Timeframe for next PowerMac?



  • Reply 261 of 294

    Originally posted by paulerskine

    they've been up and down for weeks... but you never know...

    "Powermacs by Paris"

    "Steve is going to do a keynote!"

    "Wait, no keynote."

    "Wait, no Powermacs"

    "Powermacs at the One More Thing event!"

    "Powerbooks too!"

    "Oops, no powerbooks. Video iPod."

    "Oops, no powermacs either. Hunh."

    "Powermacs in two weeks!"

    "No really, this time we mean it! PCI-F! Quad-layer superdrives!

    Dual-dual core! Honda S2000 with every purchase!

    Free trip to the Siena Palio next summer!

    Maybe, maybe. Fool me three times, shame on me.
  • Reply 262 of 294

    Originally posted by bjewett

    "Powermacs by Paris"

    "Steve is going to do a keynote!"

    "Wait, no keynote."

    "Wait, no Powermacs"

    "Powermacs at the One More Thing event!"

    "Powerbooks too!"

    "Oops, no powerbooks. Video iPod."

    "Oops, no powermacs either. Hunh."

    "Powermacs in two weeks!"

    "No really, this time we mean it! PCI-F! Quad-layer superdrives!

    Dual-dual core! Honda S2000 with every purchase!

    Free trip to the Siena Palio next summer!

    Maybe, maybe. Fool me three times, shame on me.

    Well clearly they'll fool you this time by actually delivering (on the rumors). It is amusing to see people deciding that something isn't going to happen just because it has been rumored repeatedly. Rumors which are dead obvious are almost always based on fact, but are almost always optimistic. Eventually reality will catch up with them. The new AppleInsider post is a very sensible one -- 970MPs in the towers, improved chipsets but same G4s in the PowerBooks. The Blu-Ray comment is a laugh, but AI says that too. Just about time to bring out the checkbook, I think... IBM formally announced the 970MP several months ago so that ought to be time enough to get it ready for rollout by Apple. And AI's comments about not enough resources at Apple sounds about right as well -- during this kind of a long-term transition there are always problems like that.
  • Reply 263 of 294
    Apple has already shown little hesitation at upgrading the mini and imac. Intel will make its way there first. Heck, intel inside will bring more switchers to Mac than anything, especially in a consumer product. I'd say it has better brand recognition than Apple (Apple is less clearly defined). Some people probably think Apple is a computer monitor cause they're so pretty. Walk by a display of Macs with Intel inside and you might get people to take a second look; "dude, there's a computer in there."

    At this point most Mac faithful pros buying minis and imacs are doing so to ride out the Intel transition. 2yrs and then get a rev B Intel. Although at the rate processor speeds are increasing a ddcore G5 might still be competitive in 2 years and will still be the pants off any iMac or PB that is out by then, probably even 4yrs out.

    The only reason I have jumped on the new iMac to ride out the transition is because I'm used to a dual monitor setup with a PB. 1600x1050 is nice but doesn't always cut it. Still considering a (new) mini with a 20" 1600x1200 which sounds a bit better.

    If Apple can somehow squeeze a 2Ghz into the PB and up the rez on the 15" to 1440x900; I wouldn't have any second thoughts especially if I can save $800 on my config over a PowerMac. The iMac went all Superdrive and had a price drop, so I'm guessing the PB will too.

    A dual-dual core on the mid-range PowerMac would definately tilt my decision; if it only makes it to the top-o-the line, I'll have to pass. No D-D-core and they better have a price drop.

  • Reply 264 of 294

    Originally posted by MacTitan

    A dual-dual core on the mid-range PowerMac would definately tilt my decision; if it only makes it to the top-o-the line, I'll have to pass. No D-D-core and they better have a price drop.

    The earlier post is spot on. All the frantic activity here is based on rumors. Apple has to sit back and shake their collective heads as the rumors flow forth and people, including me, get up for, then disappointed at, what is or isn't happening. It is like the recent Apple stock selloff - let's get this straight, people sold because Apple, while posting record profits, didn't make someone else's ESTIMATE of what their sales would be? How insane is that?

    I say, keep selling, so the price drops and the rest of us can buy.

    As to dualies, yes, YES, dual-dual would be butt-kicking great PPC products in the pipeline. I fear there is no price drop, and dual-dual will only be at the top. We'll have to see where the prices come in, but I suspect the top is too rich for me, which may leave me buying the midrange - usually the best value, and a whole lot faster than what I have now. But - dual/dual would be sweet.

    Either way, I need a PB and a PM both, so I'll be very interested when they arrive. But I'm not buying anyone's timetable any more.
  • Reply 265 of 294
    does anyone think they could run 4 of the regular existing G5 processors in the new PM's? heat would be an issue I'm sure. Also, if they intro a new lineup would the middle of the road machine be slower than the current 2.7?

    A single 970MP in the bottom 2 machines seems like a waste... they should run 2 970MP's
  • Reply 266 of 294
    does anyone think they could run 4 of the regular existing G5 processors in the new PM's? heat would be an issue I'm sure. Also, if they intro a new lineup would the middle of the road machine be slower than the current 2.7?

    A single 970MP in the bottom 2 machines seems like a waste... they should run 2 970MP's
  • Reply 267 of 294
    Well, it won't be the '3 gig' I was hoping to buy.

    But, let's face it. Moving to dual dual core for something like Lightwave will be significant. And there won't be that much difference between it and the next PowerMac upgrade before the Intel transition.

    Dual Dual Core 2.5?

    Dual Dual Core 3.0?

    Not worth waiting for another 9 months eg next July or Sept when the pattern of IBM's updates to the G5 is pretty well mapped out. ie Slow progress.

    I'll be getting a Dual Dual Core 2.5 if it is there.

    You'd be insane not to. It should wipe the floor with anything else out there on multithreaded apps.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 268 of 294
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member

    Originally posted by namachtag

    does anyone think they could run 4 of the regular existing G5 processors in the new PM's?

    No, because that would require a whole new chipset with a bunch of extra pins.


    Also, if they intro a new lineup would the middle of the road machine be slower than the current 2.7?

    Maybe the current 2.7 will be the middle machine.
  • Reply 269 of 294
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I still want to see the Octo multi-core CPU unit done Apple-style...

    With dual 16x SLI...
  • Reply 270 of 294

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    .I'll be getting a Dual Dual Core 2.5 if it is there.

    You'd be insane not to. It should wipe the floor with anything else out there on multithreaded apps.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    I'm afraid I must respectfully disagree with that statement or at least qualify it. It will wipe the floor with anything else if you are using Apple apps or Altivec enabled apps. But in cross-platform apps like Lightwave, Maya or Nuendo (all of which I use) a dual dual-core opteron box is still going to be WAY faster/more powerful. I will admit it may not be cheaper though (that may not matter so much to the target user) esp. once you start adding QuadroFX's....
  • Reply 271 of 294
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by Thereubster

    I'm afraid I must respectfully disagree with that statement or at least qualify it. It will wipe the floor with anything else if you are using Apple apps or Altivec enabled apps. But in cross-platform apps like Lightwave, Maya or Nuendo (all of which I use) a dual dual-core opteron box is still going to be WAY faster/more powerful. I will admit it may not be cheaper though (that may not matter so much to the target user) esp. once you start adding QuadroFX's....

    Gee, I guess the best way you could 'respectfully disagree with that statement or at least qualify it' would be to actually run them against each other...

    Oh, wait, you can't do that yet, therefore you must (indeed) be talking out of your arse...
  • Reply 272 of 294
    MOSR has this story about how some Apple 'sources' are telling them that there will be a 4 cpu PowerMac, but it will not be with dual 970MPs, but rather with four 970FXa processors, which these sources are saying the choice to use the four has to do with shared frontside bus technology as a limit for the 970MPs.

    However, it also sounds like there will be the 970MPs coming, whether that will be announced Weds, or not, did not seem detailed in the story.

    It seems just a bit confusing to have arrival of both of these imminent.
  • Reply 273 of 294
    The way Apple keeps everything so top secret. No telling until Wed! What ever comes along we do know it will have:

    DDR2, PCIe, and a PPC chip.... other than that I think all of these sites are hit and miss.......... and I bet they are on their best behavior with Apple's legal teams watching them.... Just look at the iMac and Video iPod... we knew something was coming but not exactly... kudos to Team Apple!

    Really, I lost my excitement and frustration...if they do keep pushing stuff back I'll wait to spend the big bucks for the rev.B intel PM, as will many others. Everyday is a day closer to there release! For all we know all the PM/PB talk could be a smokescreen for Photo Pro. We could see a big fat nothing or shitty updates AGAIN... I hope not but who knows............I was going to buy something if announced last week... then the announcement came for "PRO" stuff... this is the last event for me.... I have to buy... time is money.. a G4/733 can't do AE very fast...

    A toast to Wed... may we be surprised this time!
  • Reply 274 of 294
    Yes, a toast to Apple, clever folks, who keep excitement going, and to Wednesday.
  • Reply 275 of 294
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by namachtag

    The way Apple keeps everything so top secret. No telling until Wed! What ever comes along we do know it will have:

    DDR2, PCIe, and a PPC chip.... other than that I think all of these sites are hit and miss..........

    The first two are a given , what with the 'new' iMac having these also...


    Originally posted by namachtag

    ...if they do keep pushing stuff back I'll wait to spend the big bucks for the rev.B intel PM, as will many others.

    I feel pretty confident that this machine will have Dual dual-core 970MPs, with the only real 'upgrade' between their release & the first of the Intel-powered PowerMacs (WWDC '06?!?) being faster CPUs & more/larger RAM/HDDs,,,


    Originally posted by namachtag

    A toast to Wed... may we be surprised this time!

    I am looking for SLI out the gate with these 'last of a breed' PowerMacs, that would be the surprise for me...

    These machines should sell pretty well to those who have a need for them now... The folks who complain about not having this feature or that implementation of said arbitrary feature are usually just fence-sitters anyway, not ready to get the work to pay for the machine...
  • Reply 276 of 294
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    I am looking for SLI out the gate with these 'last of a breed' PowerMacs, that would be the surprise for me...

    I don't see this happening for PPC for a number of reasons.
    • This is not heavily developed for 2D, and 3D graphics yet in SLI-1, and mostly used for gaming.

    • Games are not that big on the Mac side, and most people don't buy Macs just to game on because game availability is dominantly PC.

    • I don't expect game developers to suddenly move over to the Mac to produce games for the last in line of PPC Macs.

    • And probably the best reason is that PPC Macs just don't have the kind of graphic card options to choose from that would make this an attractive option to a greater number of consumers.

  • Reply 277 of 294

    Originally posted by NordicMan

    MOSR has this story about how some Apple 'sources' are telling them that there will be a 4 cpu PowerMac, but it will not be with dual 970MPs, but rather with four 970FXa processors, which these sources are saying the choice to use the four has to do with shared frontside bus technology as a limit for the 970MPs.

    However, it also sounds like there will be the 970MPs coming, whether that will be announced Weds, or not, did not seem detailed in the story.

    It seems just a bit confusing to have arrival of both of these imminent.

    This is very unlikely -- the current chipset is pushing the complexity limits now and adding 2 extra FSB ports would make it far worse, not to mention that it is the end of the line as the next major update will be Intel. Power/heat would be a bigger issue than with a pair of dual cores as well. Besides, memory is already a bottleneck so "solving" the FSB bottleneck in this way would actually help much.
  • Reply 278 of 294
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Programmer

    This is very unlikely -- the current chipset is pushing the complexity limits now and adding 2 extra FSB ports would make it far worse, not to mention that it is the end of the line as the next major update will be Intel. Power/heat would be a bigger issue than with a pair of dual cores as well. Besides, memory is already a bottleneck so "solving" the FSB bottleneck in this way would actually help much.

    One of the many reasons we poke so much fun at MOSR.
  • Reply 279 of 294
    In the thread "Apple media event to kick-off tomorrow at noon"

    Chopper3 posted:

    "Just spoke to a mate who has signed an apple nda, we're in for more disappointment I'm afraid. Minor speedbumps, bigger HDs on the PBs, nothing else sorry. Pretty-much just speed-bumps on the PMs as well, nothing of any real interest. Sorry. Guess they're holding all the cool stuff back for the intels"

    They will at least have PCIe, DDR2.... or at least they had better! Not long to wait now!
  • Reply 280 of 294

    Originally posted by namachtag

    In the thread "Apple media event to kick-off tomorrow at noon"

    Chopper3 posted:

    "Just spoke to a mate who has signed an apple nda, we're in for more disappointment I'm afraid. Minor speedbumps, bigger HDs on the PBs, nothing else sorry. Pretty-much just speed-bumps on the PMs as well, nothing of any real interest. Sorry. Guess they're holding all the cool stuff back for the intels"

    They will at least have PCIe, DDR2.... or at least they had better! Not long to wait now!

    The proper term for this would be 'downer'. Some time the new 970 MPs must come out. What would be the point of making them if they were never to be seen? Apple must surely plan to make as much use of any advancement that it can, before the switch to intel chips.

    I must look forward to a last shining moment for the PPC. 'Twill seem to be a long wait if things are just shut in to the basement.
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