...is this the end of my G4 867...?

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
...this just happened after i removed my own 2nd hard drive and placed my Bros one instead just drag of some files to burn to DVD then place my drive back again.

when i did try, the Apple screen appeared with no interface.

i removed my 2nd drive and still nothing.

moved the plugs around, taken off USB and Firewire connections and still nothin.

then the FLAMING!! grey screen with the question mark appears...

ive tried the " Start up while pressing Command-Option-O-F simultaneously. Release the keys when you see writing on the screen and wait for the writing to stop loading" and then "Type the following (press Return at the end of each line):




and the re-boot from CD thing.

the Verify Disk which gives this message:

Invalid B-tree node size

Volume check failed

Error: The underlying reported failure on exit (-9972)

Repair Attempted on 1 volume

0 HFS volumes repaired

1 volume could not be repaired

When i try and re-install from the CD it cant find a destination Volume to install on. theres no icon of the hardrive.

is my my only option to erase the main drive. all my work is on the 2nd drive.

any help would be sooooooooooo nice right now


  • Reply 1 of 10
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    You need to restate what you did and exactly what you mean.
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  • Reply 2 of 10
    Hi thanks for the reply.

    basically i swapped my 2nd internal hard drive with another to store some PC files on my desktop and then burn them to CD

    after saving the files i turned off the G4 then swapped back my own 2nd internal hard drive (which has my Mac work on it).

    as soon as i switched the G4 back on, the problems started.

    the normal Apple blue screen was just hanging there with no tool bar etc. so i switched it off and restarted the G4.

    now comes the grey square with the question mark.

    ive tried various work around that i mentioned in my first post but nothing has changed.

    when i use the Panther install disc and try to install OSX 10.3 again it can see the 2nd hard drive but not the main one so that i can install on it.
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  • Reply 3 of 10
    Stupd question. But have you re-checked that all the cables are correctly connected? IDE and electricity? And you haven't changed any "jumpers"?
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  • Reply 4 of 10
    ...hello there...

    and it aint a stupid question...trust me

    i have checked and they be all in the right place...

    no jumpers have moved...

    everything is how it was this morning before i swapped drives.
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  • Reply 5 of 10
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    OK this is what has me confused - if the drive that you removed and put back was the boot drive, then how did you boot to burn the DVD?

    If it WASN'T the boot drive, your machine should still boot.

    At any rate, boot holding down the Option key and see if you get the Boot Selector (open firmware) screen.
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  • Reply 6 of 10
    ...sorry if i confused you but the drive that i took out is not the boot drive.

    i have 2 hard drives, one to boot the other to save work on.

    why the boot drive no longer works is beyond me


    im just trying booting up usingwith option key held down.


    thanks for the help.
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  • Reply 7 of 10

    same question mark flashing.

    the only time i dont get the question mark is when i use the CD.
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  • Reply 8 of 10
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    You say that when you boot from CD, you can get Disk Utility to try and verify the boot drive (but it reports a corrupt disk directory).

    If there really is no data on that boot drive, then you can just choose "Erase" from the Disk Utility, making sure you have the correct disk selected first .

    Erase is a format, essentially.

    Then you can try the install.
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  • Reply 9 of 10
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    Try unplugging the second drive again and rebooting.

    You might have to boot from cd-rom and select the boot device now (or hold down option key while booting and select drive if it appears from list).

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  • Reply 10 of 10

    i just spoke to some others and they advise the same thing.

    im sooooooo glad that i always had 2 drives and saved my work to the 2nd.

    thanks a great deal for your help dudes.

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