticker on apple gear - though if it were embossed into the metal, it might look kinda cool and classy. Apple wont waste money on the sticker though, becuase they know people will just peel it off.

    Suspect iBooks/Powerbooks will be redesigned first, with maybve a Powermac form factor update update. Portable Mac's are SCREAMING for an update.

    As for the naming scheme, I suspect apple will switch to a diffferent letter, like 'D1" as someone else said. P4 just sounds ugly. Or better yet, use the intel codenames - Powerbook Sonoma. (Ok so that sounds like crap as well), but im sure someone, somewhere will think of something. Probably someone payed to think of something.

    Just my $0.02AUD
  • Reply 42 of 61
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Get outta here with that thing! It is so cheese-ball Star Wars Fanboy looking it makes me want to vomit.

    I know two things:

    1. The Intel-based Powermacs will be redesigned.

    2. Apple will come up with a new design none of us could have ever thought of.

    What I would like most is if the towers were split into two lines, to make a total of three desktop Mac lines (not AIO).

    Low end: Mac Mini. Not upgradable, not expandable, basically a chump's computer. Single CPU, dual core.

    Midrange: The Cube with a bit more. A full sized video card, room for two HDs, and perhaps an empty PCI X slot. Single CPU, dual core.

    High end: Powermacs even larger than today's towers, with room for 4 SATA HDs, 6 PCI X slots, motherboard support for RAID options, Dolby 7.1 surround audio, and of course twin dual-core CPUs.

    This arrangement lets Apple charge even more for the high end Powermacs, while moving Cubes and Minis for the masses. Intel gives Apple the performance breadth to give the Mini and Cube impressive power, while still making the Powermacs blow everyone away.

    I'll bite onto the high end being large and the low end being the mini... but I will not bite on the mid range being a cube. All these cube fan boys need to let that design go. It was too costly to produce and offered very little expansion. Besides that... it would be pointless for apple to offer 2 small designs. It would fit into your plan for the midrange to be a midsized tower though. Perhaps with the expansion of today's powermacs, just in a smaller case. I think the high end you listed would not sell as much as the mid range for a few reasons (size and price to name a few).

    We'll have ot see how Apple's marketshare changes after all of this though.
  • Reply 43 of 61
    ransomedransomed Posts: 169member

    Originally posted by pyriX

    Would not like intel sticker on apple gear - though if it were embossed into the metal, it might look kinda cool and classy. Apple wont waste money on the sticker though, becuase they know people will just peel it off.

    Just my $0.02AUD

    PRECISELY!!! I'd peel it off as soon as I got my hands on it! Any kind of logo, (other than the apple logo) would be an unforgivable blemish on the beautiful and groundbreaking Apple industrial design... especially embossed or engraved... (The thought of it just made me nauseous) That suggestion is absolutely tasteless! GEEEEZZZ! That is one horrific thought! How could you think of such a thing?! That would be an unforgivable blemish on apple's pristine industrial design.
  • Reply 44 of 61
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Sorry RANSOMED and all you other naysayers, but I have a feeling we will see the Intel logo stuck to Macs and hear the jingle in any ads Apple may put out.

    Like it or not, there's probably something in contracts somewhere that dictates that those brandings will be used. It's not the worst thing in the world, so stop being so dramatic. Remember, we're talking about computers here.
  • Reply 45 of 61
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Sorry RANSOMED and all you other naysayers, but I have a feeling we will see the Intel logo stuck to Macs and hear the jingle in any ads Apple may put out.

    Like it or not, there's probably something in contracts somewhere that dictates that those brandings will be used. It's not the worst thing in the world, so stop being so dramatic. Remember, we're talking about computers here.

    Actually it would be the worst thing in the world. The Apple brand is worth so much more than what processors are in the box. This is NOT the case for any PC manufacturer. You are wrong on so many levels.
  • Reply 46 of 61

    Originally posted by RANSOMED

    PRECISELY!!! I'd peel it off as soon as I got my hands on it! Any kind of logo, (other than the apple logo) would be an unforgivable blemish on the beautiful and groundbreaking Apple industrial design... especially embossed or engraved... (The thought of it just made me nauseous) That suggestion is absolutely tasteless! GEEEEZZZ! That is one horrific thought! How could you think of such a thing?! That would be an unforgivable blemish on apple's pristine industrial design.

    Agreed completely! Stickers are the difference between us and the dark side.
  • Reply 47 of 61
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I absolutely expect Apple to redesign or modify the G5s or first gen intels. Why? Firstly, the G5 is due for a tweak, they usually tweak every year or so. Shorten it, widen it, etc. Secondly, the G5 was designed to cool down the hot chip, the Intel may not run as hot and would therefore not need the cooling design air flow grate system OR the water cooling for the over clocked 970.

    So I would expect a SMALLER intelmac design. Same feel possibly, industrial and metal, but much smaller.
  • Reply 48 of 61
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member
    Well, let's hope that Intel gets the thermals under control by then. Right now netburst is a less than stellar design, with probably a higher TDP than the G5. High end P4s run about 125Wmax, and the dual cores are even hotter than that. I for one hope that Apple passes on netburst and uses Pentium M processors. When clocked at 2.4-2.6ghz, they really hold their own in most benchmarks. I imagine the dual core Pentium M (Yonah) will help Intel catch up in those benchmarks where it currently loses.
  • Reply 49 of 61
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by vinney57

    Where do you get this crap from? Do you have any idea the size and quality of the Apple design studio? Jonathan Ive (twice Designer of the Year) 'borrowed' the design form Boxx? Utter bollocks.

    The Internals of the G5 are a wonder to behold, but BOXX had that tower so long before Apple it isn't even funny. Everybody said it looked just like a BOXX, and I think that is exactly what Apple tried to do with their bogus G5 presentation at WWDC 3 years ago. Now that it looked like a known powerhouse workstation; lets make them believe it is on equal ground with it.
  • Reply 50 of 61
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member

    Originally posted by RANSOMED

    PRECISELY!!! I'd peel it off as soon as I got my hands on it! Any kind of logo, (other than the apple logo) would be an unforgivable blemish on the beautiful and groundbreaking Apple industrial design... especially embossed or engraved... (The thought of it just made me nauseous) That suggestion is absolutely tasteless! GEEEEZZZ! That is one horrific thought! How could you think of such a thing?! That would be an unforgivable blemish on apple's pristine industrial design.

    So with a choice between a sticker that leaves an ugle mark, even when you peel it off, or an embossed design that MIGHT look cool, you would go sticker?

    Of course you could just custom build your own PC tower, and have no stickers at all.
  • Reply 51 of 61
    ransomedransomed Posts: 169member
    I don't know about you, but I know how to get rid of a sticker mark. And take it from me, (graphic design and advertising pay my bills) it would take a miracle to make the intel inside logo look cool, or anything near it.
  • Reply 52 of 61
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Take it from him.
  • Reply 53 of 61
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member
    IF such a thing happened, I imagine Apple would ask Intel if they could use their own branding. Considering the G5's don't have any external markings, I doubt we'll see anything Intel related on the outside. Right now, all that most Apple products have on them is the big logo.
  • Reply 54 of 61
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    I don't like the (Dow)...(La)...(Ti)....(Dow) Intel chime either. It sounds so juvenile. I use these at work and I feel like I just truned on a toy.


    Originally posted by Nutty And not all non-mac cases are ugly, I have a very classy black, brushed aluminum case. Not plasticy and does not look like the older beige Mac cases,

    Hotswap HDDs and Multiple CD/DVD drives, the futer is brite, or hopefully a little black

    That kind of looks like a burnt Easter Island, Kon-Tiki reject, sorry. I'll take a fruity or brushed aluminum Mac-Intel any day, Yum! But, Please keep the Handles!
  • Reply 55 of 61
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member
    With the G5, you need those handles. Dang are these things heavy!
  • Reply 56 of 61
    nuttynutty Posts: 50member
    Hmm...for the hating on my case I should buy a G5 case and stick my compaq AMD semphron in it.... EAT THAT sorry, but i am serriously considering it
  • Reply 57 of 61
    I was thinking, we all agree that the new Pms will be redesigned, but I think it'll be even bigger than that. I think all CPUs are ready for a whole new THEME. Apples first theme was the cheesy light green/blue. Every computer at the time had something of that color in it's design, the imac and the PM and the iBooks. Then a few years back Apple switched from the cheesy light colors to it's Black/Dark Greeen/Gray look, still cheesy, sorta, but WAY COOLER THAN THE PC. These colors were again brought into the design of all the CPUs on apples line. Then with the G5 PM and the new cinema displays and the emac, came a whole new theme. The very elegant WHITE/Brushed metal. This theme has been going on for quite some time. Do you think Apple is gearing up for a complete computer makeover with it's intel chip, as in color theme wise??? If so what the heck could it be????

    By the way, hi everyone, this is a sweet forum!!
  • Reply 58 of 61
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by Xool

    I expect Apple will further split the Desktop line, into a slightly smaller PowerMac and a beefier workstation-class machine. Some people will pay an arm and a leg for the biggest baddest machine(s) and the workstation class will give it to them, for a price. The rest of us get PowerMacs that are similar to today's G5 as far as features, just in a smaller form factor.

    If Apple dropped features, dropping 1 of the 2 HD bays or limiting RAM or PCI cards, many existing Pro users would bitch a lot. Mainly whining actually, as most of them wouldn't actually use those precious features anyhow.

    What's really interesting is that depending on the internal components, the differences could be fairly minimal. Through the use of personality cards (the ultimate MacIntel dongle?) like those found in the beige-G3 machine, perhaps the biggest differences between the lines is the size of the case and the BTO options.

    Tell me about it Xool-- I'm the guy with a flock of Cubes-- I paid an arm and a leg and got a brick under the desk, but I love 'em still....8)
  • Reply 59 of 61
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member

    Originally posted by Nutty

    Hmm...for the hating on my case I should buy a G5 case and stick my compaq AMD semphron in it.... EAT THAT sorry, but i am serriously considering it

    No hate intended, Nutty. : I appreciate your suggestion I just disagree with it and explained why. I'm sure your a gentleman.


    Originally posted by ThinkDifferent

    Do you think Apple is gearing up for a complete computer makeover with it's intel chip, as in color theme wise??? If so what the heck could it be????

    By the way, hi everyone, this is a sweet forum!!

    Carbon Fiber! It looks awesome, is light as it is strong and can be molded into whatever shape Apple can think up.


    Originally posted by Wingnut

    With the G5, you need those handles. Dang are these things heavy!

    Can you say MOOF ! I knew you could…
  • Reply 60 of 61
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member

    Originally posted by Carson O'Genic

    Agreed completely! Stickers are the difference between us and the dark side.


    In the main Tufts computer lap (~60-70 computers total) when you walk in, the entire left side is black dells with black dell screens, whereas the right is iMacs (lampstand, "the boob", call it whatever you want), which are of course, all there's your light side vs: dark side thing...


    I think there are more important things to consider than stickers, although I must agree that such a sticker would look cheesy.
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