Firefly: the movie



  • Reply 61 of 84
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    There should be no sound in space. In my opinion, it's cooler if it's silent anyways.

    As for the movie, it looks like it'll be awesome. Definitely seeing it.

    "This is the captain speaking... we're going to experience some turbulence and then, uh, explode..."

    "But I don't wanna explode!"
  • Reply 62 of 84
    fngfng Posts: 222member
    Makes me think of my favorite ff episode Objects In Space.


    Objects In Space - Airdate: December 13, 2002 (bumped from January)

    A bounty hunter is lured into a treacherous game of cat and mouse after he infiltrates the Serenity to deliver the much sought-after River to the Alliance.

  • Reply 63 of 84
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by fng

    Makes me think of my favorite ff episode Objects In Space.

    That is correct. Objects In Space rules.
  • Reply 64 of 84
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Ebby

    I heard there was an epic fight over silence in space. I didn't hear who won.\

    well, saw the movie last night. very under-populated theater, especially for a friday night opener, but then again, a.) we're in the midst of hurricane recovery and b.) most of the teen-crowd that frequents this theater are idiots who go to see roll-bounce and care more about making out than watching a movie. i guess this attitude of mine makes me officially old. oh well...

    i never remember any silence in space in the movie. i am hoping that there is an alternate version on the dvd that uses a differnt soundtrack for those areas, for those who want the good ol' tv treatment. that'd be cool.

    all in all, very worth the money and the wait, especially if you liked the series at all. you can also see that joss had a backstory line he could have dragged out for five or more seasons if he needed to. it's a very intense story, that might have even benefitted from being told in episodic tv, since you can break it up with other plots easier for longer periods of time. this story just keeps hitting you wham, wham, wham... the pacing is frenetic, and you never get much time to absorb what's happenign so much as react to it. i'm not sure if that's a fault, or if whedon was trying to show how the character could not slow down or grieve, or else risk getting killed themselves. but, all in all, it sure is a lot of fun.

    oh, and don't worry if you've watched the trailers 80 times like i have...most of the trailer contents occur in the first 15-20 minutes of the movie. maybe i'm just clueless, but i did not see the surprise plot twists coming. there were a couple small logic holes, but the pacing never gives you enough time to spot them and labor upon them.

    is it me, or is morena baccarin even hotter than she was on tv? rowr! i could have used her on screen more. i assume, if there is a second or third movie, the mal/inara relationship will expand in the han solo/leia tit-for-tat that we all liked fromt he original star wars trilogy.

    potential spoiler:

    for those who have not seen the movie yet, this isn't as much a spoiler, as just a reminder... joss whedon has no problems with killing off pretty major characters in order to convince the audience that the danger the rest of the cast faces is truly mortal. you'll not see "ensign expendable" bite the dust here. that's all i'm saying.
  • Reply 65 of 84
    I tried to see it last night but was sold-out - I saw Lord of War instead (which BTW, it was actually pretty good).
  • Reply 66 of 84
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I saw it last night, and I'm truly impressed. I can't not recommend this movie to anyone.
  • Reply 67 of 84
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Just saw it today, even better than I hoped it would be! Outstanding movie!

    Potential spoiler:

    IRT rok, you were right about your spoiler. Made me think of that book series by George R R Martin, he does the same thing in regard to main characters in his books.
  • Reply 68 of 84
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    I thought the series was AWFUL. Does the movie have the same, over-done familial motifs?
  • Reply 69 of 84
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I don't want to give too much away, but Mal was intentionally written much darker in the movie than the TV series. (I've read this is how Joss wanted Mal in the first place, but changed it to appeal to the networks.) There are a handful of puns, some big plot twists, and LOTS of action. (I love the movie, but I did feel dizzy once. I was pretty close to the screen too.)
  • Reply 70 of 84
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel


    I thought the series was AWFUL. Does the movie have the same, over-done familial motifs?

    wow, all-caps awful? seems a tad harsh, but i'll do my best to encapsulate the main differences i saw int he movie last night from the series (and i only watched the series once in the box set):

    - way more of the unique frontier dialect (kaylee has maybe the best line in the movie, but i won't spoil it). i guess joss was asked to tone down the chinese slang and swearing for tv since the audience "wouldn't get it", but here, it pervades the discourse a lot more during the crew's informal discussions, and there are some great plays on words that make sense in context. i wish i could relay some of them, but i think that would spoil some moments.

    - i assume by the familial motifs, you may be referring to the brother-sister story, as well as the husband-wife thing? well, the brother-sister stuff has to be there, since the sister is the crux of the plot. the husband-wife thing is alluded to, but not beaten over your head.

    - the presence of the reavers gives some scenes a campy-yet-terrifying b-movie horror feel (and i actually don't mean that in a bad way). i'm sure others felt the same way. the reavers were also given, in very efficient manner, a presence that felt like, if they touched you, you were already dead. i have heard several folks say that the makeup for the reavers seemed cheesy, but i prefer the old-fashioned touch rather than the lucas "cgi, because i can" approach. yet in the series, we were never even SHOWN a true reaver. they were just this presence you were told to never, ever let get close to you. similar to the "blue sun group" that was looking for river & simon tam in the series.

    - adam baldwin wasn't made to be as goofy or dumb muscle as he was in the series, and i actually preferred him much better this way. he's portrayed in a much more pragmatic and survivalist way. if the current plan does not benefit his survival or profit, he'd rather not have any of it. here, it has a simplicity, whereas in the series it was portrayed as stupidity.

    - oh, yeah, there's one scene that may give you vertigo if you sit too close to the screen. not sure if that was intentional, but considering how many advanced screenings and edits this movie reportedly had, i have to assume it was intentional. you'll know it when you see it.

    there will be comparisons to the last series episode which never aired int he u.s., "objects in space," and there are some definite similarities in the bad guys' personal philosophies and professional sophistication, though the operative is given a much more enormous scope in pursuit of river tam than the lone-wolf bounty hunter, jubal early. but i'd say if you liked that last episode, the movie is all that AND a bag of chips.
  • Reply 71 of 84
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    p.s. fans of the series should probably stay all the way to the end of the credits. there is a very small treat awaiting you at the end.
  • Reply 72 of 84
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by rok

    p.s. fans of the series should probably stay all the way to the end of the credits. there is a very small treat awaiting you at the end.

    Damn, I had to go really bad at the end, (had one of those Mega size Cokes) so I left when the credits started!

    Is it something worth going to see it again, or wait for the DVD?
  • Reply 73 of 84
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    Damn, I had to go really bad at the end, so I left when the credits started!

    Is it something worth going to see it again, or wait for the DVD?

    no, it's not huge. it was just a nice homage to the tv series. seriously, if you think about it, you'll probably guess what it was.
  • Reply 74 of 84
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    DAMN! I remember I heard something about that but forgot! That's why all those people stayed. (I must have looked like an ass walking out with a brown shirt.) Guess I'll have to see it again...
  • Reply 75 of 84
    fngfng Posts: 222member
    Two thumbs up
  • Reply 76 of 84
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i am interested to see the direction they will take with the next movie (joss said this will not be the last you will see of the serenity crew at the san diego comicon panel, and they were second at the box office... second... a movie that is a sequel to a series NO ONE SAW was SECOND. that's pretty damned good).

    without giving any spoilers, you gotta figure the blue sun group will be coming next. from the series, they had some vested interest in the tam twins that they were willing to kill an entire alliance installation to keep secret. and if you look around online, apparently there are a LOT of blue sun references throughout the series in its short run. in fact, there's one "blink and you'll miss it" reference in the movie.

    joss said he wanted the blue sun group to be this galactic coca-cola-style megacorporation that seemed to deal in much more than food items as the story unfolded... or perhaps that's their avenue for, well, whatever they do.

    methinks river holds more than just one secret in that kooky head of hers.

    plus, i'd like to see the browncoats rise up again. heck, i could even live with the movies ending their run with mal being killed off in some future movie as he saw his actions convincing people to fight the good fight one more time after he was gone.

    there's also a slant i think people are missing, and that's alluded to very briefly in the commentary of the firefly box set. simon tam isn't as squeaky clean as everyone is making him out to be. and in one episode of the series, one of the writers mentions a super-brief intimate exposition between simon and inara. and recall that inara was in support of the alliance before she got on board. and simon's brilliant and all, but when book (who seems to have a shady past of his own) mentions simon's penchant for dastardly scheming, simon replies "i'm thinking of growing a mustache. i'm a traditionalist." interesting deflection.

    remember this is joss whedon. absolutely nothing is what it appears. i suspect a double-cross someday by mr. tam.

    there are some spoilers i would love to discuss (well, really, one, and fans know which one i am talking about), but i'm not sure when will be a sufficient time to elapse so those who wish to see it will have done so. there are some significant areas that are easy to spoil.
  • Reply 77 of 84
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by rok

    joss said he wanted the blue sun group to be this galactic coca-cola-style megacorporation that seemed to deal in much more than food items as the story unfolded... or perhaps that's their avenue for, well, whatever they do.

    It's made from PEOPLE!

  • Reply 78 of 84
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    It's made from PEOPLE!

    Leela: No theres already a cola like that...Soilent Cola.

    Fry: How is it?

    Leela: It veries from person to person.
  • Reply 79 of 84
    resres Posts: 711member
    I was greatly disappointed by the movie. It is by far the worst "episode" of firefly (which was a great series).

    I will not post a spoiler here, but the movie is full of plot holes and changes events that happened in the series. I really wish that they never made this movie.

  • Reply 80 of 84
    fngfng Posts: 222member
    I think that train heist episode was the worst. I know they wrote some to satisfy the networks need for more shoot 'em up action and I think that was one of them. Just such a boring trite concept. Besides why would we have training in 500 years?
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