Timeframe for next PowerMac?



  • Reply 161 of 294
    I don't think a price drop would help sell new machines when the bottom of the barrel is the 2.0, although not in it's original form but damn close... was introduced June 23, 2003 with the 970... and in 2004 with the 970fx. They haven't come to far..... if I would have known they were going to be stuck for so long I would have bought one way back when...........and wait for intelMacs. How much better will the 970MP be? does anyone know??????

    Afterthough:::: Watch, the next version will be riddled with issues and we will have wished we had not waited..... I think I'm more pissed now than tired of waiting....I bet SJ is too?
  • Reply 162 of 294

    Originally posted by bjewett

    I suggest a new thread for those going into therapy due to the "lost" new PMs. I had hoped to put in a PM order as soon as this week, but obviously it will wait, as will FCStudio. I hope TS is right, and they're coming ... eventually. The current line presumably won't be asked to hold the fort until summer '06 (or later), so the question is - when? Hopefully before January 9th.

    OK so mr appleinside webmaster, sort out a petition where all the people waiting to buy a new PM can add their signature and when it reaches some critical numbers send it to APPLE...! are they listening yet.......
  • Reply 163 of 294
    I've been waiting to buy a new PowerMac since the day steve jobs said they will be at 3GHz in a year. I'm still waiting, but 3GHz isn't what I'm waiting for now. No matter what Apple does with a PPC right now I'm not buying until the intel PowerMacs are here. If I have to replace all my software for one platform, or another I'll decide when I see how the intel PowerMac, and PC graphics card situation turns out.
  • Reply 164 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    while your point is valid, i see it on a different way.

    I think buying the last PM before the transition to Intel will assure you that you have a great computer for the current software. I would personally wait to rev. B of the Mac Intel. Hopefully by then most of the bugs will be fixed.

    It seems a little scary to jump right in on Intel and count on Rosetta to have all of your applications running. Even thought seems like the emulation works great, I wouldn't take the bet. IMHO.
  • Reply 165 of 294

    Originally posted by gugy

    while your point is valid, i see it on a different way.

    I think buying the last PM before the transition to Intel will assure you that you have a great computer for the current software. I would personally wait to rev. B of the Mac Intel. Hopefully by then most of the bugs will be fixed.

    It seems a little scary to jump right in on Intel and count on Rosetta to have all of your applications running. Even thought seems like the emulation works great, I wouldn't take the bet. IMHO.

    I'm in full agreement. I would rather buy the last PowerPC version of Apple hardware rather than by a guinea pig. I'm a graduate student and like most, don't need the aggravation of updating software or trying to get my current stuff to run under Rosetta. I also do some consulting part-time and none of my clients are interested in being a first-generation Intel-on-Mac user... so my clients, like me, would rather surf out the next few years on existing PPC technology.
  • Reply 166 of 294
    seems there is more about the mini than the PM.... where did all the insider info go? when is it coming? how come things have died down?
  • Reply 167 of 294
    I couldn't be happier with my 2 month old dual 2.5 G5 and Radeon X800. I don't want to run all my will-never-get-updated development tools (like CodeWarrior 8 for Palm) in emulation mode on an Intel Mac.

    The G5 family does not have a lot of headroom left, so just buy one and get it over with! I can't believe how many years I put up with that noisy MDD G4 waiting for the perfect G5! Oh, and one more thing. World of Warcraft runs like buttah on this G5...
  • Reply 168 of 294

    Originally posted by Livid ...so just buy one and get it over with!

    Oh, and one more thing. World of Warcraft runs like buttah on this G5...

    What honesty! I suspect that most of the people who've been complaining and griping about when the next PowerMac would be available are all waiting for the extra horse-power to play World of Warcraft... or Doom 3... or Sim 2...
  • Reply 169 of 294
    i'm not interested in games.... that's my day job.... I'm looking for raw power for after effects, photoshop.... if a dual-dual core will be a "great" increase over the 2.3/2.5/2.7 then I'm interested. I wish there were some early tests to see what kind of power the MP will yield. I have a machine on hold for work and I'd like to get the same for home. I'm in for creative purposes not entertainment... if people seriously are waiting just to play games they should get a PC and enjoy more games and more power.... Mac doesn't have battlefield 2!
  • Reply 170 of 294
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    So then, we have no idea when or if another G5 is coming out? Seems TS dropped the ball if nothing comes out Tuesday. If nothing does come out TUesday when do we then think the next update will occur?
  • Reply 171 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Originally posted by KidRed

    So then, we have no idea when or if another G5 is coming out? Seems TS dropped the ball if nothing comes out Tuesday. If nothing does come out TUesday when do we then think the next update will occur?

    TS did not promised or predicted PM coming at the Expo or this last Tuesday.

    They said is coming in the "near future". So anybody can justified near future to whatever timeline they like.

    check the article


    Plus, I am waiting for a PM for work. I make my living using a Mac, so the most powerful machine is what interests me. My work is graphic intensive and the best of the best is what I am looking on a Mac.

    I like the current ones, but the reason I am bitching about it is because we have not seem "MAJOR" improvements since it's introduction over 2 years ago and I don't feel compelled to spend lots of money on a machine that could be update at any moment.

    And for the ones who wants a Mac for just games, so then go get a PC.
  • Reply 172 of 294
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by gugy

    TS did not promised or predicted PM coming at the Expo or this last Tuesday.

    They said is coming in the "near future". So anybody can justified near future to whatever timeline they like.

    check the article


    Plus, I am waiting for a PM for work. I make my living using a Mac, so the most powerful machine is what interests me. My work is graphic intensive and the best of the best is what I am looking on a Mac.

    I like the current ones, but the reason I am bitching about it is because we have not seem "MAJOR" improvements since it's introduction over 2 years ago and I don't feel compelled to spend lots of money on a machine that could be update at any moment.

    And for the ones who wants a Mac for just games, so then go get a PC.

    I did check the article and they did technically predict the update last week-


    The upgraded Power Mac G5 line could be introduced as early as next week around Apple Expo, despite Apple's withdrawal from the keynote presentation.

    Sure they said 'could' but they made a possible prediction and it was wrong. So because what TS predicted 'could' happen, didn't, when would be the next plausible time frame?
  • Reply 173 of 294

    Originally posted by KidRed

    I did check the article and they did technically predict the update last week-

    Sure they said 'could' but they made a possible prediction and it was wrong. So because what TS predicted 'could' happen, didn't, when would be the next plausible time frame?

    I would say by the end of October, after that I don't expect to see anything from Apple until Jan.
  • Reply 174 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Could = possibility "not affirmation"

    So, it "could" happen next week, next month, next year, etc.

    Yes. it's a "safe" way for TS to predict something. So only time will tell if they are correct or wrong. You can't just say they are wrong "yet".

    believe me, I am not here defending TS. They are a rumor site after all. They all get facts right and wrong from time to time. The only thing is that they are one of the most reliable out there. They aren't MOSR that full of BS. So let's hope their prediction is right.

    My instinct predicts that the PM "could" be upgrade before the end of the year. But hey, I was wrong before.
  • Reply 175 of 294
    My prediction is that they will come "someday in the future"........... When the are announced they are announced. Next week... Next month... I bet that TS has sources that know but are keeping a low profile for now....
  • Reply 176 of 294
    I thought the key comment of TS was that new PMs were expected soon, probably this month ... maybe during Paris [obviously not, now].

    For new PMs, I would like to see PCI Express for longer-term compatibility since my new desktop mac needs to hold me for a few years ... thru the intel transition.

    One of my concerns about early intel macs is code that is only usable through Rosetta - and if that code (e.g. Canvas) currently takes advantage of Altivec, we lose the speedup from that (and I wonder if Rosetta will work around code directives aimed at Altivec).

    Either way, I would surely like to see "one last G5 PM" before intel. PCI Express would be great, dual-core (or a price drop) would be better.
  • Reply 177 of 294

    Originally posted by bjewett

    I thought the key comment of TS was that new PMs were expected soon, probably this month ... maybe during Paris [obviously not, now].

    For new PMs, I would like to see PCI Express for longer-term compatibility since my new desktop mac needs to hold me for a few years ... thru the intel transition.

    One of my concerns about early intel macs is code that is only usable through Rosetta - and if that code (e.g. Canvas) currently takes advantage of Altivec, we lose the speedup from that (and I wonder if Rosetta will work around code directives aimed at Altivec).

    Either way, I would surely like to see "one last G5 PM" before intel. PCI Express would be great, dual-core (or a price drop) would be better.

    My understanding is that Rosetta is a G3 emulator, thus any code that must use Altivec will not execute under Rosetta. Thus my pessimism about the timing and order of the Mactel transition (laptops first, low end second, high end last, but nothing before WWDC06 (to insure native software availability, and a secure (Apple only) HW/SW platform)). When Apple announces WWDC06 dates should be the leading indicator of when to expect Mactel (WWDC05 was announced on 02/15, I believe).

  • Reply 178 of 294
    Has anyone noticed that the Apple Store has changed the menus for ordering a PowerMac? Instead of a pulldown menu for options, they are radio buttons. This is only true for the PowerMac...
  • Reply 179 of 294

    Originally posted by jwdawso

    Has anyone noticed that the Apple Store has changed the menus for ordering a PowerMac? Instead of a pulldown menu for options, they are radio buttons. This is only true for the PowerMac...

    I'm not seeing that in either the regular or education stores. I see the same drop-down menus they've been using.
  • Reply 180 of 294
    you are right - Apple has switched it back...
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